Minister R.A. Vernon III - Ordination

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you know the Bible says train up a child in the way that he should go and when they're old they won't depart now theologically and hermeneutical II we know that's the idea of teaching a child the ways of God but I think implicit in that text is also this the quicker you can discover their gifts and talents train them in what God already put in them and I think about all of my children one of the goals I've had in life I don't know how successful I've been but there's been one of my major goals right at the top of my list after Christ has been to help my children discover purpose I think about my oldest son Dominic and he would literally play drums on the steps we have just got married he and that was the poor day so what no drums the steps was the drums then he would play and we saw right away that sound and rhythm was in him and so I asked myself what is the best school in America were sound and learning rhythms and learning how the handle equipment and media stuff and we heard about Full Sail University and him and I took a road where we had a place in Florida too so whenever we would go down to our place we will ride up the for sale and I made sure I got him there he got through it has its bachelor's degree from full submission aid my oldest girls she was a late bloomer she majored in English at Akron University and then discovered that ministry was her real heart so not what she works here at the ministry and then uh everybody knows Raphael my Fred child he came out of his mother's womb dancing I mean he can be watching TV just move and anything happens any beat that he hears and I literally just put a a dance floor in his bedroom where every time he makes a certain move the lights blink according to his moves because as I told him I'm not trying to make you anything but what God has called you to be if dancing is in your soul I just actually to find some way to give God the glory so my baby boy he wants to dance and so he has a beautiful mind great reader great thinker and who knows what could shift but right now his dance and then pray for my little baby girl because she says she wants to be a pastor and a first lady so I guess she's gonna have to marry herself I'm trying to figure this out theological you're biologically how do you become she'd be the first person to history of the world to be a passenger and the first lady I don't know how this is going to work but she's still figuring it out and then of course there's ray and Ray something happened to him when he was about 14 years old my wife and I we just sit back and laugh he made his first major mistake we go out of town and him and miles his friend who also goes to the ministry my my baby miles man they get together and decide to have a jay-z party at my ranch while I'm gone now my mother-in-law is there supposedly babysitting but she old and there no she old so they decide to tell all their friends when you come in the ranch just cut your lights off they told the parents we don't want to wake up our parents so please as you pull up to the ranch cut your lights completely off and we'll have flashlights these nickels I'm sorry white people with what these Negroes got flashlights so that people can come in without being spotted my mom in law who's up at the house they take them down to the barn and have the biggest party they're riding four-wheelers at night drove one of my vehicles into a ditch talk about man I get home love tails on him I put him on punishment and just so happened that's this week all of my pastors that are watching that was the week of the gathering of the Shepherds some five six years ago and all the pastor's are coming to Cleveland come into the ranch and I say to him just stay out my face this week because you hurt me and Pastor Mike McClure happened to be at the wrench that week with all the other pastors he's staying in the room with Ray and Ray saying to Pastor Mike I miss my daddy's presence food there's some preaching in that because you ought to miss the father's presence I was walking around just sort of looking at him but not paying no attention and it was that moment there's something clicked he got off the bus from high school ninth grade freshman year he tells lady Vernon I'm done with this my daddy's a teacher whatever is in my daddy I want to be in me mommy I want you to homeschool me I want daddy to home-school me what's what's in daddy is on my life from that moment something clicked we were getting ready to go on vacation and on our way to vacation if you know me you know that's where I invest a little money I like to take real vacations because the Vernon family we work hard so we believe in playing hard so I spared no expense so I had planned this boss vacation weekend ready to go and he says the lady Vernon and I he says to his mommy and me he says guys I'm not gonna make it because I have to finish up pathway to purpose now that's our new members classes for persons who don't know I said pathway the purpose boy you was born here you know what I believe he said no dad no shortcuts he said whatever God has on my life they'll never say that I just got here on your name he's 14 years old he finished his pathway the purpose and graduates then I have all these ministers classes he's sitting in the back of every minister's class I've ever talked and then I look up and he's sitting in the back of staff meetings sitting in my executive team meetings traveling with me all over the world and I knew something with his own was just on his life I look up and now he's over the the teen ministry and the teen ministry explodes they named it the outsiders and all of a sudden hundreds of kids are coming because of his leadership and many does the Easter message and it wasn't even licensed he's not licensed now and he's traveling all over the world he was just in Flint Michigan the other night and before that he was someplace in the Ohio wherever just preaching and I purposely said I don't want to license him until I know I kind of knew when he was 14 years old 15 16 17 18 I probably held him back but I had to know I thought to myself let him go to college four years so