Minecraft: THE MOST EPIC MINER IN MINECRAFT! - Custom Modded Map

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's Patton welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys so have you just heard me burp I kind of just burped I'm pretty sure I was like hey in the background welcome back to another video today we have a new profession finally one that is actually gonna be useful in minecraft jam okay what what oh wait before we even get started though we do have a really special announcement yes Jan has been nominated for the girls Choice Awards best gamer it's unbelievable you are nominated for everything I cry a little but today seriously Jen is the best so I'm very bad at announcing these countries face you the bomb.com girl so basically guys you can vote for Jen for best gamer for the girls Choice Awards down below yeah then you can actually go every single hour which is insane are you gonna do that for me so what we're all gonna do we all take it off to drink coffee but what's wrong with my skin for the next how long can we vote for like a month or something I think like a few weeks or a few weeks I'm gonna drink so much coffee I'm not gonna sleep you're gonna get so many votes we're getting first place where you go you're winning this we're in a video team Jen going on I'll go there again I'm coming I'm videotaping Jen going I see you know awkward it was last time I got it was last time she was able to find someone to go with her you can't bring log that zip in the girls Choice Awards cameo if you're watching please come I don't think you can bring I don't think you're brain guy up there so oh it's gonna be awkward and oh it's gonna be a camera if Jen wins so we've fo down below thank you I love you guys no matter what you guys are amazing so alright what it started o profession yeah new profession something that actually will help us in minecraft you bet move can you move a little sorry our heads you like my hair look strange yeah what bad hair day so normally the professions you know they're like very amazing but not helpful today Jan you're helpful that's that became hot dog-eating ears yeah today we're gonna become professional miners so it's really dangerous though I know it actually is a very dangerous job and I'm ready for dudes if you do that you'll be sure to smash that subscribe button also smash that like button down below and also leave a comment down here right down here right near my feet all that good stuff and you should do we should become Santa as a profession nobody cool your your requesting this too late as it's almost Christmas now ok need to make them out like ok so you said something didn't read it I can't believe we haven't trained me miners yet let's go down to our car and drive to the mines alright okay let me here number one okay there we go what kind of car do you think we have today my volume sounds low why is brightness moody I am fixing all this good stuff on the way down alright there we go beautiful everything is perfect even I'm ready I don't remember being this far down one floor 60 we got the penthouse oh no you said thank you buddy alright so follow me out I know it away okay so you do another way another way follow me alright your face the compass leads the way I only lost oh no I think I'm broken what are you doing we get off me get back on well you can't get off no I'm stuck on it oh okay I'm gonna knock you off punch me what are you doing why are you going in the forest you're in the forest oh my screen you are what where are you what happened you just are going crazy all right when you get back on please don't be driving around crazy I'm going to the location I can't put up with this you do not know the way wait why am I stuck in a tree get back to the normal area Jen I'm ready to go oh yeah I'm trying I'm trying trying alright because I don't want to drive all alone okay stuck in a tree I just teleport to me you're walking weird stuff is happening you got a teleport teleport all right let's just go why are there like oh look at my screen what buttons do you hit some weird buttons if you hit like one of the top buttons on the screen I think I fixed it for you thank you okay f3 are we here I think so man it's an offence you're going anywhere review we've made it to the mine okay okay so gonna be sick we're gonna be miners oh my god this looks so exciting look at the windmill fig is watermelon the man's down here yeah I want to wear with little helmets welcome to mana tree lesson one would be basic mining shredding take these pickaxes bring me back 16 uranium ore I'll give you a key to access the mines after what is uranium all right uranium I'm assuming it's not the redstone okay it's maybe it's gotta be the green one the green one we need 16 so each so nine makes you a winner any less you're loser forever [Music] I got to winning this okay that one no come here come here or Oh where'd it go got another one - now I have two why would I go for this one I'm gonna cry I left one in a bad spot all right I'm doing horrible I've - I have five oh yeah give me this one no I meant to number three one of mine is kind of just sitting man will beg find a better way to get to where it's supposed to get this one nobody knows up there okay so let's do spread across oh here we go Jed I got four six now I got five you have five Oh No I'm coming back for this that literally sounds just like her and that's a huge thing all right oh I see one I see one I'm at six how many's ready get the water one how many do you ask me did you see 29 to win we need nine to win yeah we need nine to win and you have six five six five seven all right seven what you at 7:00 hey oh man oh where is there war there's got to be like some really oh I see one hidden under the