Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Full Episode ๐ŸŒŽ โ™ป๏ธ | @disneychannel x @Miraculous

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(Intro music) In the daytime, I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life, but there's something about me that no one knows yet 'cause I've got a secret. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>โ™ช Miraculous Simply the best! </i>โ™ช</font> โ™ช <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Up to the test When things go wrong </i>โ™ช</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>โ™ช Miraculous, the luckiest โ™ช</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>โ™ช The power of love, Always so strong โ™ช</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>โ™ช Miraculous โ™ช</i></font> โ™ช <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Miraculous! </i>โ™ช</font> (Upbeat accordion theme) -Everything OK, Nino? -We came as soon as we got your message. Adrien was me giving me a tamarin lesson. I mean, Mandarin lesson! The situation is serious, my friends. We're gonna need your help, Adrien! Uh... All right, what can I do? First, I gotta tell you why we're here. MARINETTE: Hm? (Tense music) As you know, the Seine is a river. Its current acts like a conveyor belt carrying anything that falls in it out to the ocean, including plastic waste. I can't believe there's so much plastic in the Seine. Plastic is everywhere! Even in our clothes! If no one tackles the plastic problem, who will? Exactly, which is why we've decided to take matters into our own hands. We're converted the houseboat into an ecological water-treatment plant. It's allowing us to intercept the numerous plastic items that fall into the Seine and pollute it. The problem with plastic is that it doesn't decompose. All the plastic that's been made and we've used has ended up in the environment. And is still there in one form or another. -That's terrible! -(Thud) -(All shout) -This morning, the situation suddenly got worse. If this keeps up, my houseboat will sink! MARKOV: <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We've detected a large increase</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>of plastic waste in the Seine,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-all from the same item. -Same item?</i></font> -What do you mean? -Paris City Hall decided to install vending machines everywhere in order to sell these. BOTH:<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> It's so hot out!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Look at these adorable hand fans.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And since they're so affordable,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we can switch them up as much as we want.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>That way, every day will feel unique.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>The Morpho Fan, designed by Gabriel,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>is the must-have accessory to fight the heat.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Available everywhere! A Bertrand King creation.</i></font> I'm sorry, I didn't even know about this. We know it's a 3-D avatar of you. -It's not your fault, Adrien. -(Loud clang) The engine won't hold out. There's too much plastic to get rid of! We have to abandon ship, sailors! (Tense music) (Rumbling) (Slams and groaning) (Blast) (All gasp) NINO: This is why we need you, buddy. These fans are a major eco disaster. You have to talk to your old man. You know how my father is. He won't listen to me. What if we tried to solve this another way? By going straight to the root of the problem. (Harrowing music) TOM: Ten boxes of plastic macaron trays, 20 boxes of plastic cake decorations, 100 boxes of plastic pastry labels and last but not least, -10,000 plastic bags. -Ah! OK, Dad, we're on it. (Sigh) Are you kids sure you don't mind? Of course not! Daughters help parents and friends help friends, so friends help friends help friends' parents, right, parents? I mean, friends? And the 10,000 plastic candy bags for the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, it's all here. Thank you, sir. Oh, excuse me, sir, would it be possible for us to meet your boss? Mr. Bertrand King? The King of Plastics? Haha! No! He never comes here. Bosses are up there, at the top of the social ladder. And where can we find the top of the social ladder? KING ROBOT:<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Plastic is fantastic!</i></font> Let's recap: while the delivery team distracts the guards, the cleaning team will go in through the service entrance. -We've been discovered! -Impossible! With these disguises, we're completely -undetectable. -You! Uh, me? You! Nah, it's not me. You must be mistaken. You! It's you on the fans, isn't it? -Uh... -Yes! It is him, Adrien Agreste. In the flesh! Amazing, right? And it turns out we're escorting him, all of us, to his meeting with Mr. Bertrand King. Right, that's it! I'm, uh... Here to discuss a new advertising campaign for the Morpho Fans. -Right. -We're his personal team of... Delivery and cleaning people. (Tense music) Hm! (Chuckles) Very well, but first... (All gulp) Can I get an autograph?! I'm listening. We know how useful the invention of plastic has been. It was made because it's strong, but also light, and it doesn't cost a lot of money to make. That's why companies like you started to make lots of items we use every day made of plastic. Mhm. It brought about great medical advances. It keeps our food fresher for