here we are he's between Ashland and Morehouse predominately black okay absolutely black popular University with Thurman walk and Benjamin Mays walk and dr. King all of my homolytic heroes we go down to the ATL the president the Dean gives me a tour that's how bad they want already Vernon the third to come to Morehouse they give me but Dean tour and I said man all we got to do a sign I've been practicing and waiting all your life and saving and he says something to me that I think every parent should pray about he said dad I don't know what I'm supposed to do so whatever God tell you is all right with me that that was more pressure than him picking a college he says whatever you and mommy feel he said I'm young enough to know that I don't know he says so whatever you say dad is what I'm gonna do Oh God that's the kind of pressure so I'm praying and Holy Spirit told me he has to make this decision he comes back to me and says that I'm not supposed to lead clean I'm too young to go there I don't want to be away from Cleveland away from you away from ministry it's not who I am I'm going to Ashland so he goes to ash and I'm thinking okay I'll watch him during his freshman year maybe this is a phase once he gets to college he may want a while out for a year and discover that this is not he goes to Ashland and starts something called the melting pot and literally hundreds of teenagers college students barely grown are coming out he decided Aston didn't have enough diversity in their worship so he has blacks and whites coming every other Monday to 300 of them and funding it out of his own pocket which is technically my pocket buying the food paying for the band to come and come to find out Ashlin awards him and awards the melting pot with new ministry organization of the year they win the award I said God is up to something and so I say all that to say that it was important to me to make sure everyone knows that this is not favoritism or nepotism interview any five of my children and they would tell you daddy don't play if you're gonna work at the church get paid by the church you got to live like Jesus I'm not pushing you run your race but if you're gonna work here you'll work twice as hard everyone came to me knows that my brother-in-law AJ and my sister any persons that are kender me we all understand it's just what it is all eyes on us we don't work twice as hard we're gonna give it more because they'll never say that we're here just on our name my son was determined to prove I'm more than just daddy's boy he earned this night could have happened five years ago but I waited I went in I waited I would walk into his room and he didn't know I was coming in you know I'll do walk by us when I pay rent and pay bills and I walk by 6:30 in the morning open the door he's laid out on the floor praying to God every morning walk in without knocking he's reading this Bible and now I can't go anywhere where he's not on my head I'm grateful I'm blessed tonight to walking my son and to preach in ministry he has earned this moment God called him to it I can't hardly talk about it when I get emotional and all father my children are precious to me I want them to run their race but preaching is what he does he even get on my nerves because he's me can you imagine having me I don't want to deal with me I got a deal with me he's calling me a dad make sure when you do the news station they make sure you do a couple of instagrams but oh dad make sure when you meet with the team I'm like oh god he's got that bug is sick that is crazy he has a ministry mind ra Vernon you are my son and whom I'm well pleased prestigious let's bring them the other outcome [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] you I want you to come stand in front of me stand I asked him I'm so grateful for all of my sons my wife and I get over it we have two churches we have the word church and then we have the National Church where we pass the passes across the world we've come to understand it's what it is my pastors across the country call us every day need us if I can keep a pastor in California from doing something stupid on his wife I can keep California from a tragedy if I can keep some major pastor honoring his family then maybe we can preserve that city from a scandal so I've asked the word church to release me to know there always be my first love but to let me be Who I am and I never asked to pass all these passes they just start coming to cleave and coming to Akron sometimes their callings were then calling so he has uncles in the gospel across the country asked him who do you want to lay hands on you we said no no we thank God for our uncles across the country but charity begins at home and three of the men that have blessed his life when they locked me out my first church and I was in the rain and Ray was a baby in the car seat and they ain't even care that I had a little baby they just I had to take the car seat out and they drove away with my car those trustees laughing at me and I thought I was was probably dead that day and elder Larry Craig walked up to me and said no I'm not from church I just got out of prison but I know what they doing to you is not right and he said I don't know much about Church of the Bible but God just told me to help you and 20 years later he's still helping me everybody elder Larry Craig come on up here I want you to help me lay hands run fast run fast run fast run fast run fast my brother-in-law elder Jenkins if I if I die prematurely I know he's gonna love my my son he's been the best brother-in-law he has loved my sister you don't know what it is to have a brother loved your sister so good you don't even worry about her she hasn't had to worry about a bill he has honored her she smiles when he walk in and you know any cute and bowlegged and so I think that's why she married him for real and praise God he's the cool uncle I'm the corny uncle all the kids loved uncle Arnold but he's my main man he's been serving everything you see on TV everything you see all the videos you saw tonight we call ourself Gordon and Pittman when we get together some gonna happen good with y'all go crazy for Eldorado Jenkins come on brethren that's my my brother that's