Miss Indian World - 2018 Gathering of Nations

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20:19 I'll be out here and Miss Indian world will also be out here you're about to meet the brand-new Miss Indian world yacht a Clasen hey up you a sunrise Yunus yen knock I didn't edit oh hey Lina initially son Kyle Bosch is Ching yacht a yacht a yacht a where mine fo who is out there in that holla how about the pueblos any pebbles out there any Lakotas out there alright any Apaches out there oh wow you guys brought your whole village we're gonna dance them back and forth later alright hey thank you so much for joining us here for the crowning of Miss Indian world I want to thank you all and ask you a very important question if you have your suitcase or bag in a VIP section that's the VIP section is the one that goes all the way around the arena you're going to need to move it grab your outfits they can't be there for storage people have paid a higher price to sit there and there's also organizations and groups who are not able to sit down because there's people in their seats so I'm sorry that I have to ask you that you'll have to move your suitcases and your outfits if they are in the VIP area also if you are not designated to sit in the VIP area I regret to tell you that you will have to move there are other people who are waiting for their seats there has been some complaints so I'm so sorry to ask you this but please be respectful of your fellow spectators and fellow attendees everybody wants to be here everybody wants to watch the crowning and I ask you please to be courteous of each other and if any of your things are there if you could please remove them I appreciate this so much and I know it's hard to find a seat here but I do appreciate your indulgence good evening this portion of the gathering of Nations is the crowning of miss Indian world for the safety of the Miss India world contestants and everyone please do not crowd the floor during the crowning of Mississippian world all right I want to thank all of you for being here and I also want to remind you that we're gonna go through this fairly fast so find your places have a seat and I'll watch the crowning with me I want to welcome everybody on the internet worldwide gathering of nations calm thank you for tuning in everywhere around the world everyone in this place let him hear you scream everybody in the world is watching there's so many people tuning in right now so I want to thank you so much for being here all of you around the world the title of Miss India world is a tremendous responsibility as she is a role model and a cultural ambassador the Miss Indian world program is about Native American culture and positive imaging for the young ladies who compete for the title over the past 34 years the title of Miss India world has traveled near and far and for the young woman who becomes Miss Indian world she will carry the pride of herself an Indian country everywhere she travels the Miss India world committee thanks the 25 judges the contestants their families emergence productions the people behind the scenes and of course Shona sunrise for the artful floral creations that are given to missing in world Thank You Shauna and I'd like to introduce to you the hard-working group who is behind the Miss Indian world production and keeping all the girls happy and everything going introducing the Miss Indian world staff and the committee as Ella Huma Tewa Deborah sunrise Shona sunrise Sharon Roberts TS Smith Tony Edwards Williams Nikki Petrie and myself Beulah sunrise and also I want to make a special acknowledgement for Maggie Brown who is the as the director of the missin dear old traditional Talent presentations and very much a part of the whole miss Indian world experience and also a big round of applause for the missing world pageant director miss Melanie Matthews tonight one of the thirty Miss Indian world contestants will become the 2018 Miss Indian world all right young ladies I like everybody in The Gathering of Nations tingly Coliseum to welcome the contestants for 2018 Miss Indian world let's welcome them to the arena 30 come on ladies come on into the arena come on ladies all right everybody cheer for them let them hear you your family your friends you our relatives these are your young ladies these are representing you so beautifully let's give them a big round of applause give them a little clap as they're coming in thank you everybody thank you all right yay 30 of these talented young ladies come to us from the United States and Canada representing their communities their villages their pueblos their city their states their relatives their family their co-workers everybody so beautifully I can tell you these young ladies have learned very much this week but they've also brought so much to the program and also brought so much to each other and in sharing they're making our people stronger with every walk that they take so let's keep welcoming them there's 30 of them y'all need to know at least one of them right I think so thank you everybody we're almost there come on you can cheer cheer for the last ones I knew you had it in you you worked hard and traveled far to be with us davai for the crown of Miss Indian world to become that sterling representative to indigenous peoples and from indigenous peoples the world over and Coliseum let's give them a big warm welcome now we're going to let you meet them individually starting with contestant number one Kerry Lester representing the Mescalero Chiricahua and lip on Apache Tribe from white-tailed New Mexico from or a reservation our next