Miss Delight vs Mr Delight at School! GOOD vs BAD Teacher! We Survived World's Strictest Teacher!

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oops looks like Lily is in trouble M Delight is really angry why the yelling that's no way to treat kids I'll have you expelled stop it sleep I'm tired there was no need to yell hi Lily need help with math all around our F students class I'll deal with you later why are you standing I'm off did you fall asleep help me what a grouch get up what a grump get up that's better I have a class Miss delay you need to see the dentist for sure she's so mad her tooth turned black it's your to your seats oops uh-oh teachers in the room what's so funny it wasn't me oh really looks like it sorry you little that was close quickly grab the sponge wipe your drawing I'm waiting she's mad poor Lily done I wiped it all good can I sit down go ahead just barely made it out we'll talk later didn't understand the board is dirty you tried to fool me how rude come here Mr L please let me go I'm scared of heights think about your behavior don't worry Lily come to me she's my student your methods are wrong that's not okay save me I'm in charge here what's this best high school teacher contest how cool let's step outside that's lucky you've got no chance I always win the contest [Music] seems so so don't even try hey no running here stop ouch we were just late for class just look at what you two did Mr light it wasn't us no excuses get cleaning right now you have 5 minutes I'll check everything a now we won't have time to play poor kids I have an idea let's mix business with pleasure kids what now how about a dance party are you serious absolutely just follow my lead strange do it like this he's fun let's try it hey you were right this is so cool move faster kids let's do more Mr Delight you're the best teacher ever just a little more done great job I'm back show me how did you do we cleaned everything did you help them they did it themselves I'm watching you quickly go to class all right Mr Delight our votes for you you rock awesome dance party wow that's very sweet where is everyone I can't can't wait I just love chemistry time to start class why are you so late come in hold on stay there smarty you forgot me open the door Mr light is cheating I'm ready for the experiment that's great stupid chemistry I don't understand it at all kids attention to the board oh no what happened my patience she's not kidding your task is to enlarge Huggy wuggy you need to make the right potion got it absolutely need to pick the right ingredients I'm missing red and blue this won't work where to get them I'll take from those Slackers they're not doing anything anyway come to me my pretty flasks these losers didn't notice a thing sit here let's figure it out together good idea I'm coming we'll think of something we'll make you bigger where do we start I don't know yet listen let's ask the nerd hey Bookworm quiet I'll get trouble because of you you can't get rid of me that easily what's all the noise hang in there kids it's Mr Delight I'll get in there no matter what you're disrupting our our class let me in this stays here didn't work oh well I won't give up that easily how's it going dear all good of course Miss toight just a final touch wow it's amazing the transformation started hooray I'm back to normal size thank you now it's my turn no he's good stop her one second I'm giving you an a now you're turn turn Mr light we're not ready yet we need a bit more time did I make it awesome wait give us a minute don't worry I'll help you to get red mix orange and yellow for blue mix yellow and green here you go done I'm tired of waiting I'm coming to check stop too soon you ruined it wow look at all the plush toys what did you do to my Barb she's going to get them now experiment finished catnap gets an a thank you it's first time dog day I didn't forget about you the same I like chemistry hooray recess Let's Go Play wait what about homework I'll help you I'm first I love plush toys thanks for the help I'll deal with you later Mr delay is the best what are you doing here no running yeah yeah sure faster vote wait not so fast two votes for Mr light what are you doing I don't agree hands off that's a fair what a nice te teacher gave me so many toys I'll vote for her what are you standing for let's go eat what are the results I'm losing how sad I warned you victory is mine time to grab a bite I brought some sweets time to eat my toys are hungry what do you have there I have a burger cool can I have a bite let's see who eats it faster hey fast food is banned here what but we're hungry food inspection time all clear burgers and what's on this table of course sweets I'm confiscating everything hands it over this includes you too put it in the basket she won't even let us eat I'll throw it away later what do we do now seems