MINIVAN CAMPER TOUR: Dodge Grand Caravan Full Van Tour

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okay we're taking a tour of my 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan and uh let's go inside and check it out okay we're gonna do my tour inside since it's too windy outside and I keep getting really bad wind noise so right now we're um we're showing you the curtains they uh Stay Together by magnets it wasn't trapped in the door it might shut and then I have on the window I have this uh rain guard thing for houses for the gutters and then you just put it in the window and you roll the window up some and you can have some air coming in and I spray painted it black because they're normally White here I keep my shoes um here is a rug I just got the dollar 25 store and they just use it to get in and out of my car so grab some dirt the floor is made with those gym things from Home Depot and plus if I have to kneel on it it's spongy and it won't kill my knees this is my joy Tardis um refrigerator it's not plugged in right now but normally I plug it into one of my jackeries I have two jackery 240s and one blue Eddie I think it's a 700 and I put some Skid stuff on it so I can put stuff on here and it won't go flying inside is empty right now and uh normally on the left side the um stuff freezes for some reason so I put all my drinks on that side because I don't care if those freeze um this is my cheap flimsy trash can I get at Walmart and then these are my blackout curtains I just got some rods right here metal rods and connected them and then with bolts and then cut off the excess wrapped it with the electrical tape and you know they slide back and forth really easy they're um I got those on Amazon just for small Windows this is where I keep my water and then I got that at the dollar 25 store to keep them from flying around also this is my 60 watt panel of jackery that if I'm ever in one spot long enough I can just put out charge another box I also have 100 watt solar panel on top which I'll show you in a few this is my toilet it just it just unfolds put the top on I have cat litter underneath the seat in case I ever use it I have never used it yet and I hope I never have I prefer a toilet okay so this is my sink it's half sink half table these are stickers where I've been this is normally how I keep it shut right there I had it with magnets but the magnets kept opening and it wasn't strong enough so they kept doors kept popping open these keep my butane in it it's just little dollar 25 tree stuff and I just screwed them all just give me some more room to store stuff and this is soap and some cleaner stuff I keep my propane down there underneath my sink and I got a knife down there some pleats uh I got a little broom whisper room and my water back there connects to the sink and underneath this just pulls out right here this just pulls out and then I can pull the plastic thing out and then dump it clean it put it back that's my overflow from my sink or drain I also put this uh little pan underneath to catch any water in case it ever leaks so I have a whole bunch of water in here so this is where I sit and I eat or whatever and I also have a little ottoman right there this acts as my seat and I keep my clothes in it so they don't go all over the place this sink is used to be a I wash station sink so came out cold and I just bought this uh this is where the water comes out pulls it out of that clean line [Music] and it works you just charge it and put it on there how I kept it in here it's um I don't even know I just rigged something up I have a hole through there and then I put some uh some um window installation sticky stuff and then this this piece right here is from a car it's a seal so it's just my own little rig usually I keep my napkins in here this right here is a chair I can unfold and sit outside I have my soap some Forks to get too handy and then this just stays on with those little sticky things um this is my map of the United States of every state I want to go to and which ones I've have gone to I keep this up with those little clips from Dollar 25 store and I usually keep these and that one in the window all times my blackouts so because I never see out of them all right this is a shelf that we built at my work it's just a two-story I keep it my thumb tacked it to the seat belts and it's kept in pretty good also the bottom underneath there's a block that goes into one of the cup holders so it stays pretty steady um I have right now I have one jackery and it's plugged up to my solar panel Up on the Roof I'm getting 27 right now it's about almost five o'clock tonight um I have my fan plugged into it right there in a few minutes I'm going to turn it on because it's getting hot in here um this is just keeps my cup I have a couple cups and now I'll have a light in there and I have my toiletries and we put these little things on it so they don't go and also put the little non-skid stuff as you can see I have it all over the place and there's the other window one for the other side that I don't usually use um these are this is my three drawer thing from Walmart I'm sure everybody recognizes just has my uh shop towels which I love and it has um my stove in there it's butane and propane which I've never used yet because I don't cook very much I