Mistakes To Avoid When Applying For UK Visitors Visa|| Reasons For Refusal

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hi everyone let's look at why your application for the standard uk visitors visa can be refused some simple mistakes to avoid when applying for the standard uk visitors visa visa refusa is not a good experience to go through you therefore have to be very very careful when applying for your uk visitors visa thank you very much for coming to watch today's video it's nature and lifestyle i'm your host mordecai and guys i want to say a special thank you to all those who have subscribed to this channel this channel currently has thousand subscribers yes thousand subscribers and i do appreciate this please if you're new here kindly subscribe and let's keep on growing this channel into a bigger one now one of the reasons why your application for the standard uk business visa can be refused is when you fail to disclose your previous visa refusal when you don't tell uk vi that you have been refused a visa before okay guys you can't hide this from uk vi they will definitely find out when they log in your name your date of bet your contact details and your passport details they will definitely find out that you previously applied for a uk visa or any visa and you were refused so if you have any history of visa refusal please tell uk vi during your visa application if you don't do this you will be denied your uk standard vistas visa application another reason for visa refusal is when you have unclear intention to return to your home country on clear intention to return to your home country now there are no specific documents on the uk government website to show that you will return to your home country after your visit okay all the documents you provide for this reason is based on individual circumstances okay you have to provide documents that you have the intention to return to your home country after your visit some of the documents you can provide are if you are a student you can get a letter from um the head of your educational institution to state that indeed you're a student the number of years you have studied there the course you are studying and it also helps if you are on vacation then they can add that this student is on vacation and is therefore traveling to the uk just for a visit okay he will return after his visit to continue his schooling you can provide a letter like this from your educational institution if you also have family okay you can also provide document that yes i have family i have two kids i'm married um i have a wife and is no reason why i will not return back home to take care of my family after my uk visit so some people also provide no document about family ties to show their intention to return to their home country after their visit others also provide documents from their workplace okay so the hr at your workplace can also write a letter to states that indeed you work in that company this is um the rule that you play in that company um you receive this salary you are on leave okay probably you are on annual leave and you want to travel to the uk just for a visit you indeed return back to your home country to continue with your work okay so there are a lot of documents to provide to show your intention to return back to your home country after your visit if you don't do this correctly they may deny you your uk standard vistas visa another mistake you can make is you not selecting the right type of visa during your visa application on the uk government website so for example we have the standard uk vistas visa we have the marriage visitors visa okay so when you are traveling to the uk for the purposes of marriage and you just want a vistas visa you don't select the standard uk visitors visa you have to select the one for marriage not the standard one so you have to first of all select the right type of visa you are applying for now after selecting the right type of visa you have to make sure you put in the correct demographic details your name your date of bet your contact details whether you are married divorced or whether you are single you have to provide these details correctly so for your name you have to make sure that the name that you put on the visa application form is the same name in your traveling passport okay if there are any differences then you have to explain this to the uk vi also you can state that you are single in your visa application and later provide a mra certificate to support your visa application you have to make sure that whatever that you put on your application form is the right information another reason your uk visitors visa can be refused is when your sponsor in the uk does not provide enough document during your visa application i have a video on this channel about how to apply for the standard uk business visa guys you can check it for yourself it's very educated video it's one of the most popular videos on youtube about how to apply for the standard uk business visa you can check for yourself now we all know when applying for the standard uk visitors visa it's either you sponsor yourself okay throughout your visit or somebody in the uk sponsors you if you sponsor yourself then you provide all the documents but if somebody in the uk is sponsoring you then that person has to provide some document to convince you kvi to give you the visitor's visa so some of those documents are documented about accommodation to show that the person has enough accommodation to accommodate you when you travel to the uk document about finances to show that the person can take care of you financially when you come to the uk okay and also document um to show that the person is actually giving his or her consent for your visa application the person also has to provide document to show that he or she is legally staying in the uk so if your sponsor in the uk does not provide all these documents for your visa application uk vi can deny you your standard visitors visa another mistake you should avoid is insufficient proof of finances insufficient proof of finances guys you have to prove to uk vi that you can take care of yourself when you travel over to the uk for your visit okay if somebody in the uk is sponsoring your visit then you don't need to prove your finances yourself okay that burden lies on the person in the uk but if you're sponsoring your visit then you have to prove your finances and if your proof is insufficient then ukvi will deny this so you prove your finances with your bank statement you prove to the uk vi that you have a steady earning okay and you do this by providing your pay slip now it has also been stated clearly on the uk government website about how to prove your finances the number of days the money has to be in your account prior to your visa application again i have a video on the uk standard visa visa application so you can check it on this channel i have explained the proof of finance thoroughly in that video so just prove your finance very well if you want to avoid visa refusal another reason why your standard uk visitors visa can't be refused is when you have unclear travel itinerary on clear travel itinerary you have to clearly state okay um in your application exactly what you are coming to do in the uk for example if you are just coming to visit some tourist sites in the uk okay just list those tourist sites and give dates when you'll be visiting those specific sites whilst you are in the uk if you are coming for just a medical checkup um that letter that you are giving for the medical checkup should be part of your document for visa application state the time that you'll be going for the checkup in your itinerary say the name of the hospital the name of the consultant probably the kind of checkup that you are coming to do you can state all this in your travel itinerary if you are coming for a conference in the uk then state the name of the conference the venue the date for the conference and probably the topic that the conference is coming to based on so with this you have to state a clear travel itinerary your travel itinerary has to be very very clear uk vi will not issue you your visa if you have on clear travel itinerary another reason for vistas visa refusal now guys this is not straightforward but some people have gone through this experience so if you want to apply for a uk business visa and you are on another business visa in a different country guys you have to leave that country come to your home country to apply for a visitor's visa example if you are from south africa and you are on a business visa to let's say australia and whilst in australia you want to apply for a vistas visa to the uk you have to return to south africa to apply for your vistas visa some people have applied for visitors visa in different countries whilst they are on a visit and their business visa has been denied okay so um i'm just advising that if you're on a business visa in another country return to your home country if you want to apply for a uk um vista visa this is just an advice to um everyone it is not documented on the uk government website okay it is an experience that people have gone through then the last and obvious reason for visa refusal is when you submit fake document okay when you submit fake document to your uk standard business visa can be refused so guys these are some of the reasons why your standard uk business visa application can be refused try unless apply everything in the remit of the law supply all the document that we can convince uk vi very well so that our standard uk vs visa can be issued to us my name is mordechai and it's nature and lifestyle thank you very much for watching today's video please keep on sharing keep on commenting and keep on subscribing see you another time
Channel: Mordecai Dadzie
Views: 20,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apply for uk visa, family visitor visa uk, how to apply for uk visa, nature and lifestyle, standard visitor visa uk, uk standard visitor visa, uk tourist visa, uk tourist visa process, uk tourist visa requirements, uk visa, uk visa application process, uk visa requirements, uk visiting visa, uk visitor visa, uk visitor visa 2022, uk visitor visa from india, uk visitor visa requirements, visit the uk, visiting visa, visitor visa, visitor visa uk
Id: l7A9x65Q4OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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