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we are watching nl's video guess the accent I know deji's on it I know Kenny's on it obviously niiko is on it I don't know who the other one is if there is another one but let's find [Music] out here we go ndl guess the accent welcome to guess the accent a game show where we guess here's how it's going to work someone will walk in and say a line in their native accent hello my name's Robin our two teams will then be able to ask one question each and then they'll have to pin where they think the accent is from on the map behind the catch is some of the contenders could be completely waffling and faking their accent for every accent you guess right it's three points or if both teams get it wrong it's one point for the closest let's introduce the teams we are the forever winners because no matter if we lose we always come back and win come on shut up man doesn't matter like we lose will'll beat you still yeah all right you guys we're Degeneration X because I feel like we work well as a team I about that's the first time I had that the team and he has ask me all right degeneration next we like degenerate so today's sentence is one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me hey yo Kenny bro relax man who drinks pee I'm into that stuff but not drinking it I this has a more side Vi about it his videos are like his video these videos are lowkey what I want want to start doing more on my main Channel I think they they're like sorry I got something our teeth and that was gross um they're like they're really fun they're not super high super high production but this is like what I want to watch that being said let's bring in our first person all right hello hi my name is Emma one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me who do you think out that that scares me no wait that was the wrong accent that's that oh was that your question yeah that's no no no that's his question that's his question no that's not fair that's not fair you want my honest opinion yeah yeah you as a group question that doesn't count who do you think drinks pee you damn you gives golden shower you're saying New Zealand I'm thinking like I was thinking America I was thinking like West Coast America you're interested all right so it is time for us to guess the accent can you say one more time please one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me three two no I you to stop it you're not being serious you're not being serious I know what he's thinking generally I know what he's thinking but if I said it here he would think the same thing that it's outrageous number one you just confessed that Eve's dropping so so you stay on that side what were you thinking then austral no like like that's what I say it sounds like a one more time I get that look like you drink pee and that scares me oh I'm so Tor it could be a very weak Scottish on man when she says and that that sounds British can you say just one more time let me listen to when she says and that one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me scares American would be like and there I'm why is Kenny like first of all get away from my face that close to you that close I think it might be smells his breath I think I'd immediately have gone don't laugh oh Swedish you know what I'm just throw throw a random one out there no way oh W what was that I said that's like a door open okay is this a good question were you raised in North America yeah yeah all right the question is were you raised in North America yes C oh I think it can because it's very soft but I feel like she's lived here for a long time yeah I see that Arizona or California Cali Cali that's say right so maybe we should say can you random right next to Sweden what's from what okay how about this how about this wait no it's the West Coast no no no no no no no no that's not our question that's my question no no that's his name he just said his name out loud all right you know what I'm going to do with you can you say Mali B Cali Sally Mali B cie Sally that was the most point what she said call cforia ke okay all right okay n surely not come on man sh I think that's what he was thinking I know he's this is hard oh yeah you know Kenny our brother it can't be it can't just be Kenny looked in Vancouver Canada and deji and I tried our best to look in California is there it's the whole the hell you talking it'sing wait what I'm confused all right so we've gone for um California United States and what have you guys gone for Vancouver Canada I think that you've lived in London for quite some time so I'm from California yes it is but I've been in London for 9 years now your accent I feel like that's the first thing I said no did I say it I don't know maybe I didn't maybe I'm just waffling now told y'all what percent of the donations go charity well the actual donations everything you said American oh I said West Coast did I say West Coast I said wsos yeah soft but when you said Cali oh that's when it came out yeah wait say say cie cie cie C come on man why are you happy man you said Australia I said Australia at the start where are you going did I tell you you said that what's that guess the l i SC my face wa didn't I tell you he said that it doesn't matter if he said that he's wrong well thank you very thank you really appreciate it say with that being said let's bring in the next accent oh okay on hey my name is Adam one of you guys looks like he drink pee and that scares