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[Music] James here had a little sidetracked on the way to the farm today end up helping my son Garett dig up a water line completely eventually goes back broken it off with the foundation and was we didn't know it but the meter wasn't shut off so it was actually leaking into the basement part which you'll see later I found out the hard way never seen such a big gas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the gas Serv Mar where it actually was down here PR much [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] see maybe 30 G [Music] [Music] feel like the water's off that's why he's going to replace the meter it isn't shutting off all the way you do that already yeah [Music] [Music] EX one one [Music] [Music] [Music] know what we're doing I tell he kind of looked our way I think he tell you what we're doing get out of your truck [Music] look right up to the house I was trying to figure out where the pipe went through the foundation we'd accident P out [Music] [Music] that was I found out the hard way that the uh had been unplugged all your worldly possessions here have a flashlight I was going to turn a light switch on the basement water went up over my shoe for when I realized that it was quite a ways up there going to get some kind of a pump I don't know if there's anything at the farm that still works we have AUM at home TR we got the one we use for our slide let me see the light the one we use for our slide somewhere can you oh that sh it is yeah I I couldn't see down there I started stepping down the stairs look for the light switch oh there's light on down there and then I Splash like oh man should brought the flashlight I guess I would have seen it before I Ste in yeah I'm not sure I think he's s oh he want to see if he can is this is it not is it you sure it ain't plugged off on the outside no way down might be didn't I didn't look there just I seen the light was on say like go back and blow myose outy take I don't know probably 2T an hour or something oh really long James here you're watching the poor farm you like these videos hit like And subscribe and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: The Poor Farm in KS
Views: 423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8pVXzPTPLoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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