Elden Ring Lore - The Psychology of the Elden Lords

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and one other whom Grace would again bless a tarnished of no renown cross the fog to the lands between to stand before the Elden ring and become the Elden Lord with so much importance placed on becoming the next Elden Lord we still don't have a great grasp on what that exactly means it's the common theme of start from nothing and become king but what's unique is that we are not alone in this position of power there is always our counterpart America along our journey we come to know there have been two other Elden Lords for Queen America that is and one other in the far distant past where civilization was just getting started we also know that the Elden Lord is able to branish the Elden ring and enact their new order on the lanes between but why why did these two men become Elden Lord and not the countless others that pursued it what characteristics is America looking for in her next king consort where do these men come from if rigan with all his Rich backstory as America would have follow that so too was Godfree how about us one thing we know for sure now is that Miaki in a recent interview stated that America and Ragan are indeed one person not two individuals who come together to form one person but one person from the beginning for some this adds even more confusion to the story to me it's made perfect sense with a theory put forth long ago there are tons of in congruities within the game that make little to no sense such as how is it possible that each and every demigod is the direct offspring of Queen America ah great RS are the stuff of demigods the children of the goddess Queen Marica she who is vessel of the Elden ring indeed but remember one thing the demots are each and all the direct offspring of Queen Amica I mean we know for at least three of them she wasn't involved at all does it follow then that America is also renala Reichard was amongst the children of rala and rigan who became demig God's stepchildren after rigan's Union with Queen America but the old lady just said they're all the direct offspring of Queen America how does that make any sense stepchildren aren't direct Offspring how is it that Godfrey is the first of the demigods and America's first Elden Lord why is it that the black knives are all Newman women with ties to Queen America and that Melina an obvious reflection of America fights just like them imperian are born of a single god what the hell does that mean just with these few examples we have an unbelievably Tangled mess of in congruities great runes are the stuff of demigods and demigods are each in all the direct offspring of America so what does that make rala Godfrey was the first of the demigods so was he America's son and if you're thinking to yourself that these have to be mistakes or simple over oversights I would really question that we know the intensity with which Miyazaki creates these games no way after 2 years and tons of updates nonetheless did they leave these quote unquote mistakes in for such massive plot implications and imperian are born of a single god well aren't they all then if America is the quote unquote mother of all the demigods then who wouldn't be an imperion and what does this mean for the term God you can quickly see that if we take these things at face value and try to make sense of them we will go mad spinning our Wheels until we are firmly stuck in the mud where do we draw the line and how do we make sense of all this it seems that in the world of Elden ring being an individual character with your own backstory doesn't necessarily mean you're an individual character with your own backstory it seems that for many you are splinters or aspects of a whole person to me there's only one answer that can make sense of all this madness this is indeed all taking place within America's psyche I know it's hard to understand and the knee-jerk reaction is to deny it but please stick with me through this video as we dive into this Theory even deeper and take a closer look at who exactly the Elden Lords are and what they mean to America in the story of Elden ring if you have not already please watch part one of the great works as that video is the foundation upon which we have built from to be completely honest I made mistakes in that video I misjudged certain characters and applied them to America psyche in the wrong way since then I've continued my research and with the help of the community have gained more insights on the story I have also found new evidence and in light of this new evidence some of my thoughts have changed and I will present those new thoughts and the reason I changed my mind in this video with that being said the terminology and basic understanding of Yung in depth psychology Remains the Same and is a necessary tool to understanding the lore behind the game I think if we're all being honest with ourselves we know we have to stop regurgitating item descriptions and dialogue and think we're going to find the answer the answers lie at the bottom of a mysterious ocean and skimming the surface although a very valuable tool has only gotten us so far it's time to get deep it's time to get esoteric and it's time to start thinking outside the proverbial box the story of Elden ring has themes of gnosticism mysticism mythology astrology Alchemy Christianity and more Yung spent his entire life researching these very themes and notice they are all telling the same story he already did the hard workor of connecting the stories throughout time to the human psychological experience God gold the sun Zeus these are