🐞 LADYBUG & CAT NOIR 💥 | Miraculous - Compilation Season 3

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of course ladybug saved my life she never  misses an opportunity to rescue her best friend   didn't george and i just give you vertigo  when you went up the eiffel tower oh no   ladybug knows me so well that she brought me  an earplug to stick in my right ear right ear   did she say right here this morning she said that  ringing was in her left ear i've got her this time   are you gonna tell everyone of course i am   a liar yes i know but do you really think exposing  her will make things better if you humiliate her   she'll just be hurt more making a bad guy  suffer has never turned them into a good guy   ladybug and i are like two peas in a pod so we  just stand by and let her lie as long as you and   i both know the truth does it really matter  you're right maybe it's not such a big deal good afternoon everyone hmm good for you for taking the high road  marinette hey it's pretty cool back here   lila here adrian present max present stay focused  now marinette don't get distracted otherwise   you'll flunk school and then how are you and  adrian gonna get that house and have three kids   and the hamster marinette this boosties called  your name three times already oh looks like you   have trouble hearing after all marinette why don't  you come sit up here in the front row next to lila miss mussier this is incredible my tinnitus i  don't feel it anymore it's gone it's a miracle   it must be ladybugs doing  i can sit in the back now uh excuse me miss bustier can i go and sit next  to marinette nino and i can't stop chatting it up   you didn't think i let my bff  sit all by yourself did you   excuse me miss bustier can i move too  please i'd like to sit next to nino again sorry lila he's my best friend can  i have my old seat back too please   can i go back to where i was yeah  a camera of course who better to   make a movie about cat noir and  ladybug than ladybug and cat noir really doesn't take kindly to competition  miraculous they're at your mercy i can't see anything protect your miraculous he could be anywhere everything okay down there oh over there he's gone why didn't he attack us while we were  blinded i don't know it doesn't make any sense   something must have happened that we didn't see  which explains why the lucky charm was a camera protect your miraculous he could be anywhere did you just pause the image no did you see him  freeze no i had my eyes closed because of the   smoke me too okay so that's why he didn't take our  miraculous nobody's watching him he stops moving   just like a movie if nobody watches it it's as  if it didn't exist now we know how to defeat it whoa this is the craziest show i've ever seen   uh-oh it won't be easy getting people to stop  watching him now looks like this show is a sellout   time for the end credits cat noir close  your eyes everybody stop watching him   just because it's colorful and shiny  doesn't mean it's not extremely dangerous tv of course can't watch keep them busy so you  jealous of our success huh you can blame a smart   alley cat but once i have your miraculous  everyone will forget about you soon enough wherever you are close your eyes do not  look at any maestro turn off your screen why isn't this bus making any noise well  because it's a modern bus it runs on   electricity an electric bus that's not how  he's done buses make noise they run a gas   and spew out stinky black  spout away without a buses what's all this there's a flying superman girl  in paris now yep girl and superhero you gotta   get with the times that's not how it's done  it's up to the police or the army to carry out   law enforcement not you just minutes before the  unveiling of the ultra-modern star train i've   been told that a super goal is wreaking havoc  right here in paris i'm going to read paris of   all these mother nonsense stopping with you  well technically i'm not actually all that   modern my miraculous is from ancient times  where we didn't have superheroes in my views there will be no superheroes in my paris   looks like ladybug's the one unveiling  a brand new method of air transport don't worry milady i'm right here  thanks cat noir but girls don't   always need to be saved by boys you  think i'm a tattle fashion don't you   oh i've seen worse than you just wait  till you meet baker eggs thanks andre what are you doing uh i'm filming you  ah telephones are for telephony not for   filming that is not how it starts hey that's  censorship just like the good old days oh oh   an egyptian pyramid in the kings club a blending of ancient and modern i  personally like this glass pyramid a   lot it's proof that you can be modern and  still respect the past treachery treason i think we'd better destroy that flask  