contestant is Brittany passion she's representing the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation along with the Sioux and Cree as well and Anantha Nations and that's where she's from as well and our next contestant number three representing the Deneb nation from NS Utah Kaela Frank and representing the Mississippi band of Choctaw Indians from Philadelphia Mississippi number four autumn macmillan contestant number five comes to us from Mescalero New Mexico representing the Mescalero Apache dinner and Oglala Sioux urin Pilcher representing the kennel nation Indian nation from to holo Washington contestant number six Shyvana on Iowa Underwood representing the Ottawa Chippewa Delaware and Potawatomi people from ashabi town Michigan contestant number seven the dust a stonefish representing the San Carlos Apache Tribe from San Carlos Apache reservation Arizona contestant number eight Edith star representing the Dannette from Albuquerque New Mexico contestant number nine jourdonnais Dora me representing the Coeur d'Alene and Colville Confederated Tribes from kersek Washington contestant number tensed L Haynes and contestant number 11 to 11 coming to us from Warm Springs Oregon representing the northern Paiute Choctaw and Shasta tribes this is contestant number 11 Charmaine Billy and from Dulce New Mexico representing the Hickory Apache Tribe number 12 Lindsey sand of all and from Amole Florida gee I hope I said that right Seminole Tribe of Florida's who she represents contestant number 13 Randy Osceola our next contestant comes to us from Lucca Chi Chi Arizona representing that Dannette nation contestant number 14 Alyssa cheers - isla representing the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians contestant number 15 Carole Franco is representing the Danann from pietà Arizona contestant number 16 Shawn Dean parish we're representing the ho-chunk nation from Los Angeles California contestant number 17 Cora white cloud representing the Pueblo of Zuni from SUNY New Mexico contestant number 18 Tyron Nicole Pataki representing the Coeur d'Alene and Tona autumn people from Wellpinit Washington contestant number 19 in money and tone and representing the Leech Lake band of Ojibwe from Cass Lake and Bemidji Bemidji Minnesota contestant number 20 Lori Martin king bird and our next contestant coming to us from Siksika nation Alberta Canada representing the Siksika nation of the Blackfoot Confederacy contestant number 21 Savannah's barbiere and our next contestant makes her home in Maui Hawaii she represents the we'd Johanna Assiniboine Mandan and Su nations representing them well number 22 McHale von G our next level you lady is from not Neogene New Mexico representing the Dannette nation number 23 autumn Montoya and from miss bellum Washington representing the Colville Confederated Tribes sat and Santa Ana Pueblo contestant number 25 Kamiya Pino and from Black House may said New Mexico from the Dannette nation number 26 Shanice Arthur representing the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma santak Oklahoma from Santa Clarita California contestant number 27 serra de herrera representing the Shoshone Bannock tribes and Navajo Nation from porthole Idaho contestant number 28 crystal arrow white representing the plains and woodland cream fever Lucretius Beaver Lake Cree Nation Alberta Canada contestant 29 was cease Quan Lewis representing the White Mountain Apache Tribe and Walker river Paiute Tribe from White River Arizona contestant number 30 Taylor's Susan and representing the Ubik nation from toxic Bay Alaska comes contessa 31 field shields give these young ladies a Coliseum sized round of applause and keep those applause warm and welcome bronze spectators staff friends and relations please join us in welcoming warmly the hosts of the Miss Indian world presentations Lisa meet Jason Jason White House right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] nor me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the first presentation [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations [Applause] the best answer award goes to tyrannical [Applause] beulah Rick can you do the honors thank you very much sure to second runner-up second runner-up to Miss Indian world accumulated 2965 points she comes to us from the debate nation from Albuquerque New Mexico she is today [Applause] all right let's give her a big round of applause our second runner-up and I must say any of these young ladies would be a wonderful miss Indian world without a doubt okay the first runner-up has accumulated two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one points from the leech lake band of Ojibwe tribe from Cass Lake Minnesota Laurie Martin [Music] [Applause] they all receive a beautiful trophy handmade pottery of New Mexico and flowers by Shawna sunrise and many other gifts and a lifetime of memories right am i right yeah I'm talking I'm talking okay for one year the young lady crowned Miss Indian world will have the privilege and honor of representing her tribe and the title of Miss India world throughout the world drum roll please all right it has all come down to this with two thousand nine hundred seventy four points representing the White Mountain Apache and Walker River Fire Arizona the new Michigan world is [Applause] our noob is Indian world and let me tell you the competition was closed in this pageant they're judged on the basis of point system and it is possible for Miss India world we've had them in the past to win Miss Indian world without winning any of the categories and here's why this is interesting I didn't mention it