all the same idea just coming from different sources and all of these ideas come from the human human psyche now because Elden ring is a work of fiction these terms and works of Yun are able to be embodied by characters bringing his life's work to the screen here's one quick personal story that might help with this thought a few days ago I embodied three personas within a day's time I had a budget meeting at work where I wore my glasses I was articulate and presented myself in a certain way to gain Acceptance in that Arena a few hours later I went to the gym where I wore a black hoodie listened to dark music and portrayed myself in a totally different light a few hours later I went to the holiday party with my wife where yet again I wore different clothes try to make everyone laugh and was a totally different person than before think of these three personas as three totally separate characters within the game of Elden ring they're all me just different aspects of me my name is Jake but these three personas could be named jaka Jella jerich I think you get the point leave it up to me aaki to create a complex Masterpiece and overlay it with the boundless unknowns of human psychology we have some work ahead of us so sit back relax and enjoy the great works part three the Elden Lords for those of you who have not watched part one allow me to quickly get you orientated what you see on screen is the model Carl Yung used to better understand the human psyche at the top above the ripples you'll see the Consciousness and the things that make it up the Persona and the ego the Persona is the mask we wear to present ourselves to the outside world in certain ways just like the personal example I gave earlier whether we're on a first date at a job interview in a locker room a Persona changes in every situation depending on what we are trying to let others see of ourselves the ego is the Bedrock of consciousness it is the totality of everything we choose to accept of ourselves Yung saw the ego as quote the center of the field of Consciousness which contains our conscious awareness of existing and continuing sense of personal identity it is the organizer of our thoughts and intuitions feelings and Sensations and has access to Memories which are not repressed an easier way to think about the ego is when one uses the word I I went to the store I played Elden rings this eye that we identify with is the ego when a person is born they don't understand this concept as they have no ego of their own they can't differentiate themselves from themselves or from the world they are whole and United sometime later in development the child recognizes themselves as I and that is the birth of the ego these two things you could say is what we light up about ourselves it's what we want and allow others to see see about us and not only others but to ourselves as well it's what we choose to focus on what we choose to nourish what we are aware of within us everything else gets left in the darkness of the unconscious the birth of the ego is what causes divisions and fractures in our psyche we choose traits of ourselves that get us further in our career our Social Circles Etc and cut off everything else from our awareness with all the ripples we see the true depths of the ocean that is our psyche the unconscious the unconscious is comprised of the Shadow the Animan animus the self and the collective unconscious a term coined by Yung which explains the Eternal archetypes that live within every single person for today we will focus on the anima and animus more specifically the Animus according to Young the Animus represents the masculine aspects of women the rational or anim ating components of a person's psyche that word animating is very particular isn't it it means to bring to life or give the appearance of movement rigan is America the Animus is the logos the logic the order in other words it's the thing that makes America Act the anima and animus the siy the Divine couple the masculine and feminine the iris and logos the body and mind the circle and square they're all one in the the same and it's the Animus that animates the anima I can only assume that this was true for all stages of the enous for Godfree America for us America where we will share the same body during our stage we are the force that brings America to act the order of the world this is the true meaning behind rigan as America and why they share the same body they are the same being just different aspects of that being now if you're thinking to yourself that this can't be true that Godfree can't be America and that we can't be America I would ask why there isn't anything special about ragun when compared to the other Elden Lords and if he with perhaps the most complex and Rich backstory can be an aspect of America anyone can revealing that rigan is America is the one clue mizaki gives us he unlocks the door and it's up to us to open it and walk through it think about it Godfree fights in Wars destroys America's enemies and his Elden Lord he is the action to her thoughts rigan fights in Wars destroys her enemies and his Elden Lord he is the action to her thoughts we fight everyone and cover the hidden secrets of the Landes between become Elden Lord we are the action to her thoughts now there's a lot more to it but this isn't a yian sight class so I'll keep it at that again I urge you to do your own own research to get a deeper understanding another important thing to understand is that as the female subject develops so does her animus in other words as America goes through these different stages of life and development so too does her animus AKA her