of his you're right that's probably where   the akuma is killed you're out of your  league you don't have enough experience girls we have a very serious situation adrian and  his father have been invited to the royal wedding   in england this weekend that's the emergency you  called us over here for on a saturday morning   you don't get it kagami and her mother are going  to which means that adrian and kagame will be   spending an entire weekend together and what  if adrian is blown away by her awesome dress   and hairstyle and if they dance together at  the reception and what if they tour the city   on a romantic horse and buggy ride it would  be the end of the world they're taking the   star train to london at 11 am that's in less  than two hours we gotta do something fast   we could organize a demonstration and make  the trains go on strike yeah they just take   a helicopter or private jet i know we'll dress  you up as british megastar adeline so you can   slip into buckingham palace you'll learn adrian  away from kagami at the reception and we'll also   put him in the grand ballroom and then when  adrian finds out you're not who he thought   you were he'll be totally disappointed because  he hates lying he'll fall head over heels in   love with kagami given that she never lies and  you'll get locked away in the tower of london   mine is just getting it forgot me that's cool  oh that's no way we could do that julica listen   marinette the best thing to do is just spill  your guts to adrian once and for all before he   takes off for london couldn't we try julica's  idea instead but i just can't do that i can't   talk to him without stumbling all over  my words i've been trying for months and you're right it's about time things  change i'll find the courage somehow   thanks girls you sure you'll be okay  yeah sure i'll let you know what happens well milady noah looks like  you're playing the easy part today looks like we'll be taking on two  opponents with each other's powers stay focused mr bug use the yoyo as a shield they've swapped their miraculousies and  they're struggling with their new powers   make the most of it reflector their miraculouses  are within your reach yes hawkmoth just my   luck i'm gonna have to capture two akumas  instead of one no one akuma and one amok to find reflect as akumatized object and the  baby monsters can you manage or should we switch   back come on i'm totally capable of doing  it i just need to use my luck no wait why'd   you do that because it's too early you don't  know enough about your opponent yet watch out   it's reflected controlling a giant dog but you  don't know where the akuma and the mock are hiding tiki this is a magic prison marinette it looks  like it's trying to keep me from finding you ah there must be a way out of here it's the one cat noir gave me i may not be your prince but i'm charming  enough to free her i forbid you to do so marinette i'm okay i can do it not being in love with her losing my  stick won't keep me from saving her   i'll never give up never you're not worthy  of my daughter the miraculous grab his ring what what's going on no take care of marinette she's somewhere around  here don't worry i've already taken her to safety   she's as wonderful as ever who wouldn't be in love  with ladybug oh i she also has some flaws you know   not all of us know how to land on our feet so  i guess we're gonna need a little bit of luck do your thing oh no i can't find ladybug anywhere  how will i ever get out of this mess without her   cat noir i'm over here lady if you've gotten  your voice back then you've defeated silencer   it's safe to come and find you yes yes there's no  danger now meet me outside the studio i'll wait   for you okay i'm coming i'll meet you outside  the studio door you've got to be the dumbest   superheroes ever how could you let the bad guy in  on your plan and what's with this fake lucky charm   i thought it was supposed to be magic or something  but it's actually just some crafty special effects you took your time did something hold you up you thought you had us didn't you silence her but  you're wrong ladybug still has her superpowers   that's impossible i took your voice from you   how could you possibly have  summoned up your lucky charm don't see how this is gonna work any better  than a lamp but at least you got yourself a   real lucky charm i'm warning you buddy  you haven't heard the last from ladybug catch this milady you don't scare me cats have nine lives again this year if anyone receives a text message you can't let  them open it that's how oni-chan teleports herself it hurts so much i think i  might have broken something   milady i have an emergency i won't be long  are you sure she's not pulling your leg she   wouldn't do that now she really looks like she's  