have a towel in there toilet paper some soap to wash my laundry and this is for my drawing my Landing path uh this is my junk drawer I have some DVD movies I have a DVD player underneath um I have this thing in case I ever go to the water I can put my wallet and phone in it won't drown got chargers in there and some scissors and tape and this stupid thing supposed to go on a water bottle so you can use it as a shower but it doesn't stay on a water bottle so you'd have to find something thick enough if I haven't yet uh this is just my dry drawer for food and uh yeah I have canned stuff in there and some granola I have a speaker in there if I want to listen to music and my dog's treats don't tell her um this here right here I just bought at Walmart it's like a pan for cooking I guess cookie pan and then I double taped it and it's on there good it's gonna be hard to get off that's the fan I love I got at Walmart and it's got like three levels and I put some sticky so you know everything stays this is my napkin holder I got at the dollar 25 store it I just cut a hole through the bottom there and then it goes through and it hasn't moved yet so that stays um my Lucy lights as I tell you about my loose lights so I have the Lucy like I don't know if I told you yet but that I put these little things on there so I could find it at night um the on off underneath my bed I have my little pot down you could put you know use it as a washed bin or washer stuff and it unfolds this is my kitchen I never usually go in here I have napkins in there and pots pans uh stuff like that garbage bags and in the back I don't know if you can see I have underneath way in the back I have my [Music] my toolbox this is just a junk drawer it's got like Staples and more wire for my water and just get pads and that sticky stuff I usually don't go in here too much there and how do I go to the bathroom let's let you look at that while I front my back oh I lost my bathroom okay we'll uh find it in a minute all right so this is my bed it's just basically a wood board and it's got four legs um I cut it used to be higher but I cut some off because I wanted a little more Headroom I have a uh [Music] sheet on it and then under the sheet I have a plastic sheet in case it gets wet or anything and I don't ruin the throne it anybody want some ice cream uh you're the ice cream truck out there all right and I usually keep a sleeping bag as my um my blanket then I have this other lighter blanket here I have a little cushion hopefully Dobby the dog goes and sleeps on that because she likes to hop to bed extra little pillow um Okay so my toilet I can't find so I'll do their show more oh I lost my toilet here it is so this is my toilet uh I usually just put this open that put this in there and do my thing and then close it dump it I keep it in here in case it leaks I'm gonna keep it under there and then I empty it whenever I can this right here is an extra shelf that comes up and it extends the bed so I have more room in the daytime and it's held on by these little latches [Music] and then you can put it down [Music] and that's that [Music] uh what else we got in here I think I pretty much covered everything I'll show you my solar panel in a few minutes um okay before we show you the solar panels is the back of my van this is back my bed um underneath this is where I kicked my tools I have to lift the bed up to get it out it's kind of a pain with one hand right now so just take my word on it these are my backpacks these I do a lot of hiking so that's my major one that's my uh little backpack for shorter trips these are my rest of my window shades deflectus and then I have black material on one side that I glued on with Gorilla spray bottle get up here okay so this is my solar panels 100 watt and uh all we did was took the the um the panel here and then we just drilled holes right through it and then double bolted it this came with the solar panel the brackets and so far it's worked out pretty good it's a little dirty right now let's figure out how to clean it and then I zip tied a couple of the wires so we didn't go flying all over the place and then I bought the mc4 plug off Amazon it was like 10 bucks connected it to it and then just ran it down [Music] side here just right through here and then I opened this little thing here and then it goes to eight millimeter and all my boxes are eight millimeters so it works out good um this is another sun shade I don't ever use this for the front window um oh yeah so over here out front I don't really use that much I just drive I get like hand sanitizer in there and then an umbrella seats and just this is where I uh charge my other jackery it's a hot [Music] um cigarette lighter one so it stays all the time so it'll kill my battery or it doesn't really kill the battery because the refrigerator has a uh automatic shut off when the battery is getting kind of low so I always get E1 error so the fridge shuts off all the time so I stopped doing it that way [Music]
Channel: Fueled by Wanderlust
Views: 41,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Van, build, camper, glamping, grand caravan, mini van, no build, sleaper, solar, stealth camping, tour, minivan
Id: cPlqnEbKFp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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