King consort AKA her Elden Lord let's put plad do6 to the side for now although he was an Elden Lord he certainly wasn't Queen America's Elden Lord plassy boy sits outside the lands between on an island of memories now it's true that these memories are Americas but the god of that time is not America I believe it's Melina but we can save that for now now that we have that out of the way let's begin this with what we know there are tons of videos on Godfrey and his story so I won't waste too much time going deep into his history but there are a few things we must mention Godfrey was an is a great warrior from the Badlands a man whose physical prowess knows no equal it's no secret that he values one thing and one tarnished thy strength be fit sa Crown strength he believes the only quality needed to be Elden Lord is physical strength he doesn't outthink his opponents he doesn't strategize he beats them to a bloody pulp we don't know how or why but he was summoned to be America's first Elden Lord much like bradigan he is pulled into the lanes between and is thrust into this position of Power with little to no explanation as to why we also know that Godfrey completely dominates all America's foes specifically the fire Giants once he fulfilled this purpose he was cast out of the lands betweens his light left his eyes and as mysteriously as he showed up he was gone with only statues to remember him by now we know he also led the Long March as the leader of the tarnished but we don't and may never fully understand what this means so for now we'll leave it there Godfrey a great warrior whose sole quality is that of physical strength you wish to know more of Lord Ragan Lord Ragan was a great Champion possessed of flowing red lcks he came to these lands at the head of a great golden host when he met lady renala in battle he soon repented his territorial aggressions there and became became husband to the Kian Queen however when Godfrey first Elden Lord was hounded from the lands between Radigan left renala to return to the earthree capital becoming Queen marica's second husband and King consort taking the title of second Elden Lord the mystery endures to this day as to why Lord Ragan would cast lady rala side and moreover why a mere Champion would be chosen for the seat of Elden Lord like Godfrey rigan's Origins are a complete mystery he seemingly appears in the world out of nowhere although there are Mysteries to this character the developers gave us quite a bit to work with the qualities and actions they chose to show us about ragun are pretty generous we know he rose to prominence by Leading the Golden Army in the two leran Wars and join joined the heroes ranks a war hero when he met rala in battle something changed in him and he repented his Territorial aggressions and married the head of the opposing Army at the surface this may look like a change in loyalty or an overtake of love that changed his mind but let's look at the result of this quote unquote marriage rigan America rule the golden order seems to be in its height of power the carians are kind of dissolving and renala is a husk of reform former self one clear winner one clear loser I believe that rigan after coming to a stalemate in both Wars made the conscious decision to destroy the enemy from within it's clear from the mask of confidence he didn't want anyone to know what was happening inside that Academy we don't know exactly what he was doing but he emerged as a much more powerful being with his newly found affinity for sorcery we may never know but this move shows an incredible leap in strategic thinking when compared to America's First Elden Lord after redigan Falls the house of karia he is summoned to the capital and becomes the new king consort of America and the second Elden Lord and so starts their new order the golden order together they have Micha and melenia and rigan seems to take this new role of fatherhood quite well he gives gifts to mola and helps him along his way and seems to have a real relationship with him although the golden orders timeline is fuzzy I think we can make the argument that it did indeed start an end with rigan I'm not making the claim that the golden order wasn't a small religious subset that had its foundings prior to rigan becoming Elden Lord but I think it becoming the dominant way of life certainly occurred after ragun became elen [ __ ] earlier we established that during Godfrey's Reign their order was purely the strength of the UR tree itself there doesn't seem to be any any qualifier to their order brave warriors hark my Lord Godfrey we commend your Deeds guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal to the place ye stand put the Giants to the sword and confine the flame at top the mount let a new Epoch begin an Epoch glistening with life brandish the Elden ring for the age of the UR tree so the dominance of the golden order had to have occurred post Godfree we also know that the moner used for rigan is rigan of the golden order and America calls him a Leal Hound of the golden order we know that the golden order incantations scale with both intelligence and Faith mimicking the path that ragun takes sorceries from rala incantations from America all of these point to the fact that the New Order coming from rigan himself finally at some later Point America shatters the Elden ring and rigan attempts to repair it to summarize rigan's qualities he is a war hero a strategic thinker at least compared to Godfrey a man capable of romance a family man and imperfectionist who tries to fix everything then there's us the player character yet again our Origins are clouded in mystery we