in pain and i'm gonna need a helping hand here could you take this girl to the nearest  hospital please you've been hosed to ladybug   adrian will be mine now forever  no yes take her miraculous well this is what happens  when you don't wear knee pads   no don't look at your phone but what if it's an  emergency her leg's an emergency hmm you're sure   it's not her forehead instead because her leg  looks fine you just wanted me to leave ladybug   alone with the villain do you hate ladybug that  much me of course not why would you say that is it   because she's been left alone by oni-chan all by  herself what you just did is really terrible you   should be ashamed of yourself answer your phone  mr hesse p no don't do that yes it's an emergency ladybug surprising what am i doing here and how  did you get all tied up like that these hoses   are so strong it once took us two full hours to  get a kid untangled really wait i've got a plan yes milady it's the girl of my dreams  sure i'll bring her over to you right now we wouldn't be in this situation  if you and ladybug had gotten me   sooner uh thanks chloe that's super helpful   if i'd had my be miraculous i could have  helped you i'd have floored those two by now fine i've sabrina i've changed my mind i do want  ladybugs power they should have gotten   me sooner but since they chose not to  i've decided i'd rather play with you   instead perfect just as i planned it  miura grab cat noir's miraculous oh i'm so   happy we're going to have so  much fun here's ladybug's power thank you miraculous i really  needed that back oh you confused   me for a pathetic illusion and  you claim to be my best friend not on my watch i'm sorry milady i held out for as long as i could come back miura you've got to  be miraculous already miraculous   will take care of cat noir and ladybugs miraculous i got this if my own mother doesn't know that i'm ladybug  then nobody must know what about us do you think   we know hmm i feel like we're more than  just a superhero team do you think we're looks like it then we must  have told each other everything   i couldn't hide my identity from the girl i love   so if we're the superheroes then what are they i  have no idea you can't just leave we have to help   them we don't even know who we are or who they are  and i don't want to help out a couple of strangers   you may not remember who you are but at least you  know this about yourself you're a selfish being   and a total coward me a coward i am not a coward  i i'm a free spirit so don't come if you don't   want to but i'm out of here did he go to get  help i don't think we should hold our breath ladybug we know you're in here you won't get away  this time you remember your bff oblivio don't you   don't tell us you've forgotten us i'm not convinced that this  monster is really our best friend   one thing's for sure if we're superheroes he  can't find out about our secret identities   how about some kind of diversion we get  out of here and take the emergency stairs sorry i need this i'll call you and when he comes we make a run  for it i'll use the tape to pull your phone back   ready no wonder i fell in love with you oh gotcha you shouldn't have  forgotten to switch off your phone all her weapons come from her guitar case  we have to prevent her from using them   then destroy the case ready second chance second chance wait second chance second wait this time i know what to do okay no more evil doing for you   time miraculous ladybugs what am i doing here   history repeats itself ladybug but rest assured  one day i will be the one who rewrites it thank you for trusting me  you were the right choice   luca i'm sure we'll see each other again soon why don't we watch a cartoon instead  i have pattati and potato if you want   that show's for babies i'm a big boy we could play with your snow globe hey no fair come on what are all those  gifts uh look i can't tell you that these   are the gifts i've made for adrian's next 35  birthdays cause you tell your brother nino   and he tell adrian and adrian who think  that i'm totally crazy wait maybe i am hmm i can't tell you i'm one of santa claus's  elves on a secret mission and that i'm looking   after one of his boxes of gifts you wouldn't be  interested though because gifts are for babies   right and you're a big kid that's a lie what  that you're a big kid know that you're one of   santa clause's elves i can't say anything more  hey wait that means you can give me my christmas   present early grow tech ultimate destructor it's  easy it's gotta be the biggest one in the box   now wait a minute i thought toys were for babies  they are most of the time but robotech's different   you don't say well i'm sorry but christmas  rules are very strict you don't open gifts   early santa gives them at christmas not