Minelab gpz 7000, Nugget Finder Zsearch coil and ZX Gold Pro headphones

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foreign guys welcome back to the channel uh today I'm on a spot that I've got a couple of nuggets on before I've got about three or four um probably about eight to 12 months ago of the GPX 6000s I've been over it quite a few times at different coils I've raked the area now I've come back with the the big girl the gpz7000 and I've got the Nugget finder Zed search coil on uh paired up with the ZX headphones have just been like in this combo so the idea today is do a bit of raking um just a fairly well confident that I've got all the Nuggets that I can with the GPX 6000 and I just want to before I uh so there's nothing else here I just want to run this over at the 7000 this comeback so the um the mode I'll be running in today is General so I want to get those deeper nuggets or or get deeper than the GPX 6000 in and that's the idea of the uh the Nugget finder Zed search coil so I'm running in general I like a low sensitive uh sorry a low threshold and also today I'm running a low sensitivity as well and another mode that I've running in is um audio smoothing High you find the ground is pretty uh mineralized here and pretty noisy so with that combo it's fairly quiet and I've been getting a couple of nuggets like that um lately with this this combo so I just wanted to come back to this area and give it a run anyway um yes I'll break off here I don't like breaking off too much of an area I'd like to just keep it fairly small go over it all different ways and then when you're confident that you 've got nothing else there then just move over rake another area rake your leaves back cover your ground up a bit better for the environment and also it just doesn't highlight where you've been detecting so you know if you leave it all open someone knows that you know some gold was found in the area so anyway um yep I've got a bit of a fight signal here so I'll turn on the wn12 let's see if we can pick it up with that with the headphones or just find uh those really faint signals I'm getting with it no worries let's just try let's stick this on to make sure I know exactly where it is thank you yeah so I'm getting a very faint signal there I don't know if anything's coming soon right yeah we're hooked up everything's working 's up to 22 so I hope you use voice in here in actual fact don't worry it's over close to the camera yeah so I'm just giving you just a slight murmur I might um I don't think anything's coming through on that wn12 I might just increase the sensitivity so I had it on six so I'll take it up to 15. see if that improves so it's improved it on the headphones [Music] still pretty faint though on the wn12 but it's a definite Improvement here all right anyway I'll give it a scratch [Music] [Music] still plenty of course in the ground here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right so I know what I was hoping for I'm hoping for a deep nugget and I would afford all the shallow ones would have been out by now [Music] [Music] yeah this is gold so that's a that's a good score in general um with this massive coil on it but I mean I find I found a lot of small nuggets with this coil so far it's not what I've got it for I've got it for the deeper ones it's only a tiny 13 oh yeah that's it just a little one so good score for the 7 000. um yeah I would have thought all the small lines would have been gone maybe it might have been sitting flat though like like that I'm not sure 6000 normally would pick those up especially if it's laying flat so maybe it wasn't anyway I'll keep going I'll bring you back if I found anything else so I've moved on uh and that last nugget this tiny nugget I got is up behind you is guys it just moved along broke the leaves back into that area I've got another Target here um very fake sensitivities on 15 now so I've lifted it up but um just turn on the wn12 specific here on that connects very we figured out the headphones I'll just put the speaker it's pretty windy depends on I don't know if you guys can hear that [Music] pretty faint now so we're in general as I say sensitivity 15. the only yeah the new setting I'm trying is the by uh audio smoothing and I've tried I normally run in low or off and I've tried them today and uh yeah they just seem to be very noisy for some reason so I don't know I've just been mucking around for settings a bit so I'll just see if you can still hear that so I I'm just getting a whisper and it's not even it's faint it's worth it [Music] yeah a little bit stronger okay [Music] foreign [Music] nice and loud [Music] a little bit off but it looks foreign [Music] still on the ground that's good we'll actually get the pin pointer she's in my bag I think awesome super sensitive [Music] that's what you want highly mineralized ground so I'll just balance the pin pointer again yeah it's not going off in the same area so that's good I mean it's still fairly deep I normally get to do it all right pending but 50 mil 75 built trucks in the center of the hole there I'll bring his over closer so the pointer I'll just throw it out seems like it's still down there please be still in there yeah still down there by the sound of that foreign according to the detector's still in the hole anyway unless it is up here where is it I'll have to play some nice nuggets we're down to Fairway I can't see anything so that the pointer actually um increases the beeps as you get close and say s to be going off that way and that side the whole Mall and over there nice still gone yeah that's a bit steady ones don't come often enough to the racer rush them where are you you saw it and then get 200 mil that's the fastest thing is down this corner where the hell is it still haven't found that Bloody screwdriver in the bag either that'll be handy right now so the pick [Music] I don't want to get in place yet [Music] in there but it looks very gently there's a bit there's a big rough just there that's it foreign gently the deeper I go more likely I am to hit it foreign directly down again already in there still she's the Deep one I'm not too sure how long that pin pointer is but that's about at least 100 Mil from the top of that we might be down 350. guys I'm gonna have to open this hole up all right middle of winter I'm sweating my ass off got it oh look at that holy smackers there guys that's the best piece I've got in freaking ages what a bloody Beauty still getting signals down here it's got to be bloody I'll be close to 15 grams it's a nice weighty piece it's nice and chunky too beautiful I am so over the moon with that that is a nice piece all right let's just see if there's anything else anymore all right that's it would you look at the size of it what a beautiful piece thank you well um totally exhausted this hole would have to be 400 possibly more date um yeah that's like one of the best nuggets that I've got in ages and it just goes to show while the Seven's King I've got a nice one for six the last video uh 6.3 grams it was unfortunately I didn't get in front of the camera when I've dug it out but anyway all right this one here I don't know maybe 15 grams but um yeah it just goes to show while the Seven's still king that's a nice deep nugget um I'm not too sure how that was laying but um yeah just a slight moment it's worthwhile just giving them a scrape and uh you know I'll probably walk past signals like that before in the past but anyway definitely don't walk past them anymore all right guys um I'll fill this hole in and I'll scrape back a bit more uh hopefully get a couple more like this would be fantastic but um I'll bring you back on and the next Target [Music]
Channel: Jenko’s Gold Adventures
Views: 5,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minelab gpz 7000, Nugget finder z search coil, Zx gold pro headphones, gpx 6000 vs gpz 7000, gpz 7000, gpz 7000 gold detector, gpz 7000 metal detector, gpz 7000 review, gpz 7000 settings, gpz 7000 settings for beginners, gpz 7000 setup, minelab gpz 7000, minelab gpz 7000 gold nugget metal detector, minelab gpz 7000 metal detecting depth test, minelab gpz 7000 metal detector, minelab gpz 7000 review, minelab gpz 7000 settings, minelab gpz 7000 tutorial, minelab metal detector
Id: t06aWOSqHJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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