Miquella's Secret Plan for the Haligtree Theory | Elden Ring Lore

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it's finally time to talk once again about my favorite demigod in elden ring mikala the unalloyed i talked about the demigod himself in my first elden ring video check it out if you want to learn more about him but this time we're gonna talk less about the demigod and more about his hailing tree with a theory on what i think he was trying to do with it also i know i know mikala has a lot of cut content that was discovered but but but i won't be talking about any of the cut content in this video just to keep it consistent i mean since it's cut content i'm not sure if it'll ever be implemented or not so for now i won't get into any of the cut content so before we get into the crack theory let's take a tour within the hailing tree and see what secrets it contains i promise it will make sense later on or at least i'll try to make it make sense now before we can even reach the heilig tree it is hidden away from the prying eyes of many behind many trials and tribulations the first step to even getting to the helic tree is to be able to enter the consecrated snow field which in of itself is hidden and the only way to get there is by acquiring two pieces of a sacred medallion these medallions are hidden away in an albanoric village in lyonia which we won't get into anymore because i covered that in my last video you can check it out but for the second medallion we find it within castle seoul castle soul also protects the hailing tree from prying eyes as you can see you can actually see the heli tree from the castle but we'll circle back to what mikhail has need of castle soul later in the theory section as it's a pretty interesting one when we have both halves of the medallion you can finally enter the consecrated snow field and even then the halogen tree is still out of reach in order to even enter the vicinity of the heli tree you have to pass through a perpetual blizzard with only lights guiding the way and the town of ordina within the town you have to complete the trial of the evergel interestingly within the evergl you'll find some black knife assassins you'd even find a corpse of a black knife assassin within ordina now i don't think the black knife assassins are here defending the hailing tree rather they're definitely trapped within the evergell but that's open to speculations a simple chart like this is no match for our wit we simply have to light the statues of mykola in order to pass the trial and upon successfully completing the trial we can finally enter the domain of the hailing tree first thing i want to talk about here are the envoys from my last video i got questions regarding if these are albenorics my answer is no they're not weirdly enough i'm not sure what they are but based on their item drops and the item descriptions that talk about them they are some sort of bloodless monster that appears when there is an arrival of a new god whether they're here for mykola or melania is unknown but i'm 100 sure they aren't albinorics at least that's what we get from the item descriptions that talk about them in any case back to the hailing tree as we can see it isn't doing so well it's slowly being taken over by the scarlet rot not only due to melania's presence but also due to michela's absence the tree itself looks like it stopped growing and instead is withering away slowly i do believe that the tree itself is pretty much dead or at least close to dead at this point this starting area of the hailing tree as well is devoid of any hailing tree soldiers knights and clean rot knights instead we see them far below in el file here we find the misbegotten and ants giant ants i have no doubts that the misbegotten were welcomed into the embrace of the helix tree i mean they perfectly fit the type of people mikola strived to protect but it seems like the neglect and maybe the scarlet rot drove them mad at some point and the death and destruction we see here may have been done by them unintentionally which may be the reason why we see them begging for forgiveness the misbegotten have this tendency of rebelling as we saw previously in castlemorn so they may have also rebelled here due to hunger at some point as we can see a lot of them eating the corpses of those not affected by the scarlet rot but we also see a lot of them begging for forgiveness maybe after they stated their hunger they realize what they have done whether mikala will forgive them or not is something we'll never know we also find a lot of these rotten husks and without the protection of mykola this might have been the previous denizens who succumbed to the scarlet rot these ones are littered all throughout this area and they aren't being eaten by the misbegotten probably because well they're suffering from the scarlet rod and you don't want that anywhere close to you now going further we interestingly find some spirit snails here who summon crystallines the spirit snails themselves are a very interesting addition that we'll come back to later again in the theory section and further beyond this we find very interesting mages deep within i believe this mages might have come here with loretta but what's even more interesting is that these mages are known as scholars of jaima conspectus mages who sought power to quell conflict their glindstone crowns are also bestowed by raya lucaria for scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy is that pursuit helping loretta find a home for the albanorics or is it assisting mykola with his hailing tree maybe even rya lucaria sees nicholas haley tree as a pursuit to quell conflict then again if you look at these mages closely you'll see that their bracers cover their arms which seems to be infused with primeval sorcery if you equip the battlemage bracers yourself it doesn't change your arm to have the azure like crystal this is true for all jaima mages throughout the lens between not just here i've checked the one in kaelin and the one in altus plateau they all have this azure arm now it could be a coincidence or maybe these kinds of mages learn a little bit of primeval sorcery which is a type of sorcery that is based off the origin of glintstone if we look at the primeval sorcery from azure for example