water bill nine it's victory you're at seven wait did you win yeah cuz you got seven got sixteen total right okay all right so is over all right okay hand on me I'll give those to that man here you go fine sir all right he will give us that we put that down we can open up this gate please Oh oops sorry I didn't mean to throw it in your face like that all right we're in the real mind this time hello Oh dwarf city found on planet minecraft by it's so furry soul 30 so furry okay this is looking like a cool place [Music] do we pass the person I'm just to land the water is fine lesson number two one of the easiest ways to mine by using TNT collect the items needed to move on by using the TNT from the chest oh okay oh alright this is good oh my god we need 128 of like a lot of item 64 all kinds of stuff there's only one alright we'll have to work together [Music] take these TNT I'm gonna let everything up no I want to light it up though that's the funnest part give me all the TNT and you have my love okay here you take all this TNT alright okay we're gonna take that thank you this can be placed probably anywhere I'm guessing but do I just know I won't see what happens we see the items go off the stuff oh that one mm should we take these up right oh yeah and then we put it in this chest over here I think yes right there oh it's a crusher alright does that work oh it does okay so put everything in there alright are you ready for this yeah put down a bunch I don't like anything we'll be just fine here not good no I'm not ready I barely even place thank you here over here a little bit right right all right like that okay ready go I'm not lagging any any much it's fun I think we went a little too far all right we need to collect these to get rid of lag okay oh my god I can move just fine now my computer's better oh I'm getting so much now oh this is awesome all right the hole every toys like filled okay so all we have to do is just dump everything in here after okay okay so get all this this is insane very good miners apparently we are yes wait what is the crusher I don't even know what that is I don't even know I have this up okay pickaxe how does this work because we put them in here but it didn't oh now it's working look it's working alright there we go so we need a lot more lapis coal and stuff no the lapis is sitting in here how come it didn't work when I put a letter okay so apparently guys you don't put it in the chest which is tricky because he put a chest right there you literally walk up to him and I went through a game mode still trying to figure out what was broken I wasn't cheating we actually you saw us blow up the entire mine yes excellent work find your way to miner Joe you should see him across the quarry to the right right Yeah right right over there so I'm pretty sure we go up to this do I know what I'm doing yeah we yeah we like Park ooh I'm making things I found it this is the way to anything Mike you are so high okay hello sir hey you - so you've mined manually and your favorite eating time to mind with machines meet my twin brother Joe they're the same name to meet my twin brother Joe at the bottom of the quarry take the lift it's just down the stairs here all right so we go over here they're a nice little mind this is very nice I don't want to step on the Garza's don't step on the garden chef alright so we go down this with a different language what does that say plantations Eddie Bauer sir less Minds trying to do that actually sounds loose unless the Miami's I don't know we're reading I said this must be the bottom this is a lift I'm pretty sure this is a ladder okay we made did we go the wrong way we did were we not supposed to go down the ladder not the right that was a ladder Donal lifts I was looking for the uber thing lift okay maybe it's maybe from here like didn't you say it was like down some stairs we didn't go down any stairs are you sure all right so we may be back to him a small mistake a tiny mistake oh you said right here okay I mean Richard the bother take the lift it's just down the stairs here yeah that's the lift where I'm so lost right now do not go up all the way no you didn't go up all the way so what we there's literally nowhere else to go the lift has to mean the stairs I mean though I mean the ladder there's no other stairs down the stairs already okay so this is the only way down but maybe he's on one of these floors it's one floor down Oh oops I picked up a chest somehow all right maybe we just keep like working on the way down what's the invention um I'm holding a chest oh oh I found Joe he's all the way at the bottom are you alive yeah but I don't get this chest out of my hand why are you holding it give a game-mode 0 I can put it down where I want maybe all right um we did not find the lift properly yeah no idea where the lift is clearly we did something wrong I don't think so I think there was a glitch in the matrix pretty sure this is Jo right here all the way down we so I see the lift where's the lift okay I'm going all the way back I'm flying to the top just so we can do this properly because I feel as if we did something just a little bit wrong yes you want to see where we made this mistake hey hey yeah yeah we weren't supposed to go down it looks like the lift is lip is right here oh this thing's right here no we did this right this way we went we didn't go down stairs really Oscar you better keep all this footage in the video because we learned lesson lessons learned with Pat and Jen you bet it this better all be in the video Oh God I made it keep that footage oh god Joe catch me baby - a baby don't ask no he's not my baby no more yes another step on it those things you made it down here safely great time to work the minor machines you won't find