at easter  or halloween otherwise you might as well have a   bunny or a witch delivering your presents but  since you know him you could ask him can't you   just call him on the phone or send him an email  oh no you never disturb santa claus except at   christmas the rest of the year he's in the north  pole to the uh supervising the production of toys   besides your present isn't here anyway we  elves don't watch over gifts for kids we know   one of the other elves must have it santa's  the only one who would know where to find   it because he knows who's getting  what he has a list of good children there is one exception to the christmas  rule really what is it what is it santa   is allowed to make one exception but only  for the best behaved kid in the whole world   who's the best behaved kid in  the whole world maybe ladybug   well seeing as she saved paris a gazillion  times that makes sense or a kid for example   who cleans up all the mess he's made and plays  quietly with toys that are for kids his age hello my name's max are you glorious and famous  we don't have time for that max is perfect for   the job trust me we're going to the last car to  the door leading to the driver's cab that's where   star train gonna have to be fast and in sync well  i handle star tren and cat noir uses his cataclysm   we need you max to teleport the train  back to earth so that i can summon   up my miraculous ladybug so everything  gets fixed got it all you need to say is healthy food i was expecting you my dear  super passengers you can't stop   me from living out my galactic  dream i shall conquer the universe attack uh left hmm i'm sorry looks like i kinda  got the special coordinates   wrong well i heard that your class  was supposed to be visiting big ben true or false cat noir has disguised  himself as mr banana uh stay pg soon we'll discover cat noir's true identity  and his miraculous will be mine at last there's something you don't  see every day kwame buster   i promised you kwamis and here they are  now bring me all the miraculous in return   you can't get away from me you're no  match for kwame buster catch us if you can cat noir is that you ladybug just when i think i  finally know you you managed to surprise me again   that's very sweet of you but i'm not  ladybug i'm multi-mouse ladybook has   sent me to fetch your miraculous to  defeat kwame buster how do i know   i can trust you ladybug trusted me  when she gave me a miraculous didn't she her i'm relying on her to bring flag back   okay thank you oh yeah ladybug said  you should meet her on the roof   i will catch you all it looks like your owner has  failed us tiki we're doomed   ladybug i told you that my owner was  the best i've never abandoned you tikki oh a metal detector when you created the scenti monster  you put them up inside your staff right   correct was your staff made  out of metal by any chance   partially yes there are only two places where  your staff could be where the temple was or hey hurry milady this thing  already swallowed my stick hole uh you sure it's the right time milady ready  to get the staff back oh no not the tongues yes great work feast keep those  two miraculous nice and warm for me   and enjoy the other ones  you've certainly earned them wow it's bigger on the inside ah my stick what is that is it digesting things  or something whatever he swallows gets sealed   here forever in that case we better hurry up  and find out where the master staff is hiding   farewell my dear ways you're the  best kwame i could have ever hoped   to have by my side all these years it's  been an honor to be your kwame master i knew it it had to be intact otherwise  the senti monster would have disappeared   be careful what you wish for cataclysm no more evil doing for you little butterfly no that's impossible ready fight i'm gonna slice you into such g-mine wouldn't you be better off miming a cat  noir to come lend you a helping palm a lady   i know what i'm doing be careful the  mind object disappears if you talk thank you captain obvious talking on purpose minding  your own yo-yo clever as ever   i won gamer 2.0 release us a game with  just one round where's the fun in that   ladybug it doesn't end until you've  battled all the characters in the game   but this is gonna take forever that's the best  part about it the longer the better my turn my   turn new fighting game stormy weather awesome  but a little too awesome for a first battle   oh my copycat no i'd be too good as  myself that'd be too easy hurry up   choose copycat and cataclysm this game away so we  can get back home fine if we need to hurry this up oh you've got to be kidding me what  i've always wanted to train pigeons   there aren't even any pigeons in this stadium there is one and i'm gonna call him fiery  phoenix it's gonna