MINECRAFT Survival #200 | Single Player WORLD TOUR!!! | 3.5 Years Solo ! | LUNA SSP Phase 2

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greetings everybody i am lobo and welcome to luna this is episode 200 of my minecraft survival series the world tour episode the world tour where we go and we look back at everything we've built and everything we've accomplished over the past three and a half years and 200 episodes in this world and man it's gonna be a lot to cover we've done a lot of stuff in that time not just within the city of luna itself for which this series is named but also in these surrounding lands and and throughout this entire world like we've built stuff for instance if we fly over this way a little bit you can see our guardian farm warf over here in the distance and if we fly over this way a little bit you'll see just outside of luna we have enchantry island rendering and this is actually one of my favorite builds that we've done in this world this is a very recent one and and deeply woven into the lore of this world and the lore is not something i'm going to get too much into during the world tour mainly because it's just a lot to take in like the current storyline involves ender island over here and also in chantry island and it involves ancient beings and magic and all that stuff and you know there's really no point in rehashing it for the loyal viewers and if you're new to the series well it is just a convoluted mess so i'd like to think you don't need to know the lore to appreciate what we've done here what we've built over here and that's what we're mainly going to look at is the builds and and talk about what this world is all about what we've done to it over the past three and a half years because we've come a long way you know let me go ahead and show you guys around tell you a little bit about the world before we get into the actual tour so one thing you'll notice around the bet is that the waters are a little strange right that's because this used to be an extreme hills biome that we kind of you know destroyed and right now i'm currently working on deepening the waters to make it look a little bit better but we have a long way to go before that actually looks right so i mean this is very much still a world in progress as you can see there's tons and tons of unfinished stuff but we've come a long way since those uh you know early awkward days when i was still new to making videos oh sweet spin i like your moves so we begin our tour over here at the far approach where we will find the luna welcome center and this is basically where any newcomers to luna would check in upon arriving at our city either via these docks right here or on horseback or on foot in fact if you're arriving on horse we do have a stable on down this way where you can you know park your horse little horsey garage if you will uh you know what i kind of want to show you guys this landscape this is all actually custom landscaping and this is not naturally generated terrain uh so let me go ahead and fly up here and just give you guys an idea of like what we do to the the terrain the terraforming and all that stuff as we build uh because i do have this tendency to not really leave much untouched when i go and build in a place uh but anyway here are the stables i was just talking about we have a little lucky horseshoe over the door right here upside down to hold in the luck or is that right side up i don't even know um but yeah i mean there's no horses in here now we haven't really had many visitors to luna recently um i keep saying we when i say we i'm referring to you guys and me because this is in fact just a single player world i'm the only one here but without the support of you guys this world wouldn't have come as far as it has so uh i do have you guys to thank for all this basically um but let's go ahead and move on into the luna welcome center because we need to get this world tour moving along i'm kind of dilly dallying at the moment and we got a lot to see so this is as i said where new arrivals would check into luna it's actually a villager breeder so uh yeah over here at the visitor information center where the floor is exceptionally dirty i told you guys to clean up we're expecting company geez i'm trying to make a good first impression this is where we get our little baby villagers that populate luna so they pretty much uh just go for a swim as soon as they come into the city moving off to the next destination which we'll take out in just a minute but as you can see uh there's no little babies running around because currently this farm is off we do have several you know mechanisms to turn it on and off uh i'll show you the main one in just a moment but for now we do have this little switch right here i'll show you what this does basically this uh extends a little piston door that we have down there you can kind of really not see it maybe a little bit uh but it kind of keeps villagers in this area so that way these guys don't breed uncontrollably because you know we don't want to over populate the city or overpopulate the ferry terminal which will be the next stop on our tour oops sorry about that i know i i i should stop touching stuff um oh who's a good boy you keeping an eye on these guys yes somebody has to don't they anyway um one thing you're gonna notice is that when i build farms and stuff like that i try to incorporate it into a build and i try to make you know a reason for it to be where it is a reason to do what it's doing right um this is actually this is a storyline that's been resolved watchdog is no longer missing so i'm gonna go ahead and take this down there are actually several of these posters throughout luna we're gonna collect them all as we as we move throughout this door now there is other stuff to see over here at the welcome center we have a museum and a gift shop on the second floor research center over here on the third floor so let's go ahead and check out some of that stuff so this is the gift shop where we sell little trinkets and also armors like these are armors authentic armors worn by mobs that that have been vanquished over the past few years over here in luna um i have a little painting over here of the luna business district i do have custom paintings in my texture pack for instance this one right over here this is the near approach uh let's go ahead and move on to the museum and villager amenities area where we have it looks like a bunch of memorabilia from our time in the end our first end dragon fight which is actually how we wrapped up season one of this series this is this dragon face appears to be broken yeah that one's working this one appears to be broken but yeah we saved the end for the end of season one uh moving on to this area this appears to just be like a little couch a little rest area um i think i had something else planned for that room i'm not quite sure what this represents the farm district of luna we will check that out in a little while uh we got a little snack area over here with a little vending machine right here we can get our snacks we've got this area which is obviously dedicated to mines which are an important part of any minecraft world especially when you're just starting off let's go ahead and move up to the third floor the research center the archives if you will where we have an excellent view or what will be eventually an excellent view of luna and views are going to be huge in this world like you'll notice me talking about the view as we go through places but we need to go ahead and move on to our next stop and if you want to see any of these builds in any more detail because i'm just kind of breezing through here feel free to check out the video that it was built in because you know every build in this world every mountain taken down everything we do here is done on camera whether that's live whether that's you know in time-lapse form like we feature it in a video but we're moving on to the luna fairy terminal from october 2020 and this is basically the second part of our villager breeder over there please excuse the zombie sound uh but you remember the little on off switch i was talking about well this is it it's kind of like a natural on off switch so basically as new villagers arrive into luna they're taken underground over here they kind of arrive over here on this side and if we do more villages we kind of lock the villagers to this side but if they're allowed to free roam they kind of make their way towards the village which tells the villagers at the luna welcome center that hey we don't need any more villagers there's plenty of villagers here so it's kind of a nice balance you know but as you can see these guys they have plenty of stuff to do while they're waiting for their ship to arrive in fact let's go ahead and check the times on the arrivals and departures board yeah these guys might be waiting for a little bit so i'm sorry about that the ferry's running a little behind today but you know we'll eventually get them where they need to go and how we're going to get them to where they need to go is via the ferry so let's go ahead and take a look at that while we're waiting for the crew to arrive and you know for this thing to depart so i've been having a lot of fun building boats recently this is like one of my new favorite things to to try to build uh this particular fairy this boat is called the villagers escape 1 which was a viewer suggested name which i really like the villagers escape too is actually out in luna as we speak but as you can see this boat has plenty of seating both on the inside and the outside if we make our way up this way which is supposed to be for crew only but i think it's fine if i make my way up in here you know i know not to touch any of these gadgets and gizmos even though i built it so i mean i should be able to touch it i don't know these villagers they get kind of they get kind of cranky when i start messing with stuff around them anyway uh let's go ahead and make our way downstairs because i try to make all my builds complete like i even built in like kind of a little tiny engine room over here like i'm not sure how any of this works but i mean it is here uh and this is how theoretically the ship would move if it could actually move um now you didn't really get to see this paddle wheel fairy from the outside so uh let me go ahead and find a good vantage point to show you guys that there we go so now you can see the paddle wheel you can see the boat itself you can see the massive ferry terminal that's housed inside of and uh we can also see it from the outside if i go and fly around i want to make sure i show you guys the builds inside and out this was a very fun build to do very like experimental with the style and all that you know i have a lot of fun kind of experimenting doing different things with builds speaking of let's go ahead and look at the welcome center one more time because there is something kind of fun about this build as well you will notice that it is built on a diagonal it kind of slants off to the right as it goes back there which is you know fun you know i have a lot of fun doing this kind of stuff and that's how i kind of stay interested in building this world by constantly challenging myself trying new stuff now let's say we want to make our way into luna but we don't want to wait for the ferry to arrive there is actually another way we could make our way into the city and that is by going through the approach on foot uh you'll notice all these zombie sounds i'm not too worried about them i believe the zombies are underground i believe they're only here just because we have all these villagers around but if you look around you'll notice that we don't really have a mob problem here in luna because we've built a lot of stuff out of non-spawnable blocks or just hidden light sources all over the place to cut down or completely eliminate mob spawns mostly to keep the villagers safe but also also very important to keep me safe as well now earlier we talked about a couple ways we could arrive into luna here is another one for your consideration we talked about how newcomers could arrive via land or sea over that way well they could also arrive via air and in our most recent numbered episode episode 199 we built this airship right here this fantasy steampunk inspired balloon airship which was a ton of fun to put together i mean i like it you know we got the anchored into the ground over here we've got the propulsion mechanism coming out the back right here little rudder stabilizer fin up top to make sure we stay on course we make our way up this way you can see we have a retractable ramp which is how we enter this ship kind of pulls up when we're underway so nobody falls out the bottom you know speaking of passengers we got a little passenger area over here indoors of course in case we hit any turbulence we only by flying off the sides and this ship is called the rover which is a very clever dog and movement reference which you know i like to use another viewer's suggestion by the way so this is the kind of crew area as you can see we got seating for four and we have the little captain's chair right here on the bridge uh and since there's no villagers around let's celebrate you know whoo uh no uh let's go ahead and play with some stuff over here no let's let's not do that that changed my mind let's not do that oh i actually pulled that gag in episode 199 the last episode so it's probably a little soon to pull it again it's probably already gotten old like leave it to me to take a brand new joke and just play it out almost immediately anyway that's going to do it for this area that is going to do it for the rover let's go ahead and make our way down to the approach now as we are approaching the approach let me tell you a little bit more about this series we are currently in season two of luna season one took place in legacy console ps4 edition season two is in bedrock edition we are currently playing on windows 10. we are now at the explorers lodge now the explorer's lodge says a lot for luna you know they run the ferry terminal over there both ships belong to the explorers lodge the explorer's lodge also owns the rover basically anything to do with travel the explorer's lodge has their hand in it i'm going to get this back real quick now as we look into the explorers lodge as we go inside the explorer's lodge you'll notice one of the main features is this incomplete map wall now we started putting this map all together in our most recent bonus episode specifically for the world tour here because i have never seen a giant map of luna i know you guys have never seen a giant map of luna so this is going to be a new experience for the both of us that's not right this is farm district right over here um i was hoping i could talk more about this as i was putting these together but uh i do need to kind of concentrate a little bit okay so there we go that is luna on a map and i'm very excited about this because this is this is cool we can kind of track our progress now these are all locked maps so currently right now we are here at the explorers lodge now over the course of our tour we're going to there we go so that is an achievement as you can see achievements are enabled in this world this is a survival world so currently as i was saying we are here at the explorer's lodge our tour is going to take us through the approach into the farm district of luna from there we're going to make our way out into the incomplete waterside district and then we're going to make our way into the business district of luna and then out into wolfen's lab's quarantine district