seem to appear straight out of the earth tree itself if we know that our destiny is to become the next Elden Lord and this is where we come from is it fair to assume that this is where our predecessors came from I mean we can choose our character's formal Origins and the character creation section we can come from the land of reeds we can be a nightfolk any number of Back stories would this mean that any item description or oration of us would explain explain these backstory it's impossible to say for sure but I don't see why not so if we come from inside the earth tree I think it's fair to assume that so too did God free and ratan more on this implication later we don't really need to delve too deep into the player characters that's who we are it's the whole story of the game we gain huge amounts of power and knowledge as we go through the world and learn the different shortcomings of the current order we are collecting great runes in order to mend the Elden ring and at the end of it all we become the third Elden Lord and with our new found strength and knowledge we choose the New Order of the world for all tense and purpose We Are The Scholar of this world desperately yearning for more information as to what the hell is happening in this world we have been thrust into we aimlessly roam the world in search of bits of information to help us along our way by the end no one knows the world in history better than we do we descend to the depths we uncover hidden Stories We cross time itself and Ascend to the highest peaks to get a full understanding of the lands between all this information and experience gives us the Insight needed to take the world in a new better Direction one small thing I'd like to point is that I believe that Miyazaki is breaking the fourth wall he knows the lengths that we will go to in the real world to uncover the mysteries of the game us being a scholar both in game as PC and in real life as worshippers of this lore is a brilliant piece of Storytelling at this point I'd like to show you something from The Works of Carl Yung known as the four stages of animous development when confronted with evidence like this is profound this is one of the very few times where there is no sight of hand no unnecessary workarounds it is quite literally a one one toone explanation of the qualities portrayed by the Elden Lords in a game full of mystery the information we get on the Elden Lords overlaps with these stages perfectly whether you choose to believe this is a story of America's psyche or not this piece of information is hard to ignore fromsoft beats into our heads that Godfree only cares about strength and that ragun is a war hero this is no coincidence this was the piece of evidence I have been looking for to gain more footing on the fact that Elden ring is indeed based on the teachings of Carl Yun in the process of human psychological development themes of ego Shadow ego death Duality opposites multiple characters being one person it all saturates the lands between everything we need is right in front of us no straw Manning no cherry-picking no dead ends it's all here if we just listen for today let's focus on these four stages of animus development and un cover one more mystery of Elden ring now these are just headlines of the stages to further this claim let's look even deeper to do this I'll be referencing several Papers written by various yian Scholars that will be linked in the description below please take a look for yourself and see where this road leads you there could be something we are missing that you have a better understanding of this has been a collective process so far and I intend to keep it that way recall earlier in this video when I mentioned that as America Thea develops so too does her animist this development is segmented into four stages an interesting side note is that the alchemical process of the magnum opus the process of individuation also has four stages each stage of development America goes through a new Elden Lord her new animus joins her in this journey let's make sense to these four stages of development through the eyes of the Elden Lords stage one a man of physical power Godfrey quote he first appears in dreams and fantasy as the embodiment of physical power for instance an athlete or a muscleman a James Bond or cestal stone this corresponds to Thea's Eve for a woman with such an animus a man is simply a stud he exists to give her physical satisfaction protection and children earlier we stated that godfre sole purpose was to help develop their Earth tree and remove any opposition standing in its way by the end of Godfrey's Reign the Earth tree stands tall as a beacon of the Landes between we also know that Godfrey has close ties with The Crucible the primordial form of the earth tree and where all life is Blended together and by the end of Godfrey's Reign the Earth tree has fully bloomed from The Crucible and has no equal or opposition quote in the conscious everything is United when the conscious arises out of the unconscious it is divided into opposites end quote what we can gather from The Crucible Godfree and the UR Trey is that they are all symbols of the psyche The Crucible and the unconscious are all one and the same a place where there lives no division a place of unity to make sense of this timeline with respect to America the unconscious is the realm of children children operate in the unconsciousness until they are able to recognize themselves as I or me thus is the Consciousness born so The Crucible era is when Amica was still operating completely in the unconscious of her psyche this is when Amica is a child at