Misbehaving At Walmart

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so two years ago we made a video here when we first started vlogging and it did not go well it's actually our most popular video on the channel what is up guys welcome to the vlog we are we're at Walmart she's not happy about it you're gonna be ok we're gonna just get a couple things and then go somewhere else so this is day 2 of the automotive repair it's it's gone kind of awry we had some stripped screws on a on a valve and so we had to take apart the whole back of the car to get to that oh that that's a bummer still has been given Isaiah a hard time about the strip screws every time it's like are they the ones that Isaiah script so we figured we make a little outing get everybody out of the house have been stuck in the house working on cars for two days you're fun hey hey listen listen listen you're fine listen hmm we're gonna get a few things and then you know what we're gonna do we're gonna go eat you okay with that you want to go eat yes wow that's a serious yes are you trying to fight your brother look at there just like like come on you push it come on by that in his face his face OU's me in saucy come on come on this way scatter your brother she's trying no she took his hand and made her made him hit her get a wall too big for your britches now okay car section now we're in the pet section we're in the pet section because we have a new pet a new member of our family okay so you guys I'm not any good you guys you guys will see when we get home the new member of our family don't knock it off with fighting in Walmart okay one thing I never wanted to say as a parent was y'all knock it off quit fighting in Walmart what are you looking at over here what'd you find she's really interested in all this stuff mommy we should get her an aquarium for fish I think she would like having a fish what's that face mom fish aquarium what he's just a food she likes that see mom she wants an aquarium weird get her the girl in acquaintance for a fish to watch it'd be soothing for her holy cow Abbi I cannot believe how good she did yeah I did see that Abby stop car coming yeah cuz she snatched it quick yeah she never really go quick she leaned over super slow just like mom was like stuff well that's good she recognized you know sometimes little kids just like to make noise yeah it's a thing we've had little we've had a little kid to do that often like they make the same noises that Abby makes like they're playing a game you know I don't think they're genuinely making fun of her most little kids that small don't have the capacity to make fun of other people it's a learned behavior thank you okay he's like what is gorgeous come on kid we had to pull around to the window at Duncan because Abby was freaking out yelling they couldn't hear us through the through the intercom but as soon as I said what's going on you think I understand right but still Abby girlfriend calm down [Music] how are you a saint at Walmart and show up at Duncan it's more always money the kids have like nine days of school left I think Abby has eight it's gonna be a glorious summer so it is it just been a long week it it has heart you have to take a deep breath are you so mad about being home but you were so happy to be everywhere else I have come on have you want to go show everybody your new pet you wanna it's her brothers but what do you think this is that cool this is gonna go in your brother's room okay what swing no yes and it has a screen top with with clamps to hold it down yeah just you know it'll slow her down but it's not gonna stop her it looks nice I say I went for the black and the bling you know no we haven't even introduced him yet Porsche or her this is the newest member of the moths squad his name is squirt well that's debatable no his name is squirt his name is because because softball prom named him squirt it's not a name I know the softball promise yes that's who named was softball problems I think she said squirt and we like the name yeah I think we should name something different well we're gonna go squirt but in private I'm gonna call him easy team because he's a G yeah we got to put the filter and we got to carry it upstairs though so I'll take him out before we yeah yeah then I gotta wash my hands cuz Salmonella he'd go for the ride there that's squirt I found him in the driveway this morning he was under the tire of the car like right next to Terry the car whoa working on the car so I brought him in and priscilla's like we're keeping him as a 'as had a couple Turtles he had a ready or slider this might be a baby ready but it also might be yellow but belly slider because it kind of looks like a yellow belly slider because it's ears but he does have little red markings on his ears but they're not very dark he's a baby I set him free yeah I had one turtle turtle and we got another baby turtle and he ate the baby turtle yeah he ate all the fish that we put in earlier ten we put goldfish and he'd eat them so there he is there's squirt okay let's take him upstairs that we can get him settled and he'll start to get comfortable in his in his new home okay here hold your hand yeah don't let him run away okay what you think I'm excited you like it yep can't seem to get up on the thing yeah you can you just