Mini Tool Kit Tin

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hi I'm John McCain from survival resources I wanted to do a short video today on a new tool kit I've done I've done there is two kids over the years from large to small but what I wanted to do was a mini so I've made a mini tool kit something that I can just throw in a get home bag a bug-out bag or any type of everyday carry bag and it's made in a medium the survival tin which we sell survival resources but this is not a survival kit I don't want everyone to understand that this does not have survival items in it for starting fires or navigating it is this is strictly a tool kit something that I can use for minor repairs when I'm out on the road or if I'm in a hotel or something like that it'll give me enough tools in order to be able to fix something or repair something so let's get inside this thing and I'll show your close-ups of how I put this together and what exactly is in it okay as you can see this is my mini tool kit it's in a what they call a large survival tent which I said we saw survival resources it's larger than an Altoids ten but not a whole lot but it's just large enough so that I could get a little more tools in here then I put up with an Altoids tin in order to help keep this closed I keep a ranger band on it although as you can see it has tabs on it here in order to help keep this closed so let's get inside this thing and see what we have the first thing we have is 20 feet of duct tape and 20 feet of electrical tape now the idea this is obviously for some small repairs small electrical repairs and I've wound this on an old charge card and I've cut it down so that it literally clicks inside here and this helps hold everything in place next thing you'll see is I have a 4 inch crescent wrench this is very handy obviously for use for different types of small nuts bolts so it's always nice to have a crescent wrench the next thing I have is a pair of craftsman ignition pliers now these I've cut down as you can see these would be the normal the normal pliers here and as you can see I've cut them down in order to fit inside the tin of course when you do that you get less leverage on it but it fits into tin and I'd rather have something that especially a pair of ignition pliers than to have nothing and if there's too large to go into my kit then it they're not worth having okay next thing I have desiccant obviously is I've got a small pair of tweezers now these are no longer made what these years ago this was the original pocket tweeze and they click out become like this and they're very very precise little tweezers very precise so being they fit into ten I could have used say uncle bill sliver grippers but I like these because they're very substantial next thing I have in here is a small pry bar this is a titanium bar made by bokor and it just gives me a little bit of a pry in order to pry something apart with okay next thing I have stuck down in there is I have a roll of Kevlar you know why I lost my mind here for a minute Kevlar cordage and the idea that is that it's it could be used for sewing it can be used for a lot of different purposes okay for a knife in here I have an x-acto knife now again it wouldn't quite fit into the tin so what I did was I cut it down from a normal a normal one so that it would fit inside the tin instead of it having a larger one in there okay next we have a miniature screwdriver set which you'll know we sell these at survival resources this gives me a lot of miniature real small screwdrivers that great for anything from repairing glasses to anything else as I've shown on videos before and in my books stay alive inside here I also carry a sewing or needle and the idea of the sewing or needle is it can be put inside of this and now I have a minister sewing oil so that I can sew a larger material with the sink so I just keep that in the back of long with all the small Phillips and straight head screwdrivers okay the next thing I have this here is very nice very unique very small this is a toe peek a bicycle kick ratchet as you can see this is a very small item very small item what I like about it it does have a forward and reverse on it so you don't have to flip it over you can use forward and reverse now this comes in a kit according to topeka bicycle kit and it's a large thing like this and it has all kinds of items in it and what this does is it clips in here and it gives you a complete kit there's things here to repair bicycle put tires on and off and that's like a thing but I bought it strictly so I could have this ratchet because I just think this is the greatest little ratchet out there inside here I keep bits hex bits and exacto blades now the idea this is I have various bits in here and I put them in these little rubber things that I found at some flea market so that they don't rattle also in the bottom of here is I keep to number 10 exacto blades and that obviously is to be used with the exacto knife holder they fit right in there the slides nice and tight on there so that there's no rattle along with this topeka ratchet they also give you this magnetic extension and the advantage of this is you can extend the end of this thing and use the magnet to hold different hex bits the other advantage of it is it can be used in here and now you can have an extension on this side or you can use it to torque and this thing will take a lot of torque it's a very heavy-duty so this is a great little ratchet if you don't have one I got I think I got mine on Amazon but it's corded topeka bicycle repair kit or something to that effect okay the other thing I have in here is one of our small saws this gives me the ability obviously to saw swiss-made blade these are very good saws down in here I have a flashlight I like having a small flashlight this is the Nano light I hate to say again available with survival resources but it's a it's a it's a break little light so it gives me at least minimum I normally have flashlights on me somewhere but this gives me a minimum amount of flashlight the other thing I put in here is three small I call them Jewelers files and I have a triangular one a flat one and a round one and what I do with these is I use them inside my miniature screwdriver now these come out of a larger set then this is called the large file set and has a bunch of files in here and that type of stuff so I've taken three of Manna Dey or the three that I mostly use and I just put some heat shrink over them and yet they still they come out very easy slide out slide in I didn't heat shrink it so tight that you can't get them out of there so that gives me a means in which to file with the other thing I have in here is one the Leatherman squirt PS 34s and the reason for that is it has a very nice little pair flat players on it and these are very handy obviously I have the adjustable wrench and I have the ignition players but this gives me a pretty nice precision pair of pliers and what I also like about it has a very nice cutter on it and these cutters are very precise you can cut anything with them that small wire small gauge wire i cut copper wire with it all the time now there's some other things in here that you might be able to use here's another file but as you know I already have a file and it has a knife so it gives you the ability other than the exacto blades to cut something a little bit heavier down in here we have a pair of scissors which I like because now we actually have a pair of scissors with us and of course it has some small blades over here it has a can opener it has a screwdriver here and a small type of driver here which is basically use for a Phillips head but I basically carry this because I really like to precise players that are in it last but not least I throw in a bunch of the what we call my dental floss which we carry on our site and each one of these has 18 inches of floss in it so now along with my a sewing awl or there's also a sewing needle in there I can use this sew clothing fix clothing that type of stuff something that doesn't need something as robust as as the Kevlar line okay to keep everything from rattling in there this is where it's hard to which it's not hard to explain it's just whenever people see some of the kits I build they may want to build one also as you can see these are all black on the inside and what this is it's material that I found many many many years ago when I was doing a countermeasure sweep out of place and the guy who offered me some of this in there they were big round things and what or it's almost like a foam velvet and it has self stickum on it now as you can see this is all I have left over all these years I used to have a huge piece of this stuff but I've used it over the years for other kits that I've done but I was able to cut these out these pieces and just so stick them in there and then the lid I stuck a piece in here and it works as an anti-rattle ER it's a real slight foam fit to it so it keeps everything nice and tight in here anyway this is the mini toolkit we're there to have it this is my mini toolkit I've showed you what's in it I hope you enjoyed the video and as always we thank you for joining us we thank you for your support for survival resources and for my videos and my books and we'll see you next time around
Channel: survivalresources
Views: 17,799
Rating: 4.9410896 out of 5
Keywords: Tool Kit, Mini Tool Kit, Mini Tool Kit Tin, Urban Survival, Urban Survival Tools
Id: lNASRE-vNp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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