be the fastest victory ever double ankle grip and slash pounded fiery phoenix after all we've been through a lot  together we're not gonna let stormy   weather defeat us right kitty as usual  i completely agree with you bugaboo the further the earth moves away from the  sun the colder the temperatures will get   you're outside right now claire how's  it going we're down to minus 40 degrees   celsius nadia it's getting very difficult  but ladybug and cat noir have done their   special ice suits so they can battle  stormy weather on an equal playing field   everything okay clara the picture's gone down the  freezing temperatures have just cracked the camera   but i can view the battle everything's fine  nadia ice buck just called up her lucky charm   she's got a a small object it looks like a  pencil uh what's she going to do with that   is ladybug gonna do some coloring noir is holding  up a copy machine i can't see much but it looks   like ladybug is making a photocopy whoa that was  a huge flash wait stormy weather has been defeated queen b would have done it a  thousand times better and faster   one of these days i'll send you  both into orbit ladybug and cat noir see mother i can be as elusive as wind thank  you for the miraculous ladybug nice to meet   you cat noir i am rico what are you doing this  wasn't the plan what plan ikari goes in ladybug   has helped your daughter escape by giving her a  miraculous i don't know how she did it but i want   her miraculous too kagane you've disobeyed me yet  again and this time with the complicity of these   so-called heroes you are all going to pay you go  the plan shirley long must have told you about   the plan no stay behind with cat noir this is a  personal matter between a mother and a daughter watch out what a masterful move vicary  goes in now in just a few minutes   cat noir will transform back  and his miraculous will be mine i behaved hastily i failed i am not worthy  to fight beside you you made a mistake   as i do every day but that's not a reason  to give up fighting you're the only one who   can help me that's why i chose you  but we must work together as a team   we don't have much time left here's the  plan hurry up before i transform back   you were right mother i still have a lot to learn  you're starting to have some sense that's good hold your breath aim at the bokeh oh you're a fast  learner they have good teachers water dragon wow uh there it sounds hollow do  your thing kitty cataclysm ah minibug kitty i knew you'd solve  my riddle a basic security measure   in case the watch is stolen but now  i need to do something very important   my name's bunnix in the future i'm a member of  ladybug and cat noir's team of superheroes well   the ladybug and cat noir you're going to become  because right now you two are more like minibug   and kitty noir within the team i am the hero of  the last chance i'm called upon when everyone   else has failed that includes you two hey we just  got you out of the stone didn't we which means you   must have failed somewhere too yes well no it was  actually your fault or more precisely it will be   in the future one of your cataclysms will  accidentally damage my miraculous that's how   time tagger will be able to send me into ancient  egypt and get me stuck in stone wait then how are   we gonna do that without the rabbit miraculous do  you have the watch my watch yes my watch our watch so this was a miraculous in  camouflage mode fluff counterclockwise but you are so minnie me you get it now  you're me and i'm you well more precisely   i'm you when you grow up wow i can't believe  how cool i'm gonna be when i'm older but wait   it doesn't make sense i never gave you i mean hurt  i mean i never gave either of you the miraculous   you haven't given it to us yet minibug because you  haven't yet realized just how awesome i really am   but don't worry you will one day i'm gonna  get a miraculous so cool fluff snack time   you have to recharge your batteries hmm what's up  breakfast or dinner what time will it be yesterday   is it tomorrow already when it'll be the day  after tomorrow it will happen yesterday again   that miraculous seems so powerful how come  we don't use it more often because traveling   through time is very dangerous interfering with  events can have serious consequences oops time   to feed my call me too i don't understand if  you're from the future then you've got to know   how this all ends your younger self has seen it  with their own eyes which means you obviously   know how to defeat time tagger actually uh i've  spent so much time in stone i can barely remember   but i think the logical thing to do would be to  take time tagger back to the future so he can   be defeated by heroes his own size i'll take care  of this awesome one thing i remember for