Miracle Survival, Escaping a Deadly River Boat Accident

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I uh just got this jet boat I headed upam the engine just started to sputter and uh and then it died and uh steering went out and then I was able to like beach it so we just flew over the top over there we saw the island it's pinned up against the side it's halfway submer in the water should be able to hook to it and then pull it down to safety is what the the goal is all right maiden voyage of the uh Navy boat now that we've done some serious modifications and repairs to it all right guys I want to show you something wild that we found on our Big River Ry Patrol boat these are the wear rings that we pulled out this one is in better shape than the other one but you can see it's really gashed up and nasty the other one literally has holes in it from you know rocks debris all kinds of stuff getting stuck in there which is normal but if you run it forever like that and you don't flush them well run into these issues so we had like a qu in gap between the impeller right here and the wear ring uh so the impellers were completely worn down and beat up we welded back onto them and put a new Edge on them and built that material back up so now this is going to fit perfectly snug inside the new wear Rings which we bought which I'll show you little scratches make a big difference this is what a new wear ring looks like that's what the old one looks like with the hole in it so you can see pretty significant difference between the two of them this one is brand new with you know full material still on it so as we put this back in the boat right here you'll see that basically this is where the wear ring slides into we put that back in there we put the impeller back in there we're going to have like literally almost zero tolerance between the wear ring and the impeller which means we're not going to lose our thrust I knew that it wasn't running at 100% I knew that you know something wasn't right I wasn't sure if it was in the motors or the pumps or both and we found that majority of our problems were right here in the pumps so when we put this back together today uh we're going to take it out and test it tomorrow to see what kind of boat this is because I know for a fact that we're going to have at least 20% if not close to like 50% better performance more thrust which means more pulling power more acceleration uh better out of the hole better handling everything's going to be better I just found the safe with all Dave's per personal information hey you ever get the feeling that somebody might be going through all of your personal information the recently AT&T made an announcement saying that over 73 million of their customers have their data compromised it was part of a huge data breach that AT&T had they made everybody well aware of it this doesn't just apply to current AT&T customers this applies to a lot of their old customers including myself I had AT&T probably 10 years ago so even though I haven't been with them forever I'm still concerned that my information might be floating around because they kind of keep that stuff forever so AT&T recommended that those affected use strong passwords monitor account activity and consider credit freezes or fraud alerts from credit bureaus that's why I'm using Aura who happens to be the sponsor of today's video to handle all of that for me basically R is an online service that you sign up for that gives you all these different tools all in one place to protect your identity it'll go in and it'll remove all your information from any website in fact I get notifications on my app right here let's see today I got a notification saying we completed your second remove request to instant data in addition to that they give you a VPN so you can browse the internet safely and privately they'll give you a password manager they'll give you a credit score monitor they'll give you Identity Theft Protection they'll give you insurance against identity theft like they do the services of six or seven different apps all in one convenient easy to do this place I'm almost there guys there's some really bad stuff happening but there's really easy ways to prevent it so all you got to do is click the link in my description below go to r.com heavyd Sparks get a 2E free trial yeah way way way easier and way more effective than anything else I found so thank you ARA for sponsoring the video and thank you guys for supporting AA what are these what [Music] this is why I love this boat just solid aluminum and covered with Linx on the S side Ram it right into the beach hit the trees with the bushes and it's holding its ground perfectly In this River that's moving really really fast it's probably 10 15 mph and it's just a lot of water so very heavy flow if you will those of you some of you got that some of you didn't for those of you who did I'm sorry the boat's running really well like damn damn good totally different animal now and uh it's doing exactly what I hoped it would do so basically we're going to uh hook on we're going to find a good hook point to this boat and figure out a way to huh going play a couple different games here one we're going to try to tow it as is see how it performs if it doesn't perform well then we're going to have to use the winch to a tree up here to get it up a little bit to be able to pump some water out and then get it to float supposedly there's no holes in the bottom of it we've fallen for that trick though before so hoping that uh that's true and that the hle is not damaged because otherwise we're going to keep on taking on water [Music] [Music] grab me two grab me two soft shackles the same size actually three [Music] the same thing over [Music] there all right pass me to yank [Music] them it'll come out easily I think it'll pop up it's not going to come out easily but as long as we can keep enough of a upward tug on it should be able to get it out don't roll don't roll don't roll oh you're winding the boat to the Rope you want soft shle here just go around it's fine hey probably be smart to put on live jackets for some of us me a child vest hand took the sweet red white and blue one then gave me this real cool H called dips [Music] [Music] come on baby get up don't roll don't roll come on don't roll here we go yeah let's go she's draining out coming on plane we just needed to get on plane and uh then it'll start basically emptying out I just don't want it to flip again ah there it is this boat is incredible incredible like mind-blowing we're getting a sunken boat on plane up a river that's flowing like 15 mph with a lot of water and she just popped to the surface that's exactly what we wanted to happen I don't love the way my rigging worked out because the yellow two yellow straps that I used to make the bridal one was significantly longer so essentially one of them is just acting has a safety right now so if the one gives out then we have the backup there not ideal but best we could do with what we had at the moment what's cool about this boat is when we're doing recoveries with it all of the thrust from the jet pumps get underneath the boat that we're trying to uh recover and it helps lift it up out of the water which is why we were able to get this thing from I mean it was upside down fully sunk a couple minutes ago and now it's on plane and we're just continuing the plane out awesome [Music] one [Music] all right what do you see at first glance what's your thoughts I'm happy yes uh yeah just a little bit here but right from debris Flo down the river running into it a cool this is a cool boat yeah it's uh unique like you don't see him like with cabs like this or I couldn't be happier that's what I'm talking about brother boat's on boat's on is that you said yeah boat's on man that's that's a job successful success what huh how do you say that a job well done I guess but I don't know if it's well done it's successfully done hold on well my friends we're done it got a little hairy for a minute there as you guys saw the boat did a full Barrel Roll I kind of knew it was going to do some funny stuff but I also knew that we had a good enough pull point that the thrust from the jet boat plus me pulling it Upstream I had a lot of things working my favor with the water flowing against the boat it was you know essentially just trying to lift it back up like as if the boat was accelerating under its own power so luckily we had just enough thrust to be able to pull it mixed with the combination of the flow of the river which was really you know aggressive plus the power of the boat pulling forward gave us enough to be able to get it back up on plane and uh you saw that it made its way over the fact that we were able to pull it up River completely full of water I'm very impressed with this boat those jet pumps did exactly what I hope they would do now this boat's going to get a full makeover this was kind of like the test to make sure everything was good so from here we're going to do full new controls on it from Glen dinning Glen dinning makes a digital control so I can pilot this thing with just a joystick so when you see me driving this thing I am pulling levers and spinning the wheel it takes a lot of effort the new controls are going to be all electronic over hydraulic so I can literally just kind of push a button maneuver this thing with one finger with a joystick so going to throw new Garin screens on it uh big 16-inch garment screens Sid scan sonar depth finder you name it this thing's going to be completely redone plus I think we're going to do paint Gator step new roof like this is my favorite boat so we might as well go all the way with it because literally there's no better boat for what we do so we're going to get this thing on the road get the jet boat that we covered back to the tow yard and then uh fly home and that's it [Music] no [Music]
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 570,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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