and then after that we'll kind of tour the surrounding areas and all the areas that we built outside of luna that's the plan uh sound good yeah okay so let's go ahead and move along we still need to look at the explorer's lodge itself so we got cartographers here we have workstations for the cartographers here we have little kitty cats kitty cats running around to bring your kitty to work day he's adorable he is every day should be bring your pet to work day i'm i'm officially declaring that every day luna is bring your pet to work day anyway uh the only map we've done previously is this one as you see it's like an old map of the approach which was not really what the approach looks like anymore uh i've wanted to kind of document this series of maps it's just something i haven't gotten around to until just now but going forward in the future we're gonna have plenty of maps in this place to kind of fill it up so this is ender island over here we'll be checking that out a little bit later we also have warf over here we'll be checking that out as well but i think that pretty much covers it for the explorers lives there will be more to look at here in the future uh but let's go ahead and move on to the next area in the approach i think we're going to go ahead and tour this place right here this is the approach in now before we actually go inside the approaching let me just give you like a kind of little overview of this area so this is the explorers lodge where we just went uh there's a rover in the back and this is the approach in which you couldn't really see the way we were approaching it just because you know it's a relatively big build in a small area uh and that's something i have to kind of be aware of i want you guys to be able to see everything we're going to be looking at during the world tour so yeah i just have to kind of remind myself of that from time but yeah this is the front desk over here we have concierge food and drink laundry and an arcade we'll check that out in just a minute over on this side we have a fitness center and a spa so this is the fitness center uh the spa is just back here and upstairs from each of these areas this is where we have our guest rooms which serve as temporary accommodations for any newcomers to luna who might need some lodging we have stowaway beds in each of the rooms and the reason why they're stowaway beds is because i didn't want to put beds down and have them interfere with our villager breeder in any way uh this area this is a suite so it's slightly bigger the actual bedroom is up here on this floor as you can see we do have stowaway beds in each of the actual bedrooms and also you might be able to see that i do put a fair amount of thought into the unnecessary details so moving on through the approach in actually let's check out this back area first we have a view of the luna ferry terminal and all that stuff then we go down the other wing of this building and check out first the concierge area right here we have a little snack area over here because people need to eat right then people also need to wash their dirty clothes so we have a little laundry area right here further back we have the arcade now the arcade holds a little secret so um as long as nobody's watching there actually used to be a door right here i'm not sure where that door has gone my best guess is a zombie might have taken it but i mean i thought i had this place fairly well lit apparently that's not the case uh you know we don't we don't need a door uh nobody's watching as far as anybody's concerned we're just playing a little game of pinball over here uh so if i were to push this button on the wall which i can't quite reach because it's a long pinball table if i push this button on the wall you we will drop down into the secret entrance to lol headquarters law stands for loonies against wolfens laboratories and you'll learn a little bit more about wolfen's laboratories a little bit later uh right here we have our emergency exit which is open because there was an emergency here this thing was triggered uh let me go ahead and see if i can repair this because i think it's broken right now ah so not broken but sabotaged so i think if we were to flip this lever right here that should reset everything and the door should close perfect so now the emergency exit actually works so this is an exit that's kind of hidden into the wall here supposed to be perfectly camouflaged we'll take a look at that a little bit later and you know i'll show you guys where it actually is but let's go ahead and look at some of the other areas of lol headquarters um this no longer needs to be here i can't remember why that was there but this is the research and technology section this is where my good friend wilfred used to do his research and you'll meet wilfred a little bit later very smart very clever character he was doing some work kind of researching the corruption caused by the netherworm and the netherworm is something we're going to discuss a bit later because once we get to a certain point in this world tour it's going to be impossible to ignore him over here we have the workspaces of lol headquarters where the members of law would you know do work in their little cubicles over here looks like we have a law member over here hard at work maintaining the base excellent job let's go ahead and make our way down here into the map room actually forgot this they exist we do have maps of luna well these are mostly maps of wolfens laboratory areas we have the eclipse outpost over here just a wolfens laboratory area we're trying to keep an eye on we'll take a look at that in person later we have the wormtail site over there where wolfins labs is also studying the netherworm we have wolfens laboratory itself which looks a bit different now than it does on this map because these are very old maps or at least outdated maps so this is uh warf the wolfens aquatic research facility will definitely take a peek at this later in person uh because this is actually finished these days but yeah this is lol headquarters as you see on the wall l-a-w-l law i like my acronyms you will come to realize this i do like my acronyms now over here we have the quarantine area where we do have various holding cells uh which we have gotten some use out of next thing we need to do is make our way into law hq itself and release wolfrid from the other holding cell where i kind of maybe a little bit falsely imprisoned him under the impression he was a spy not my finest moment but you know we've moved on from that so uh yeah let's go ahead and move on with our tour these are the living quarters over here at lol headquarters uh nobody's here now this place has been unoccupied since it was raided back in the day by wolfens laboratory or at least i thought it was unoccupied we have one of the uh trespassers remaining so just so you guys are aware this is not a member of law how how did he even get in here anyway like there's no water first of all second of all he should not have been able to spawn here like mobs just appear i have no idea how how they even do it um let's go ahead and make our way out through the way we came in because it's a little bit more fun than checking out the secret like emergency exit because i like that i like the the hidden entrance in the floor but we can fly past the emergency exit and i will show you um how that actually camouflages itself into the wall over here so it is actually right down there very discreet you know or at least it was before the headquarters was discovered our next stop in the approach is first of all this our next stop in the approach is going to be the neighborhood the neighborhood where watchdog wilfred and i lived once upon a time uh this was actually my house so basically whenever i work in a new area i like to build myself a residence in that area and this is where i kind of lived as we were working in the approach and this house had basically everything i could possibly want i got my little storage set up right here in the basement uh you will have to forgive the floor there was a little incident here a while back tiny explosion caused by this machine right here the name of which i can't remember at the moment but we do have an instruction book right here so let me go ahead and refresh my memory so this was the interdimensional inanimate object transmitter and it kind of blew up on us and this is all that's left of it moving on we have a little balcony out here outside of our basement overlooking the waters and let's go ahead and make our way inside the house i can show you the actual livable area of this place so this is my bedroom i have my own little balcony out here because you know everybody loves a view this is my closet right here and speaking of views let me go ahead and show you watchdog's old room back when he was living with me watchdog is one of my alternate accounts you will meet him in just a moment this was his room before he decided to move out on his own um and you know what let's go see if he's home so watchdog's not technically home but he is right over here outside his house so just to orient you guys there's my house where we just left this is the neighborhood gazebo where we like to hang out from time to time and this is watchdog my oldest friend in this world who's been around since nearly the beginning say hi to everybody watch dog there you go and watchdog is my original second account he's the account that we used to use to film third person time lapses back in the day of course he's in survival mode he's been a great loyal companion and if you don't mind watchdog we're gonna go tour your house right now now before we go inside uh if you look at the exterior of the house you will notice it is made out of hay bales or straw meanwhile my house is wood and wolfer's house has some brick in it right here so you'll see we have like kind of a little three little pigs vibe going on in this neighborhood now watchdog's house is fairly simple he's a very simple wolf you know a wolf of simple taste all he really asks for is a good view and oh no i did it again i didn't even realize why i built this tree oh watchdog i am so sorry i'm sorry i obstructed your view yet again i have a habit of doing that a bad habit let's look at this picture right here this is a nice picture of me and watch look at us back over here at the approach let's focus on you know the good times this is watch like the bedroom right here all right um yeah i i do have a bad habit of obstructing watchdog's views i'm not doing it on purpose really i'm not let's uh go ahead and move on to wolford's house now wilfred is not home at the moment he's uh he's off at work uh and he hasn't been home in quite a while in fact he's been spending most of his time in between the law nether outposts which we'll check out later and a cell of one type or another but we can go ahead and have a tour of this place i'm sure he won't mind now when wilfred first moved into the neighborhood people were very suspicious of him you know they thought he was like a wolfens laboratory spy or something which kind of raised my suspicions which is why it's fortunate we have this large tree in here blocking his view of my house because you know what if you have potentially nosy neighbors and you don't want them getting all up in your business it only makes sense to construct a very large tree obstructing their view into your house right and speaking of large trees uh we're back out here at the explorers lodge because there is something i forgot to show you when we were over here i do have a small manual tree farm over here so we have oak and dark oak over here on this side and we have um all the other types of trees over on the other side basically the thought behind this was the explorer's lodge has collected trees from all over the world and they're here on display and also for me to chop down whenever i feel the need to uh something else you'll notice is that we have a lot of skeleton horses over here we actually have a lot of skeleton horses all throughout luna because it just it storms constantly thunderstorms all the time and i'm sure that before the end of this episode because we're going to be recording for a few hours that we will run into a thunderstorm it's inevitable now one thing i want to do eventually is populate the approach and all of luna in fact with villagers but we do need to make sure that this area is safe for villagers and that they can't get to places where they don't belong kind of like this guy has so if you wouldn't mind please come back onto land where it's safe thank you yeah because even though the areas that where we don't you do it again no even though where we built is safe the area is immediately outside of that the areas which i like to deem off-limits areas are actually pretty dangerous hence why they are off-limits so before we do end up populating these areas with a lot of villagers i do need to make sure that they can't get into the off-limits areas i try to do that as i'm building is just you know sometimes little things escape my attention now another spot we're going to tour eventually is the wormtail side over here but we're not going to check this out right now even though it's at the approach we're not going to look at it quite yet because this is a wolfens laboratory build building i think you might need to know a little bit about wolfen's laboratory before we get into all this so look at that the disrespect enderman dismantling the approach when they know full well that i'm doing a world tour ridiculous just ridiculous we do have a enderman problem over here like this is world spawn so this is where all the endermen from the end come when they end up making their way into the end portal i have blocked it off but we do still have a big enderman problem in this area i just i don't know i don't know anyway let's go ahead and move into an area i like to call the near approach we're getting closer and closer to luna now and the near approach is kind of like a little market area outside of luna's gates this is a place where weary travelers could rest their bones before making their way into the city or it's a place where they could go and buy knickknacks and souvenirs and whatnot from these market stalls we have dotted around here now the only one i really have set up is this camping supply shop but the only thing they really sell at the moment is campfires and i don't believe anything else no that that's it right there but i do want to go through and eventually populate these chests get some actual merchants in here to pedal their wares to you know people traveling in and out of luna i think that might be kind of fun you know but again i told you guys about the whole villager thing you know i want to make sure these areas are safe before we actually bring any villagers over here because the last thing we need is some kind of zombie apocalypse situation in a well-populated area because that's not good for anybody in any situation ever no matter what uh we just have more market stalls around the rest of the approach uh i believe we have two more over here we'll go ahead and check these out i mean this is a world tour so let's go ahead and tour the world right so another market stall right over here a little wagon right there and we do have this little loop that takes us back around the near approach to where we just were a moment ago and i'm realizing at this point that i do kind of need to pick up the pace a little bit because we have been recording for a little bit now and we still haven't made our way into the actual city which is right over there we're so close at this moment but