longer and makes it easy for us to carry things around. The real problem is that too much plastic is being made and that most items are only used once before being thrown away. Products such as plastic bags, wrappers... And your Morpho Fans. What we've come to ask you is to help us put an end to plastic pollution. You could start making your fans from materials that do break down. Yes, that are biodegradable! The world won't change without us and you, Mr. Plastic! Uh, Bertrand King! I mean, Mr. King of Plastic! MARINETTE: We're done. That was the clearest presentation I've ever been given, and of course you're right. People buy cheap plastic items, throw them away, and buy those same plastic items over and over again. (Cheers) -Awesome! -KING: But... that's the point! MARINETTE: Huh? Don't get me wrong, this is all intentional. It's the wonderful cycle of throwing away and buying again that makes my fortune. If people didn't throw away and buy new items again, then I, Bertrand King, would no longer be the King of Plastic. So... there's no way any of this is changing. Look, what do you think your pens are made of. That's right! Plastic! What about your Alliance rings? Could it be that they're also made of... Plastic! -Winner! -Yeah! I won! Awesome! But what prize did I win? -Plastic! -(Gasp) What about your robot? What's he made of? I know! I know! He's made... <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I am an intelligent, sensitive being</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and I am made of natural,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>biodegradable resin,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>not plastic!</i></font> All right, fine. Well, nobody's perfect. But my plastic is perfect. It's here forever, and the more plastic invades the world day after day, the more I, Bertrand King, King of Plastic, become rich. If I could, I'd be plastic myself. KING ROBOT:<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Plastic is fantastic!</i></font> (Rock theme) MAX: The King of Plastic has caused our enthusiasm to drop 99.8%. There's no way we're standing by and doing nothing. But Parisians love the Morpho Fans, my young friend. Removing the vending machines installed by City Hall across Paris... Would make it possible to reduce pollution. But it would be very damaging to my image. Hm? -(Grumble) -(Dark music) Plastic can even be found in your clothes, and in these hand fans you designed. If you could help us convince Bertrand King... You know, Adrien, great designers have to make certain compromises. These fans are only a trend, a way to keep the Gabriel brand thriving. They'll disappear as soon as the heat wave is over. (Gasp) The damages they cause to the environment will remain for several centuries. It's been very nice to talk to you, Adrien. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. (Harrowing music) <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>My father hasn't listened to me at all.</i></font> (Sigh) Hm? Hold on, we might have one more chance. I just can't report Bertrand King's practices in my news broadcast. But why not? Because the King of Plastic is also the king of our TV channel. Money from his advertisements allows us to exist. But if you don't talk about it, people will never know why the products he sells cause pollution. Please, Nadja, do it for Manon, for the world she'll grow up in. If I did this, the world she'd grew up in would be a world where her mom no longer had a job. I'm sorry, Marinette. Are you and Mommy mad at each other? Not at all, Manon. (News theme music) <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Don't be bemused, it's just the news.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>The Morpho Fan, designed by Gabriel,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>is the must-have accessory to fight the heat, available...</i></font> -It's about to start! -12 more seconds! Ready everyone? (News theme) <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Don't be bemused, it's just the news.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Our first story today is a report</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>by Clara Contard</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>on the incredible heat wave</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>in Paris for a week now.</i></font> -We're good! -(Click) (Static) <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Sorry to interrupt your TV news.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I'm Marinette, and for the past few days,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>my friends and I have tried to raise awareness</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>of a serious problem to people</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>who have the people to act,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>but none of them have taken us seriously.</i></font> BOTH: Marinette?! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>There is indeed a critical issue affecting</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>our entire planet right now!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We're talking about plastic pollution.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And if nothing is done, there will soon be more plastic</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>than fish in our oceans.</i></font> ZOE: <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Therefore, it is urgent</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>for us to change our habits.