Mitsuki kills Konoha's Anbu, Metal Lee unlocks Eight Inner Gates power, Meeting of former Kage Dub

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the same second i handed it to him my hand just slipped that is all that you seriously believe something like that is gonna work for you i will finally be learning it but remember as i told you before you will also have to face the very core of your being so i found this online it makes me feel really great until you yourself realize why there is nothing at all that i can teach you sorry sorry i see so it's the eight inner gates huh yes sir you'll pick up a hint or two about your issue so let's go uh sure thanks to all the help i've been getting i've been able to focus on my rehab i still can't believe it guy he's a war hero ninja ninjutsu goes boom i mean you know it has force and then um that's why i want to learn more about it and that's why i came i like your spirit i was able to fight side by side with naruto during the fourth great ninja war but still we were able to protect what we valued the most so in the end makes people become even stronger i truly believe that all right honestly two against one is nothing wow war heroes truly are incredible and i am certain that is why my papa is disgusted by my weakness the eight inner gates the first gate he's experiencing the springtime of his youth yes i must apologize the way those things jangled it was like we were just telling everyone right where we were i hereby challenge you you're challenging him what is it too nervous to try that's quite a predicament you're in guy sensei the person that you are now should be able to figure out what that means [Music] on a ridiculous necklace and try to run away from my anxiety but now i see i will prove my own [Music] bring it on but still one thing i can do is prove that's it you're so hmm [Music] he's pushing through do it [Music] produced an absolutely unbelievable amount of adrenaline and that yes that facing yourself makes you strong i do not need that thing anymore now i know the anxious me is the genuine me and please do your best not to break it this time wow you are super strange you know that hey can you guys hurry up and decide we're not getting any younger over here you know energy on europe it's an egg it might have just been late oh and then that little jig totally bonded with them oh what did i do to deserve this so the first thing it sees gets imprinted in its heart in all honesty we should have reconvened right after momoshiki's attack but it got pushed back a little but please let's not stand on ceremony right now shall i peel one for you i'll send someone out to go and look around for him can we start with adam kurozuchi have you ever had the uneasy feeling that perhaps your own thoughts okay listen first of all we're people we aren't chicks right there's just no way you've been imprinted oh yeah lord seventh did yeah he asked me if i knew what the hardest rock in the whole world is let me see i wonder if something happened i don't know i think i'll go over and ask them it seems that this man is lost somewhere in the village they want us to help with the efforts to look for him don't you get it he must know the answer to the question what's the hardest rock in the world hey stop doesn't look a thing like me at all sir are you oh no keep the five cocky someone's underway so what i don't care one wit about that meeting my back my poor back here you go you don't even know what that is so you do know come on please tell me what it is yes you should heed the request of an old man whose days are numbered if boruto wants to maybe we shouldn't be meeting together like this just sitting around making dull conversation you're peeling that orange so carefully i kind of have a thing about stuff like just eat the whole thing peel and all it's more nutritious i'm very particular but you and onoki too don't seem to have a real sense of the danger that we're facing here i can't even see what's right in front of me with these things in the way [Applause] medical style atomic dismantling jutsu wow awesome that was super amazing you know come on grandpa onaki wake up but you had old man are you okay yes cause of cheese well he was my grandchild even if the five great nations have a strong union you can't protect everyone so i suppose that i should give you the answer to your question well do you know what the answer is no thank you i'm good completely incorrect and that rock is incorrect as well the bedrock that you have inside you huh no matter what hardship or sorrow you encounter from here on out seems to me your bedrock your will might be a little shaky how can i really be certain that the will i obtain is genuinely my own then perhaps that's a sign that it's indeed your true will of course it goes without saying that i mean only if i'm still alive at the time guess what my dad asked me was only a silly trick question we wasted our time thinking so hard about it [Music] [Music] it appears two tuning guards were attacked and they're both in a coma now oh and how would you know that we're both totally in sync with each other let's go and tell mitsuki in person hey meat ski you in there and not come to our meeting spot first boy i really doubt it hey hey did you know boruto no i mean i heard he lived alone but hmm yeah we've all been really busy helping with the five kage summit we didn't find him either i'm also picking up a super nervous vibe i just remembered hey hold on it's just a meeting to go over the five kage summit back to mitsuki you haven't heard anything sure did it seems big brother konohameru is hiding something too so if it turns out to have been an attack the police force won't be able to handle it alone this is still a direct provocation against the village it's been a while since that happened since they only attacked the guards at the gate there's no real way to ascertain their true motive i returned from a long trip and this is what i come back to naruto she's seriously scary when she snaps this was found at the site hmm that's why i asked konohamaru to be here this is we'll have to explain everything to her later if that's all right let's get to the medical department that we asked you two advisors to sit in we'd like your input in order to decide how to proceed is it a possibility that someone was using a transformation jutsu i suppose so but isn't it a little premature to assume the only conclusion is that mitsuki is a traitor naruto what exactly are you hiding is orochimaru's son you witnessed that with your very own eyes i know there's no way i'd ever forget that that's the reasoning for all of this all right then what about mitski perhaps just as great of danger as his father if we can't count on dad and the others i'll just have to do something ourselves [Music] if you leave the village then this time you're going to be the one who's hunted by your friends you get that you and me aren't the only members of team seven remember oh shut up you
Views: 642,330
Rating: 4.8953004 out of 5
Keywords: văn khanh trần, trần văn khanh
Id: XjmpQWtnSWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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