let's go ahead and fly over the approach just so you guys can get a good idea of how this area actually looks when not viewed from ground level and also some of the stuff we can't see from ground level for instance the terraforming and landscaping of each of these islands that make up the approach because as i said i try to make everything as complete as i can and uh yeah we go around the entire island once we uh you know start building somewhere like we make sure everything is actually completed or at least i try my best to do so because you can have you know a decent looking build but then if you add an interior to that build and then you add landscaping surrounding it just kind of brings it up a level at least in my opinion so speaking of interiors let's go ahead and make our way inside here uh this torch right here is just kind of a placeholder for now i would like to get candles where these torches are eventually once they're actually in the game when 117 comes out but as you can see like we even got these towers fully uh interiorized i know that's not a word but uh you know i mean they're not in decorated the interior's not decorated but we do have an interior to them so that's what i'm going to go with interiorized so yeah anyway these are watchtowers that kind of give us a view of luna and all these surrounding areas like the approach but i think that just about does it for the approach so let's go ahead and make our way beneath this arch here cross a bridge into luna now as we approach luna you might have noticed the city is surrounded by tall stone walls but that's not our only line of defense we actually have this very heavy nigh impenetrable diagonal redstone door which prevents attacks from making their way into the city the only way to get past this thing is by pushing this button it's something our enemies wouldn't suspect you know because most of our enemies are mindless they don't have the dexterity to push but like zombies and skeletons without brains or whatnot but this is how we get access to the grand rotunda which leads us into luna's farm district now this isn't all there is to the grand rotunda let me go ahead and take this down real quick and before we check out luna's actual farm district right here i do want to check out the lower area of the grand rotunda because that's where the scenery is that's what makes the grand rotunda a little bit more grand than just the area we walk through to get into the farm district right so if we make our way down this way you can see that we have this area just beneath where we just walked and its only purpose really is to kind of look pretty you know give our farmers a place to take a load off after a hard day's work they can come here sit down by the fountain and you know just relax you know it's nice to relax every now and then if only i could relax it's time to continue with this world tour hello sheepy hi um i was gonna suggest that we take a look at our food farms and stuff like that first but maybe i think the sheep is trying to get me to check out his area so maybe we'll head over here to the barn first before we check out all the rest of this stuff now the barn as you can probably see is where we keep our sheep this is where we get all our wool and stuff like that now i don't have a huge need for wool in this world let me go ahead and take this back real quick i don't have a huge need for wool in this world so we don't have any you know automatic shearing systems or anything like that it's all pretty much a manual process where i come in here with my shears and just take the wool as i need it but this is the barn and it's actually another build that's built on a diagonal and before we head inside let me go ahead and show you the diagonal it's built on that way you can kind of get more of an idea of what i'm talking about i almost hit that tree right there but there you can kind of see like how it's slightly slanted as it goes back and this just like the luna welcome center was just another little additional challenge to building which kind of makes things a little bit more fun a little bit more interesting for me as we build stuff here uh now you can see the sheep are just kind of free roaming around as i said i just come in here with my shears get my wool manually because you know i don't want to lock these guys up in pens and do the whole dispenser thing or anything like that uh now as far as the interior of this place goes yes it does have an interior the sheep do seem to prefer it outside where there's actual grass to eat so we kind of let them just kind of hang out back here another area of the interior is the upstairs because as i said i try to make these builds feel as complete as i can uh but i think that should pretty much do it for this guy's area so now we can move on to some other stuff and i feel like i should point out we have a lot of like custom landscaping like these custom trees and stuff uh so yes trees especially like this one are custom trees i do have some like kind of augmented trees which are natural trees i added leaves and stuff like that too let's go and move on to the farms this is our carrot farm over here and this is fully automatic it's a villager planted farm that's water harvested basically what happens is that we have this setup on a timer so where like dispensers will shoot water kind of wash these crops out to the edges here where they are eventually collected by a hopper mine cart and then put into storage uh now we do have the villagers that live inside these houses so yes the the farming villagers do have their own houses um this is awkward i'm sorry i didn't mean to barge in on you uh i i apologize anyway talking about the farms as i said they're set up on timers now rather than waiting for one of the timers to go off so we can see a farm being harvested we could probably just look at some archival footage oh watchdog monitoring system in full effect it looks like we're having a harvest as we speak so let's go ahead and make our way over to our carrot farm and we'll see if we have any wasted carrots any carrots that are anywhere that our mine cart cannot collect them and bring them to our storage system uh i'm really hoping that this has solved our problems uh oh senior characters already hard at work replanting the field it doesn't look like we have any stray carrots anywhere which is awesome you guys need to stop trying to climb this fence now once harvested most of our crops are stored in silos like this one right here this is actually the silo for our beetroot farm which is located right over here now this is another fully automatic villager harvested farm that does not look like it's been harvested in quite a while is there a problem with your with your farm over here i mean it looks fine why are you holding a beet i would rather you have seeds not not beets you're not supposed to be eating the stuff you're supposed to be harvesting this might be broken you know it's been a while since i've been over here this might actually be broken uh but oh you know i see the problem you guys are too busy partying huh too busy partying to work okay i see how it is so if you want to see how that farm is supposed to work you can look at our wheat farm over here for reference because this pretty much works the same way except for this guy has a much stronger work ethic uh so basically he harvests the farm and kind of leaves the crops laying on the ground uh just like that guy's supposed to and then we have a hopper mine cart going underneath the ground kind of picking up the crops as it goes along and then putting him into storage now the wheat is actually stored in this windmill right here rather than a storage silo now we do have these silos all throughout the farm district this is our potato silo the potato farm is actually over here and this runs the same way as our carrot farm does which i just showed you but let's go ahead and make our way back over to the windmill one aspect of all these farms is they have a bone meal production area where basically any overflow or any seeds go through a composter and get converted into bone meal which is useful for obvious reasons as far as wheat storage goes this is the actual wheat storage uh looks like there's one chest but that's actually not the case if we head upstairs into the maintenance area i can show you the actual storage to sweet farm because we do have a healthy amount of chests over here kind of filtering down into each other into that one at the bottom and i suppose i could also show you the actual collection mechanism for this basically this minecart just goes around and around circles picking up the wheat which will eventually get deposited into this little hopper right here and sent up into storage now the only thing we haven't checked out around this little loop right here at the back of the farm district is the farm district council office which we built in january of 2019 and the purpose of this building was to house the farm district council which was you know meant to solve some issues we were having over at the farm district back in the day so we have our farm district manager's office right here where you could sit in and kind of observe the council meetings going on in here basically the main problem the city council had to solve for the farm council had to solve was how do we get farmers into luna well this is actually the site of one of our old villager breeders that's that's the whole purpose of this we had a guy sitting in a boat out here just one guy not two and that guy's job was to register the doors we have underground here because doors determined the size of a village back in the day rather than beds uh and then basically he would report to the the council over here in the meeting room that yes we do in fact need more villagers over here in the farm district and they would somehow make that happen which was great very beneficial to luna very beneficial to the farm district all right so what else is in here we have the assistant district manager's office right here small office but a great view big balcony great view of the moon right there uh this needs a door um as i said uh back in the day doors used to dermatize the village so i didn't just place doors willy-nilly around here uh this hi hello this is the finance office you must be the finance officer still hard at work go home go home take the rest of the night off jeez some of these guys man they are dedicated we're actually not finished with this section of the farm district because we have a melon farm back here tucked way in the back of the farm district easy to forget about but yes this is also a fully automatic farm this is a piston harvested melon farm which is an original design by me which means it's not lossless by any means in fact it's not very efficient at all but it gets the job done basically how this works is we have a minecart that comes through here from time to time like you're seeing right now it harvests all the melons on the first pass and then when it comes back the opposite direction it collects those melons or at least it should it gets most of them but it does leave some behind because they kind of throw some out of the way so we should be able to see that happening right now so yeah you can kind of see how some kind of get tossed up in the air and left behind so not lossless by any means but overall a fun build together put together uh this is actually also how i harvest my pumpkins as well because it's a fairly simple way to harvest melons and pumpkins and also it's all below ground so it doesn't look out of place when viewed from the surface uh yeah you can see this is basically all there is to it speaking of pumpkins let's go ahead and check out our pumpkin farm just so we can knock out all the food stuff uh this is carrot storage just in case anybody was wondering where that was and this is our pumpkin farm located in the part of the farm district that's closer to the central area of luna this is called jumping jack-o-lanterns from may 2018. um i'm going to have to sleep fairly soon it's been a couple in-game days uh but this is our pumpkin storage area we used to have a villager in here used to kind of hang out uh right here his name was jumping jack i'm not sure where exactly he's run off to uh but i do want you guys to catch one of these harvests so i'm going to actually hurry the process along real quick because they're kind of fun to watch oh we're missing it we're missing it okay okay let's go ahead and make over here so how does this differentiate itself from the melon harvesting oh well it's called jumping jack lanterns because when this thing harvests we get jumping jack-o'-lanterns that's it that that's all i wanted to show you now as we made our way to jumping jack-o-lanterns we pass through luna's farmer's market but we didn't get a really good look at it uh this served as kind of a secondary storage for all our crops before we switched over to just using these silos and stuff like that this was built back in 2019 along with most of the stuff in the farm district that was like pretty much everything here was built around the same time period but this now serves as an area where we can trade with our farmers because well farmers market kind of makes sense right now these guys keep me well stocked with golden carrots and they are amazing if you watch the series you know i have a huge emphasis i put on villager trading uh we have villagers all throughout luna and this is how we get them to where they need to be uh basically all the villagers that come from the luna ferry terminal where we started this tour they make their way through these underground tunnels to various parts of luna we have everything pretty much interconnected here or at least it will be eventually right now we have the farm district and the business district hooked up eventually we're gonna get the waterside district hooked up as well and this does seem to be a pretty reliable and efficient way to get villagers where they need to be basically we just boat them over from the ferry terminal and they go into their respective places uh now as far as the rest of the farmers market goes we do have an upstairs to this there's not too much going on over here aside from these views we have of the farm district including my house right here which we'll check out in just a moment i believe there's just that my house and the stables over here left to see so let's go ahead and make a stop at my old farm district house first this is where watchdog and i used to live back when we were building up the farm district of luna uh since then since we moved out we've given this place to the villagers but i'm sure they won't mind if we take a little tour of it for old times sake i mean i haven't even moved my stuff out of here yet as you can see excuse me jeez we haven't signed the paperwork yet and i said all my stuff to move out no this house did not come fully furnished what do you think this this i guess there's diamonds in that table are you kidding me no i didn't leave that to you this is my enchantment table uh keyword my uh this is some old secondary armor anvil right back here for repairs and stuff like that i have my bedroom located back here uh nice picture of me and watchdog same one he has up in his house now speaking of watchdog he used to live upstairs here so let's go ahead and make our way up to the third floor and check out watchdog's room the second floor here is just basically uh a corridor that we pass through to get to the third floor so it's a small house but this is watchdog's old room he used to have a great view out from his balcony here but farmers market