sure is mini-me has to be there when i defeat  time tagger if she's still in my memory   she must play a vital role good i wasn't  planning on sitting on the bench this time incredible work party crasher now all you need  to do is send me the miraculous let's dance   hey wait a sec king monkey loves to party too uproar seriously what's going on sorry i  just love disrupting others pegasus we'll teleport here  and find something to play this oh pardon me sir i promise to  return it after paris is saved the only solution is to be so unpredictable  that he can't read our dance steps so freak out   what are you doing it's nonsense oh look out hey it's not her it's a statue look  the real puppeteer had a wand remember   then this puppeteer must have taken  it that's where the akuma must be okay who wants to play red light green light nobody's up for hopscotch either enough  jokes kitty there's a little girl at stake you know the lady the worse the situation the more  i realize how amazing you are how do you do that   do what i mean so much to you how is it so easy  for you to say these nice things to me even in   the worst situations the really important  things are the hardest to say aren't they   it's precisely when something is important  that it's important to say it no matter what   the workshop she's gotta be there ah that's so gross that should hold them for a bit wait up we don't know what we're gonna find  behind the store let's check the odds in our favor a cardboard tube what am i gonna do  with this i'll figure it out let's go   i've got tons of friends but you no one wants to  play with you ladybug you forget i always have my   partner with me really cat and what capture  ladybug what's wrong with you it's a statue   oh you're not staying let's say  i gotta stand ready to jump back   into time and try something else in case you fail cat noir oh milady i thought i'd lost you  oh i was feline so sad that you were gone   what's happened to you no don't tell me we're  gonna fix everything of course we're gonna   fix everything now that you're back and now  that you're going to give me your miraculous my miraculous what's wrong with you cat noir  sorry i didn't mean to be rude my lady could   you please hand me your miraculous please  cat blanc has gotten into some mischief   you've been akumatized cat noir you don't need  my miraculous you need me to de-evilize you   let me help you save me my poor kitty tell  me do you remember where the akuma went here but it's already broken now you're breaking more  than my heart marinette what that video you sent to my  friends unforgivable felix   now that his father isn't here to stop him  from getting into mischief i don't deserve   to be forgiven mom i put my favorite cousin in  danger he's right no apology can ever be enough   i just hope i can learn from this and come  back to see you as a better person someday   i really am sorry i'll do my best to  make it up to you and to you too uncle goodbye felix   felix wave adrian stay here if you're  feeling upset or out of control   just call before you do anything you  might regret i'm really lucky to have you   sorry plague if felix didn't destroy your  cheese and steal my phone none of this   would have happened your cousin  can come back whenever he wants   um did you know my friends recorded messages  for me what a nice thing to do i've got an idea   give you hey guys i never got your messages but i'm really  touched just knowing you were thinking of me today   you're the best friends anyone could ever dream  of i love you all of you i love you i love you   i love you i love you too adrian i love you i've got a surprise for you mom but gabriel refused to hand it over to  me and after everything that happened   my little magician i can never understand how  you always manage to get what you want keep it   it's yours now but you wanted it so much only to  give it to you you've always been so fascinated by   them how many times have you asked me to tell you  the story of the gram de vanilli twin rings huh i'm glad it's back in the  family where it truly belongs you're not ladybug no she's not me   she's manipulating you you know i'm  already in love with someone else listen to your hearts oh listen to  your brain you're just an illusion see i'm real enough impossible there  can't be two ladybugs she must be a   fan of ladybug who's been akumatized by a hot mop we'll take care of me later that's the lady  i know oh i can't believe you fell for that   okay good job you went i am  the fake ladybug but there's   no way i'm letting you catapulse in my  earrings what why does she you want a bag no not the earrings hello my euro my euro what  she looks so real things aren't always what they   seem to be at first sight this ladybug isn't an  illusion or an akumatized person