Miss Circle Tests Everyone's Survival In VRChat! - VRChat Funny Moments(Fundamental Paper Education)

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hello Miss Circle I am so sorry to interrupt your class B students I've come here to ask you a very specific question well that's technically a question asking you a question forget about it I'm here to ask you something that you won't be able to decline or refuse actually you could do whatever you want it is your choice Miss Circle I was wondering if you would kind of like to go out on a little um you're asking me to go to eat with you yes I most certainly am let you know you're so smart you're fluty um so are you in or are you out well seeing as I get to see you make a full of yourself yeah why not I'm free well let's go you know that's great which is better than good so come on let's get out of here let's go [Music] somewhere fine you'll get what you want look at you new fudy cheeks and stuff okay okay okay don't do that I won do that next time Mommy I'm sorry do we go to the any more stupidity out of that mouth should prob you won't be seeing anything ever again we should probably cut to the the the um the the restaurant now you like hurt me like twice in the span of 10 minutes I me D all right I'll see you soon miss Circle can I ask you a question yeah go ahead Mr Demi you know what are you doing out here with all that cake and expecting me not to be a sweet tooth real funny real funny you know I'm so sorry are you enchanted with fire aspect cuz you're kind of hot I mean that was out of line I am so sorry that was keep on yapping Mr Dem keep on yapping okay anyway let's let's push past Mak full of yourself I take for me as long as you're smiling that's all that matters to me Miss Circle oh very potato excuse me why do you have pancakes and who eats pancakes and potatoes don't judge me Mr Dy my bad sorry that's the best meal that's why it makes you even more eccentric what are you trying to say oh nothing at all nothing at all just a are you trying to say that you no I definitely didn't remove you from the school to bring you all the way out here to distract you to get you to not go back to the school so the students can live a happy fun life definitely didn't do that the purpose of bringing me here distract me from you know my job and all the students that need a wonderful education no no no I bring you here because you were so distracting to me that I couldn't work in the school because of you I had to remove you from it so I brought you out here so that mean you could get over this issue ah you see it's a double whammy a win-win you're crushing two birds with one stone uh-huh of course get away from working time really oh no not at all you're really a slacker I'm not I'm not slacking we're here enjoying our pancakes and potatoes you got some cake just lying out for everyone to see oh yeah I mean there kind there's two of them but uh definitely so um on the you know on Center currence of what is your [Music] name honestly I'm so sorry not every day does someone get to you know stand in front of someone like you especially a face to face oneon-one I mean come on you don't can't blame me have you looked at a mirror cuz I'm staring at a beautiful painting oh it's Timeless I am so sorry okay listen listen listen listen listen I am sorry I'm sorry okay it happened once it it happened twice it will not happen again all right believe me it will not what are you doing okay I'm wiping the smile off my face because you're saving it for later that's really smart Mr is everything okay you've barely touched your pancakes and potatoes you're making a good point oh that's convenient yeah very hm maybe where's my phone I need to nothing I was just going to check the weather app you know that tells you a lot of information have you seen the skies recently they've been full of paper M oh yes everything is made of paper so wouldn't it be well not my heart you're saying my heart is paper thin for you no no no no it's Fuller than it seems like it's pretty seethrough well if you were talking about my brain yeah duh but I mean wait no that would be angle you remember one onone face to face I didn't forget believe me I didn't forget I mean would you look at the time I really got to go retrieve nor do IET um so um you ever play uh come on like the good Noble teacher you are and go retrieve whatever you need to retrieve um I think my dignity I left it in the car because like yikes you're kind of wow I thought that burnt up honestly it's still crashing and burning thanks to you why can't this good good why can't this work out though like you don't see me the way I see you I I did not mean to say that um I mean I'm looking down you're looking up so we'll never see I thank God she's so dumb anyway dumb was it no I was talking about uh uh you know Mr Dey if I'm so dumb do you need something sharper oh miss Circle if you wanted to sit next to me you could have just asked you didn't have to walk across come on come here come on come on come on Mr Demi his Circle sitting at a table waiting for he's quiet oh my God you know Miss Circle for okay and I get listen listen I knew this was a bad idea not because of you know you being here with me but because I feel like sometimes you lack tact you know like I feel like there's certain things I didn't mean that hosti of course I meant that in terms of that's where you got it from mhm you haven't touched your pancakes and potatoes you haven't touch your pancakes and potatoes either but they're magical I know they are they're kind of like you my circle in a way do you know how many lives you've changed that was the second time this right