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[Music] agent Smith it's too dangerous we must evacuate you are suggesting we run officer Jones after it devoured my family my friends even my beloved dogs nipples never I won't run I no longer fear it I'm going to face it then I'll [Music] cut sorry melen milen that's like the 10th take and we're only on the first scene 14th actually but who's counting I'm sorry I'm going to do better on the next take I promise anyone want some tea you're playing a hero from the Special Forces you're not supposed to get all freaked out I know but that monster mask he's wearing is so realistic and scary just big old mem alen nothing to be scared of you ask me he doesn't even need a mask what a bratty snob Ivan put the mask back on you're playing a monster and milen we need you to stay in [Music] character I need to sing my Happy song it always makes me feel better smelly wolf smelly wolf stinky breath and slimy and the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy cat afraid of its own shadow goes to Milan Chloe seriously yeah so what Milan anyone going to go after her Milan wait um don't listen to those bozos easy to judge when they're not in front of the camera you're doing awesome come back I promise I'll roll more [Music] quietly here it's from my favorite band The Zombie Skull Crushers wow uh that's a really sweet of you Ivan but they're right I can't act to save my life excuse me a film shoot oh yes so many emotions some fake yet others very very [Music] real fly away my evil Akuma and overpower this young misunderstood artist epic Chloe just epic what are we supposed to do now without our leading actress who needs her anyway she was totally lame you're lame milen is crying rise out in the bathroom thanks to you me lame hey hey everyone chill out you're right Chloe is lame but fighting isn't going to bring mean back I'm the producer and I'm going to do everything in my power to finish filming tonight the deadline for the Parisian student short film festival is tomorrow evening precisely 26 hours 15 minutes and 14 13 seconds from now thank you Max and we still have editing post sound soundtrack then who's going to take me lens part um me of course you haven't even read the script of course I have the first scene anyway I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between agent Smith and officer [Applause] Jones mhm you wrote that hold up I didn't write that uh I wrote it it was just a little tweak you know to move the story forward what you edited my script without even telling me that's low wait a minute you mean our script juice thanks Rose oh who cares who wrote what we've got to film this thing right she's right principal damic is only allowing us to use the school until 6:00 p.m. sharp which leaves us 9 hours 12 minutes and 12 seconds 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Adrian and Chloe kissing cannot happen no way it makes no sense story-wise anyway the main character's emotional Journey hold on we can't let Milan just leave just like that it's wrong we all chose her to play the leading female role and we're all in this movie together she needs our support I'm going to go find her and bring her back always trying to save the day aren't you Marinette good luck finding the filthy hole that scared cat's hiding in why are you so intimidated and scared all the time horrificator I am Hawk Moore up until now you have felt fear from now on you will cause fear and after you've shown them how they make you feel you will do something for me in return Yes hwaran Milan Marinette did you find Meen no well you better come ASAP producer there's some serious lip puckering about to get going on time for you to use your Scare Tactics horrificator and Thrive horrificator take 15 action I'm not scared of that horrificator thingy officer whatever your name is now kiss me cut Marinette what gives we're in the middle of a shoot and I'm the director FYI I say cut no one else comend and I'm the producer mil's supposed to be the star of this movie we're out of time and from what I can see milen is m a let's take it from the top people go again this is beat h agent Smith does not need a man in her life right now sniffles just got munched on remember do you want to finish this film or not then let's just make agent Smith a nurse instead that'll fix everything um I'm sorry how exactly I don't know but I'm sure I'd look amazing in a uniform oh come on we're not going to rewrite the script again I'm not putting my name on those credits nobody cares about you anyway what everyone calm down this movie is a team effort your nurse ideas is perfect Chloe of course it's a perfect idea because it's mine but Chloe you don't have a uniform right which is why that idea wasn't believable in the first place I think you and your assistant should go down to the nurse's office and try on some uniform Kim Max come with me you've just been promoted to wardrobe and bodyguard nice going miss producer now we have no lead again yeah but now we've just gotten rid of Chloe and now what we go find mean she's here somewhere I told you Tick Tock there's no time we need a lead now Marinette can do it what no I I can't act I'm the producer but you want to kiss Adrien don't you yes but not like this a nurse's uniform how brilliant am I even that dim wet Marinette liked the idea I only doing this as a favor you know as soon as Milan comes back she'll have her old roll back of course she will chill out and just think after tonight you'll finally have kissed Adrien hey wait a minute Marinette never likes my ideas I think you've all been DED you guys take care of the nurse uniform thing just in case did you hear something no [Applause] what totally unbelievable what's that uh I said uh it's got to be believable don't worry you'll do fine ready to roll camera horrificator take 16 action I'm not scared