me oh my God I can already tell what this one is I don't know wait say again what one of you guys looks like he drinks pee and that scares me I know it that's like it's just north in it like Bradford or something birmingh yeah oh get the hell out of the whole studio okay so the region I'm getting here is Midland I'm to get wolves you're W now stop it bro so Dum stop it you flipping stop it stop you stop it you're pissing me the F off well you are really really grinding my gears yeah guess what do you know what you are doing what I got nothing you got nothing left yeah you stupid idiot that's why I would go with what I'm saying is it in the UK and if not it's probably New Zealand austral no no no no it's where you're from in the Premier League or Championship cuz that's in the Premier League that's in the championship can I just do it can I do it me you know what you do it you go on thank you what's your background uh Pakistani what how is that going to help you no that that did help oh I can see why I just hear the accent I'll be real of you guys that's what I'm hear fact that the fact that Nick is very sure I feel like I need to I need to get it so the place you're from like the best team in the area is in either the Premier League or the championship is in both why the can it be in both all right you ready thatan well isn't if it's Birmingham Villa's in Birmingham right yeah it literally has to I'm in shock I'm in shock right now wait wait let me hear your accent here first sentence all right what of you guys looks like he drinks pee and that scares me scares me scar scares me the rest of it oh my gosh I would have said like London that is the most f guest really yeah that would be Liverpool right here bamp smooth think obviously he in the UK but where in the UK you thinking Birmingham because I think obviously Birmingham city is in Championship wolver Hampton in the Premier League that's right both teams were in agreement as we both selected Birmingham England yeah obviously that question I asked yeah wolver Hampton is in the Prem Birmingham is in the championship no wolver Hampton's own spot but that's what I'm trying to see that's why I didn't get it Aston Villa but they still guessed it think about Aston Villa yeah he still guessed Birmingham we said Birmingham UK you saiding UK UK yeah yeah he's UK the UK's worst accent in the building oh my God I I forg what kind City it's basically it's basically niiko versus chunks and they both have a hindrance I said who the hell is in the pr I lost my mind bro oh my God but you said Northampton I was no you know what he said New Zealand New Zealand to be fair I did as well Kenny the team might be the best team ever well thank you so much brother appreciate it right now the score is 63 let's bring in the next person bring in the next from from the face I feel like I already know I know what you mean you know I know I already know what you mean hi my name is James one of you guys look like you drink peen that scares me wait waffle waffle say that again please one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me waffle way in America yeah waffle vacing oh vacing you are spot on sometimes it's good to get Carriage you know he sounds racist as hell you know what I mean what would get it in one for me oh please I ask him to say the word no no wait no no that's said anyway yo man I got a question do you know the man in the green and white Shir yes I do yeah didn't you run for mayor yeah there we go I don't know can you say Hey you look bigger and no say hey you little bigger that's it no this guy why are you did I don't want to get cancelled all right just say come here boy come here boy oh that has On's neck whipped you jeez dei's King 100% waffle come here boy all right let's go let's go it sounds a if it was here it would be here yeah MH it's WAFF it's waffle I want to go with your heart go your heart I trust your heart both teams thought he was faking his accent and we both locked me personally I know that nich's not clear enough to get notice in Southern America so that's why I said you shouldn't know that he ran for mayor may he mess with my people go go go then then we would have known for the same reason I would say I would say maybe English British actor a South accent as well yeah very good though Southern though it is what what is it are you waffling or it was an actual accent yeah I'm from Ireland you're from Ireland Island's lit wait so what other accents can you do can you do Shrek can Scottish um tell you something about swamp or something I can't do Scot he literally didn't say he could do Scottish what are you doing in my swamp what are you doing in my swamp no where going he said he can't do it and he's just I'm sorry does he think Shrek is Irish so for the next one let's bring in the next person let's bring in the next person oh let's bring them in now but before we do that go and subscribe to the ndl channel we're trying to hit 10 million subscribers oh we're actually not that close so please subscribe right I was that actually that baited fully you know I was actually thinking like wow is this second Channel going to hit and make sure you like this video If you like this channel be video all right hello my name's Robin one of you guys look like you drink urine uh I can't fure this out Australia or New Zealand wait let me hear it I don't want to look at chat and that scares me oh that's New Zealand scares me that's New Zealand no [ __ ] is that Australia [ __ ] thank you thank you very much straight up we know the question is we know I don't even have a question yeah so she's going to be Australian but be a from New Zealand straight from the get go you thinking Australia I say New Zealand oh I didn't even think maybe I feel like she's more likely to be Australian just from their voice what was the snack that we had in Australia I've changed my mind to brisban that's what I said you know already I did say just to make sure we know did say New Zealand what's your favorite shapes yeah you may as well assume she's Australian may as well assume okay but how do we how do we wh that down what is your city most well known for okay but that's I don't know anything about I mean i' I've been there should we just ask what's your country what's your city most wellknown go on what is your city uh most well known for export Xbox export export yes as they listen to the fact that means that they have to be closer to it they have to be closer to the water so Sydney here we go he's near your eyes austral yeah but where I don't know what's your favorite uh I love him I love him so much him and JJ just live on like 600 ping it's crazy um shapes barbecue listen man we're ready to go up ready to go exports Sydney melbert Sydney or melbert bro I'm confident bro I know where she's from no for exports Sydney Adel you think Adela isn't know the xox is it yeah I can't he's waffling so we locked in Adelaide and chunks and Kenny went for Sydney where have you guys gone we've decided to choose Sydney and we said Adelaide a man Adel you guys actually think ad between Sydney and Adel yeah cuz export C would have to be on the on the outket so we we have said Adelaide and they have said Sydney oh they are closer cold that means we get where you from where is it Newcastle Newcastle largest exporter of coal in the world weird Flex so you were 200ks out that's not bad a city in both England and Australia the sister city oh okay okay appreciate your time between uh what is the like what's the the big like tell between Australian and New Zealand cuz they I know that you're going to be like they sound completely different but there's what is it what's the don't set the accent head as hid that e sound like eyes okay okay let's bring in the next person okay hello man hey I'm Tyson one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me sorry what's your name Tyson Bradley that's that's question that's your question that's your question no no no no that's what we needed that's what we needed no no no come here oh oh my I I never say this it's it's can you say it one more time just last time one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that's SC scares me P it sounds like it sounds like where Preston plays is from I don't know where he's from Canadian Texas I don't think it's sounds like EA Sports brother so where is he from EA Sports It's in the game he's from the UK bro is he I'm pretty sure is he what maybe I don't know bro but regardless he's from Canada ni Ty Bradley W come on come on come on all right you know what we'll go with you cool what animal best represents your country yeah but some countries don't have that well hopefully his one does even that's a horror question there I don't care you're the worst in this whole game what animal best represents your country a beaver okay it's Canada that is the fact you guys sat down is crazy yeah are you Beav Beav are problem stop yeah fine I will squeeze your nipples sub big Sam thank you so for the certain we locked in waffle and chunks and Kenny once again put their pin in Canada Lo in um British Columbia Canada oo and you Lo to Waffle the reason why we were saying waffle is because you came in you're like hello my name is Tyson and then you're like beer whatever and then literally didn't do that at all oh my and we said uh Canada just because you sound like you're American but it sounds it's got a little twinge in it I thought Canada's animals moose but beaver sounds similar if you knew that why did you put it in Canada I'm vibing there's only one way to find out it's going to be can or WAFF so we've said waffle they've said Canada British Columbia Canada what country is it I'm actually from Vancouver British Columbia Canada yes he promised me you said well he I don't think I can CH you got it I don't think I can CH you they've overtaken 10 n oh my hey my boy I've been BC you got even the right Province man the right Province cuz it is I could tell I like you brother man thank you I can feel it in you like the the British Columbia yeah yeah I want to say I apologize for saying W and getting it and getting it incorrect I I actually thought you were waffling the fact I got that on the face play thir play wait so what's your name Tyson Bradley now it sounds Canadian literally didn't he's never Chang he's just talking that's all he us thank you very much all right thank you very let's bring me my phone just went please introduce yourself and say the sentence my name is Robin Faraday one of you guys you look like you drink urine and that scares me who wow all right honestly I can't say anything after that travesty I I honest I can't I think I know where that's from he in Texas do you know how genuinely if you get it I'll be Gob smacked I'll be Gob smacked obviously we're never going to know it my question is has there been a very successful singer from where you were raised there's been many like a but but as in like one key all right for should have asked for