uh-huh she's a   scenty monster but she's so much more elaborate  than any of those we faced before so perfect   there's nothing monstrous about her at all sorry  kitty but you should have known i'm nowhere near   as perfect as her i love you just the way you are  milady got a hint of where the amok is look at   what my ear is holding whatever it takes steal  their miraculous from them and don't hold back i'll show you a real okay you're definitely the real one hey help me i'm stuck natalie nuru why didn't you wake me up  i couldn't bring myself to you master   you were sleeping so peacefully my hero looks exhausted that's your chance to  bring her down and find out who's behind the map cover your ears this costume is very cute miss but is it really  fitting in place to transform back ah this never been followed master i'm sure of it hmm ladybug if you'd like to have a turn on the  merry-go-round please pick your favorite horse   once the mission is over he will retrieve  the miraculous and return it back   to me bring me my miraculous  ladybug i'm waiting for you the dragon are you sure uh yes i'm certain my dear guardian what a pleasure  it is to finally meet you i'm honored that you've chosen me ladybug  but i thought you couldn't give me this   miraculous again since hawkmoth knows my identity  there's no time i need your exceptional talent flag claws out don't look at me i have to transform  back my kwame needs to refuel spots off i hope i didn't interrupt anything with that boy you did turn up a little unexpectedly i'm honored to see you again kagami-san we  are about to accomplish great things together   honor is mine long sama the voice famous  isn't he you're bound to break a lot of hearts   there's only one person i don't want to hurt  marinette she's the only other friend i have   but adrian and i are made for each other  we're so alike i can't give him up even   for the sake of friendship sometimes choices  can be so hard we have a mission to do long your power is against me old man and ladybug  isn't here to protect you tell me the secret   identities of ladybug and cat noir never then  help me get there miraculous and i won't harm you   you're not getting anything from me it's too  dangerous master you're too old for this shell on very impressive shelter you're on borrowed time you crazy old man  i'll just wait for you to transform back my   powers are no more time sensitive than yours  obviously you haven't learned anything about   the miraculous hawk moth i've learned enough  to defeat you the end of superheroes has come   you talk a lot but you haven't achieved much so  far your defeat will be my greatest achievement nothing there's nothing you can do  my plan was perfect you can't beat me i can't figure it out focus you can do it   i'm sorry i'm so useless if i hadn't forgotten to  transform myself to go see master fu ladybug no   pogba wouldn't have taken him hostage he  wouldn't have taken the miracle box i'm   the worst ladybug that has ever existed ladybug  you are the best miraculous holder i've ever met   you made mistakes but who hasn't what matters is  to fix them you always always miraculously knew   how to fix everything right but what should  i do master you hold all the keys ladybug   you always have and you will be the most  magnificent of guardians what no don't do it   i wang hereby relinquish the miracle  box and name ladybug the new guardian no master no it's my miracle box mine   i'm the guardian i'm the queen tell him  to give me my box back how disappointing i'll take care of them you take care of the box sorry but i think this belongs to me now i  don't need all those stupid miraculous anyway   i only need the queen bee besides you're lame and  paris is lame i'm going to new york with mommy   and i'll be the one and only queen bee  there and i'll save the world all by myself   without you and your ridiculous poorly chosen  friends utterly poorly chose it i'm sorry chloe   but i can't let you do that well if that's the way it is i'm no longer your  fan ladybug i don't love you anymore and i'm   still going to leave with mommy anyway because  you don't deserve to breathe the same air i do you
Channel: Miraculous Ladybug
Views: 22,400,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miraculous ladybug, miraculous, adrien and marinette, Marinette, Adrien, full episodes, ladybug and cat noir, ladybug song, ladybug and cat noir song, marinette and adrien kiss, marinette song, ladybug and cat noir kiss, ladybug, miraculous ladybug full episode, Miraculous english episodes, lady bug, miraculous new york, miraculous shanghai, miraculous world, miraculous season 4, miraculous season 5, ladybug cartoon, ladybug and cat noir full episodes, hawk moth song, kwamis
Id: Byy5LC36CzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.