of that monster officer Jones I knew it what did I say about other people saying cut well played Marinette all that speech about working together then you stab me right in the back well your stupid little movie won't make it into the festival if I'm not in it because my daddy is one of the judges did you guys hear that it's this is another one of your silly Poes to get me out of the way you can forget it besides I I definitely heard that we better scope this out a pretty snack for the road hey anybody here Kim Max where are you guys I saw the same pink goo the bathroom that's Kim's they vanished or they're playing a sick joke on us we should go to principal Dam's office and tell him what's going on Nino come on stop filming not a chance this is just getting good looks like it's time to bring in the altero yo Adrien where are you going I left officer Jones's jacket back there should probably wear it in all the scenes time to transform plag what are you [Music] doing so they'll think I've disappeared too and you say I stink of Cam Bear Flag CL out [Music] Mr damle Sir even principal dles is nowhere to be found time to transform TIY box on [Music] anyone seen Agent Smith yeah I mean [Music] Marinette oh no this is marinette's phone quick check the windows crazy we're trapped I'm going to call Daddy dudes you know cell phones never work in horror movies no bars no coverage told you so booyaah is everything okay ladybug in my movie this is legit and on my lady blog we've got to calmly evacuate the building okay everyone uh-uh easier said than done ladybug double legit I tried to cut through the goo but it's no good totally indestructible so looks like we're trapped inside the school for now just stay put and try to relax guys shall we take a stroll my lady we both know that Hawk moth's taken another innocent victim somewhere in school and there's only one way to get rid of this pink goo and get everyone out of here capture that victim's Akuma exactly I love it when you read my mind then we better find this thing first and its prisoners wow you did it again don't mind me finding the missing Peeps and solving this crazy mystery with cat no arm ladybug this movie is going to be so Swank stay together right behind us that means you too [Music] Spielberg absorb Their Fear horrificator feed on it it will give you strength and soon enough you'll be giving me strength [Music] too we're way better off on our own than sticking with the others why would we stay with the group when we could just hide out on our own there anyone recognize this shoe that's Adrian's shoe that that's weird there's no pink slime here yes there is everybody run awesome so awesome ew what's your name drool later can't are afraid slimy toes like [Music] you we better hurry up and find out where that akuma's hiding I don't see anything just miles of slime help fear it's fear that gives it its strength [Music] a oh no it's taking me the [Music] AL the more scared people are of it the more powerful it gets by defeating fear we defeat it okay but first we got to get out of this sticky situation quickly before it dries did you see how it just left Ivan alone yeah what's that all about I think the monster is milen where are Sabrina and Chloe we'll find them don't worry if we can find a way out of here it's a good thing I come up with brilliant ideas like this no one's going to get through that barricade we could just relax and let cir and ladybug do all the hard work we're too late but look we can track the monster I'm so amped turn your amp down to about four will you my bad Their Fear will make you powerful enough to defeat ladybug and Kat Noir now bring their mirculous is to me anybody in here ladybug it's me Chloe bgea don't worry we'll get you out of there well hurry it up already is everyone here Mr Dam Alex Nathaniel Adrien Adrien yeah yeah I'm fine what about Marinette yeah we've got everyone they won't budge just try and calm down we'll find a way to get you out of [Music] there okay now this is getting scary lucky charm guitar strings are you kidding me guitar music Milan [Music] song that's it enough's enough cataclysm [Music] okay we're all going to sing sing so that's your plan the only way to get through this is to get your fear under control you all know smelly wolf don't you seriously smelly wolf care to join join us okay everyone 1 2 3 4 smelly wolf smelly wolf trapped in the stinky Hut SMY wolf smelly wolf I'm going to kick your smelly wolf smelly wolf stinky breath Andy drool smelly wolf smelly wolf you're just a Sil [Music] wow it's [Music] working that's the same button I gave me Len that's where the Akuma is no more evil doing for you little Akuma time to de evilize [Music] gotcha bye-bye little butterfly miraculous lady [Music] bug pound it awesome you don't scare me lady buug I know I'll destroy you in the end someday somehow I will destroy [Music] you well Mr Mayor what do you think off the hook right we didn't make the cut he said the monster was a horrible replica completely unbelievable no joke don't worry bud this is how all good movie directors start out yeah even if that final kiss wasn't quite what we thought it would be a [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Miraculous Ladybug
Views: 137,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miraculous ladybug, miraculous, adrien and marinette, Marinette, Adrien, full episodes, ladybug and cat noir, ladybug song, ladybug and cat noir song, marinette and adrien kiss, marinette song, ladybug and cat noir kiss, ladybug, miraculous ladybug full episode, Miraculous english episodes, lady bug, miraculous new york, miraculous shanghai, miraculous world, miraculous season 5, ladybug cartoon, ladybug and cat noir full episodes, hawk moth song, kwamis, Miraculous best of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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