my brother come on I know he come in he's somewhere working TV so y'all give a little time to get here areas come on come on up AJ and then man he has spoken to raise life all fathers let somebody else speaking to your child's life sometime they need another voice don't feel bad if they get attracted slightly to somebody else who speaks into their life and Ray went through a little chubby phase I said no we ain't gonna head out so I said uh we gonna work you out right away so I saw him headed the other way and I said no no we gonna work you out cuz you need to look good you look pretty good don't he praise God amen and so I call it a Antonio Coleman and not only would he work ray out and come to the house and do it but he was speaking to his mind every morning and tell them boy you're blessed to have a daddy like that and everybody who knows Coleman knows he's a man of integrity pretty rachel is his wife good father which y'all welcome elder Coleman on stage with me right quick are you here come on up here man praise God and then he wanted some of his uncle's in the gospel to come and boy you talk about a man that he loves oh just one of the best churches in America and he can sing and preach and he looking good I'm crazy and the word church loves pastor 83 come on up here come on up that's the 83 city of truth don't go to heaven all pastors need somebody to sing and preach you better come me and then of course he absolutely loves the brilliant mind and we travel and see him all the time to change church dr. Darius Daniels with y'all praise God for him and the word Church knows who else something too called next so I'm gonna call next the killer from Birmingham I call him the killer he don't know how to preach regularly he have to kill you every time he grabbed a mic would y'all go crazy for Pastor Mike McClure y'all come on over all of you know I am submitted I am submitted I am submitted to my spiritual father Joey Johnson I'm all of you guys spiritual father every pastor need a spiritual father I don't care if you have a great father I don't care if you have a regular father you need a spiritual father if your father's not a pastor he don't know where pastor it is that's just real if your father is a pastor is a great person sometimes I got guys whose fathers are pastors and yet I'm still your spiritual father but don't tell me who your over until you tell me who you're under my bishop had Bible study so I'll preach five extra minutes because I wasn't gonna start - he got here Thank You Kiki for helping me kill a little time there because what nothing gonna happen i exhibition when he come and do the official charge the official charge to my son so this time when he's done our Comment will lay hands but i totally submit myself to the authority now of my spiritual father in the covering of the word church bishop Joey Johnson I treat licensing and ordination and still the most sacred of religious rituals this is a very very sacred moment and I cut all he passes runner told me be quick I cut it down as much as I could but it's it's too sacred to treat lightly it's a setting a part of this young man to corporate public ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ and yet we must keep in mind that shared fellowship of the gospel community and the vitality of each of our members relationship to God it's everybody's responsibility we are all called to the personal own private ministry of Jesus Christ but tonight we enact a ritual drama of ordination primarily will be seen in the act of laying on of hands laying on of hands is not an elevation of position as it is an elevation of service Langan of hands is not a reward given to people who have earned it as much as a setting a part of them to reach to when we and to reward the winning of a reward from Jesus the laying of hands is not an affirmation of anybody's perfection but its sanctification so we lay on hands tonight it sets things in order for God because God is a God of order it gives meaning to life it deals with chaos which is confusing and the ultimate goal is intimacy with God which is our greatest good I was reading a book and studying and I came up with four things that laying on of hands deals with transference identification consecration or dedication and ownership so before I do the charge I'm reticent to just speed forward and we don't know what's happening when you lay on hands you reenact and you signify transference so tonight my brother when we lay hands on there would be a visible symbol of an invisible divine transference that's gonna take place the transferring of the anointing from the anointed to you the anointing flows from Jesus through spiritual succession all the way down to you the life and power of the Church of Jesus Christ flows through Jesus through those who ordain me to the bishopric to pastor Vernon down to you and when we lay hands on you tonight we want you to feel the weight of God's call upon your life as the sacrificial goat metaphorically carried the weight of the sins of the people so we are affirming your call tonight the older Pentecostals would lay hands on you so heavily they try to knock you down we're not gonna do that but we want you to feel the heavy weight of the responsibility in the lame-o teen of Elijah and Elijah we want to impart a double portion to you tonight the delay in all of hands we reenact a signify identification you are forever identified now with the word Church it's somewhat like getting married from now on you publicly represent us and we publicly identify with you so no matter what happens when we walk away from this performer tonight we can't come back and say well this that or the other we're identified we're together when I do these kind of things I sometimes tell leaders it's not too late to get out because before we lay hands on you because you need to understand what's about to happen we reenact signify consecration dedication you're set apart to the Word of God for any profane news Bishop Ellis said to me when he dedicated me consecrated me to the bishopric nobody could heal him hear him on the side he said welcome to Calvary I said what I'm come forward I come to be ordained I come to be he said no welcome to