MIRACLE - Reverts Dying Mother Accepted Islam - Very Emotional Journey To Islam ᴴᴰ

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he came back from hajj he was totally changed that allah allah will allow some of us to hear these words and we will hear these words [Music] so this first is very it's very dear to my heart because this is my hope that we will hear this and that my children and my parents will hear these verses [Music] so my name is raheem jung i was born here in london in fact only a few hundred meters from here i've always lived in london all my life my father came here from india in the 1940s but his family were originally from hijaz area of of arabia but my mother's family are irish so my mother and father they met here in london my mother was irish catholic so we were brought up in a very liberal family not really following one faith or the other faith in fact following no faith i'm now 42 years old mashallah i'm married i've been married for 18 years 19 years nearly i have five children [Music] i went to work for one of the most famous record companies in the world which was motown records and at motown records that was when i really started to mix with different people so if i was to think about some of the people that i met some of the people that i worked with i worked with stevie wonder and stevie wonder's one of the biggest recording artists in the world i organized i was on the team that organized stevie wonder's 40th birthday party and the launch of his jungle fever album and i worked on soundtracks to films i worked on the soundtrack to terminator 2 i worked on in fact many many of the singles that i worked on went diamond platinum they had all those discs so we used to have we just get awarded all those discs we didn't have any pressure to follow a religion and my brothers and my sister and myself we all went away from islam so by the time i was responsible for my own actions i i wasn't following anything i wasn't christian my mother was christian i wasn't christian and there was no islam in my life but really my religion was more than anything else it was music this was my deen my deen was music when i look back now there were certain steps that brought me closer to islam for me it was because of the relationship i had with my closest cousin and my friend and we lived like this two brothers all the way up until 18 years old at 18 years old every summer we used to go for holiday together and this one summer we made plan for the holiday and he phoned me and he said i've got bad news bad news i said what he said i can't come on holiday i said no why not he says i have to go for hajj i said oh my god he said i know what am i going to do i said off on your mother so i phoned his mother i said auntie please please don't send him don't send him she said no he's going for hajj he's 18 he has to go for hajj i said no please she said no he's going he said what can i do i'm sorry so i went on holiday with my other friends he went for hajj when he came back from hajj he was totally changed totally changed he started to grow his beard he stopped coming out with us he wouldn't come any more to the you know to the places where there was mixing and the place where there was music and all of this he just started to practice his deen but when i used to meet him he was content he was happy things started to change my career started to have some problems my relationships started to have some problems but my heart started to feel different when things started to go wrong in the music business and they didn't go wrong from a dunya point of view from a dunya point of view they were very good but inside my heart i was feeling more and more depressed more and more empty and it got to the stage one day when i really thought i was going crazy i was at my house i thought i was going mad and i remember thinking about god and making a deal and there were many many sins in my life at that time and i remember saying to god to say if you help me in this situation that i'm in now i will give up all my sins for three weeks this was the deal i made with god and on that day is when i said and i will open the quran and i will read it and when i opened the quran and i read it on that day like a miracle the verse i read in english after every difficulty comes ease [Music] it's like a miracle because i was very desperate at that time and i didn't know where to go i didn't know where to turn and i thought i was going crazy and i the last thing i wanted was a deen was religion i didn't want to be religious i wanted the dunya it was as if this verse was just written for me no one else that i didn't even know allah god whatever but that this book somehow knew exactly what i needed at that point and at that time so it was like a miracle when i left the music business i left a time when people would have questioned why because i'd been given a lot of success and i went through a difficult period for the first probably year that i was praying and i was starting to fast and starting to read about islam it was a difficult time because i didn't know what i was going to do with my life then when she found out she had cancer and it was a very bad cancer only three weeks she had to live for the first time for the first time her heart softened towards islam just a little bit but it was wallahi was a miracle because it was step by step by step but the key thing one of the key things was she called me one day when she was very close to dying she called me and she said look i don't want to be buried i want to be cremated so i said to her no problem but i said tell me this if you're cremated who's going to do it she stopped she said to me what's the alternative that's it [Music] i said the alternative is if you die then your sons your sons me and your son we will carry no one else will see you and we will take you to a place and your daughter and your daughter-in-laws they will wash you and they will prepare you and they will wrap you in a simple white cloth and no one will see you and in one day we will bury you in the ground with no coffin with no fuss very very simple she said to me that's what i want so that's what i want but now i had a problem she's not muslim so she found my brother and sister and she said i want a muslim burial i would just try very slowly to give her small small bits of dao if there is a creator do you think maybe he sent messengers do you think maybe he sent people as guides and one day she said yes i believe that. so for me i was happy for me i was happy she believes in a creator she believes in messengers i thought inshallah i have an excuse i can make dua for her i can say to the imam inshallah we bury her as muslim but my son he was then 14 years old it's not enough he said she has to say shahadah so i was scared because i thought if he tries to make her say shahadah then she will say no no i don't want to say this and then i have a problem he said don't worry don't worry about don't worry i will talk to her so he went up to her bedroom and i was downstairs for like one hour and i was walking around oh my god what's happening does she say yes did she say no and he came down easy he said no problem i said what he said she gave shahada i said properly in arabic he said yes arabic fully no problem and maybe two three days later later she [Music] died i had no plans to go for hajj that year because there were too many difficulties in the family after my mother died unexpectedly like that but then islam channel called me and actually their plan was not to take they asked me to go and i said i can't go this year i've got too many difficulties with the family then at the last minute when there was only a few days to go before hajj they approached me they said look we've had some complications we need you to come as a presenter this year i said i'm going to make hajj for my mother so within within just what three months of her dying masha'allah i was able to go and i was able to make hajj for my mother and alhamdulillah share that with millions of people around the world and and so many people call because she died in ramadan she died in ramadan and i was doing tv work at that time allahu akbar people from around the world called and gave sadaqa in her name someone built a masjid in her name so many orphans sponsored in her name [Music] so allah [Music] was the first one who i heard and i thought subhanallah this is so beautiful so i used to play last jews all the time all the time and his recitation of surah al-fajr is so beautiful so first of all it became my favorite verse just by the sound of it he used to say at the end of surah ibadi was and the way shaykh saad al-rahmadi recites this it just is so beautiful i didn't know what it meant but it became my favorite verses just by the sound then when i began to read and understand what it meant every time i think about these verses i just think one thing that maybe we will hear allah say this [Music] allah will allow some of us to hear these words and we will hear these words [Music] is very it's very dear to my heart because this is my hope that we can hear this and that and that my children and my parents will hear these verses these last four verses from this surah has a very special place a very dear place in my heart for that reason from the work that i've done alhamdulillah allah blessed me to have the opportunity to a lot of privileged work but the most amazing work we did was definitely broadcasting the hajj our series called the footsteps of ibrahim where we toured all over the the authorities gave us access to the masjid to the graveyards to the quran printing factory to the masjid al-haram in makkah to all these places and we showed millions of people around the world and the response was amazing but it was all in english and if we could take this to other languages so everyone could see this inshallah this would be amazing you
Channel: Muslim Revert Stories
Views: 587,022
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Keywords: Fahad Alkandari, A REVERT'S TALE, revert conveert, journey to Islam, revert to Islam, Muslim Convert stories, Muslim revert Stories, convert stories, revert stories, journey To Islam, coming to Islam, Muslim convert stories, Abdur Raheem Green, How I Came To Islam, How I Left Christianity For Islam, My Revert Story, Jesus Christ, trinity, church, going to hell, paradise, Muhammad, prophet, one God, American revert To Islam, The Niqabi Diaries, Islam Made Me Convert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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