a lot of different or down here but we care about the diamonds that's beautiful at this level so bring me back 64 dime so complete your training okay press bays and control to lift and lower drill okay space and control oh my goodness okay f5s space and control you said space and control oh okay all right control control bring it down I want one of these get in there now all right I'm I'm having some issues all right to collect the diamonds oops I actually got out of mine this angle is really gorgeous down I've already gotten three diamonds okay yeah oh yeah this is perfect I'm getting good at this now like that oh yeah I how many times have you picked up uh one I gotta get in there just to pick them up all right I mean there's a bunch laying on the ground I have collected before okay this is hard I'm handing in mines him now that I know how to do it properly okay we need 60 more all right let me just get my angle in here that's what I just did I know they picked up four I'm trying to mind Jen this isn't like an easy thing to oh yeah I'm getting so many diamonds right now we are not good at this aren't that plentiful I'm picking up hopefully some more diamonds I got one more one more crazy oh my goodness this is difficult to be a professional miner oh so just mine up mine down I feel like that mr. Miyagi is teaching me right now mine up wash windows wash windows wash cars okay I'm really struggling here oh man this is hard I have one more we need 60 for Jen all right I'm actually making incredible progress at this point are you incredible I figured out how to do this I'm spinning the machine all around through the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around wait there's two on the ground over here look do you see I just broke through everything yep I have four oh this is so easy now okay good keep doing that I've really have caught with a method of madness here just like turn in all directions yeah you turn in every direction and then you put a little higher than the turn again a little bit lower now okay we rise this thing back up like this oh this is so many soon I hope so because we're actually very slow at this I might sneeze just so you know that's fine just watermelon it mining it's not good for you all right I'm about to check my diamonds I got a feeling I've picked up doodles we literally mean a stack of diamond said I feel like I'm gonna have an incredible amount I just becoming so good at this it's just unbelievable my mother is gonna be so proud when she sees this video all right so we break these I'm stop my mining machines a little stock okay this is just so many diamonds about to go into my inventory like a hundred I mean you keep saying this I'm gonna check it I'm gonna check it any moment how many do you think I've collect them about a lot how many think I collected um I think you collected five let me check my inventory seven oh my god give me some diamond only I have ten okay no that's not bad diamonds so just get out and just like collect will be gathered so far I'm to 12 actually oh that's actually quite a nice number over here what'd you steal my diamonds that's fine we're working together we're so I have 13 how many do you have wait let me just go through here see there's an oh there's another diamond I'm just gonna go hand these in right now I've got nine okay okay that's quite nice all right we need 45 more but you have nine I'm handing in these nine over here dad 36 oh yeah all right an hour will be done do pickaxe done by now okay I'm just let me crush some more diamond see it like I see them falling by the wayside yeah there's a bunch wait there's a bunch up ahead all right maybe the further we get in like the more there is right yeah I'm thinking maybe I must have just broken like five or six diamonds I'm telling you no but I feel like I might be stuck that's fine I'm I'm getting incredible amounts okay again I'm trying to like do the hokey-pokey and get myself unstuck oh wait let me just grab all these diamonds oh my god just picked up so many diamonds all right by so many how many do you mean at least a hundred let me grab all these I picked up five more diamonds okay oh my god the machine picks them up too we have 43 we're done wait while you're in the machine the machine picks him up 27 we finish yes yeah we go for a hundred yes amazing work you here's her certificate show you complete the training we did it the bomb.com baby oh yeah all right come with me come with me what were jumping off okay yeah let's do it let's jump in the water how do we um let me get empty hand oh no floor one we're at sixteen already yeah did you do it so I'm gonna fly I'm riding it right now all the way up you see it I see it I see it I see it perfectly all right okay you see how the stone I'm standing on yeah yeah I see it you can see it right there so what you need to do is you need to get to the top and you teleport to me in three two one um teleport okay teleport teleport now all right here we go we're gonna jump off this in victorious fashion okay ready oh I got my suit if you give me a hand drop get your certificate in your hand yes in my hand there we go wait we never got like a mining helmet we needs three - oh yeah boom victory today guys hope you enjoyed the video if you did smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well I can't breathe we gotta go peace out dude [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 1,201,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, mining, tnt, ore, mining challenge, minecraft mining, minecraft ore, custom map, adventure map, craft, crafting, modded mini-games, 1.14, minecraft 1.14
Id: kHlAhh9J1_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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