kind of got in the way of that um i should say me building the farmers market kind of got in the way of that as i told you i have this bad habit of kind of ruining his views i don't know why i do it i'm not trying to i'm really not trying to i mean he could have come downstairs because he has a great view from this balcony right anyway um let's go ahead and check out the storage area of this house this house comes complete with a storm cellar with a door that actually opens and closes which i think is pretty neat because i do have a habit of keeping my my storage in my houses in the basements and in the cellars and whatnot this place was obviously no exception to that i could access my stuff from inside the house uh from the anvil room right here which i showed you a little bit earlier uh down this way is my actual big storage system so we can check out the city storage of luna by making our way down this secret passage from my farm district seller and this storage system is accessible from a lot of different places in the city uh and we're going to tour this a little bit more in depth a little bit later i guess i could talk about a little bit we will be upgrading this in the very near future because it was great when we first built it but in the years since i've just accumulated more and more stuff and the capacity just isn't there anymore also because i have a tendency to put my storage systems underground the convenience really isn't there either so that's kind of an issue that's one of the big things we'll be tackling in the upcoming episodes is a new storage system but let's go ahead and finish touring the farm district we have the stables right here right next to jumping jack lanterns the farmers market very convenient for easy access into the waterside district or the business district because this is where you would park your horse in case you had to go do any business in the business district now there's not a whole lot of horses in here anymore because these guys have a tendency to escape surprisingly mr ed is still in here mr ed the escape artist extraordinaire this guy i found him just wandering the world a couple times he escapes the city entirely uh we have some skeleton horses back here as i said we do get a lot of thunderstorms here in luna hence we get a lot of skeleton horses um and that seems to be pretty much all there is to it you can see that they somehow get out of here and go wandering around different parts of the city um i'm sure that we'll come across several more as we move throughout this area but that concludes our tour of the farm district now if you excuse me i need to have a word with my friend over here you were supposed to make sure the horses stayed put kidding me but you're still a good boy though yes you are you're the best anyway i had a lot of fun working on the farm district um one thing you'll notice is that i like to add certain theming to different areas so the farm district is very much themed after kind of you know a farm i mean obviously but this was a lot of fun to put together uh we didn't really look at this horsey house right here this is also built on a diagonal again i have a lot of fun doing that kind of stuff but i mean aside from some maintenance that needs to be done some little repairs that need to be made this is a completed district we do have two completed districts here in luna the other one is the business district right over here we'll check that out in just a minute because there is quite a bit to see over here this is like the main focus of the early part of this series but our next stop along our world tour is going to take us into the as of yet incomplete waterside district now the waterside district was established a while back but i haven't really done much with it since then i do suspect though that will change in the very near future but as far as world tour goes there are a couple things we can check out mostly just the docks and the boats accessible by those docks so let's go ahead and make our way down here and we'll see what little there is to see over here oh we also have walls up as you'll notice we do have some of the walls of the waterside district completed we have our entrance into the business district right here completed and that's probably going to be the first thing we tackle when we do start working on the waterside district is just trying to complete the walls and stuff like that we got port security right over here protecting the the maritime areas of luna uh this right here is the flying wolfman this was the first boat i ever built we built this really early on in the series and it did serve a purpose back then it no longer serves a purpose it hasn't served a purpose in quite a while at least a functional purpose right now it just serves the purpose of you know kind of filling up the waterside district waters uh let me make sure i get you guys a view of the ship as we start to move around it i i've been here for a while i kind of take for granted how everything looks i want to make sure i get you guys views of everything as we move around because this is a world tour after all now we do have a couple crew members aboard the flying wolfman it seems so let me go ahead and introduce you first we have cho and kobo you get it anyway as i said this was functional back in the day this actually housed our old afk fish farm which as of now has been broken for quite some time but we built this back when afk fish farms were like a popular thing and everybody was building them and i felt like i needed in-game stuff in the early game uh we do have the storage system down here for the afk fish farm where we stored all our books and stuff like that this actually served uh this had a couple different functions to it uh as you can see we have this switch right here this is actually an item disposal system so once i took everything useful out of these chests we just had like a bunch of saddles and stuff remaining i would just come through flip this switch and send everything down into a cactus uh that that's not really down there anymore most of the redstone in the bottom part of this has been removed all of this will eventually be removed because i have some other plans for these resources and you know this thing has been functional in some time so i do feel pretty comfortable in uh tearing it down uh there was a villager that used to be down here by the name of the dread pirate roberts not quite sure where he's run off to because there's no way a zombie spawn in that hole so i just have i have no idea anyway continuing toward the waterside district these docks here are fairly old we built these before bark blocks were in the game and we do have some new sections of the docks but i'm continuing to build those in the old style just kind of combining the old with the new here in luna speaking of new we have this boat right here which is a fairly new build this is the villagers escape 2 from february 2021 this is the other ship from the ferry terminal this is the other luna ferry responsible for shuttling passengers to and from various areas of luna now it's very similar to the villagers escape 1 with some slight differences mostly because i couldn't be bothered to go back and forth from the villagers escape 1 to the villagers escape 2 to make them look exactly the same so you can kind of view these as the same type of ship but this one is a newer model do you guys hear that thumping that beating that is actually the netherworm which you can see over here beneath the waters of the waterside district we're going to talk about him a little bit later because he's more related to wolfens laboratories than he is the waterside district despite being located in the waterside district well actually he's not he's actually located all throughout luna he's a very big boy actually maybe we could take a peek at the netherworm because i just realized that the netherworm does have an impact on the waterside district he's actually caused some problems over here at the waterside district as you can see we have some broken docks over here on this side with the wreckage resting atop the netherworm so let's go ahead and take a peek at him and and just see what kind of destruction this massive beast has caused and yeah this is not his full extent he actually extends from the wolfens laboratory area over that way all the way back to the approach where we started this world tour over at the wormtail site hence the name warm tail side that's where his tail is uh but yeah we're gonna we're gonna take a look at him a little bit later but right now i'm just like yeah the waters waters are not safe this is not the safest place to be but that's pretty much all i have to show you guys of the waterside district as of now i guess i could talk about this i have a little acacia farm over here temporary for building up wolfens laboratory over here just for convenience i also have some other temporary farms we have a little vine farm right here coarse fruit farm we have our crimson and warp farms right here all these are temporary there's a little basalt farm over here none of this stuff actually belongs in the waterside district they will have their own homes elsewhere uh at some point but now it's time to check out the business district of luna and this is one of the oldest areas of our world this is the first area that we completed in this world and this is basically how we get in we have this gateway from the waterside district into the business district one of my first experiments building at like awkward angles and kind of set the stage for you know future awkward builds now i did mention that uh you know there's multiple ways to get into the business district there's multiple ways to get pretty much anywhere in this city as you can see this is the gateway leading to the farm district where we just visited a little while ago so let's go ahead and begin our tour of the business district of luna um oh we're right downstairs from the farming operations office of luna so i guess that's where we're gonna go ahead and start i can remember how to navigate my way through this place actually maybe it'd be a good idea to show you guys what this build looks like before we head into it this is the farming operations office of luna and we talked a little bit earlier about how i like my acronyms so farming operations office of luna otherwise known as fool and this is where basically where paperwork gets filed this is where all the bureaucrats uh are around here somewhere kind of doing all their their stuff i hear them i hear the villagers around here i just don't see them but we do have some excellent views from the full offices over here we do have a great view of the business district from over here on this side but unlike a lot of places that we're going to visit in a few minutes in the business district this place serves no real functional purpose it's mostly here just for the villagers i don't know why i can't find them i i can't seem to find my villagers anywhere but i know they're around here somewhere i know it maybe we should go and ask next door because this isn't the only full office sheriff so basically the next area is going to be the farming operations office of luna enforcement office otherwise known as fulio and this place seems abandoned as well i got a little temporary storage area back there but i'm not sure what's going on with the villagers like they just seem to be disappearing lately it's weird because i just don't know the reason for it i suppose we could check out some of the off oh guys i am so happy to see you i didn't know if it was a holiday or what nobody seems to be at their place of work i mean not that y'all can't take a day off i encourage taking days off i need to take a day off myself but it'd just be nice if uh my villagers didn't seem to disappear off the face of the earth uh there is another section to the fourier offices in the back which we can make our way over to now oh and before i forget this always gets mentioned my roads here like there's something people don't like about my roads these pressure plates right here that click as i walk over them this seems to bother some people and i considered removing these i did but then i gave it a little bit more thought and ultimately i decided to keep them moving on let's go ahead and make our way back to the fulio offices uh where we can check out one last area the back area right here where our golems get ready for their their workdays deputy they have their locker room back here they got some poppies up for decoration and you this explains so much this this guy works our front desk right here and instead of working it he's hiding behind it that explains why i can't find everybody they're just ducking their responsibilities huh all right you don't want to get your head out of the wall that's fine you can stay there i'll come back and check on you later right now we need to continue with this world tour because i am behind schedule so we're going to continue clockwise around the business district to dunder minecraft this is our paper farm this is the dunder minecraft paper company from may 2018. we have our sugarcane farm up top there at those towers and this is basically where we both get our paper for village trading and conduct our villager trading and also confuse bees apparently yeah you can buzz away thank you uh the sugar cane farms are accessible via this back area right here and these are one of the first farms we built in this world and we can watch them go off if i can put them no hey my slime block we can watch this nice little cascade effect going up it's pretty cool to watch these things go off and uh we can check out the middle one as well the first one i know works we have three sugar cane towers in total all run by these cactus timers basically once the cactus grows in front of this observer that triggers the pistons to push out the slime blocks harvesting all the sugarcane that you can't really see in front of the slime blocks the harvested sugar cane is then kind of channeled this way into storage downstairs for conversion into paper and we do have access to all three sugarcane towers if we head back this way but it's kind of uh if you've seen one you've seen them all type of situation so we're just gonna go ahead and make our way back into dunder minecraft and uh continue on our way so this was the maintenance area if we move a little bit further back this way we have our regional manager's office michael seems to not be here anymore he's been gone for a little while and again i don't know what happened to him because like honestly honestly there's no way we had zombies in here uh there's i i honestly doesn't it doesn't make sense to me i i do not know i do not know where some of these guys are going fortunately for me though i know the office is still staffed because i do visit these guys regularly i can tug my business over here we got a little waiting area over here on this side of the office we got a water cooler right there uh we have storage for all our sugarcane this is where it all goes for converting into paper which we do right here and this is where all of our librarians do all their work and as you can see we got quite a few of them in this uh in this little area right here um this is creed i don't question his life choices he just does what he does continuing clockwise around luna we will then come to luna's forge and this was a build we made back in september of 2018. i don't know why the font is different on this sign i did not do this like this um you changing things up over here bud asserting your authority guess lunas forge is under new