some point she develops her Consciousness and out of that came the ego and the symbol of that is the her tree standing stoically golden and illusory quote the ego is only an illusion but a very influential one letting the ego illusion be become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self end quote Cung describes the ego as an Ever evolving growing thing life experiences are absorbed into it processed and understood once Mar has developed a strong ego and the UR tree stands at top the hierarchy she no longer has a need for Godfrey and Hounds him from the lanes between along with his Warriors becoming the first of the tarnished a quick tangent here is that tarnish seems to Simply mean just this not a valuable resource to Amica at that time something she cast out of her conscious awareness and moves into her unconscious when Amica says own words my Lord and thy Warriors I divest each of thee of thy Grace With Thine Eyes dimmed ye will be driven from the between ye will wage war in a land ofar where you will live and die well perhaps that might serve you in you of me then after thy death I will give back what I once claimed return to the lands between wage war and brandish the Elden ring grow strong in the face of death worriors of my lord lord Godfrey she is saying I have developed past the needs of a man with pure physical strength I need you to grow and develop in my unconsciousness and come back to my conscious awareness once you have done so at that point you can become the next King consort and the second Elden Lord remember this is when Amica is still just a child and her ego is being Nour becoming the dominant part of her psyche also keep in mind that in reality this process occurs Inside the Mind of a child and this animus is part of her unconscious and comes to her in dreams and Fantasies however like I said earlier in a work of fiction this is brought to life so although Godfree did give America quote unquote children the definition of these children is not in a biological sense but rather a psychological sense meaning the children she had with Godfrey are just aspects of her developing certain parts of her psyche quote at the second stage of animous development he is imagined as a man of action a Bob the Builder a war hero a man of romance Mr Fix It in erest Hemingway he possesses initiative and the capacity for Planned action he's a generic husband father a one-dimensional dated cardboard cutout of a man with no life of his own ouch let's break down this rather backhanded compliment of a description and see how it applies to rigan what o radan Leal Hound of the golden order Thou Art yet to become me thou art yet to become a God let us be shattered both mine Other Self the reason behind that disdain America's voice referring to ragun as a Leal Hound is because he is just a puppet he has no thoughts of his own stuck in others ideology and loyal to a fault he sees someone do something and then mimics them Ral and Magic American incantations he is unoriginal he's clearly a war hero as stated several times by various sources when I read the Mr Fixit and Bob the Builder analogy it really hit home for rigan the very few things we know about him include him desperately trying to fix the Elden ring and with what a goddamn Hammer of all things if you put some overalls on that man he is Bob the Builder it's interesting that the one time we see ragun animated outside of his very unemotional cardboard like boss fight he is wielding a hammer trying to fix the Elden ring another quality is that he is a generic husband and father and if you recall earlier in this video we established that he was a decent father helping his son throughout his life although rigan is shrouded in mystery the qualities the storytellers choose to share and interactions we have with him match the second stage nearly to a te so what does this mean for America well clearly she is in the second stage as well as evidenced by her animist being in this stage in the first stage America is still still quite young and just developing her Consciousness here we see that continuing she is further developing her ego and Persona and pruning herself in a very particular way she's showing the world in herself exactly what she wants them to see we know the golden order is created when the Rune of death is plucked from the Elden ring and the golden order is tied to rigan just like The Crucible is tied to Godfrey this shows that Amica is still forming this Persona and ego of hers cutting more and more of herself away and falling further and further into this dogmatic faith and the traits of herself that are getting pruned you may ask they go into her Shadow my guess is this is when she took on the Persona of the Eternal just as her animus her animating Force the thing that calls her to act has more initiative and assertiveness so too does America albeit still very naive she's making decisions and acting out but is still completely unaware of who she really is this stage at the height of America's megalomania of her narcissism of her ego possession however something happens to America something that rocks her to her core something that causes her to lose faith in the doctrine she once believed in she begins her inward Journey this inward Journey starts with something called The Dark Knight of the Soul this journey of individuation starting with ego death and psychological dismemberment will soon get its own video as there is way too much to cover but I don't think it's a coincidence that the events of this game start with the night of black knives where Godwin the golden is killed and starts to change the very landscape