Miniature rescue horse saved from auction!

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here we guys we we were hoping that he would run [Laughter] away I told you I told you right so this little one there is quiny Quincy I'm like Quincy where's the lind so quinty Abby right Abby and this is the one that was rescued and Linda and Danny were given a date to go correct me if I'm wrong Linda you have to go to an auction [Music] yeah and to save her and you went and no one else turned up at the auction so Lind and Dany could have $5 but they didn't they said they want to give something to the Char so they bid against each other didn't tell the oer the oer could not understand what was going on and they they they bat themselves up and make something to charity so right then so let's uh let's have a look here so I write my list down so don't forget anything cuz you get excited when you stare at me and there so confidence and Leadership so he's going to roll oh age age age Lind 15 both Fourth of July Fourth of July wow okay so what I'm going to try and do is for entertain reasons let let uh let Quincy go and have a run around we may have to put it put Quincy away we'll see we'll see how we get on so um okay so I have deliberately done uh I've LED um Abby along the indoor um barn and I stopped Abby twice looked at Abby's feet and she she backed up me and I said to Linda whoa if I do any if I do anymore it it won't be authentic enough so we made a decision we all sat down so I have done absolutely zero with Abby now can you see here she keeps wanting to get by me and now if I allow that for her to push all on me so every time she thinks about coming into my space I'm just looking at her feet getting her attention and making her it'll help make her feel saf with me I'm going to just bump a little bit here there you go tell her how good she is I'm not whole grip in her here if you grip them they feel claustrophobic so that's really important she standing a bit Stiller there with that so I'm going to lead her with a loose R here and I'm going to step back I wanted to stop and step back so I'll do this a few times I'll step my foot back that is a little nice little stop there so I'm going to lead her drop my shoulder and step my foot back she's shaking look she's shaken um so I'm going to go this way stop back her up good she is where is the I don't keep doing this but you got to watch my shoulder shoulder down back her up shoulder down there now when she does a nice little stop for me just say there you go you're all right you're all right um but I'll really work on that stop yes so that's fourth time I've asked your attention tell right good shees um and then I'm going to do it again stop now already she's taking more notes than me just for me back in her up the more you can yield any horse away um and I tend to tut Some People shush some people say back back back I don't think it really matters that much really is my way better probably we all clu for forward I do I clu for forward um and I think you can confuse a horse you clucked tutting is still a repetitive kind of sound but they they separated it out she getting better already um so I I if if she if she was mine I'd be doing of I'd be doing this loads loads right okay so I'm quite happy with but you see how I get her attention I just get her attention you can use a plastic bag to get her attention and then take plastic bag away uh just so something to get attention because when there attention wonders same with riding horses their ears will go in the direction their nose will go and then their toes goes so if you can keep them locked on a little bit then then that you know I'll sometimes sit on a chair and just do that just get the horse's attention on me and leave them alone so attention on me more so that's a good sign now that was an unrequested Forward Motion so she knows I just saw that look how easy she's backing up absolutely brilliant tension there there so next on my list is feet forward cuz all I've been doing is backing up so now I want I want to get feet forward so I'm going to at the moment I am what's called neutral neutral is nothing n nothing that right neutral again I don't care how much she does that two paces too much there agressive Forward Motion now one wanty to show here is it doesn't matter how big this echine brain brain is it's no different than the big horses they responding exactly the same way and I don't know about over here but Little Ponies are a nightmare at home people hand feed them constantly they're feeding them treating them allowing all sorts of and and if they kick he just kicked me so um so it's the same equine brain same equine brain so the ground work is no different okay so forward now I'm going to go from neutral to can you go forward so now I am active right I had one foot for stop back up a little bit look at that look this is push button already and um now do you think it's Advantage just to have Quincy running around like this mhm oh absolutely you know if it was a big ride course right now then no probably not but this is great for for her cuz I'm saying no you don't come forward I noticed that okay so again from neutral to active nice and this is how I start any Lon any Lon stop W let's try this side this eye might not be oh might be okay but she might come into me a bit more because we Le them this side so yeah got my little forward got my little forward stop back up one past thank you go forward so now I've got active now look do you think she get this scared in what no time at all by just being look L and Sho she said and and for that oh are we going to try and lower your head what look at that look at that she says if you haven't got far to LY I can't go very far and bit pressure there you go look at that the kids yeah I bu any kids B KS we're all that right she is really relaxing now so can I disengage her little back feet and when I disengage big horse little horse it does not matter I lift my rain because everything relates to a riding horse I'm going to lift my rain which is what I would do in the saddle I would lift I would lift my rain so I'm going to she's kind she look got her attention straight away here right so I'm going to look at what I want to move which is the high quarters I'm going to lift my halter uh line which is my R and then I'm going to see if I can get a high quarter uh disengage and then I'm out of there I am out of there right that's how this SP so that's a step that's a little one that's a little one and then just a little they really recognize that so tell her good she is Linda yes are you how do you think she's doing better than you thought you would yeah yeah I I um I thought she might be pretty petrified in it which she was so I'm going to keep going till I get a nice there a nice one stuff now what I found is cuz we go through quite a few troubles kind of wildish horses we have to catch um a lot of horses that are