like you're hungry I have the perfect solution healthy food there's enough for everyone enjoy your meal ew it smells what a terrible smell I don't like this give me back my candy my toys don't eat vegetables this is a violation of kids rights eat or stay hungry surprise guess who's there hoppy nope wrong bobby bear hug let me think no catnap cold hurry up let's go for normal food grab yours leave this finally my wonderful Burger this is so tasty enjoy friends M so juicy this is awesome Huggy wuggy wait that was you don't be mad kids love fast food you always ruin everything oh I'm so full I can't eat anymore I can't get up you naughty kids you asked for it no need oh the bell rang time for class wait I'm about to have a disciplinary talk with you my vote goes to Mr Delight mine too what classes now art save me a spot is everyone ready let's start the lesson what are we trying wait I'll give the assignment what are you planning you'll see in a moment my portrait you're confusing me pose for us I can handle this just don't move let's add some blush I'm doing great looks good you asked for help here it is this is easy what almost done right this will be cooler hey who did this I'm the best student in class I wouldn't be so sure just not with a drawing like yours got you losers what did you do it wasn't me it was them you're encourageable time's up hand in your work give them to me I'll hand them in let's see what we have I'll check myself what these are terrible they don't look like me at all everyone gets the lowest grade not this thought I was joking with you you've pushed it too far that's the Bell everyone stay seated what about recess we have a test help it's simple here one for each of you we haven't covered this forgive us po kids I'll try to help you she's not looking great this is easy thanks now I know everything let's make it easier cool couldn't be simpler now I can solve all the tasks done we can turn them in let's see the results but this isn't my test can we go now you swapped the assignment of of course not this doesn't count here's a new problem to the board goes please not me class dismissed you're free hooray we're saved let's go to the board goes where is everyone is this a joke I didn't dismiss you the choice is clear Mr Delight should win ouch that hurts what's going on on here it can't be I can't lose revote kids are you with me this is betrayal why are you doing this to me Mr Delight is so cool yes now he's Teacher of the Year this is my end my career is ruined thanks for voting we love you see you tomorrow bye what great great [Music] kids I must be the best how could you you're my husband you knew this was important to me honey it's just a contest not for me don't worry we'll fix [Music] it is this better finally that's better let's go and don't do it again okay dear here look who's that I don't know she's not in my class well all right let's move on there she is again let's take a different route she really wants to be adopted let's take a chance all right sweetie let's show you your new home we've got a surprise what meet Wednesday day hey sis is this a joke you actually adopted her you will live here this place is awful way too bright this is my room move aside I object checked I see you have no taste let me fix it oh more Darkness perfect she ruins everything they'll be best friends in no time let's go honey wait don't leave me with her mom dad Wednesday is part of our family now I can't believe this what there now it's livable what did you do I'll tell them everything good luck Sis we should celebrate the sweet table's almost ready think she likes candy quick you need to see this what's wrong I will show you look Wednesday did this wow so beautiful I know I worked hard look over there what oh what a terrible mess it wasn't me she set me up stop blaming your sister go clean it up enjoy it while you can I'll get you back I can't wait sweetie sit at the table and you are punished make sure it's spotless it isn't fair why don't they believe me sweetie help yourself they're too bright let me help you here got anything black try these enough sorry all right fine I'll give it a try that's better wow wow pillow here put this back perfect I'm done got to show Mom and Dad mom dad what Lily I'm done all right we're coming show us hey Wednesday what do you want I'm watching you loser what are they doing let's see good job we're proud of you they should be praising me you asked for it want a candy sis oops let's go to the table you earned it thank you I'm full yay she liked it it was delicious any more candy sorry all gone that's not fair I'm upset They Don't Love Me Oh no I stay in the pillow better hide [Music] it time for a nap after eating I'm mad at you sweet dreams darling sleep tight Lily don't be angry she ate it all really are you sure here wow a lollipop eat up dear enjoy now it's bedtime I'm