management bowden seems to be running things his way around here so you see like the little details that we place around builds just to kind of liven the areas up this is actually a super smelter this is my super smelter and you can kind of see the contraption if we go in this way uh it's pretty simple a circular design we just have a minecart kind of going back and forth or multiple mine carts just kind of picking up stuff dropping off other stuff you will notice as we walk around luna you probably already know this i do indeed like my circles we have a lot of circles here in luna uh this would be nice if i could smelt something up for you guys actually so let me go ahead and get this first of all let me go ahead and get some stuff to smelt i will be right back but basically how this works is we take our oars or whatever we want to smelt up we put them right in here they get pulled out pretty quickly uh then the output comes right over here so let's go ahead and make our way inside before all these furnaces turn on and we'll take a minute the ceiling is going to open up first of all yeah you're gonna see lava start pouring down then the furnaces are starting to going to start lighting one by one as you can see until all of them are lit or at least until most of them are lit what's going on with you oh you need fuel okay that's disappointing uh distribution isn't great but the atmosphere is look at this we got lava pouring down let's focus on the good stuff right you think for a world tour i'd be a little bit better prepared but we can go ahead and i can show you the refueling process basically this thing runs on coal pretty much so we're going to take our coal throw it into here like this it gets pulled out pretty quickly then taken downstairs and distributed this is the upstairs area by the way not too much going on up here mostly just decoration continuing on we come to my favorite build in the business district this is the rotunda and the rotunda is something we built a long time ago this was uh one of the early builds that i still enjoy to this day especially the interior of it uh you'll notice we have a little entrance way right here that's because this was originally intended to be the grand entrance to luna back when i thought luna would only consist of this area which has become the business district we've expanded quite a bit but this also happens to be where we first met watchdog uh it's all thanks to this guy though right here this is watchdog that's what we're gonna name him watchdog and he is going to be in charge of third person timeless hearing out say hello not you i mentioned i especially like the interior of this build so let's go ahead and make our way inside so we can have a look at this yeah i mean there's something about this place i really like not the fact that it it traps piggies um vacate please come on okay you know what let me just push you all the way so you put this back yeah that's a bug not a feature um but i really like this place uh we do have a little little what's supposed to be a redstone door right here this thing does not work anymore um but this will give us access to a dock now that kind of takes us over to enchantry island which we will explore a bit later that's just kind of a way to link my two favorite builds in this world now uh the dock will have to be built the door will have to be repaired we will get around to that sometime in the future uh but i mean that's like the door is one of the first things we've come across in this tour that's broken now there is quite a bit that's broken here in luna uh because the dimensional shift that brought from legacy console to bedrock obviously broke some stuff i don't know if the door was something that broke at that time or if that's something that broke later just because of my bad redstone but it is definitely broken uh now this is just something that that happens with worlds you know the longer world goes on the more likely stuff is to break and i would say that's especially true for a world like this one that's been through what this world has been through moving through different dimensions or wise or more practically speaking has you know passed through different editions of the game now i mentioned earlier how i like to build myself residences while i'm working on an area that was even true back when working on the business district so this area right here this is the enchanted snack bar now but this this used to be my house back when uh we were working here in the business district this is where we used to live in the early days of this game uh you still see my enchantment set up back there uh these days the villagers have kind of converted into a little snack bar a little place to eat we got their kitchen back here uh there's rosie rosie runs this place now rosie's in charge this used to be my bedroom back here um i actually had a roommate back when i used to live here we had mr hanzo who used to live up here in the attic which also was my storage subs i kept it in the attic instead of a basement or anything like that yeah mr hanzo is sadly no longer with us now the enchanted snack bar kind of serves as an addition to the enchanted pickaxe downstairs which we will check out in just a little bit but this is more like a little lunch area you know you can come over here you can place your two go orders during the work day or you can come and just hang out like these villagers are doing we do have a little outdoor eating area for them now a little bit earlier we talked about mr hanzo over here we have the villager memorial because we have lost several villagers during the time building the business district there was balthazar we have samus mr hanzo of course and zampano he used to work over at the house of leaves we'll check that out in a bit but this is dedicated to those guys and i'm sure there's more names that should be up here but as luna's population has grown it's become very very hard to keep track of everybody uh anyway moving on the next stop on our tour is the luna garden center from september 2018. this is uh basically where i get all my dyes and stuff like that we have various flower farms up here uh these this is the double high flower farm where we can get the dyes from these flowers uh my single like my regular flower farms are gone now but we do have other farms over here we have our cocoa bean farm right here which uh you know automatically harvests but we do have to manually replant so let me go ahead and take care of that so continuing our tour through the garden center uh these right here these flowers are just for looks basically but we used to have some flower farms over here housed within these towers which were built to kind of mirror the uh the towers over there at dunder minecraft our sugarcane towers uh now they are cactus farms not that i have a huge need for green dye or anything like that i just want cacti available for other projects and even this is insufficient for those projects so i do kind of regret converting the flower farms into cactus farms here but that does give us the opportunity to build new flower farms when we do all of our bees stuff because we haven't done any of that yet now moving on from the garden center we come to one of my old storage buildings and i used to like to build these back before i had an actual storage system so this particular building this houses the remnants of a mountain we torn down and as you can see there's still plenty of resources left over from that further along we have the timberland tree farm now we built this back in july 2018 and this was one of the builds i was most proud of back then i'm still very proud of it because uh it was just amazing this was our automatic tree farm harvested by this gas right here this is sawyer he's the one that's been making all that noise and yes for anybody new to this world we do have a ghast in the overworld i will show you how we got him here once we get to wolfen's labs but right now we're gonna go ahead and tour the timberland tree farm even though this thing is unfortunately very very broken at this time but i can still kind of explain how it works so basically sawyer right there he would shoot fireballs at me as i stood over here uh what would happen is that we'd have like the standard tree farm thing we get our logs they get kind of pushed this way kind of crushed down into a one tall section they would get moved in from this barricade between me and sawyer and he would shoot fireballs at me and harvest them basically uh so all i had to do was sit here and just plant my saplings and that was it but unfortunately this thing was one of the victims of the dimensional shift or the world conversion whatever you want to call it but man when this was running whew so when i talk about the good old days believe me those were the good old days back before i had to chop my logs manually now there is an additional story to this build basically uh you know the waterside district is right over there we'd get this fresh timber coming in from the waterside district it get put into this little elevator kind of moved up to the second floor where it would be processed and converted into planks so this is our little debarker machine right here then stuff goes around here gets kind of chopped up by this little saw thing moved around this way and i don't know why there's a hole in my floor these are stone bricks there's no reason for these to be missing so i have no idea what's going on there i don't think i can blame enderman for this um anyway moving on we have the the planks getting put through here basically they go through this area for processing and then they're finally brought downstairs for packaging and that's the end of their story uh so yeah i kind of like to add like little you know just kind of little elements like this to the bills just to kind of you know make them a little bit more interesting now one of the most common comments i get during the world tours after everybody sees sawyer is how do we get a gas the overworld i told you guys i was going to show you that process when we got to wolfen's labs not only will i show you that process in this world tour i think we're going to go ahead and bring a gas over together so stay tuned for that but this was timberland next up we'll check out the center section of the business district this is the new moon mining company we built the new moon mining company back in april of 2018 it consists of this whole center section of the business district basically everything within this acacia wall is part of the new moon mining company including the enchanted pickaxe which was our very first build in this world so in a very real way you could say this is where luna began this is where we found the original village where we decided to settle and kind of expanded from there to build everything in this world including donkey's house right here donkey hello yes you've been with us for so long on nuzzle nuzzle novel yeah i like donkey donkey's been with us a while anyway this is the enchanted pickaxe right here kind of the second iteration of the enchanted pickaxe we built this back in october 2017 which i believe is the month that we started this series so uh you know named as such because there's enchanted pickaxe right there right enchanted pickaxe up there enchanted pickaxe get it right you get it now this has a use uh this obsidian platform right here uses for breaking down my oars basically we just stack them right here grab our fortune pick get our redstone lapis diamonds um quartz all that stuff now moving inside the enchanted pickaxe the concept behind this place is that this is a place where our miners could come and relax after a long hard day of work in the mines basically they come over here if they wanted they could play some pool we have a little pool table right here with billiard balls actually shoot out once we put a coin into the machine um i do need to collect these back before they do spawn so let me just do that we got a pinball machine over here which does this non-stop forever until i actually pull the money out of the machine and turn it off so let me go ahead and do that real quick but one thing i really enjoy is useless redstone one thing that you guys probably think i do too much of is useless redstone um but you know it's fun you know just just fun little additions to the world right uh now the redstone down here is a mess but let's face it all my redstone is a mess let's go ahead and continue our tour of the enchanted pickaxe excuse me fella excuse me all right what else is there to see this place could tell some stories so we have the witherer over here which was a bow i actually took off a stray during one of our multi-weather fights kind of you know panicked and tossed my own bow out it was an unconventional choice but you know what we picked up this guy and we finished the fight but they're not our main concern right now our main concern are these guys right here the uh the one down here in particular he's the one i want come on honey ow oh okay so if he's uh yes okay he is down here within range of our sword he is angry but he is down here in his first story right now it's all going down right now if we get rid of this guy there's only one other wither in our immediate area that we need to take care of oh that was close that was so close he is uh across the the oh my gosh what is happening there's so much oh man i didn't bring my pickaxe i should've brought a pickaxe oh he okay well i guess pickaxe wouldn't have been too effective if there's nothing there to get fun times fun times all right what else do we have to show you guys we have a little mini wheat farm back here i haven't used this in a while it's probably broken but we will never know because i can't access this chest to get the seeds out of it um i don't think there's going to be an easy way to break the block over it and get the seeds so it's not really worth doing because i said don't use it basically used to plant the seeds right here it would auto grow it auto harvest all that stuff you know how those work but this one right here this is old technology uh so it is probably broken in this area we have our masons this is where they like to hang out uh this is where i do all my mason trading trade them stone for emeralds they give me quartz and all that kind of stuff in return so needless to say these guys are amazing as far as what the rest of the new moon mining company has to offer there is our storage system so this is actually one of the inputs to our storage system i think we're gonna check out the storage system in a minute let's go ahead and check out the mines first and then we'll check out the storage system before we move on to other areas so this is an elevator that leads down into our mines but if we go up the elevator you can see some of the details we've added we got a little pulley system up here again just adding some little details to kind of bring the builds to life a little bit more try to make them a little bit more interesting but we got some great views from the top here look at this you can see all over luna from up here uh but let's go ahead and just get rid of that view by going down deep underground into our mind so there's multiple ways we could get there first of all we could walk all the way down there through this mine shaft or we could take a minecart down there is that going to make it no because it's stuck on the defense gate let's go ahead and free that guy up so we can make it down there uh or another way we can get down is to actually take the elevator that we're just looking at because this is actually a functional elevator