Meteorite Damascus steel.
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: shurap
Views: 2,506,250
Rating: 4.8566003 out of 5
Keywords: Damascus steel, forged knife, blacksmith welding, forging, blacksmith, forging a blade, Dmitry Shevchenko, shurap
Id: GwK4l8wyXkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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Has this guy ever explained why he puts cracked pepper in the mix at the beginnings? Just being funny, or does it do something?
Fun fact: Tutankhamun was buried with a meteorite dagger. During the time of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, iron was very rare, and worth more than gold. Fallen meteorites were one of the few sources of pure iron.
How does this guy just get his hands on raw meteorite?
Blue Butterfly Pea tea.
The final blade is a stunner.
King tut would like his dagger back please