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[Applause] [Music] hey what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys today we are doing another tycoon after trouncing gen in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Willy walk up the factory tycoon thing we are back you said that really well just so you know that's the couldn't remember which one it was it was really Wonka today we are playing donut factory tycoon oh I like it alright well you're gonna like losing because this is my jam gem I'm just talking about so rude I'm just confident in my success because you just killed me over and over again and you're cheating I've never cheated once in this game time to change things up you must create the best donut in the world and of course you need to mass-produce it use your money to upgrade your factory but watch out for your enemy across the street and a player can come and steal all your money from your collection pot oh they implemented that however if you thought you lose half your money you have on you to the other player oh this is gonna be terrible okay is the winner placemark oh god I actually came up with this awful rule I know what you did guys Emily smashed the subscribe button and smash the like button as well for more epicness ok here we go good luck alright again we're starting with a chocolate bat ok don't forget to ring the bell guys there's videos coming out every single day on this channel okay how do we get this start glam bunny no that's not how how do we start I don't how to play I don't know you can never figure how to start this um um okay uh once you figure it out okay put it out I turn down production me to same time okay we're tied up employees $0 okay bottom um how do we do that where's the employees one of the sides oh okay all right oh look so she's bringing the stuff over she drained the door nuts wait where I don't see that one of the signs it's like in the middle the middle sign oh why is it it over there I feel like it should be in order because that's just threw me off oh okay all right I've already have 60 bucks because I know okay how much money do I have that's amazing I'm up to with $0 but remember you have to collect the money Jam okay I know thank you thank you this many times I kind of can grasp the idea now are you sure because it's been hard to tell if you can sometimes I have to make sure I'm constantly actually getting me money because someone is probably gonna be over here quite a lot stealing it from me I got a doughnut hole maker all right look at me next ooh $200 for that okay I'll just make my doughnuts way better than holes in time something you're already ahead of me this isn't right it seems okay to me all right I need $21 yes okay go go go go go go go all right so the nice thing about this is it's set up a little bit different than the other ones that we've played okay yeah so I got the doughnut oh it looks so cool like this is gonna be really pretty this one oh it is and you see how once it's all built out it literally makes the doughnuts too you see them right at the end oh yeah I see em it looks like a Dunkin Donuts box probably is that's a Krispy Kreme except they look prettier than Dunkin Donuts because I have crafted them walls are 1,000 okay a doughnut sprinkle later do we seriously have to pay 2500 for the next thing yeah that's the next one right that's quite the leap there ah seemed a bit wrong you see my money at some point what did you come over here and steal any money yeah that's like serious cash once I need serious cash then yeah I'm gonna probably have to come over cuz I need two thousand five minutes so much Jen thank you already a 1,500 have you seen what I'm at how are you already ahead of me ah you have been over here stealing my money that's why I am so maybe a few dollars that was not the first time you've been over you're a couple I can I can smell it on you you're I'm smell like a thief 2500 I'm buying the next thing wrinkle later okay this is gonna be beautiful okay I can't wait to see all right well hundred I just I just I need a bodyguard how much is that well they look so good seventy-five thousand for a bodyguard okay I'm gonna have to constantly just keep standing here I mean that really is a lot honestly 25,000 what are you doing stay away but if I just stand on this always no get out of here you remember what happens if you die right no oh no oh no oh you see no get away from me you're crazy I'm lagging so bad right now Oh No thank goodness no this is bad I'm lagging really bad oh I need to run away oh you stole from me don't buy things quickly see that's what happens get away from me you crazy person what are you doing oh my gosh you know you really should be protecting your building this is just getting to be ridiculous at this point give me that back give me it back you have 34,000 you're trying to buy slightly 250,000 oh are you will stab is not working I don't understand cuz you don't have enough money to give 9,500 what I just spend it on I no go away why don't you just go I can't kill you for some reason it's just like you move around so much it's so annoying I don't like what I hate you so much you evil wit you have 67,000 why are you complaining right now Oh that much for me before yeah that's what happens that's the part of the game ya don't like that part of this game I'll lose it I've never lost that good before okay you sound like a little bat madchild [Music] alright give me your money no go away I have things I'm doing right now um I need a door everything is so expensive no that's the problem you know No thank you like what are you supposed to do got you noticed I wasn't lagging so bad right oh okay well I shot you and now I got money alright alright just get away from me please alright let's see what can i buy walls that would be nice windows that would be nice okay 250 K for that the 250 gave her everything I know everything is just so expensive it's crazy Oh Khmer gray ok efficiency 7 5000 ok I just can I can I even buy anything like what's the next 175 thousands or even making any money is the question looking at my oh oh you have so much money right now and I don't I do not ok what does this do seventy five thousand for a bodyguard alright so are you making a lot of cash Chen because you are not really it's going kind of slow but I'm trying to save up the the double employee what are you doing why are you so crazy get out of my place No okay everything you're gonna you're gonna regret doing that you know you're gonna regret it hey what's gone you're gonna gone from telling you where I got a gun this is all me way I can witness Oh somebody don't have to fly off okay so this is not going very well for me right now um I think I may have turned the tides a little bit here okay things have changed a little bit for the better okay go bodyguard you know I was creepily