going to bed we love you sleep tight honey look at them they're so cute all right let's not wake them all right the parents are gone it's time to act I have a little surprise for you sister say hello to my friends what is that welcome the guests stop it please where's your hospitality you made me mad come here stay away take this help what's going on oh no don't touch your sister step back sweetie are you okay how could you no fighting you've disappointed us that's it I've had enough oh where too where is she what have we done Lily ran away we have to find her hurry my plan works yay I'm here grandma hi hi it's me Lily my precious I missed you so much my parents don't love me anymore what are you talking about here this will help you let go of your anger do it with me we need help I'm calling the police help our daughter is missing they're here I'll open the door [Music] inspector dog day parents don't panic I'll find your kid we're lucky I'm on the trail whoops her room is over there just as I thought keep your distance all [Music] right what's he doing in there I can't hear anything who's that she was definitely here I see tracks Ro they lead to the pencils got it I found the first clue I'll analyze it later now for more hints what's that smell someone cried here found it a tear stained pillow taking a photo another clue let's keep searching what's this more tracks look closer very suspicious they lead to this bed ah someone's there careful now take your time boo who are you what's all the noise parents I found your daughter this is cringe that's the wrong daughter get out we've had enough you said to find your daughter I did it goodbye sweetie are you okay go back to sleep don't worry about anything ug they're too nice I know who can help quick come in I'll get the door who is it I'm coming come on in you called who needs finding our daughter can you help us don't worry I'm a real professional take a seat let's start the search how interesting what's that it's magic don't interrupt I'm entering a trance I could use a nap me too done I did it I'm in another dimension is he okay her energy is everywhere I hear her spirit talking to me tell the spirit to come home she's calling me show me the way what's going on I found your daughter here she is are you serious where's my money I'll show you now oh it's waiting for you outside fraud I'm a psychic enough magic what do we do now where do we search for Lily we're terrible parents we need to put up her photos yes great idea maybe someone has seen her we'll find our daughter quick let's go start with our neighbors let's go what about me we'll be back soon sweetie don't be upset we love you very much I hate kisses let's go to the neighbors don't be sad don't worry I wasn't planning on it freedom I did it now this room is mine what an uncomfortable bed I know I'll sleep here awesome I won we need to ask the neighbors start with this apartment need something sleeping have you seen our daughter by any chance don't know anything hey careful with the photo I'm swamped bye wait he's gone we have another photo let's try this door who's there hi we're looking for our daughter take a good look at the photo I got to go dear don't be upset we need to keep asking the neighbors looks like no one's home I'll leave a photo here let's keep going we can't give up I'll just make some tea what is there that's my grandchild she's missing out [Music] terrible now I can do whatever I want let's play with this right Wednesday boring how about a funeral March not right either what do we have here Lily's mace why is it so heavy what else to play with what's this box let's open it what ugly toys just awful some pink hamster oh this is interesting Lily's diary I feel so lonely like no one loves me how fun it is to play together I love you sis oh no what have I done come on hit it again this is so fun I have an idea let's draw on the board swing hard Strike wow look at those beautiful drawings wow our grand kid is missing Grandpa you're back what she's here don't worry everything's fine just need to throw this away like that I don't understand what happened I'll explain parents adopted Wednesday but she's mean she always messes with me and gets me in trouble let's sort this miss out oh my back you need to sit down I'm coming dear sit here thank you don't worry we'll give you a massage great it's helping she's nowhere to be found we've searched everywhere we miss you so much come back home she left because of me I teased her on Purp purpose what have you done [Music] wait Lily didn't run away she's with Grandma and Grandpa how didn't we figure it out where to what about me someone's here we found you she's staying here forgive us don't want what I will live here no you're coming home let her go no oh stop help wait let's go home wait for us I need to make things right I'm home Lily is it true yes