we just got to push the down button right here and this is going to take us all the way down to the bottom and we'll check out what what was supposed to be our minds we also have access to the storage system right there as i said we'll check out the storage system in just a minute that's probably going to be the next thing we look at but man this elevator this gave me some headaches when we were building it let me tell you because not all the iterations of this elevator were functional like this one is test 530 what test 657 548 oh ow oh ow we're making upward progress at least that is something ow ow let me out i'm done nope nope nope i'm done let me out of here this crazy death machine contraption i'm so over you goodbye wait wait why are we going back up i don't want to go back up um i would say there's probably some bugs to work out but you know what that's just the frustrativator living up to its name but now we are down here at our mine uh as you can see we got our mine cart that we sent down right there waiting for us to go back up back here we have what was supposed to be our branch mine i was going to extend this back and then kind of branch off to the sides you know as you do but i never did uh that's because we never really did any branch mining here in the city outside of the early game uh in the early game we did use this area as kind of a branch mine which you can't really see because all these slime blocks are in the way now the reason all these slime blocks were here was to determine which of these chunks were slime chunks those were on the borders of all the chunks basically so we could kind of just slab over all these slime chunks to increase the rates in our actual slime farm right here which no longer works because these are no longer slime chunks that was another victim of the dimensional shift but we were talking about the branch mines these were the old branch mines that we used back when we started this game that was the only time i really mind in the city uh since then you know if i do any branch mining it's usually out in the mesa just because it's more beneficial due to the increased gold generation as far as other useless stuff down here because this is a very old area of the world as far as other useless stuff down here we had an old spider spawner xp farm down here uh which you know the spawners still up there everything's still set up aside from the actual collection mechanism and all that stuff down here because i no longer have any use for this let's go ahead and make our way back up to the surface before heading down underground one more time so i can show you the last build in the business district and we're gonna go ahead and take this mine cart all the way back up i would say that overall this is probably the most convenient of our routes like up and down to the mine shaft and as i said i like to have multiple ways to get around luna just because it makes things a little bit more fun a little bit more interesting so we don't have to do the same thing over and over even when just walking around the city uh so here we are back at the surface of the new moon mining company where we have access to our storage system now as i said we're going to head down underground one more time because for some reason in my infinite wisdom i decided to place my storage system underground which isn't great for convenience i mean it seemed like a good idea at the time and we can't access it from various parts of our city you know if we head down this way we can get to the quarantine district of wolfen's laboratory we'll check that out later if we go down this way we can get to the farm district and you guys saw that a little bit earlier uh and this way actually takes us back up into the new moon mining company but before we head back up to the new moon mining company to our storage input let me go ahead and grab some blocks that we could throw into the storage input that way you guys can see how the the bulk sorting of our items works i mean you guys probably already know but i'm gonna do it anyway because this is a world tour and i'm trying to demonstrate as much as i can so there are multiple ways we could input items into our storage system because why not first of all we have this cascading little waterfall right here where we could throw items just into and they'll get washed down into the hoppers there we have this chest of course which is the easiest way to put items into the storage system and then let's say we were you know actually mining we could actually input items into the storage system from way down here in our minds and you know i built all this stuff for convenience thinking i would actually use this branch mine one day of course you guys know now that's not the case but this chest right here is actually another input to the storage system and apparently i picked a bad module to pull from at least for demonstration purposes because we can't even watch the items going into the chest we have to kind of peek in this crack and see the items going into the hoppers behind this chest but i mean it does it does work right and of course it works because it's not my design uh basically we just used a ton of impulse sv item filters in the back here uh we have water streams kind of carrying the items to each of the filters then they go into the hoppers and get stored seems great right well as i mentioned you know for convenience purposes having this thing built underground isn't a great idea it was fine back in the day when i didn't have a lightroom i didn't have shulker boxes i didn't mind just kind of walking around taking my time getting prepared for a build but now that i have those things i kind of just more want to get in and get out right also capacity is a problem because even though i do have a fair amount of chest down here it's not enough to contain the amount of blocks that we've collected over the years i have masses of unorganized chests all throughout the city all throughout the world that would like to consolidate into one area so even though everything down here works you can expect a significant upgrade to my storage situation in the very near future but this storage system as it stands does have another section to it a multi-item sorting section where we can store multiple types of items into one chest and this keeps my chest organized in a way that i would never be able to by myself so as you can see here we got like just oak logs and like all kind of oak stuff in here if we were to take some oak stairs and say we had a bunch of oak stairs in inventory one to store these we could take these back to the new moon mining company and put them in the chest and they would flow through the bulk item sorting section of the storage system and since there's nowhere to actually put these in bulk item they would make their way over here to multi-item sorting where they would get stored where they actually need to be now we do have multiple inputs over there we also have multiple inputs for this as well so we know our wood sections right here we could throw these into the dropper before the wood section and then basically any wooden items that we threw into that dropper would get put into this module into their proper slot into their proper chest as you can see uh right here i don't use this as much as i should um just because it takes so long but it's still a very good system but that pretty much does it for the business district of luna with the small exception of the house of leaves right here kind of skipped over that our paths did not cross um this is just kind of an easy build for me to forget about i mean we built this in august of 2018 and i had some grand ambitions for this place which i never really followed through with this is one of those bills i would like to kind of come back and revamp in the future um we'll go ahead and take a look at it as it stands though so we do have like you know a little bit of a living area back here we have what appears to be a broken ladder right here blocking us from getting access to our attic i don't know why the ladder is actually broken oh can i actually no i can't i can't actually of course i can't uh but let's go ahead and look around the rest of this place um before we head down into why do i have a bunch of exposed jack-o-lanterns in the walls there should be paintings over each of those because i would not leave like exposed jack-o-lanterns in the walls at least i don't think i would i know there were paintings up here at some point but they are no longer here this place is like falling apart i haven't been here in quite a while as you can probably tell in fact it seems like nobody has been in for a while like johnny when he moved out he probably just took everything and just scrammed is that what happened at least you stayed i appreciate you staying let's go ahead and make our way down to the lower section of the house of leaves i intended for this to be much more expansive than it actually is uh basically this was to supplement the timberland tree farm because there are some types of trees we couldn't get from over there dark oak acacia we had oak trees planted along the walls here just so i could run through with shears and collect their leaves uh we got our vines from here as well i mean obviously i haven't been down here in quite some time i've already mentioned that but it weren't mentioning again just because this place looks so bad overall but again i would like to revisit this in the future because this build is actually connected to the place we're going to tour next this place is actually connected to wolfens laboratory as you can see over here if we follow this long walkway around the room into this area uh we we meet a cow hello hi uh this is wolfins laboratory but we're not going to start our tour here we're going to go in through the official entrance so as we make our way back through the waterside district you may notice the grounds are a little crazy basically what i was doing here was just trying to determine what types of roads i wanted to use in the business district ultimately we went with the clicky clocky ones down at the end as you know so years later why are the rest of these thought here i don't know durability test i don't know let's just move on to wolfen's laboratory now if you follow this series you know that wolfen's laboratory and luna have had some problems in the past but i'm hoping that we're going to soon be turning the page on that chapter in our lives uh this is my work area for wolfen's laboratory it's not much to look at but i do have a nice little break area over here in the back where i can catch some sun every now and then and you may have noticed as we're passing by there is a lover over here this controls the main gate to wolfens laboratory and i have repaired this in the past but i do believe it's broken again now you know there's only one way to find out right that is to risk breaking it even further so there we have our opening sequence for the gate and we should see a closing sequence here or here one at least so not a closing sequence at work so confirmed this is broken so let's go ahead and move on to the wolfens laboratory showroom and i guess we'll start with the exterior first so as you can see the landscape is not really landscape it's just kind of flat and paved over because these guys aren't much for lawn maintenance now the only real thing that sticks out is this uh kind of cracked collapsing pavement over here and the reason for this is the netherworm is located just beneath the ground over here and i suspect that we're going to continue to feel the netherworms effects in luna as time goes on but here is the wolfens laboratory showroom and here's another missing poster for watchdog um you know i found him by the way i found watchdog i didn't get any help from you even though you're the information desk you had zero information to offer so excuse me mr sassypants back there uh so we do have various little displays in here now these were fairly dangerous and we saw that in past world tours uh and then our last display considering a career in science so apply once the second degree burns have healed luckily now though for us and everybody else wolfins labs is under new management and actual safety precautions have been put in place now in order to see all of what wolfen's laboratory has to offer we are going to need an id badge to gain access to certain areas especially the subterranean areas but i think before we head down there we're gonna check out something we made in the last episode and this is a prototype for a wolfens laboratory machine this is the reaper prototype and i stress this is just a prototype not the actual system the actual reaper system which stands for renewable energy augmented performance enhancing research and basically what it is is like we have these cactus towers that built over here right that's that were insufficient for the actual thing well they were sufficient for the prototype which is right here basically we take our excess cacti smelt it into green dye and the smelting process as you know creates xp in the furnaces so once this chest is filled up and the hopper behind it and then the furnace is filled up well then we have a lot of xp stored up so it's basically an xp bank so then we can just come back here pull an item out of the furnace and then all that xp will go to us and if we need to we can do an emergency repair of any of our netherride tools here three quarters repair now unfortunately i can't show you that actually working because it's not ready to go yet and i can't show you any clips of that working because i've never done it now next up on our tour i think we're going to head over here to the netherworm observation room which is right through this door we do need to enter our id badge into this dropper in order to gain access to this room because this is a secret area and all these doors are coded to only open if the badge is actually entered now this area wasn't always off limits it was part of the showroom where visitors could get a glimpse at the trans-dimensional gateway that wolfen's labs opened up right here but the netherworm soon followed kind of caught these guys by surprise as you can tell from the broken window right here now i gotta admit originally i thought that the netherworm was a byproduct of wolfens laboratory scientists messing around with things they didn't understand like interdimensional gateways and all that and technically it was but wolfins labs isn't the only party to blame for the netherworms destruction and corruption here in luna but we're gonna get more into the netherworm quite literally in a little bit right now we're touring wolfins labs you may recognize this area as the house of leaves and uh this wolfens labs isn't obviously not done yet it's still very much under construction we got a little security station right here just making sure nobody enters this area this is where the netherworm actually is as guarded by wet floor do not enter sign which is the ultimate protection if you don't want anybody past this point uh let's go ahead and move on this way down here we have a zombie villager converter slash zombie spawner farm and in this dimension actually before we get into that let's go ahead and take a look at the door first things first right this door actually runs on the combination lock so wrong combination the door is closed now we have to put in the proper combination the proper levers have to actually be pulled in order for this door to open which in this case is just the first and last ones okay so in this dimension you can have both you can't have a zombie