</i></font> FEI: <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>All across the world,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we must now act responsibly.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We can all make good choices about the items</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we use every day.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>These fans, distributed in every city</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>across the world are manufactured with cheap plastics</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>not meant to last.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Instead of being short-lived, they could be</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>sustainable and biodegradable.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>These fans could be made out of bamboo, like this one.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>It's so beautiful that you want to keep it forever.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Let's demand change from those who have the power</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>to implement environmentally sustainable solutions.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>For the world of tomorrow is built by the choices</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we all make today.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>This initiative by young people all around the world</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>which you discovered as an exclusive live</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>in yesterday's broadcast</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>has solicited many reactions.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Naturally, I was not aware of this,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>but as soon as I was informed,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I had every Morpho Fan removed from Paris.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>My city is at the forefront of the fight for pollution.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Uh, I mean, against pollution!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I can assure you that I had no idea my talent</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>would be misappropriated by a polluting company.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>In the coming days, we will be tracking the progress</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>of this anti-plastic revolution.</i></font> -(Marinette laughing) -(Cheers) Your idea was brilliant, Marinette, as always! Gabriel, why would you lie like this on TV? You do realize I'll be ruined? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Come on now, you'll simply be less rich.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>You'll just get used to it.</i></font> I'll tell everyone you knew these fans were polluting. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Go ahead, no one will believe you!</i></font> -(Frustrated grunting) -(Dark music) I can't miss out on such a great opportunity. These feelings of betrayal are such powerful inspiration for my Megakuma. -Nooroo. -(Ring) Dark wings rise. (Suspenseful music) (Whirr) (Zaps) Kaalki, your power is now mine! Voyage, my Megakuma! King of Plastic, I am Monarch. How would you like the power to take revenge on those who turn their backs on you? And prove to the world that plastic is fantastic! Absolutely. (Grunt) MONARCH: Pollen, your power is now mine. Transfer! -(Beeps) -(Trilling) MONARCH:<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> To help you in battle,</i></font> I am also giving you the Power of Action with which you can paralyze anyone who tries to escape from you. (Grunt) (Chuckle) KING: Well, then, Andrรฉ. You no longer believe in the goodness of plastic and money, do you? -Bertrand? -From now on, you may call me King of Plastic and let me remind you how plastic is fantastic! No! Help! Security! Please, if you want, I can immediately reinstall -your plastic fan machines. -That won't be necessary. This city doesn't need a useless mayor. What it needs is a king of plastic! Plastic is fantastic! (Suspenseful music) In the name of the law, stop! -Freeze! -Haha! You freeze! (Officers shouting) (King grunting) KING: Fantastic! Y'all were the mayor's play things, and now you'll really look the part! Plastic play things, of course! (Cackling) Plastic really is fantastic! And now it's your turn, Gabriel Agreste! I'm afraid Gabriel Agreste is unavailable at the moment. (Tense music) <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ni hao nushi.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ni hao nu shi.</i></font> That's still not it, is it? That was almost it. Your hello was perfect, the last syllable of "miss" has a falling tone. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Nushi.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Nu shi.