I'm lonely I get it I can do it I love you and I love you dear she's here how sweet we're friends now good job what is it just look it's a terrible mess here I'll clean it up seriously it was in the box I'll help it'll be faster done close it up such good girls let's take a selfie together great idea ready I'm taking the photo smile looks great Che check it out thanks for the help we'll walk you out let's play together okay I'm in can you run fast yes then catch me wow no watch out you need to watch your step oh dear quietly she won't touch you mommy's here go to sleep are you still here Lily but Mom I just accidentally out of here sorry go to your room quickly fine I'll go but first give me back the Barb give it here no leave fine then I'll go have fun with your baby I'm not needed here anymore all the attention goes to the little one they completely forgot about me oh dear I've made a mess of everything sweetie are you okay fine everything's okay mind if I join you sure sit down please forgive us we shouldn't have shouted at you we went too far your mom and I are very sorry give me back the Barb yes of course here it is take it hello Barb I missed you wow loud little one who's screaming it's the baby he's hungry mommy's coming wait where too what about me shh don't cry ouch it burns my eyes I'm blinded help calm down you're not blinded it's just tears although very toxic I've got an idea we're saved where did they go been waiting for a whole 5 Seconds Mom Dad hello you coming shh the child is sleeping shush okay all right I see how it is it's time to find new parents where's my Escape suitcase ah there you are buddy you're coming with me don't worry I'll only take the most important and Necessary Things red dress another one and the blue one too here I hope it all fits got it here's everything I need for surviving in the wild off we go in search of Adventures the whole world awaits me oh well I'll leave a farewell note or maybe not I have a better idea k H these days you can't go without advertising H there will be no shortage of parents all right let's go they probably won't even notice I'm gone ah home sweet home goodbye hungry freshly squeezed juice from smiling Critters open wide yum yum delicious he'll love it already the second bottle good boy healthy appetite nobody ever spoiled me like that just what bottle of Critter juice a day no more everything goes to this little one he stole my family we used to have so much fun the three of us and now what I'm almost invisible nobody hugs or cuddles me but the baby is Happy ouch she's biting Mom Dad goodbye I'm leaving home they don't even hear all right it's time for me to go bye what was that want to be my mom no oh potential victim hi don't you need a daughter I eat a little I behave well let me think no I don't need one you'll regret this good day what's this looking for new parents adopt me please we're too what a day get it together Lily you don't want to spend the night at the station do you okay I'll look elsewhere huge Mouse just like that look quiet got it understood zip my lips what do we have here looking for new parents [Music] hello how Charming shall we take her please you already have a hamster sleep well done smart girl sorry it slipped out now you'll live with us take off that thing you don't need it anymore whoops what about the catnap grab the suitcase okay wait for [Music] me what's that over there tears Lily sweetie she couldn't have run away could she oh no look the floor can't be cleaned anymore let's check her room let's go Lily are you here she's nowhere to be found check the nightstand stop hiding this is no longer funny enough playing her pillow it soaked with tears check behind the curtain gotcha no one here let's look in the wardrobe where are her clothes our daughter she's gone Lily ran away quickly we need to find her urgently wait where are the house keys here they are poor girl hurry up let's go oops woke up the little one it looks like he's hungry again someone has to stay with the baby let's decide with rock paper scissors you lost where's my Barb found it it's broken just a moment I'll be quick I can't go without a photo of Lily here take mine wow hold the portrait of one hand and the Barb in the other don't mix them up it's heavy don't forget the keys got it running mommy's here don't cry okay what a cute little bee buzzing happily buzz buzz oh maybe you want your pacifier here you go it looks like it's quiet now okay moving on to plan B stop but I don't have a plan B I'll have to improvise let's play hide and seek peekaboo peekaboo I'm here there we go got upset it always worked with Lily time for a gentle belly rub sleep tight little one rest your head lights out now time for bed bees hushed in the garden hush don't want to sleep then let's fly instead oops good job future astronaut mommy's Pride lie down in the crib close