of the UR tree and lands between quote in the next stage corresponding to Thea as Mary the Animus is the word personified appearing in dreams as a professor clergyman scholar or some other authoritarian figure a woman with such an animus has great respect for traditional learning she is capable of sustain creative work and welcomes the opportunity to exercise her mind she's able to relate to a man on an individual level as lover rather than husband or father she seriously Pond her own elusive identity that last sentence is incredibly important she seriously Ponders her own elusive identity we hear America say this when she says she's going to look into the golden order and shatters her psyche aka the Elden ring she's looking Inward and pondering who she really is America's own words I declare mine intent to search the depths of the golden order through understanding of the proper way our faith our Grace is increased those Blissful ear days of blind belief are long past my comrades why must he falter her bed chamber is filled with books alluding to the fact that she is searching for something searching for the loss meaning in her life yearning to make sense of her life she is in this third stage of her animus and it is developing from rigan to us think about the world we enter in the opening cinematic America is in this state of self-reflection what she once thought she knew and wanted are no longer holding true the very Foundation of who she is is crumbling beneath her this turn inwards this fracturing of her psyche is the beginnings of a process of ego death and individuation all the demigods great runes are just aspects of her psyche and we are there to pick up the pieces we are uniting the Opposites within her and forging them into a new improved version America is in the process of self-reflection of individuation and she no longer has any use for rigan well this is a big problem for rigon and as stage two says he is Mr fix it and fix it he tries but it doesn't matter he can sit there for Millennia and nothing will change he will never fix the Elden ring and he will never Remain the Elden lord it's clear by America's appearance that rigan has been there trying to fix it for a very long time eventually we make it to the tree we kill the God and their order and with the knowledge we gained start a new order for the world we become America we become the siy the Divine couple we become the animating force that causes America to act we are the logos to her Heros the masculine to her feminine the action to her thoughts we are together the third stage and part one of the great works I made a big mistake I stated that the Elden Beast was the self of America psyche the self being the Godlike entity that lives within each of us it is our true individuated authentic self it holds all the aspects of our conscious and unconscious within it but that assertion was wrong I know now probably maybe that the Elden Beast is the soul of rigan according to Yung at times you can refer to the Animus as a woman's soul and what do we know about killing characters in Elden ring well we need to kill both their body and soul the Elden Beast is the manifestation of Radigan Soul we have to kill both the body and soul in order to free America from this prison this is why the final boss fight includes both Radigan the man and the Elden beast in one look at the state we see America in inside the UR Tre hanging by a rune Arc which we know to be a weapon of the Elden Beast and stabbed through the womb with this red sword thingy she is being held captive by both the body and soul of rigan now this captivity of amicas is all of her own doing remember the Animus is just the action to amica's thoughts this inward turn the state of reflection can take a very long time in fact some people don't come out of it at all think about someone in your life that has gone through a crisis or traumatic event they usually Retreat into their own psyches looking for an answer or Reason when they come out of the state they are usually totally different person sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse let's look at a few figures that nearly made it to the throne of Ellen Lord Viking Bernal both of these men were well on their way to power when tragedy struck them their maidens were each killed this crisis this trauma shatters their world and they too start the state of self-reflection you see vik stuck in an Ever jail a symbol that his former self is gone locked away vik didn't finish his magnumopus his individuation he never found his inner gold what he did find was madness he renounced everything he once knew and loved and Madness was the only thing he knew the state of Revenge of chaos became his God the thing that rules his life this same story happens over and over like Oscar for example his daughter was murdered and he turned to Revenge to chaos renouncing all else Bernal a serious Elden Lord Contender made it all the way to far moula where tragedy yet again befell him a serious significant loss occurs and he turns to blasphemy rejecting the world and the gods this game is centered around the theme of transformation and how one responds to a crisis you can choose to Rise From the Ashes and become a better better more whole person or you can succumb to it where the outcomes are much darker these are all options we choose at the end of the game chaos Oblivion doubling down on the current order all of these are options that we can choose now we know there are four stages and I'll get to the fourth stage soon but before I do I want to further submit this Theory and I know how what other important features of