Mistaken for a street racer leaving Fast & Furious

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and I'm hands on the roof being patted down I'm a junior at Villanova outside of Philadelphia and I'm an engineering student and I had this buddy who I'd met I was selling high-end electronics with them and this buddy was I've become the answer guy to people on the internet for a car detailing in garages this is the guy I call so he's like the next level of crazy well he was remember 3000gt vr4 right this car never worked but when it did it was super fast so this kid this this my buddy Ryan who has this really nice butt but rarely functioning 3000gt vr4 and I had a 99 electron blue em1 Civic Si and I had Volks and ComTech exhaust all the stall the JDM yo stuff all the dream stuff Ryan and I were BFFs for a while and he was he stayed he lived at home and I was going to Villanova and probably three days a week we would go after work we would go to the movies and this is them this is just off the main line of Philadelphia so really affluent area and King of Prussia and this is at the King of Prussia Mall which was at the time the second largest mall in the US and so it was heavily patrolled and I knew this he knew this everybody knew was just awful limits don't speed don't do anything stupid around the King of Prussia Mall and this movie theater was up on the top of the hill and we don't you always have to come back around the front of the mall and there was inevitably always cops at the end of this tunnel as was always the case his vr4 was sitting on jack stands somewhere because it didn't work and I had my civic and we had just gone to the spectacle which was fast and furious one if those of you are in your late 20s to late 30s remember back when that movie came out it was like a Spectre Cole everybody brought their cars and everybody of course after watching the movie wanted to race but me being an engineer me being very almond collecting individual I knew or in King of Prussia it's like midnight nothing ever goes on well after midnight especially on the road in in this King of Prussia area but my buddy wasn't so reserved he had his sisters 1996 Chevy Cavalier convertible black on black he goes to there's about three or four stoplights in between getting on the main the main highway and and the movie theater so he proceeds to do a massive burnout right next to me in my m1 Civic at every single light from the movie theater down to this tunnel so I'm guessing the police heard us coming but I'm literally doing nothing and saying stop you know don't mess with me stop doing this but he's laughing laughing no this is before cell phone so I couldn't call him and or at least before I had a cell phone I couldn't call him and tell him to stop acting like an idiot to come as the last light I'm literally driving like 30 miles an hour because I knew King of Prussia you don't I mean we can get you can go you know get down a conquered pike somewhere else go do it somewhere else but do not do it in the king of prussia there's you know every mall has like the the breathe or whatever the the drag that runs around it and it's perfect for street racing I mean literally couldn't be any better there's like a straight tunnel and it's just you're guaranteed to get pulled over especially after in the Fast and Furious movie and we come up to the last slide I drive through the light he then he was going right I was going left and sure enough got pulled over so I go in this parking lot and this is again this is my first what I thought was a fast car you know is the B 16 you know Civic Si front-wheel drive but I thought it was a speed which I thought was amazing and so I had about six or seven tickets in a very short period of time and so I'm pulled over immediately asked exit the vehicle as soon as they you know saw my tag and my license the cop said put your hands on the on the roof of the car my hands are on the roof of the car and now remember I'm Villanova student engineer very reserved don't do anything wrong follow all the rules telling my buddy to stop doing this and now I'm in my you know I'm in my eye and my shirt and I'm hands on the roof being patted down and and then asked to sit on the curb and while he went and I don't know do whatever cops do when they ask you to sit on the curb so he you know he told me said you know just so we know we got your buddy and I'm like look I'm telling you I wasn't racing and I'm I'm 20 I look like I'm 16 you know I've got a shirt and tie and a goofy leather jacket on and I look the part of the typical cell phone salesman in a street racer you know before the time of vaping but I look like one of those guys you know so here I am you know in my e-m1 civic carbon-fiber hood you know and Volks lowered really loud towed a header stereo but again stereo was turned down car was driving 30 miles an hour but it didn't matter I looked the part and he probably heard the squealing coming up light to light to light as I'm telling my buddy that dude you're gonna get us arrested and sure enough I was almost arrested not a good not a good scene I eventually got a reckless driving I think it was four so this is 2000 so four hundred and some odd dollars and and so I'm you know he hands me the ticket and I immediately go back to my dorm and I called my buddy and I said I'm Ryan because he was also pulled over or so I thought that I called my buddy said what what did you get I'm sorry I almost got arrested bringing a reckless driving racing you idiot I told you not to do this and he's laughing his head off I'm like what he's like I didn't get pulled over I'm like what do you mean anything it pulled over I saw him in the parking lot and in this black Chevy Cavalier vertical granted it's probable I don't know the exact time but after midnight on like a Thursday there just so happened to be another 1996 black Chevy Cavalier convertible I couldn't make this up if you paid me that got pulled over for street racing when we're not street racing that happened to be in that same area that got pulled over and was probably distraught when the police had that person out of the car as well for street racing I don't know who it was I never never saw because as soon as I have the cop let me go I I proceeded to take off but to this day I'm sure my buddy Ryan will watch this and he'll be laughing his face off and I got the $450 ticket for him racing me and his sisters 1996 Chevy Cavalier convertible I'll never live that one down you know he that he got away and I got busted for doing nothing wrong so that's the story of my first Fast and the Furious movie Adventure I think it was then maybe the second or third time we saw it but that was not a good experience for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 444,968
Rating: 4.9015594 out of 5
Keywords: Fast and Furious, The Fast and the Furious, 2002, Honda Civic, Tuner, Ricer, Pennsylvania, King of Prussia, Street Racing, Police, Fail, mistaken identity, VINwiki, Car Stories, Matt Moreman, Obsessed Garage, Detailing, Interview, Colaboration, car cleaning, GT3 RS, VTEC, JDM, Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Vehicle History, Burnout, Villanova, Car scene
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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