your eyes sleep tight all right oh what now why crying and here's an idea what did she come up with let's have a drawing lesson are you ready little one let's start with the simplest thing the sun draw a circle come on don't be shy there you're doing great well done detectives run in the family which means I'm a born detective let's start with questioning Witnesses knock knock anyone alive oh oh haven't you seen the girl let me think yes or no monster nervous one Huggy wy's apartment knock knock who's there Mr Delight nice to see you hey Huggy buddy have you happened to see my daughter she looks like me about a meter tall familiar face saw her hooray and where was she over there she was in the park take this thing it'll help you you thanks bro you saved me seems like dog day and catnap live here guys are you home silence okay I'll keep searching how much longer not long darling we're already there Tada welcome to your new home come [Music] in hooray we have a daughter Lily stop hiding come out your mom and I are worried sick all alone hungry and cold watch me go careful I want to break the wall take this need to hit harder here Mommy oh that's it I've had enough pack your things grab your Rattle and get out of here busted the wall wrecked the whole house all you bring is loss sleep oh no is everything okay over here I heard some noise what are you up to Catnapper what it's all her fault delicious don't mind that Grump nobody's going to hurt you better sit down and have some snacks fish cartilage oh gross stop silking have a nibble no I don't want to fine give me some don't forget the napkin thanks well done good boy enjoy your meal everyone finally food made a mess wouldn't hurt to tidy up kitty how many times have I told you don't leave your toys on the floor how gross I refuse to eat that ew horrible ouch meow meow that's it that was the last straw get out come on move your legs why are you still sitting I said get out hurry sorry Dad I won't do it again why are you yelling you're not the boss here the girl isn't going anywhere period she threw a bone at me stop it w what's even happening here help save us hey wait where are you going what about me you forgot me the search is hit a dead end I can't find the girl anywhere it seems like it's time to dial 911 or hire a psychic what's this interesting let's take a closer look there were definitely a cat and dog here Footprints from Little Feet Lily and they lead right or left I don't understand anything where could she have gone strange things leave me alone did you see her okay I'll never find her they abandoned me again oops sorry Lily you're found daddy where have you been I was a little upset with you peace peace Let's Make a Deal No More running away okay a born artist dear we're home hooray you found her yep the whole family is together look what we painted wow this painting a true Masterpiece it should hang in a museum but for now let it stay here Mom can you hold the little one of course just gently he just fell asleep we have such lovely kids let's put the portrait back in its place mom was so worried about you this thing is no longer needed can we put it in the crib sure let's I'll help my darlings lower him down gently head uh I mean the tip on the pillow done look what I've got your favorite toy it's time to feed the baby look what I've got choose from smiling Critters one bottle won't be enough challenge accepted the little clutton who's going to get more juice we need to urgently procure more Critters what's happening mom get anything to nible on kids grow up so fast what a juicy fly yum yum poor fly poor thing you think you can get away take this save yourself catch who woke me up what's this thing oops oh no my Barb I'm out oh no what's that noise I'm scared there you are where did you go look who I found this kitten is looking for a family let's take him in home with us no way please he has nowhere else to go I said no my apologies I tried my best don't worry I I have a plan sleep time for a nap what have you done how do we wake him up now don't worry he'll wake up on his own help me get him how long will he sleep for a couple of hours for sure hey guys walkies what are they doing what a weird family see him over there no pets I don't allow it Mr Delight wake up it's not working it seems like he sound asleep let me try time to wake up
Channel: Troom Oki Toki
Views: 69,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troom oki toki, troom trick, miss delight, Good Miss Delight, Bad Miss Delight, good vs bad, miss delight at School, We Survived World's Strictest Teacher, Poppy Playtime 3, Good Teacher, Bad Teacher, Good Teacher vs Bad Teacher, troom troom, woohoo, pick a trick, gotcha, Mr Delight vs Miss Delight, genius school hacks
Id: lId6ZD_q0Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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