it is said to be the origin of glintstone and if you look at the primal glimstone from celine primeval sorcery can be used to basically transfer one soul into the primal glintstone and allow you to move bodies but again something we'll come back to in the theory section but you might be seeing a pattern at this point beyond this though we face loretta who may have been tasked with protecting this area another interesting point here is the statue at the center which depicts three people the only people that come to mind with this would be melania mikala and queen america perhaps despite queen america's inability to help melania with her affliction mykola still loved his mother now beyond this point we finally come to el file brace of the haley tree here we find those most loyal to the twin prodigies clean rot knights haley tree soldiers as well as the children of rot but before we go further we have to pass through the prayer room and i asked the community once again on who this depiction might be i got a lot of interesting answers and thank you guys for that but the answer that stuck most to me was that a lot of people pointed out that this might be gauri not the gallery that we know right now who is in caled but the gauri that used to be he called himself a great sage back in his time and this could be a depiction of him as someone who understands the scarlet rot and the cycle of decay and rebirth are you guys seeing a pattern now again something we'll come back to in the theory section now we also see images of this in mog's palace and other places like the lake of rot but if you have a better answer than gallery please do let me know in the comments down below aside from the mages earlier we finally see the humans who actually serve mykola and you'll notice that some of them have this shining aura within their chest this aura is their faith to lord mikala strong enough to burn them away as they blow themselves up as a way to light the path for the return of their lord and i mentioned this previously in my mykola video but almost all the humans here are wearing helmets adorned with analog gold which increases their faith by one which could be the effect of the bewitching abilities of mykola you see a lot of these knights defending areas from outsiders it makes you think what exactly are they defending from the rampage of the misbegotten outside or another possible interference from other demigods like moog or perhaps with the return of the slumbering melania they tighten security even further now what's also weird is that these knights are defending the heilig tree rather than looking for mykola it's as if they don't know that mykola had been taken and i think this is the case as many of them are simply waiting and wishing for the return of their lord i mean even sir gideon tarnished with approximate knowledge of everything didn't know mikola was taken what more lowly soldiers of the haley tree so they might be thinking that mikala disappeared but they are unaware that he was actually kidnapped but that's just speculation there are a bunch of stuff here that are just weird as well at the ground floor of this area there are multiple revenants there are crystallines in the buildings and it is here that we find america's sorceal now revenants i don't really know much about but they are associated with death and spirits killing one drops ghost glove words which is used to strengthen spirits crystallines are creatures created from crystals who await the return of their lord so that more of them could be created but crystallines are basically creatures that were carved out from crystals and given life beyond this area we'll come to find the children of rot now this is also an interesting area as this is already inside the helic tree itself and there is a hole that leads directly to the chamber which houses mikala and melania was this hole created by moog was it always here or was it destroyed by something else or maybe it was even destroyed by the river of rock that's falling down we also find these cocoon-like things which also envelop mykola when we found him in mogwin's palace what's inside of these it's probably people and these are probably for some sort of evolution or rebirth what's also weird was how michela was stolen by moog so easily mind you despite all the security around it doesn't seem like he was wary of anyone going after him in the way mog did but this of course was his biggest mistake as it may have been his overconfidence that allowed mog to easily slip by how well moog was an omen the type of people mikola wished to save i wouldn't be surprised if he was welcomed into the haley tree in the first place not to mention when we first ask about the unlocated demigods gideon of near doesn't tell us much about moog just that the unlocated demigod was known as the lord of blood did he not know that it was moog or was moog just not that much of a factor that he didn't care something we're just not too sure about anyway continuing down here just before mikala and melania's chamber is a graveyard within we see knights who still care for their loved ones and still watch over their graves there are also knights that are grieving for probably recent losses maybe from the scarlet rod or maybe from battles before this is quite the odd place for a graveyard no this is right next to the chamber where mikala placed himself which if mikala was your lord is kind of a weird place to be putting a graveyard but again we'll come back to that later now earlier we talked about the revenants and the ghost gloveboards that they were dropping and now we find in this graveyard the third ghost glovebird bell bearing as well as a lot of glove words in this area this could be something mykola was trying to learn and experiment on we also see down here a scarlet flower and a traveling maiden's clothes next to it now we don't know who this is it could be one of millicent's sisters it could even be melania's first bloom like many are speculating or maybe it was part of something more so now let's talk about the crack theory that i have regarding what mickela was trying to do with the haley tree from the hailik3 circuit we know that mykola was attempting to create a new earth tree so we have to look at what the earth tree does in the lands between