have to figure he's little too you've got to get his feets up there he's been hanging out in the water there since since he showed up at our little house there he is well we're gonna wait to feed him cuz right wait till he's not nervous cuz cuz you only eat if he's nervous yeah just like dive down yeah yeah remember your old turtle used to chase fish around the tank and eat them like cold goldfish he was brutal there we go everybody say hi to squirt moss that means squirt more in Spanish oh that's gross softball prom it's not her name I'm actually not a bug no softball problem Abby you will not be allowed in here yes you go the bathroom then we're not gonna go up right now yet we will in a little bit okay hmm hmm what go get turtle fit you can run out of here look you ever had a raft over you look that's what's happening to it right now look at him he loves it they go it's a shower here this is like the least entertaining YouTube video ever just we should just set up a live camera on Isaiah stud squirt mega zone channel is live all the time let's take that video of the turtle when he's like under the bath and he's like this no you made me nervous you're getting all honoré around the turtle I think you know chunk heavy you're not gonna get replacement early we found in the driveway isn't that cool squirt golf cart later will me squash hmm no we're not doing a bath right now either usually I only do all the things that I want to do this water makes you need a bath it makes me have to pee it's sound of this run it all the time mm-hmm you ready ready hey Maurice does all the times to write um I'm back oh no groaning I just be the one groaning okay question of the day this from Judith Higgins and then many others many many more people asked what uh what if Abby has to go to the bathroom at night or what if there's a fire and you know as we lock the doorknob okay question the day Judith Higgins and many more others asked about like what if Abby has to go the bathroom in the middle of night this is from the nighttime routine video they also asked like what if there's a fire in the middle of the night so that's that's like those two kind of go hand in hand with the locking of the door and then the pajamas that she wears so Abby where's backwards pajamas so that she take her pull-up off at night because she likes to shard it and make a mess everywhere so that's why she wears the backwards pajamas I know a lot of times we also get asked because we live in Florida what about like her getting hot we keep our house at 69th so that's not an issue either and most of the time she doesn't even use a blanket or sometimes she'll have a blanket on like whipping a pajamas for seller where it's full pajamas yeah and she's under like blankets and covers so it's not really any different I didn't like just because we're in Florida doesn't mean they do with it everywhere they see everybody's houses in all states are pretty much the same right regulated temperature as far as her having to go to the bathroom in Murray so ASA is usually up super late and he will always take her to the bathroom where he goes to bed right she's usually up like 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning she goes the bathroom she goes back to bed what are you doing are you making you want to find your own turtle she's like I'm gonna make my own just gonna get all of them okay if she's sleeping she's just as simple as that most times she wakes wakes up dry yeah so as far as fires go guys she's not gonna come looking for us like she wouldn't come out of her room if there were a fire on her we would have to go and get her anyway right so it's not something that she would understand we have smoke alarms yeah somebody actually I specifically what if it was in her bedroom I don't even think she would recognize the danger I'm like in like leave she doesn't recognize danger that's that's one of the things that we have to you know deal with all the time she doesn't see the danger of things yeah you don't so we would have to get her um either way and honestly it's safer to have her the lock stop being honoring it's actually safer to have her long in because again she will not come looking for us and the other night we've tried it before or sometimes we done it on accident where we won't pull the door shut all the way because sometimes you have to like pull it shut and check it and she's up and we don't like she's not looking at brush she's trying to get into food or I think there's so many like hypotheticals that write new apps obviously this is a different situation because she's 14 years old we have to lock her in her bedroom for safety reasons like like there's it like what if there's an earthquake and half the house falls off and it's the house is a side that she's in you know I mean it's like but every single night we'd have to worry about her getting out of a room and hurting herself or destroying things or whatever if we didn't same thing with the pajamas is we're getting out the front door you sure human like sometimes we make mistakes and we don't put the top lock on like it's happy late Manning's left when she's here late she'll leave it like 8 o'clock and I won't get up to lock the door behind her and we just assumed the doors locked because everybody locks throw you can't lock from the