really worried will not disengage their home quarters right they what's called Step around everyone know what I'm saying here they step and the reason they're stepping is because if I cross my legs like this I lose I lose all my flight completely going to do that and horses know that and they step for ages until you finally get a a high quarter um disengagement and then you leave them alone you just build on that then they start trusting you more and they will give up their motor for you uh and then you really starting to get somewhere there but people don't know what I meant there when you disengage in a nervous horse try and wait until they actually cross for you and then you you're going to do a lot better with them then um so that's feet forward disengage them stops done um now I have low in head I'll do that again um now at first I go on the side that they they'll be more uh you know used to people obviously the other R be a little bit different but for the demonstration I just come this this side um and I'll see if I can lower it again bit of pressure um there and then I'll leave her alone I'll put a little bit of pressure here and a little bit of pressure down there there and then rubber um and this is does anyone noticing this is no different than the big horse there is no an eoin brain is an now she's struggling there now so I'm just going to hold I've got a little bit of a squeeze here Rock and hold and the worst thing I could do now to release that for the for the hardness she's given me so I'm just there so did anyone see that little gift okay this will probably be quick now there so it's just waiting for them to figure out what so there just come up I'm going to keep focused and then as soon as she thought about it and there and she she loosened her mouth off look there's no no difference so tell her right good she is now I'm going to see if I can up it a little bit and put a blanket on her she might be pretty pretty frighten now but we'll see she might be pretty frightened and this is what's called flooding flooding until she and that's a lot better than I thought it would be but again I don't wouldn't have had that unless I just done that bit of ground work so it's important here that I keep doing that till she kind of relaxes she's stucked her feet so I'll bring her here stop and then I'll do it again but it's important I don't stop that till she stops her feet it's about stop it stoping her feet right she flinched but she didn't move her feet um and that's she's flinching so if she were mine if she were mine I would spend maybe an hour getting it so she was that bored of that um that picture she can't help she cannot help doing that right now she has no control over that feeling that she gets because basically she she um has a picture of this a feel of it a picture a feel a sound and if that picture a feel and a sound is something threatening she has no control over her movement and sometimes when a horse Spooks real bad we say the stupid horse you they can't they cannot help it a horse can't it has no control now if I came up there with a tofe ammer you know what tofe hmer is little Hama and and I asked you all to cross your legs I I'm so good at it I can have you all doing that with you with you that is called an innate response you cannot help it that's exactly how a horses they can't help they cannot help themselves and it's only when we desensitize so in other words the picture of something that's frightening that picture that sense that smell the the senses they have if you do it enough that starts to not be a threat that's what desensitized is so you know if a horse Spooks from something and you know what it is you've got to flood them with it until that has now become non-threatening does that make sense guys it's so I I desensitize some horses you think there's no way you can do it but you got to make that picture not so thre so so here um right did you see him put did you see a put her head down she just that that picture of that on this side just Rel went away a little bit so I waited for a bit but now this side it might be completely different so let's see no so that's a good thing to show you really You' got to remember they see in pictures they see in the moment in the moment and they react all horses ponies every eoin breed is just a set of reactions to the picture and the senses around that picture it's just a a mass of of of reactions depending on the level of threat and that's all horses are it's the level of threat and and and that's what they make a because remember they feed they are eaten um and they that's why they're here millions of years because they don't think about it it's in their DNA that wens them enough they're gone they are gone if they get caught up in the trail out and panic they can't help it does that make sense what I'm saying guys and that when I realized that it really changed the way I thought I never got angry for them spoken cuz they cannot help it and that can really help people when they know that that side of it now the people if anyone studied or looked at horse's brains compared with a humans has anybody looked at it few hands coming up here anyone thats side few hands well after dinner I'll show you show you the book uh there's a book Tanya bought me and it's confirmed so much that I thought horse brain human brain and uh when you actually look at a horse's brain an eoin brain it's it's amazing to see the differences with the human um you know they they basically a setup so they don't think about it they don't think about it they don't think about the consequences we got 33% of the frontal load a massive portion we think about what the consequences are going to be so if there's a fell there and and he's a big lad and I'd think about being nice to the guy do you know what I mean I I'd think about what could hav horses haven't got that dogs and cats got about 5% of it I think monkeys it's about between 17 and 25% monkeys for monkeys are clever they think about that we've got a good thir some say 40% of it is what we think about what's going to happen if we do something how much anyone got an idea of how much they got of the frontal Lo six 10 two they got it they got no frontal Lo uh so they basically a horse sees a picture in the senses boom and they react to the threat of that straight to from the visual cortex right through to the motor neuro so that to what makes them run that's it it's crazy it's crazy so I'm just going to back her up here and tell her how good you so it's worth knowing that you guys they got non they don't reason and that's what's kept them alive for millions of years that one thing there so you have desensitizing is very very real but just know that that picture and sens you got to do it enough told you so much that suddenly that isn't such a threat but I will tell you one thing you think you got it one day and it's like starting over the next day sometimes but eventually