well it does a lot of things but i think the most prominent thing it does is it takes over the concept of death now because the rune of death was removed from the elden ring true death in the lands between is basically your soul returning to the earth tree upon your death and eventually being reborn by the grace of the earth tree however there are many that are rejected by the earth tree such as those who live in death the albanorics the misbegotten the omens and of course even the humans these souls are left forever to wander the lands between in a sort of limbo many of them seek salvation and mikala sought to better the lives of everyone in the lands between now mykola despite his opposition to outer gods still loves his family and doesn't really oppose the golden order so he doesn't do something as crazy as say unbounding the rune of death so what if he attempted to create the heilig tree as a new archery that he could control one that would allow him to take the souls of those rejected by the archery and birth them anew sounds crazy a little bit but this cycle of rebirth is something that many have been trying to do but not many have the power to do so take granola for instance her amber egg which was given by ratagon by the way is able to provide a rebirth but it always has a defect and after the rebirth the new life rarely lasts long they have to be constantly rebirthed in order for them to maintain any semblance of life the deathbed companions can somewhat achieve a proper rebirth but it requires a whole lot of time and energy and they're unable to provide for the many so instead they can only do so for nobles and exalted nobles so my theory is that mykola wanted to do something for the souls who were rejected by the earth tree so he studied life itself create a new earth tree as the hailing tree in order to circumvent the unfair way the earth tree rebirth's souls but what if he also wanted to take it one step further let's circle back to castle soul here mikola had given a task for them to swallow the sun in order to provide rebirth to a soulless demigod now many believe that this spirit is talking about godwin especially with the mention of comrade and the last right sword clearly talking about mykola wanting godwin to die a true death but i don't think that's the case i think this spirit isn't talking about godwin and quite frankly i think he's just talking about the walking mausoleum right outside of castle's soul walking mausoleums are said to hold the dead bodies of soulless demigods i think this was one of nicholas experiments on how to rebirth souls or place souls into new bodies and if he could rebirth a demigod soul the normal souls would be far easier we also find another walking mausoleum within the consecrated snow fields next to the apostate derelict which houses the albinouric philia who is also meant to give life to new albinorics coincidence maybe going back to last writes the reason why he also wants godwin to die a true death might be because he also wants to help godwin into a new rebirth now going back to the tree throughout the hailing tree we find creatures somewhat related to spirits even if it's just a distant relation as if he was scouring all the bits of information possible about spirits he might have been studying revenants in order to learn about strengthening spirits through glove words and like i said earlier we even found some of these glove words in the graveyard could it be that he was trying to use this in order to strengthen the spirits of the deceased in order to prepare them for rebirth he studied spirit snails in order to learn about spirit calling and summoning back spirits he studied crystallines in order to gain knowledge about creating new life and possibly moving souls into the new life that he created his study of the scarlet rot might also not just be to save his sister but also in order to perfect his experiment remember the scarlet rot embodies the cycle of decay and rebirth and when we give the unalloyed gold needle to gauri what did he say about mykola now let me have a look well well this is a marvel indeed the work of a true artisan a meticulous bold craftsman who grasps the essence of life a bold craftsman who grasps the essence of life the scarlet flower we found in the graveyard could be part of that experiment too learning the method of rebirth of the scarlet rod it might even be mickla's attempt of what gowrie was trying to do with millicent but mikala succeeded earlier basically so let's summarize his creation of the needle not only allows no other gods to mess with his process but also allowed him to see the true essence of life his creation of the hailing tree was to allow rebirth of those rejected by the earth tree he might have been studying revenants spirit snails and crystallines in order to gain knowledge about strengthening spirits calling spirits and creating new life his study of the scarlet rot could be a way to stop decay and allow rebirth it appears that he was preparing to create his own world with his own laws a world without influence of any outer god and one where he would provide for all now is his intention purely altruistic probably not let's be honest i mean one of his powers is to bewitch people after all that's already a big red flag but we just don't know enough about mykola to ascertain his true intentions melania believed that mikala was the most fearsome of all the imperians for while the other demigods squabble for the power of the elden ring mikala was plotting not to take over the position of his mother but to take over the greater will the earth tree and all the outer gods but that's pretty much it this was a fun one to make as i said i do love mikola as a demigod but what do you guys think do you think there is some truth to my theory or is it a little out there what do you guys think mickela was doing with the haley tree let me know in the comments down below and if you like this video please do hit the like button it really really helps out and if you're new to the channel please don't forget to subscribe thanks very much for watching
Channel: Arlun Grim
Views: 224,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4BAkoE7sYWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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