now I kind of need that to like write you know thank you thank you than you I am because when I'm in the sights of someone absolutely magical like you said and a bit a paper thin you uh you should finitely stop I did not mean that the way you're probably thinking of course cuz you know you and your big old Noggin okay um you I bet if I put you outside on a windy day you would blow away in the wind I would not blow away in the wind do you see this look at these look I have two loaded weapons right here look one two okay we just this arm oh you probably could I need that arm though can you please stop test something no not at all please I have this arm too I go you got your nose I got your nose this point oh oh oh oh M Circle can we talk like seriously we are talking and we I'm always serious so go on I don't know I think honestly maybe it's just it's just time to turn the tables I was wondering if maybe just just hear me out if maybe you and hold on my shoes untied I am so sorry everybody just got to tie that real quick let me just a I need to get my camera out for this hear me oh hi Miss Circle you here um for no particular reason I obviously just wanted to feed the Ducks some good old grub you know I was just on my break again but I didn't realize you were so did you follow me here no I would never follow you here that's messed up um don't worry I'll get more for you a sec um why uh uh look over there where do you mind oh no not at all it's just a really precious sight you know the Ducks and all is like one of those things that you don't get to see every now and then I need to go swim across that uh River for no apparent reason whatsoever other than I suddenly feel like it so I'll be on my Merry Little way don't you worry at all Miss Circle just keep feeding the Ducks really cutely preciously oh my God this is not good I remember this there you go I'm swimming as you can see them don't you stand there you can pick some food up and feed them I can wait with you miss cirle yeah all right that's it come on where's the bread show me the bread ah get it cuz like bread you know like ah you got nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing hi baby Mr demy feeding the duck so preciously cly and pefully are we shush everything's going to work out and it's going to be I'm not a duck oh well you honk a lot especially when you drive me we don't speak of my driving habit oh yeah you just it never happen so miss Circle I got a question for you though something that doesn't make much sense why are you so gentle with these little creatures but like every other creature sure you're not so gentle with is there a reason I know I probably wasn't supposed to see this but I was just saying that it's quite interesting uh dude maybe you're not as bad as they claim I mean you look pretty bad but like no no I'm just AR I yeah you definitely oh there's a little ducky near your foot look at them I see anything now if you don't mind could you move so I can get back to feing the Ducks you're going to have to move me yourself uhhuh you didn't expect that outcome did you and I'm being pushed okay all right hey Mr Dem what are you um I don't know what am I imedi sandwich okay M CLE fine that was that was hilarious job well done oh look at you it I do I do that was fantastic know good good good it's kind of like your smile Miss Circle it's dynamically awesome great yeah I'm going to admire it from like a safe distance like a duck away look go think fast Miss Circle I did not throw anything I threw something to the duck in the distance it why are you Ling in the lake the fish don't need the water man oh I didn't I didn't I threw it to the duck it's consuming it right now look look at that little fell you tell anyone about this I no know about any of my sides ever again understood you got him in circle no problem of course of course oh yeah not on me I don't even know what what's grass who touches grass I hope some people do but Mis useless pick up the food and feed the Ducks they're hungry okay okay you got it you got it here you go just wanted to let you know that would you like to go out again it's as much fun as this one was let yes oh perfect I never thought you'd agree still little a friend like have what do you mean oh no no no no no Miss no no no no no no don't you dare do it don't you do it don't you do it see you Mr Dy please please wait I hope you find the set of dry clothing I don't think I have please don't do this no no no no no no hello everyone thank you so much for watching this fundamental papers education video we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it so thank you once again for sticking around like commenting and subscribing we really do appreciate it I hope you all have a lovely day be safe and I'll see you sometime somewhere and on to miss Circle we practiced this so she's got it down to a yeah yeah yeah yeah all right everyone thank you so much for the video as always make sure to like comment and subscribe and let us know down below your favorite fundamental papers location as always have a great day take care and I'll see you next time bye guys see you
Channel: Assorted Cheeses VR
Views: 60,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miss Circle, Fundamental Paper Education, Fundamental Paper Education VRChat, Engel, Alice, Claire, Oliver, Fundamental Paper Education Funny Moments, Fundamental Paper Education VRChat Funny Moments, Miss Circle Fundamental Paper Education, Fundamental Paper Education Memes, VRChat funny Moments, VRChat Voice Acting Miss Circle
Id: AYc5dKq1avU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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