you you kind of get there so I I'm going to just check her with a flag okay um I check her with the flag here I think she's try starting to trust me a little bit here by being a leader by being particular about my space by being very gentle as I can be everything I'm doing in here is giving her confidence in me okay so let me see first what she thinks about me uh now I don't want the I don't really want her to be uh think it's got anything to do with it because I'm in neutral you know I'm in neutral so I this shouldn't I mean who's got a horse you think you do that I'll jump up and down well you get the leadership right and then maybe it's it won't be quite as bad so she's just handled that so I want to tell her how good she is now when I ask her to move from it who knows but uh that's the first thing I would do get a horse in neutral doesn't bother him you know I'm not interested in in her at the moment other than the fact I do know where she is cu I can see her there that's my peripheral vision so everyone know what that means peripheral vision it comes I'll tell you where my vision is there that's my vision there right that's my VIs Vision but there's a peripheral that you can just about see movements back here back there it can't horses can um so I know where she kind of is there so checking out so that's that so would you say that's better already yeah now I'm going to go from neutral to active so now it does involve her and they work it out when I want something from her so now can you go forward so she's there she went forward now did you notice I put the flag down then straight away so she's got a work out stuff back up too thank you right she's got to work out that she has the power to get rid of this cuz this is just information and this goes away when she does the right thing with her feet it's gone so she can start to roll out she can get rid of that she's the she has the power to overpower this by doing what in the early stages and we have got to desensitize eventually so now active oh God that's it that's it and stop back up to look at that look at that huh right so again I'm going to try without it she went without it she didn't need it and again I would do this over and over till she she listened to this she would go back from it she would load into a trailer with it cuz all I'm doing is feet forward cuz I've done lots of backing lots of yielding I would do lots of feet forward so now I'm setting myself up can you go somewhere yeah you went a little bit more worried but stop tell her good she is look at that uh can you go you can right um so can you go so now I'm going to see whether I can can push her and then take my gaze off and now lead her right so this is leading to driving and I de it with all horses all sizes now I'm going to take her space from here now I'm going to um drive her she's quite worried here but that's all right right she's calm for a second there so now my gaze go she knows everywhere I'm looking she knows everywhere I'm looking they even feel intent in our eyes like can you go can I can I drive you yes yes now my gaze is gone I haven't got a de grip and she's following me stop good girl good girl I'll do the other ey in a minute this is exactly what they do in the wild they do they a stallion will push in the herd and the lead May and they make horses follow them a bit like we draw them in the round pen no different horses have to follow and they have to and they have to this that's all this is I'm just speaking horse um now I used to you wear sunglasses got I got a problem I squint in the sunlight dad had the problem I got the problem and really I I I should use some blesses but I've worked out that I get a lot more done with horses especially nervous ones I take them off now my you know my NE my my main horse or was my main horse she's she's having a baby now but um I can take my sunglasses with me no problem cuz that's later on I never ever go to a troubled horse and you sunglasses I can't do it don't work for me as it's kind if you can get there because they can't see the one thing that shows intent horses read intent and I've been to a lot of horses where you you you you working on catching them and and the owner says you can get right there you can get right there and as soon as you think about it they're gone they read you horses read you that's what keeps them alive they going to know whether you want to get them or not and they they read in your do that Mak sense guys I know you might have to swim but for horses that are B troubled take your sunglasses off makes a massive difference it's powerful anyone Lear anything there to try just just don't but but the normal borses yeah if they're fine but if it's a if it's a trouble horse then um then I I wouldn't do it so that makes sense a bit about the flag I don't want to overo it with her but I mean I've only going to show it her now uh and she's gone now what I do do a lot of is sending horses through a gap what that does it's it's everything all in one it's a it's a group of exercises it's Forward Motion it's disengage it's forward disengage forward again but the most important part of it is working out if that horse is respecting space because I have it there I mean I hate when a horse moves me and it happens we move their feet they never ever move ours if they move ours they if they move ours they clocked it they clocked it um so really important that's a way of te check in your space why so much about the space that's how they work in their own you watch horses um you watch horses for 12 hours if you ever get chance you'll learn more about your horses if you sit there get someone to bring you water to keep you alive sit there and watch you will learn so much and it's all about movement it's all about shoulder movement and that's what it's about and that's what that that that is about what time we up to let me have a look we are can't even see 11:00 we are now so 11 yeah I think there's loads of what you think of the guys right hang on hang on WE we'll have a go with this then right you got the drop on there you D you got the drop on right let's see so I'll use my hand uh it's important for not to leave here real scared of what so I'll just do it gent for me and then we'll build on it so ready [Applause] good [Applause] [Music] Che never grows old okay see I'm not that's the K let's give it some [Music] now won't she fit in in the case Linda love right okay is that you know I think that's shows a few things that I wanted to show it doesn't it doesn't matter what size size they are it's the same ground so that's that so okay guys we'll get a another um horse out now where have we still got the other one where's the other oh right okay
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 185,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iS501YNAGCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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