villager uh converter from a zombie spawner because zombie spawners in bedrock do produce zombie villagers from time to time now unfortunately it doesn't seem like we're getting any zombie villagers but i can still kind of walk you through the process so as you can see the zombies are going up through here into these individual containment cells if we wanted to change this to xp mode though we could put them into here we could also convert them into drowned if we wanted to with this water right here so i mean we got options we got options right but basically how we would determine like how we would get a zombie villager alone in one particular cell uh would be i think something like this yeah and then he drops down there we close that and then uh if i did that fast enough we wouldn't have two zombies in here so let's go ahead and try that again let's go ahead and open this one up right we'll close this one because it's already occupied um let's go ahead and clear it out actually and then we got a zombie in here so we can close this one to make sure nobody else gets in that cell and then the next guys will make their way over this way and he's going to skip that one into the next open one right here then we close that and then we have a zombie alone and then if we do the same thing on this one as this zombie passes through gets bumped in close now he's alone and the rest these guys will just continue around here and do the exact same thing now if any of these were zombie villagers then we would bring them on to the next step of the process but unfortunately they are not so what is the next step of the process you may ask well i'm glad you asked follow me and i'll show you what the next step of the process is so let's say we did get a zombie villager in that in one of those cells he'd be above one of these trap doors right here so if we were to open the trapdoor where he is instead of rotten flesh falling down we get a zombie villager falling down then we push this button right here ejecting a minecart onto the rail back there and if you can see it there is a rail back there so the mine cart would pick up the zombie villager kind of scoot him on down this way uh and then from there we can determine where in luna we want him to go because this whole system is all about getting a zombie villager to beneath one of our trading areas so he'd kind of just stall right here for a little bit until we decide if we want to bring him to the stonemason area or the librarian area or wherever then we'd hit him with a splash potion of weakness give him a golden apple convert him from a zombie villager to a villager which has the benefit of also reducing the prices of all the trading villagers in that area and gets us another villager to trade with so very very beneficial system so if it's not already apparent wolfen's labs has a vested interest in applications for mobs especially hostile mobs because you know they can do more than just bite and scratch and explode they could actually be a benefit to society right case in point our gas harvesting tree farm so through these doors right here accessible via this combination lock is our gas catching gas containment area so if we move on in here you can kind of see like how this is all set up normally we have a gas right here just kind of staring us in the face as we enter but as i said we're going to be catching you guys today so i had to make a little room anyway um this used to be a more or less automated process i just had to push the buttons hit some leverage and stuff like that uh it's no longer that way another victim of the dimensional shift i'm afraid so there are going to be some manual elements to this which i am not looking forward to but i promise you guys we catch a gas together so that's what we're going to do um make sure everything's set up here the right way and i do need to go get something before we actually begin this process all right i think i'm ready to go so let's imagine that something unfortunate happened to sawyer and now we need a new sawyer basically this is what we would do in this version of the world first and foremost we need to make our way into the nether now once we're in the nether these portals are so loud once we're in the nether we need to make our way to our gas catching room so i need to orient myself real quick uh right now we're in the mad house we're going to explore the mad house a little bit more a little bit later this is the wrong way i need to go through here and then up the stairs that's going to take us where we actually need to be all right so obviously i don't catch gas very often it's not a it's not my favorite hobby it's not a it's not a pastime that i enjoy all the time but uh i still know how to do it and i've been practicing how to do it for you guys so as you can see i left a mess in this room this used to be a fully automatic process like back in the day if we had a gas spawn in this room right here all we'd have to do is hit one of these buttons along the side here that caused the flying machine to just push him into the portal and that'd be that he'd be in the overworld another thing that i think might be good to kind of okay you know i'll get back to that thought in just a moment but let's go ahead and give this thing a test run actually you know i'll give you that thought while i'm uh while i'm waiting for the flying machine to push this guy we'll see if he actually goes into the portal like he should but another thing i'm thinking might be good to get our sawyers is to actually maybe find a way to reset spawns uh just traveling you know 128 or so blocks away very quickly to kind of cause everything in this area to despawn and kind of reset the sponsor when we come back all right so here's the moment of truth does he actually go into the portal let's see yes now because this particular flying machine design was a victim of the dimensional shift that is no longer the case um i'm wondering how long it's going to take for a gas to spawn here we could reset spawns because we got a mine cart that can just zoom us back there and then we'll come back and just see and basically that would cause everything in this area to despawn as we move away and then we get new spawns as we return but we are already getting some spawns we have a pigman up there or zombie pigman what zombie piglen as they're now called a couple of them uh so i'm gonna wait a little bit just see if we can actually get a gas spawning in here we're situated pretty much directly over a lava lake so usually it doesn't take too long for a gas to come in and there we go perfect right on time all right so the process of getting a guest into the portal without a flying machine goes a little something like this uh i'm putting down slime blocks to uh block him from moving backwards into the room we want him constantly moving towards the portal i'm just kind of pushing him with my body while trying not to get hit by any of his fireballs and so far so far it's working out pretty good uh just gotta keep moving keep mobile uh block line of sight when i can and we're almost there we are almost there just go go go and there we go piece of cake right piece of cake i should have named it first you know what we can name him when we get to the overworld i got some mess to clean up then we'll go ahead and make our way in there actually uh let's just go ahead and make our way over there now because i'm trying to show you guys how this is all done so we'll get them named and into a mine cart all right so we are back in the overworld i need to orient myself so i jump don't jump out of this portal to somewhere i don't want to be think we need to go this way no this is this is high hello um okay no he's okay he's okay because he's got slabs and stuff in him uh we just name tag him like that and then we can send him off on his way uh first though i need to grab a minecart so this is our original minecart deployment station unfortunately this won't catch the gas where he comes out of the portal now uh it looks like i picked up some zombie pigmen drops i don't like that because my portals do bad things to zombie pigmen apparently i don't understand why and i don't want him to because i like zombie pigmen but my car's deployed and unfortunately he takes a little bit of damage because this is not running the way i initially set this up to run again i set this up to run in a different version of the game um he's moving back and forth so we need to hold the entity in place this is going to stop him right there and that's how we catch a guest now let's say we wanted to bring this guy to the timberland tree farm we would release the entity and open up the containment area and that would allow this guy to move a little bit further on down the track and up the hill into the timberland tree farm in the business district so yes gassed in the overworld this is how i did it for those you who had any questions about that so we already checked out wolfens laboratories experiments with zombie villagers we checked out wolfen's laboratories experiments with gast now we're going to go ahead and look at what used to be woofins laboratories experiments with slime now the slime farm down here it's a triple chunk slime farm that that used to work very well back in the day but this is totally broken as you can see because these are no longer slime chunks i think i mentioned that earlier when we're beneath the business district but this makes me very sad very very sad uh because legacy console and java both pick their slime chunks in the same way unfortunately bedrock you know it does things a bit differently uh which is unfortunate because this thing this thing used to be my pride and joy and if you're curious as to how this farm is doing oh you know what so am i uh so the only way to really check that out is to go ahead and check our chests over here and we seem to be doing pretty well as far as slime balls go wow uh okay so we're we're over here we're on the third row already our third of four rows uh yeah this thing is pumping out those slime balls like if you watch this series especially back in the day you know that i used to use a ton of slime i still do use a ton of slime i use it for everything for like mapping out builds for scaffolding for all that kind of stuff so this makes me very sad i already said that but it just makes me very very very sad so by this point you've heard me mention him a time or two and you've even caught a glimpse of him but on the other side of this wet floor sign the ultimate the pinnacle of do not enter technology is the netherworm so if we bypass this this warning and accept our own fate we can make our way inside here and this is the lower area that we were looking down upon earlier from the showroom up there uh looking down into the mouth of the netherworm with its tentacles stretching across this room ready to devour it ready to devour all of wolfens laboratory this massive beast stretches throughout all of luna uh as you can see like the area directly in front of it like the laws of physics no longer apply here we have floating chairs and stuff like that it's left a trail of corruption in his wake or at least it will once i get around to building that part now the netherworm is drawn to these interdimensional gateways these portals the largest of which is right here in wolfen's laboratory we can actually make our way into the netherworm and through the netherworm this is its mouth it's pretty much all digestive system and it has these tentacles that kind of reach out towards other portals in our world for instance this one right here at the end of our storage system on the side of the quarantine district now i know most worms don't have tentacles uh in fact i don't know of any worms that have tentacles uh but if you have an issue with what this guy's name you gotta take that up with these scientists at wolfins laboratory they were the ones to coin the term netherworm not me so as we continue to pass through this guy's large intestine we can learn a little bit about him so originally it was thought that the netherworm was brought here by wolfen's laboratories experiments with the interdimensional gateways and technically he was because wolfen's laboratory what they were doing was destabilizing the barriers between the dimensions causing them to collapse in on one another which actually ended up being the end of our original world our season one world uh these are access to my beacon tunnels and stuff like that i do want to show you where all these tentacles go or particles as i used to call them uh because portal tentacle is it's not important the point is i told you guys i like to have all my areas linked up in multiple ways the netherworm is another way that we can accomplish that oh and on the other side of this membrane right here you can see the beating heart of the netherworm still pumping after all this time because uh the netherworm is still with us he's just dormant at the moment but back to what we were talking about wolfen's laboratory was destabilizing portals causing dimensions to collapse in on themselves trying to end our world and somebody was determined to stop them those people were called the arcanine order and uh we're going to get into them a little bit more a little bit later i want to show you one last portal first so this is the portal that leads to the farm district side of our storage system and uh we saw that a bit earlier but what the arcanine order did was summon the netherworm into our world to destroy these machines that wolfen's laboratory was using to destabilize the dimensions even if it meant destroying luna in the process destroying everything and everyone in luna in the process so wolfen's laboratory obviously not totally to blame for this this massive beast that stretches beneath our entire city but uh they are at least partially responsible now uh as we get to this this section where we kind of you know we enter through the mouth we pass through his intestines we're going to be exiting the netherworm now at the wormtail site named as such because this is the worms tale now my best guess is that wolfen's laboratory was studying the uh eating habits of the netherworm i mean it just devours anything it comes across but my best guess is that they were you know studying whatever was coming out of this thing and at this point i'm really regretting not wearing my hazmat suit for this hazmat suits are located right here then again we did come from the wrong way you know we came into this area from the really really wrong way but now we can go ahead and exit so we got to go through this door here which is on a little timer uh so we gotta wait for it to open and hurry on through that wasn't quick enough so let's go ahead and try that again hurry on through and this is a little security desk right here this is the entrance to the wormtail site back at the approach you guys remember this place right we had a peek at this a little bit earlier see i told you guys the netherworm was a big dude stretching all the way from the wormtail site back here where we started this world tour to wolfen's laboratory in the distance where we are now and we're not done touring wolfen's laboratory yet because there's still a whole other district to this place the quarantine district which is an as of yet incomplete district so we're not going to be there too long but there is a few things i want to show you there are a few things i want to show you over here in this quarantined area so first things first we need to pass through all the security measures in order to gain access to this place an id badge is required beyond this point we need to