Miss Sasha Goes Out With Mister Demi In VRChat! - VRChat Funny Moments (Fundamental Paper Education)

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all right and we have arrived um excuse me let me just do that for you take your seat there we go is there something behind me um definitely not a deranged animal or anything or oh no it's just Claire um did she trust in the kitchen definitely uh CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA excuse me CLA CLA CLA isn't she um making a hi um we would really like a nice steak dinner of sorts on me of course okay well all right I can do that count on me to make Claire's chop Chef cooking I got you I'll leave me to it darling okay yeah I will be back all right should be interesting it can't be that bad no no no no it's fine Claire's got everything under control I think I would hope um she like cooking this big K I mean I guess she's reliable she is it's actually one of our best students um which is funny okay yeah yes um he's cooking no she's not going to burn it [Music] Miss this plate has extra okay I was thinking that maybe after this you would maybe like to um go over different books in the library or or something if You' like like show me your favorite books okay that sounds great yeah I can do that definitely uh what what is going on over there I don't know all righty all right guys of nothing my hold let me D it dust it off real quick for you baby girl where's my the 5c R but this is a bit longer this one's too good there you go and don't the veggies I know you love your touch the Flor don't worry about it uh yeah but we have to wait for that and it's going to turn out like this one again and I don't even know if it's worth it no CLA created a something um but it was an enjoyable experience to watch I mean I guess it was um what if she's CL studying I don't know at this point egg egg well that's not mine CLA egg eggy it's an egg eggy um now it's your this is excellent take care you guys got me cracking up C me um so um I didn't know You' like to take care of um Little Egg like creatures oh itute into a beautiful egg into beautiful egg I don't know about that the in Baker the onion um it's I'm not cting you are no I'm not I I just think that uh the potato like pancakes oh you could if you like Miss Circle really loves nothing about Miss Miss Circle um um I I was just saying that she also is a rather did she she just ate a plate did what what um she does she pay for the stuff she breaks her wasts I don't think that's how this works um she just threw a three plates I think she just ate a plate misasha I think uh is a game I don't know what's happening to Claire we might have to call the nurse or something this is my responsibility as this is my student Claire hi hi it's me Mr Demi hi hi um who okay okay okay okay okay okay hi I was wondering if maybe you would want to come back to the school with us considering that is everything okay are are you okay sponge yes I good I good I happy okay um I'm good I had mine I'm a whole full believe me oh CL keep this going I think I uh are you okay oh I see how it is you want have a food fight okay okay that's it on oh my God oh my God potato garbage potato it's time who doesn't love cheese right that's a little cheesy of you I think I could do cheddar you're as sweet as a flower wo wo wo wait wait wait I know what I know the the best combination ever if only we can get a oh my God Oliver loves these yo Saucy oh no Miss Miss Sasha Mr tamy did you just try to hit me at this oh I definitely try to hit you with the sausage can you come closer I need to tell you a secret oh what is it what is it oh my God jeez good one good one let us be friends please [Applause] not that was good that was keep this on a roll am I right you know this has several layers let's go bowling oh that's a strike and a half of an idea oh man CLA CLA CLA this is so good M Sasha is so happy because of you you're doing a great job keep losing your mind in a violent display for all of us to enjoy it's fantastic let's go I can do that Miss Sasha you'll never be balling balling balling like a baller balling oh that was a good attempt watch this extra oh that that went in that that definitely went in I my my science was off as you could see I'm actually I used to play I used to play football back in the day as you can see from this yeah yeah right sleep if you will the bill oh the bill oh the bill um I I will handle it what would the bill be ah um let me I'll be right back let me let me ring that up for you uh yeah okay so basically um it'll be about um about $3,000 um can you say that again I said um $33,000 that's what I thought you said can you hit me with something that is rather you know uh pretty heavy so that I could uh maybe wake up from this nightmare oh [Music] all right listen listen I don't have the money right now but every paycheck I get I will pay it back okay thank you I appreciate it in this fine establishment of course don't don't mention it so um Miss Sasha would you like to maybe head back to the library to you know do some extra egg uh studying I got all my fa fantastic all right let's go bye Sasha bye Claire see you we'll be right back wait you're coming with us you have to come back to the school come on oh you're right okay oh hi Claire listen I have really important instructions for you today Miss Sasha is coming to view our classroom because Miss Circle said that she needs to oversee and make sure that we're following the rules and you know how the rules are in this school so please behave and act natural I think she's coming right now so please please please just just do this for me and the school thank you oh okay hi Miss Sasha was that good hi Miss Sasha oh hey Mr hi Miss Sasha uh Claire uh Miss Circle I mean Miss Sasha Welcome to our classroom um we have a really unique learning environment for students to um learn about uh this is Claire our model student as you can see hi hi hi hi hi he eats oatmeal with the hot sauce um Claire Claire Claire yummy no um anyways class I'm and today I'll be advising hi CL you're SC you're scaring her more entertainment okay CLA please take your seat the teachers need to have a little talk thank you so much missa I am so so sorry for what you just saw that doesn't happen normally typically uh it's rather even kill sometimes our students get a little um over energized without the lack of recess and stuff so I hope I can make it up to you but um if you would like any uh Refreshments we have some guava juice in the mini fridge over there oh yeah okay um can I ask why your student is drawing Hearts behind you guava excuse me oh Hearts those are butterflies um our CLA here gets lost in in her thought sometimes uh those are those are those aren't hearts hearts what Hearts why would there be Hearts um you see I I um I I think we should you let me show you my desk come come on this is so stupid um uh so here I have a little potted plant because I love nature and sometimes nature nature students are inside all day and they don't get to see the outdoor so this reminds them of well mhm of the of the side doors the outdoors clar Outdoors the indoors of the the indoors of the outdoors of the inverse operations okay okay we haven't learned about that but you're doing a good job see she she's she's rather intelligent it's just that the yeah are you that the students are getting a proper education oh of course of course uh right Claire I see the grein of the wood yes yeah yeah humbly agreed okay okay okay so so uh Miss Sasha was the there a particular reason that you're joining us today if so please let me know and if you need anything do not hesitate to tell me cuz I'm willing to do just about anything for sorry yes that that's my name don't you think that you should start teaching the class so I can yes yes of course of course I'm sorry it's just I got lost in your your bindings I I mean I should probably do that Mita um CLA CLA please take your seat oh um okay take my seat oh that' be hilarious if I had arms sorry my bad my bad you get the joke you the joke thank you all so much for making to the end of the video we really do appreciate each and every single one of you so thanks for commenting liking and doing that really cool thing which is subscribing we hope to see you on our next video or Adventures thank you so much and passing it on to my new bestie Miss Sasha go for it kill it you got this come on you got it go kill it all right um anys thank you so much for the video um as always thank you so much for watching have a great day and we'll see you next time guys later I need more entertainment okay Claire you'll get your wish byebye by byebye bye missha come back wait just give me one [Music] second whoa I didn't know Miss Sasha was cool like that
Channel: Assorted Cheeses VR
Views: 32,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miss Circle, Fundamental Paper Education, Fundamental Paper Education VRChat, Engel, Alice, Claire, Oliver, Fundamental Paper Education Funny Moments, Fundamental Paper Education VRChat Funny Moments, Miss Circle Fundamental Paper Education, Fundamental Paper Education Memes, VRChat funny Moments, VRChat Voice Acting Miss Circle
Id: BK7lnefh_Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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