Calvary that you are voluntarily laying down your life for Jesus Christ and through the laying on of hands we signify ownership everybody needs to know this every leader every pastor every that you are actually owned by the church they own you and you own them and so just a moment we'll lay hands on you but the charge comes out of 2nd Timothy 4 1 through 5 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus who is the judge of living in the day and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with great patience and instruction for the time will come the time has come when they will not endure sound doctrine but wanting to have their ears tickled they will accumulate for themselves teachers and according to their own desires and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to the myth but you be sober at all things endure hardship do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry my last seven words to you are seven statements of the charge number one preach the Evangel preach the gospel of Jesus Christ some folks are preaching about the urban league some people are preaching the n-double-a-cp priest Jesus the one who died on Calvary the set us free practice the Christian ethic that's progressive sanctification that you are constantly growing and moving in Jesus Christ number three proclaim the Christian has to cut eschatology I don't care how bad it is and how bad it looks Jesus is coming again and because I believe he's coming again I have a hole that is a blessed hope I'll charge you tonight my brother evangelize the loss win the loss and I know that's a part of your calling number five edify build up the Saints build up the body of Christ number six equip the Saints and number seven exalt or call or if I God in all that you do may God bless you in your calling and in your ministry [Music] [Applause] before I lay hands on him and we lay hands on him I want to acknowledge brother Curtis Campbell who has been another father to my son and I appreciate you loving not only mouths your grandson with the loss of his parents but she loved my son you would pick him up and take him to breakfast just so he could hear another voice as my uncle pastor Ernest Stewart in the house is he in the house I know he was trying to make it somebody wave at me have you seen this pastor Ernest Stewart here I know he had to his wife is under the weather he told me he would try to make it and so I just wanted to acknowledge him he's not here pastor Ernest Stewart that's okay but just one acknowledge he's the man that really helped me with preaching and teaching me a lot of the Bible when I was around him so as a pastor I wanted to be a part my son y'all come on around me both sides [Music] baby y'all come on stand to the side I want y'all to get our first-hand view of this all of my children mother Kathy thank you for coming come on up here with this mother Kathy my spiritual mother mother-in-law come on I believe my sister Rachelle is here I think my sister Vivian might be any of my family members that are present come on up and get a first-hand view of this any of my family members that are present you welcome to come on the stage with me all of my family members let my sister through right there right quick come on if I die my children are going to live with her my auntie Sharon who let me drive her car to the prom with no license praise God some stuff you just don't forget praise God it all worked out [Music] [Music] you're not gonna be perfect don't you cry man I'm trying to be cool you're 19 you're gonna be 19 I don't like the way your room look right now you're not perfect you 19 you just like me I was always the youngest everything felt pressure since I was 15 to be perfect junior Deacon Deacon Minister youngest pastor youngest everything can't get nobody pregnant can't go to a club can't cuss can dream can't sleep with nobody just trying to love Jesus and sometimes family don't understand people closest to you friends this is not just something to be doing and I I held you back probably five years too long because I want you to make sure but I my baby you and I've had our private talk about what we're gonna make sure of I feel no need to say it publicly you're not gonna be perfect and as long as Daddy breathing I got your back I'll never turn on you I'll never put you down I'll never question your calling I'll be there and I'm just about 10 15 years away from changing my name from pasta Vernon to my kids daddy that's what all my t-shirts gonna say I'm just my kids daddy looking forward to sitting on the front row watching you then it'd be alright with me the rest of my life and all of my children would you know want all of you to lay your hands on him Bishop come on in all of you to believe in the power of prayer [Music] Lord in the name of Jesus I lay hands on this your prophet this young man of God but we move this from the natural to the spiritual right this moment he's not my son he's your preacher I can't protect him from everything you will allow him to go through whatever it is you need to do in his life Lord he's your preacher he just shipped it from my son and now he's first and foremost card of God Lord as I lay my hands on him I transfer all the good things that are in me but I pray now for the anointing to fall fresh whatever Elijah did for Elijah I pray double triple quadruple every miracle every decent thing you've done through me do better for my baby God do me a favor don't let no witch hexamer don't let no demons demolish him don't let anything come against him that would tarnish the call this on his life keep him in integrity that's just not meaning no mistakes but man enough to admit his mistakes Lord I pray God that you would cover him and in your time send the right wife that would take on the burden of being married to somebody with colliding covenants that sometimes she'll be second to the church and sometimes she'll be second to the members and sometimes she'll just simply be second sometime Lord you will overwhelm him with responsibility Lord I realize I cannot keep everything from him that you need to do through him and to him and with him but I cover him in the name of Jesus and now God up acts now that she would