outside so anyone be able to do it right and you know so things like that happens that it's a constant thing you know the same thing with the back backwards but John was like what if she has to go the bathroom milk mellow night I mean she wears pull-up rights because if she doesn't wear backwards pajamas it's an everyday thing right as opposed to like on occasion thing and she's not to the point where she just goes into the bathroom by herself every single time like most of the time it's us reminding her anyway so again she's not gonna get it she's sitting in a room listen to music like pajamas rocking out she's not getting up to use the bathroom yeah she's not gonna do it not gonna initiate it and you know when kids are younger I know we always had like the gate at her door so that works really well but then when they get to be 14 they can climb over the gate she was five yeah she's a ghost climbing over so you can't do that anymore this is our solution to it and I know a lot of parents that have this that they do that so that's what works for us yep it does but that's why you also have the camera the cameras yeah I'm sorry yeah the cameras huge like we wouldn't just put her in there with no camera right it does go to our phones too like we can yeah mommy yeah we can sit in our bed and like watch yeah right um how do we hear her somebody ask that as well she's loud y'all heard her right she's loud she will vocally let me know when she's awake when I'm working she'll be in a room you know she's like letting me know hey I'm up I'll go in because she knows my routine right a routine we had this pattern now with two o'clock in the morning every single day so okay we had to finish this car cuz you have to have something to drive to school tomorrow okay I also need to mention real quick so we got the water conditioner for the turtle the stuff that you say you can use tap water we got that we got turtle food we rinsed everything off before we assembled everything yes clean the tank on it the plants in there like we know like you said that sometimes turtles will try to eat the plants yeah so if that if he's attacking the video you'll have to come out but hopefully he doesn't mess them because he's tiny anyway let's say and you're gonna feed in Toulouse and Isaiah so Isaiah soon as we start talking about keeping this turtle he's like on Google looking up like how to how to raise a turtle so but let me know if you guys have any tips for turtles if you own Turtles yourself let us know we got his heat lamp we got the little screen thing I don't know if I should be like yeah I'm 17 years old I should be able to take care of turtle like I'm 17 years old I'm getting a turtle like I don't know if I should be just give me a 38 on Wednesday dad is look at the plants right Thank You female it's a good dinner mom good dinner is that your first time ordering Noir - Wow mmm door - it's kind of expensive not recommended you're in a pinch like yeah I was working and y'all we're doing the car so I was like true you know yep I'm gonna say right now we're not gonna finish that car today it's already seven o'clock and I have several hours with the work left on it and it's gonna get dark and we have lights but it's still a lot harder to work in the dark you have shadows something that makes it really difficult when you're reaching up inside what are you saying yes about and not right this second no I'm definitely not gonna give you a bath right this second we are we're doing other things so fortunately we had the truck for him to drive sorry the truck okay yeah man you've driven it before true you don't say bite everybody hey bye say thanks for watching say you guys say thank you that's rude say thank you say thank you like do it for real though like this good job okay close it out [Music] missing him no one's missing him no one's baby turtle escaped bed he we probably saved his life he was in our driveway how he got here will they walk why do you keep saying that water like it's not that far there's plenty of water around here they're there they're there all terrain all terrain animals laying in water don't be don't be camera shy squirt you know wrong family yeah thank you guys so much I want to cry my food truck came up in only memories the other day and I was like oh that gives me all the feels but this is why am i crying I think YouTube channel like thanks I cry all the time people are gonna think I'm not like sane I'm just like somebody asked of you there there was a legitimate mental issue because you cried over shoes you weren't crying over shoes you're crying over what was written in the card yeah I'm just I'm a crier I'm an emotional like that's how I show my emotion congratulations sweetheart thank 30,000 thank you guys what fits you huh see you got to be a chef after all yeah
Channel: FatheringAutism
Views: 369,771
Rating: 4.9280624 out of 5
Keywords: spectrum disorder, autism vlog, fathering autism, special needs, autism, autism family, fathering autism vlog, asd, autism spectrum, aba therapy, this is autism, shorty awards, patreon, autistic girl, sensory processing disorder, misbehaving at walmart, walmart, wrestling match, new family pet, car repair, going as planned
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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