a name very successful singer they're thinking like beon I thinking Atlanta right Atlanta Georgia this place is filled with Talent filled with Talent that's true that was a bad question in general but no but it makes sense that's that's known for music could you say the full alphabet in the strongest version of your accent what Wonder day for the 64 months cuz then we can hear the strongest version do you want to he go for it yeah yeah yeah could you say the full alphabet in the strongest version of your accent a b c d e f g h h i j k l m m o p q r s t u v wxy z okay I'm no closer get up man no man get up get up get up can we just go with your G Miss think waffle now you know what it's gone after that last round brother believe in yourself if you get this one wrong then maybe yeah forever but this time trust yourself go Texas safe okay it's safe it's safe safe safe go of your got oh no you do it you do it yeah I've trust in you and I think you're the goat and honestly I'm clueless we went for Atlanta Georgia where did you guys go for we went for Houston Texas I thought you were thinking that cuz a Beyonce yeah where are you actually from so I'm from Boston what's closest to Boston Atlanta and Texas Atlanta Boston is closest to Atlanta yes yes amazing for a second I thought but you know I'll take that draw right now see what happens when I'm on your team we end up drawing all the time oh my you know these games this match Up's actually pretty even I'm saying man this is good damn I feel bad though huh why that last game I let you down no no this is 10 we're good we're good you your your gut got us here thank you so much really appreciate Boston thank you thank you so much I always thought that Boston Act was like Boston come give me my coffee and time we hit Boston I thought I think of Mark wolberg yeah that's what I was thinking bastard imagine Mark wolberg comes out I'll vomit you said you vomit I love him so much this is okay so the scores 10 game is this this going be final round super tense finale let's bring in person oh hi guys my name's Mary oh one of you guys look like you drink pee that scares me no who who the guy at the end I I I do love it man waffle they want to say Scottish waffle don't look at me like that WAFF WAFF WAFF I think hundreds did you not hear the first half one of you guys looks like you drink pee I no that's you hear that no I no could you just repeat the sentence one more time cuz I think I heard something well one of you guys looks like you drink pee and that scares me that's a difficult accent you know you know what it means it means that you've been in London for about the last 15 years yeah has anyone ever told you you lost your accent a bit no on the contrary oh oh my God I heard it I'm telling you is what I just said I'm telling you okay wa is it oh my God I don't know is it very strong more like por so they might have a little less of an accent what what was your reason for saying from the light string from a second ago you didn't even think it was that we went Cardiff didn't we recently for video Cardiff did you go yeah did you know no sound that they're going ask question notse I'm going to ask has a really famous university do you have a famous university do you have a very famous university in the city which you're from no oh no theme cool well we're ready you know me I'm not good good at accent I can'ta that being said what are you doing what youing okay okay so we're going to say aine yeah right please you guys looked in yeah aine she's norian so we guessed that she was from Scotland and we said abine no it's difficult because we oh my God we could find out if we're right and then if we're wrong we get one more gu all right all right so we're both saying abedine are we right or are we wrong wrong okay well back up we go okay Anonymous against the sub oh my God KY she SC it it's just that it's not to see oh you know this guy man Nico what he said well if she said he not right then she's Welsh yeah good luck good luck mother well oh mother Well w yeah okay look other cities GL yeah you know they're going to go glas yeah they're going there you know that so we may as well have a shot in the dark we may as well have a big finale yeah what's that mother well did you say yeah that's what I said okay we'll go mother well okay yeah we have our answer we've gone for that means one of them's going to be right we've gone for mother well mother well what bab like is any of us right no where are you actually from Perth Perth it's near Ed oh damn that's what we literally said in the first place so it's just deciding was closer to Perth mother wheel or Glasgow Glasgow yeah we l I'm from Scotland oh God it's horrible shut your M from Baltimore V coming in we're going to find out who has won this episode come on man motherwell is 74 km away from Perth and Glasgow is only [Applause] 70 edin is the first thing I thought that's what's so painful about it GL weian fair enough say um obviously it's rigged uh we know you're actually from mother well you me don't to admit it I'm absolutely devastated subscribe like the video and uh peace out yeah I thought it was Waffle damn fair enough I love these videos man niik is such a goat I can't do Scot Scotland a no yeah I just can't do it
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 137,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qolNx4t3hGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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