</i></font> -(Crash) -(Shudders) Was it so bad I triggered lightning? I promised my father I'd go home at any sign of trouble. -Will you be OK? -Yeah, don't worry. I've got to review my Mandarin. (Nervous laugh) OK, see you later then. (Tense music) There's no time to waste, the sooner Cat Noir saves Paris, the sooner Adrien can get back to Marinette. And the sooner I can eat Camembert. Plagg, claws out! (Rock music) (Ring) Monarch is polluting us with yet another one of his super villains. (Theme music) Tikki, spots on! Yeah! Miaow, M'Lady. Perfect timing, Kitty Cat. Check this out. There's a new villain in town. And he's headed towards the house of the famous designer Gabriel Agreste. And his son, Adrien! -You were saying? -There's not a moment to lose! (Grunt) (King grunts) Nothing will stop the reign of plastic! (King chuckles) No! Didn't you see the news? Plastic's going out of fashion! This is all Gabriel Agreste's fault. He's gonna pay for this. (Screeching rubber) -Huh? -(Grunt) (Ladybug shouts) Ladybug, is everything OK? Once Ladybug and Cat Noir have been turned into plastic statues, their Miraculous will finally be mine! MONARCH:<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Delivered to my door!</i></font> Hey! He plasticized my staff! You're the tycoon who makes all these polluting fans. The King of Plastic, aren't you? The King of Pollution, you mean. Misinformation! Plastic is fantast... Oh! Fantastic would be you ending your reign and all the pollution you're causing! And renounce my throne? Ha! Never! Didn't you want to take revenge on Gabriel Agreste? He probably has more than one enemy. (Tense music) Don't forget about our deal. Yeah, yeah, even though they're not plastic, I'll take care of their magic jewels. KING: But also I must take my revenge! -(Dance music) -You can't humiliate a king like me and go unpunished! (Suspenseful music) A party without plastic cups or plastic balloons? And without the King of Plastic, it's not a real party! (King chuckling) Don't leave! Thanks to me you'll be eternal and everlasting! You'll see plastic is fantastic! (Grunt) Go and hide in the hull! -(Upbeat theme music) -Lucky charm! (Chimes) A plastic bag? Your super power has quite a sense of humor! This just goes to prove that plastic is almighty! (Both shudder) At least it can't be turned into plastic. Because it's already plastic! -Good thinking, Cat Noir. -You're welcome, M'Lady. We need more plastic! Lots and lots of plastic! KING: Finally, some wise words! Are you serious, M'Lady? I couldn't be more serious, Kitty. I need as much plastic as can be found in the water! Huh? We've got to get the houseboat's treatment system running again. It'll cause the same problem as it did last time. The engine won't hold out, Alya! Only this time, Ladybug will fix everything. -(Harrowing music) -Ah! Cat Noir, they're gonna need you in the hull! Get to safety, everyone! Cataclysm! (Creaking) (Steam whistling) (Explosion) Oh! (King shouts) Hm... No more evil doing for you, Megakuma. (Rock theme) Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly. (Groans) What am I doing here? This is disgusting! Aren't you gonna help me? This is exactly what millions of sea animals are going through around the world. And they don't always have super heroes to offer a helping hand and save them. OK, maybe plastic isn't always so fantastic In the future, make the products you manufacture reusable or recyclable and made from things that decompose. You're right, I think I haven't realized until now what plastic pollution really is. LADYBUG: Mr. Bertrand, here's a magical charm to help you remember your good resolution. ALL: Pound it! (Cheers) Miraculous Ladybug! (Chimes) (Gasp) Huh? Oh! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Factory tycoon Bertrand King,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>known for being the King of Plastic</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>has financed the repair of the houseboat</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>which cleaned the Seine of all the plastic waste</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>that was polluting it.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I am done and over with disposable plastic.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I don't want to be responsible for the problem anymore.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I want to be part of the solution!</i></font> TOM: <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Now that our daughter</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>has made us aware of the issue,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we use wooden stirrers,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>wheat-straw cups,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and cloth bags.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Everything is eco-friendly,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>reusable, and recyclable.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>The school kids at the root of this tremendous</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>awareness-raising campaign have succeeded</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>in creating a worldwide movement.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>This is absolutely miraculous!</i></font> (Touching music) (Upbeat music) Subtitling: Hiventy by TransPerfect
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 65,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney channel, miraculous ladybug, miraculous ladybug heroes vs villains, miraculous tales of ladybug and cat noir, miraculous ladybug disney channel, miraculous ladybug and cat noir, miraculous: tales of ladybug & cat noir, disney channel miraculous ladybug, miraculous ladybug season 5, miraculous full episode, miraculous full episodes, miraculous full episodes season 5, miraculous ladybug full episode, miraculous tales of ladybug and cat noir full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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