before it did I have forgot about that but anyway we've had past with Indian worlds who have done that and that's why you have a very wonderful Miss India world because she might not have won any of the categories but she was raking top in all of them so when you have your Miss Indian world it's a very well-rounded young woman who deserves the crown through and through so 25 judges have selected this Miss Indian world we thank them all for their participation and being a part of the pageant and I want to hear all of you all out there representing let's give this young lady a big round of applause our new 2018 Miss Indian world Taylor Susan and oh we have a drum called Motown here I hear you're looking to see if Motown will sing us an honor song for Miss Indian world Oh give me some time to get ready boys and we thank you very much for that sorry for the short notice I was so caught up in the excitement of it all it was like Oh honor son whoops my bad Beulah bad all register press individuals will be receiving an email immediately and they will be getting a bio from Miss Indian world and first and second runner ups and information on the newly crowned Miss India world that's what's happening right now so any of you with registered press credentials who registered at the door will be receiving an email check your phones check your computers you're going to be receiving an email with all of the information on Miss Indian world from White River Arizona Taylor Susan and don't forget Miss Indian her family we're waiting for her immediate family to make their way down here anybody who's standing in the aisles the families on their way down so if you could make way for the Mamas in them and the daddies and the sisters of the brothers we're fair they're very proud of their young ladies and let's give these three young ladies and all of our contestants a wonderful big round of applause Nelson B they're all so talented and they all did such a wonderful job I had no idea how this was gonna go and I love all of these girls so very much getting to know them this week was certainly a blessing look at that so truly has been a sisterhood look at that they're all there there's you know there's not a jealous bone out there and I'm very proud of these young ladies for family in this way it's a beautiful beautiful thing to see your sisters back you up all right I want to thank this young gentleman with the microphone here for being ready to catch the honor song as well that was very good for you to be on your feet there at Alpena Alpena so seat Danielle is up here you she you lost her or she lost you now FINA so seat Danielle is up here she's you're gonna be alright don't worry she's gonna be fine she's gonna be fine we'll watch her up here okay looking for Motown to give us an honor song and just through four times through regular song thank you very much an honor regular honor song Motown if you would please do us the honor of giving us a song for the new Miss Indian world and it's okay to cheer y'all it's okay to cheer all right [Music] [Music] as they pass by you there let them hear you could we ask you all to stand up rise this is an honor song for Miss Indian world honor are they missing your world rise we much respect for all of these young ladies 30 of the most - gracious and humble young ladies I've had the pleasure to meet and all of them have done such a wonderful job and backing each other up and supportive all the way through the pageant I'm so proud to call all these young ladies my relatives now and I'm sure when you beat them in your life at some point you might be very happy that you did it understand why all of it was a close race y'all close rings very deserving of the crown I've been honored to be associated with the Miss Indian twirled program since it began and I have to tell you this particular group of young women has been so continual so cordial so giving and so warm and loving with each other and to everyone else they truly deserve a recognition from you what's in it for each one of these [Music] [Music] White Mountain Apache Walker river fly use our new world [Applause] come on New Mexico's and Arizona's where are you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you blessings to you Motown for that beautiful honor song and you know our new Miss India world Taylor Susan she will be graduating in May from the University of Arizona with two degrees in American Indian studies and political science so congratulations to our new Miss India world Taylor Susan White River Arizona from White Mountain Apache Tribe happy days for all of everybody in Arizona now so thank you very much for your time I you know what this has been a really wonderful pageant for me this year and I hope any of you young ladies out there who are thinking about it it's not just the experience of winning a crown it's about meeting each other and being a part of your culture so think about it it might be something that you would like to do as well I'm Beulah sunrise and I invite you to stay around for the rest of the powwow and totally enjoy yourself there's stage 49 outside and on behalf of my Dannette people and my keep up people I say thank you very much and on behalf of everyone in the state of New Mexico all you visitors welcome and I'm gonna say goodbye for tonight so thank you all for your time I get Oh Jonathan wind ooh boy a stump [Music] ladies and gentlemen please stand [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PowWows.com
Views: 28,498
Rating: 4.8012424 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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