bless this my baby my namesake and let him do more with the Vernon name than I've ever done we lay hands on him cover him in the blood cover him in the blood let him preach to thousands millions let him touch lives let him lift up the name that is above every name he's young I pray against arrogance and narcissism and all the things that come with being young and gifted let him never think more highly of himself than he is if he can't humble himself then you go ahead and humble him do whatever you got to do to keep him close to you if you got to knock him down to make him look up I release him to you whatever you gotta do to keep him near the cross god I pray for him now bless him Jesus bless him Jesus put preaching in his mouth put preaching in his mouth put anointing in his hands cover him God use him God to speak to teenagers and Millennials and younger thoughts and senior citizens lord I thank you for and now Lord as we lay hands on him we transfer all the way as our Bishop said from the bishop Peter down to the lineage of myself on to him there's ecclesiastical calling that he would carry this gospel carry this gospel and understand that it is the loftiest occupation in the world to preach and have the privilege to declare the name of Jesus that he is Lord in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name hey man [Music] for clarity's sake tonight I am licensing and ordaining him passes everything I do when you come as a teaching moment I license you to preach i ordain you to something that if I ordain you I am ordaining you to something it's already evident to me that they'll be young persons wanted him to do weddings and funerals and I don't have time for false humility I've already explained the fact this is not nepotism it's what it is he is my son I live with them so I know I'm better than most and I don't want to go too far tonight but this is not the last stop for him but this is the first necessary stop and tonight I am licensing you and ordaining you to the gospel ministry I am ordaining me once unlicensed and ordained you you'll have the ability to do funerals to do weddings to do those pastoral things for kids asked him the last two weeks that come to their graduation they gave their momma ticket their daddy a ticket that cousins a ticket and then had a ticket for him I said where you're going such as such graduated she just wants me to be their daddy that's pastoral stuff so all of the young people here look to him as their leader it just happened organically there's something on you so tonight I'm doing something that's different for a young man but I'm licensed and in ordaining you in the name of Jesus a license and ordain you into gospel ministry forth until you die or Christ comes back you're licensed and ordained to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is so amen could you bring those license ordinations quickly could you bring those license and ordinations quickly bring them quickly bring them quickly let's put them up there bring us a pen thank you so much give us a pen every pastor this present let's come now all of you that were part of it we want to make this official in front of you and then we're gonna worship please don't move it you don't have to but I'm gonna do it in front of you and make it totally official pastors bishops oh you'd be next to me if you could come as soon as we're done I want all of you to sign both his license and his ordination Amen Bishop I've already signed yes [Music] Oh everybody come opreis team [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen I give you what's this new title I give you Minister ray [Applause] I first want to give honor to my best friend for the reason that I'm standing right here for the reason why all of you are sitting right here I want to give honor to my Lord and Savior my best friend Jesus Christ who died for me [Applause] no I I told my dad this the other week we were talking and this is to my mom and dad I told him on Father's Day I told him I said I'm really just a product of kept promises everything that he said he was gonna do for me everything that she says she was gonna do for me they always did every game every [Music] everything they ever send I know how rare that is I know I got friends that tell me I know I see it and I know that's not usual and I never take it for granted I never take it for granted I love you I thank you but loving me for being there for me but never dropping me ever in my life ever in my life they never dropped me I love you for that everywhere I turn her everywhere I turn it's been love around me my church my brothers my sister love don't everything I don't listen to when you brought it to my life every word that you say to me every text every time you tell me something in me something to me it means something to me they taught me never take people for granted never take love for granted everything you ever did for me I thank you word church and I love you so much the bottom of my heart I love y'all [Applause] it's all I want to say I love everybody that came tonight I appreciate you I honor this I value this for me this is like in the scholarship a football scholarship full ride to Alabama I've been waiting on this all my life and I love y'all Alabama not Ohio State I got to be honest now look love it I love y'all miles I love you my brother you've been so strong and I never took that for granted lost his parents come up here mouse lost his parents and Luke come up here Luke my best friend Luke came from alla Atlanta to support me come up here Luke [Applause] [Music] love you Luke boy my white boy looky Dukey I love white people I just want to tell you I love you I appreciate you I honor this and I'm not gonna stop and I'm never gonna take this for granted and I'm never gonna take you for granted so I love y'all thank y'all for coming I appreciate you [Applause]
Channel: Outsiders TWC
Views: 49,285
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Keywords: the word church, r a vernon, cleveland, teen, youth, christ, minister, young minister, philosophy films, outsiders, ministry
Id: Bl8Ni_KSeYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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