the game come in force the churches of America I believe the four structures in the DLC photo are these churches let's take a closer look at these churches starting with their locations but before we do there are some clues in the map that must be mentioned first and foremost the map is a fetus in a womb it just is you can see the head here the nose and eyes here and even umbilical cord I can't even begin to tell you the symbolic importance of a mother's womb with an Alchemy religion psychology and every other theme in this game with a story about human development about transformation child birth and loss it makes perfect sense that the map would reflect that it also has different stages of brain development and various water features on the map correlating to the stages of development America is in in the mountaintops of the Giants there is a water feature directly next to the first church of America that looks identical to a fetal brain in Lindell there is a much more developed brain next to the Earth tree these elements are sprinkled everywhere within the map and now that we have that covered in the importance of them let's look at these churches of America the First Church of America is located in the mountain tops of the Giants and this is Godfree stage it's no accident that the first church is here and right next to an illustration of a fetal brain this gives us the information that the church is very early on in America's development we also know that Godfrey's major purpose purpose was to defeat the Giants here this first church of America corresponds to her first stage of animus Godfrey we also know that Godfrey is related to The Crucible and The Crucible is related to the unconscious and the unconscious is related to Children the second Church of America located in the Altus Plateau Radigan stage in the second stage America is becoming her own individual person she's making decisions and forming her own ego remember the second stage of the Animus is a more romantic individual all right let's look where the second church is at it's located in the Altus Plateau the area of the capital we see another brain scan but it's much more developed showing America's progression more importantly is what's inside of the church itself blood and Roses Miyazaki is no stranger demonstration and the theme surrounding it this is where America is going through puberty and blossoming into her own own individual woman also blood roses the area of the map they're all red reflecting the stage of rigan the Third Church of America located in the Mist Woods us this is the area which the lands between open up and we discover the hidden truth that the two fingers can be killed and their hold on America can be released this is symbolic of this inward Journey America's on we are the action to her thoughts at this stage America is searching the depths of her psyche looking for answers this is played out through US finding the Eternal cities and the Finger Slayer blade this gives her the knowledge and insight to choose a different path for herself will she choose chaos Oblivion blasphemy death who knows but now she has the awareness to make such a decision in which quote unquote God will rule her life we don't know much about the force AG of the enus yet but one thing worth noting is where America is facing relative to the UR Trey here in all the other churches she is in front of a very significant aspect of the game the UR Trey Forge of the Giants Etc America looking out to the ocean shows that she's leaving this world behind she is entering into a chaotic ocean that is the unconscious finding her true authentic self the other thing worth noting here is the sound the church bells tolling the church Bell's tolling are from amica's former ego as by the time she gets through this fourth and final stage she has undergone ego death this ego is brought to life and game as the golden one Godwin more on this in a later video these churches of America are all correlated to the stage of development for both America and her animus they each hold significance for the Elden Lord they are associated with Godfrey in the mountaintops of the Giants ragun in the urry US in the secrets of the Eternal cities so who will this fourth Church be associated with I hope by now I have made the connection between the concept of the animists and the Elden Lords very clear the Elden Lords and the animists are one and the same we are the acting Force to America's thoughts we are the order of the new world we are the next stage of development and The Awakening process now the main game might finish here but we know that there are four stages of the Animus and we are but the lowly number three one must usurp Us in order for America to finish this developmental process but who in order to answer this let's look at what these yian Scholars say about stage four quote in the fourth stage the Animus is the Incarnation of spiritual meaning a mahat man Gandhi a Martin Luther King or Daly Lama on this highest level like Thea as Sophia the Animus mediates between a woman's conscious mind and the unconscious in mythology he appears as Hermes messenger of the Gods and dreams he is a helpful [Music] guide [Music]
Channel: TheCenteredTarnished
Views: 14,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring lore, elden ring lore explained, elden ring gameplay, elden ring story explained, elden ring story, elden ring explained, elden ring endings explained, outer gods, elden ring dlc, elden ring elden lord, godwyn the golden
Id: L6pe8AhD8r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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