staring into the window waiting for you to go back there oh wow it's not letting me respawn what where are you I see you I'm dead it shows you inside the truck uh-oh I'm gonna have to Rilla Rilla oh wait wait let me try to help are you me oh my guys jet is back I think we've actually collect a lot of money because she was having issues with her computer okay I have tons money now very very nice I finally have my double employee okay that's exciting okay I've got some nice things happening how do you have so much money that's not right wait I'm seeing what my second employees doing I really worry buddy all right we're okay so that is 75,000 which should go a lot quicker now because I have two employees instead of one um I need okay what do I need what do I need these Donuts they're coming in so fast right now come in this is what I'm not going into your place you're it's too scary in there all right let me get this okay perfect all right give me the money two hundred fifty thousand for that okay I so what how many guards do having a place I have three you don't have three do you yes wait yeah oh I got the same all right well how many do you wait how many do you have I'm a buy one right now I got two now Oh nobody do boom ba doo ba this is not the charlie that's all the factory I know oh I mean it was singing that song when I purchase another bodyguards yeah Oh apparently I just gave you my money Oh your guard told me yay I thought I could fight your guard they're doing their job oh yeah he's chasing me around yes good job guard you were still worth the money oh my god he killed me again I lost more money see you missed amazing okay I need to buy a jelly stuffer next do you have that yeah it's 75 thousand Chen I don't want to do he's chasing me all over the place no I'm glad I'm getting all your money Oh God oh wait I think I'm lagging oh yeah I am are you I tried to show you it didn't work and I gave you the rest of my life what's happening I can't move you keep stealing all my money it's showing me not even being able to move yeah well you killed me at the same time basically wait I did her my guard did the guard did it was really sad okay yeah he's out there he's waiting I'm gonna glaze my um I do I'm gonna have to read log again cause it's just not working okay so guys Jen had a serious problem with her connection and me oh where are the phones ringing Oh her place and now is the person that is in this base over there Lucas I'm counting on you win this for me all right your face on so I gotta look very crazy I'm sorry I have a huge advantage right now reset Oh God what happened to our bodyguard wait what just happened he just killed me Jen's watching him right now a little bit nervous because I'm making way more money teleport to me because I joined advantage right now how much money do we have I can't even see it because it's so blurry I got the cream filling it out Jen you're so far behind what are they doing here later she's counting on you I can't I don't know just buy stuff if you were to steal my money maybe you'd have a chance go steal oh that's good I have no weapons link we go take it off Nikki okay well I got this at least so I'm gonna go do something you know shoot through the glass don't tell that oh this is perfect this is how we're gonna can make our money alright I'm getting chased I don't want it in my house okay how much stuff do you have purchase bad I have no idea how far behind I am you're very far behind come on come on okay this is too hard you got too many no okay well I need something I need to do this the problem is your guys in my base oh good oh that's perfect get them okay I'm so rich I have so many bodyguards pads it's not fair all right I just got um Oh last thing I need is the rainbow donut over here Oh looks so cool I'm already getting a rain burger that's a lot is that the last one that's all I need is the rainbow donut right now oh I'm about to give you so much money I neither like spawning a bunch of zombies and bring them over to you no no okay we got this Jim we got this we just got a new bodyguard all right um come this way sir get out of my face all right way down here the issue all right anything we stole all his money we can like we're not gonna win this I'm just getting them out of my base right now so that I can actually go buy my stuff yes it's so hard for me to tell what's happening what the rainbow don't I know them oh it's me now basically plus a bunch of security guard no you gotta do we got to do this hold on hold on there's time this time there's no time you're gonna lose that not gonna work my friend I don't have much money on me I mean come on guys doing what you're trying to do 22 million all right I got this 24 5 million yep no that's it not a chance beating the mapmaker at the traffic as I died I won the game in youthful Haas clothes I almost just gave you 12 million because I got the second I pressed the button what we almost won that was like the closest that I've ever came to winning Oh get out of our villain how many do you have in your base or all right I think I'd like eight now I bought a bunch like ready yeah you've eight okay crazy yours are in my base - that's why I was dying that's why we got all of our money yeah what's yours got in here like I couldn't like get it out properly I'm getting like a headache from watching this I can't I can't tell what's going on oh I could say what I think I think we won all right so what did you buy I'm gonna go check yours out and creative oh I was just gonna kill off the zombies so we actually stood a chance oh all right that's fair I'll go on normal then we got you know we got everything but the rainbow donut easy what do you guys doing um I'm winning what is what I'm doing I want to go see what you ended up getting over here so you bought all the guns and everything Jen never had a gun and that's one of the reasons why I literally did not even know there were guns didn't get the less I'm not the last employee and we didn't get the last conveyor all right yeah those are pretty important you know you at least came back a bit close it was close game you know issues but yeah Thank You Lucas for coming to take Jed's place you literally look just like that I can't even tell the difference really and heads a lot bigger but a big difference for us we hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash the subscribe button and the like button and don't forget to ring the bell and we'll see you dudes next time see you guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 2,073,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, popularmmos, challenge, game, games, mod, mini game, gaming, funny, moments, comedy, family friendly, building, trolling, new, tycoon, survival, mods
Id: FHKkEvhhQeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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