deposit our id badge in this dropper directly in front of cerberus he's going to read the id badge determine if it's legitimate or not if it's not legitimate fire charges may shoot out of his mouth he may alert authorities um and bad stuff may happen but alright d badge is legitimate so we can pass on through and wait for this door to close behind us just make sure everything's working properly which it appears to be so we have another wet floor do not enter sign over here because this is another dangerous area and not just lore wise gameplay wise as well because you know as i said this area is incomplete not everything has been spawn proved yet so we do get some you know nasty stuff coming around here from time to time but i think we're gonna start a tour up here at the board rooms and offices then we'll kind of move around and check out the other stuff that the quarantine district has to offer so even though the quarantine district is in shambles this is still where the decisions are made for wolfen's laboratory up here in the boardrooms and executive offices we'll go ahead and check out the the offices of the board members first now you'll notice that none of these offices are occupied because the board was actually dissolved by their last ceo the last ceo of wolfen's laboratory wilfred wolf and senior who was the one that made the decision to you know destabilize the dimensions and all that as we were talking about before he had some questionable motives that we may talk about a little bit later this is the actual boardroom with seating for all the board members plus seating for the ceo himself now speaking of the ceo the new ceo of wolfram's laboratory we're gonna go and pay him a little visit because i believe he is in his office and expecting us this my friends is wilfred wolfens jr hello wolfrad nice to see you now wilfred is fairly new to running this company he actually just took over this office in the most recent episode taking the place of his father as ceo and he's going to be a great improvement because his father was just the worst i mean no offense no offense everybody has their good points okay but that that guy was just the worst i mean not only was he not actually running this company the right way he wasn't really running this company at all he had a decoy robot kind of running this place for him for who knows how long while he was off trying to awaken ancient beings and you know he did that thing where he ended our season one world uh so yeah he was i feel justified in saying he was the worst anyway we need to continue our tour and i think while we're up here on the second floor we'll go ahead and check out our potion brewer input system because we do have an automatic potion brewer um it's actually downstairs on the first floor but i do have my inputs up here that way i can go through and just kind of replenish the supplies of anything i might need uh this is handy because you know i can't really ever remember what ingredients i need to put in for what specific potions and it's nice to not have to go to the wiki to you know get you know a splash potion of weakness or something made you'll notice wolfins labs the quarantine district especially is in a state of disrepair we got broken doors we've got some flooding we got some massive plumbing issues in this place because wolfins labs the quarantine district anyway has been abandoned for quite some time but we were talking about the potion brewers so uh this is not a brewer that can make every potion in minecraft but it can't make the ones we use the most for instance we have night vision potions over here fire resistance potions strength potions healing potions regeneration potions we have splash potions of weakness splash potions of harming splashed potions of healing and these two are just reserved for any future potions i may want to start brewing here um you know we just got some room we know we got room to expand now if we move around the back here you can see the redstone ford everything is fairly simple very convenient it used to be a little bit more complicated but i kind of dumbed it down we didn't lose too much functionality though uh so overall i'm pretty happy with it now as far as the next stop on our tour i mean we could check out let's see future projects so this is going to be a future project the renewable energy augmented performance enhancing research the reaper system the prototype of which we saw earlier over in the showroom now this is going to be connected to the bad section of the quarantine district the botanical analysis division which will deal with like plants and stuff like that now continuing along you can see we have a giant giant robots over here in wolfens laboratory because wolfen's laboratory does have a pretty beefy robotics division i think that's what we'll check out next we'll check out the robotics and artificial intelligence development decoy division ray da da or at least we could if this force field wasn't being generated by the robot out here so let me go ahead and uh make my way back up to wilford's office and ask him if he could please turn this thing off so we can get inside now we have had a couple run-ins with the decoy robots developed here over the course of our series we talked about wilford wolfe and senior also watchdog was replaced by a robot temporarily now according to this official announcement these robots are supposed to be used for life-saving applications it seems like instead though uh they are used for espionage now this is the area where these robots are actually built you see we got some corruption kind of creeping in from the netherworm over there on this side uh that's why this area is quarantined by the way i don't know if i actually mentioned that or not but yeah the netherworm is uh its presence is going to be felt here in the quarantine district let's go ahead and make our way downstairs because the production facility is actually still operational we can watch one of these robots being built so we just need to take one of these wooden endoskeletons we need to place it here on the conveyor system and then so i go through this process of getting put together now we're not going to activate him at the end but we can watch this uh disassembly process take place so as he moves through the machinery you can see he now has some mesh plating over his feet ready to be skinned he now has his legs on him and he's going to proceed further up and i guess we should too actually no let's uh let's stay down here we can watch from down here so he's going to proceed up into this next area where he gets his chest piece and also his head and now he's ready for inspection so the robot is going to make his way this way for inspection before proceeding on to the next area and he looks good to me so there he goes and here we go as well up to the top now up at the top i got a little surprise waiting for you because we have a decoy robot of our own who has already been activated and he's kind of waiting for us up here hello so there's a deactivated one we just made this is what the finished product looks like this is decoy dog otherwise known as dd my good friend and current time lapse account why don't you tell the people about yourself greetings everybody i am wldd-214 a decoy robot developed by wolffen's laboratory to infiltrate the organization known as loonies against wolfenstein okay oh okay we don't need to get into the entire history they don't need to know about your checkered past as far as they're concerned you're just a very very valuable member of this team indispensable yes yes an indispensable member of this team man the uh the technology wolfens laboratory possesses i mean regardless of what they do it never fails to impress me uh next up we have the robotics and artificial intelligence development defense division also raided uh for short that happens to be where this guy comes from where cerberus comes from uh there's actually a new version of cerberus that's being produced down here so we can go ahead and check those out so first we'll come across this guy who we ran into upstairs now i don't remember his name but we can look in the book and find out this is the gatekeeper the sp04 gatekeeper and his basic function is to restrict access to certain areas say the decoy division of wolfens labs so we ran into a state-of-the-art shield generator when he was upstairs that was that red thing that stopped us from getting inside so obviously a very useful piece of machinery this guy is still being constructed so he's not ready to go yet he's not ready to be activated and put into the field at the moment uh next up we can go ahead and proceed on down this way we can check out another one of wolfens laboratories defensive robots and currently we only have two that are being produced down here but i'm told i am informed that there are plans for several more uh so this is version two of the cerberus and we ran into the cerberus as we were entering the quarantine district we ran into version one of the cerberus the prototype this guy is the production model let's go ahead and see what he's all about so i mean just from the looks of him i can tell you this cerberus is going to be much more mobile than the gatekeeper its main function is to provide protection over assets in an open environment so it seems like the the gateway into the quarantine district probably isn't the best place for him i mean that seems like a job better suited for the gatekeeper so maybe i have to raise that with wilfred now i told you there were more robots coming down the pipeline including the pko one peacekeeper v2 now you saw the prototype in the wolfens laboratory showroom uh but you know this seems like the the actual production model might be a significant upgrade this is something that i you know didn't really want wolfen's laboratory to start producing at least under the leadership of wolford wolfen senior but i gotta admit ever since our wilfred is in charge of wolfenstein try feel a lot more confident letting him produce these robots because i know that they will be used you know in the defense in the best interest of luna so next up we're gonna move on this way to what's basically just a big hole in the ground over here this is my new slime farm uh downgraded slightly you know we're just working with a single chunk now rather than a triple chunk area but it gets a job done you know it provides yep as you can see right there it provides a you know reasonable amount of slime which is all stored in these chests right back here uh and you can really only see the top spawning platform from up here unfortunately but there are multiple spawning platforms that these slime can actually appear on now i don't use iron golems or anything like that to actually pull them over the edge to lure them over the edge i kind of just let them bounce around until they naturally find their way into the magma blocks below and the longer we're here the more the spawns actually pick up as you're starting to see right now and granted it's not as impressive as our triple chunk slime farm was but you know it gets the job done there it goes getting the job done perfect so there is one more build over here in the quarantine district i want to show you obviously this area connecting to the slime farm is not yet complete we will get around to that eventually the quarantine district as i said is is you know very much a work in progress but the last build over here that i want to show you is the big boy the the thing that stands out most over here in the quarantine district that guy right there our creeper farm now this guy also takes a little bit of time to get warmed up and i'm not in the greatest spot to actually get spawns from this farm my afk position is actually much much higher uh but you can see how this works so we have creepers falling down through here uh their drops get collected by hopper mine cart beneath the ground here and with this guy we can see it get collected and carted off over to the storage area now the storage area isn't the greatest place to be if you happen to have any allergies to cats because this place is staffed entirely by cats this is accessible via the quarantined hub right here this is the ordnance production area the op area we have storage for gunpowder we have storage for paper or sugarcane because we have a little sugarcane farm over here so we use the sugarcane to make our paper which helps us make rockets and stuff like that so everything pretty much in this one little one-stop shop for rockets now let me introduce you to the rest of the staff because we can call them back here we have cats in the creeper farm scaring the creepers over the edge but we can call them back with a flick of a switch because you know their shift might end we just might want to get them some fresh air have them not be in the dark and express our gratitude for all the hard work that you guys do every single day you have a cow on you uh that also turns the lights on in the farm so we don't have creepers spawning so when the next wave the next shift goes in uh you know their mine carts don't get stuck or anything like that now these cats are great and greatness deserves to be rewarded right so we actually built this entire place to cater to the cats it's like one big cat house we got a little cat tree right here little let me let's see how long this actually takes me to climb up it's a very big cat tree right here but i mean it does give our feline staff something to do when they're not working or you know if they just came back from their lunch break actually you know what i probably wouldn't recommend climbing this if they just came back from their lunch break because it's really just round and round in circles and uh you know that's not good if there's a risk of vomiting and all that but thankfully thankfully we are now near the top oh man yes this place is all for the cats they can run around here jump play to their little feline hearts content ow now there is one more section to the creeper farm and that is the spot where i just kind of hang out and let creepers spawn my afk spot uh now we can access this from this elevator shaft over here but unfortunately the elevator is uh a little bit i don't know let's say out of order at the moment i mean we can still get up there though we just have to go up the maintenance chute which is over here hi you're not a you're not a maintenance worker uh and you shouldn't have that either i don't know where he came from or how he got that but let's go ahead and continue up the maintenance shoot now you know the whole story behind this obviously is that you know this place has been abandoned stuff is falling apart as i showed you earlier so naturally the elevator's out of order but we do still have access to all the areas we need to have access to it's just that sometimes we have to take let's say alternate routes so exit only on this side so that means we go this way to the what was this what i call this area oh the afk tower that's not very creative but this is the way we get up to the afk tower we just head up this little bubble elevator and this takes us up to the tower itself now there are multiple floors to this tower only one of them were afk but we do have access to all the other floors around here there's just not too much going on uh so let me go ahead and bring you up to the floor afk there's nothing really designating it as we're moving up the stairs but i believe it's this next one this feels right so let me go ahead and make my way around this way and this spot right here is the perfect spot to afk for this farm i'm protected by the glass from the phantoms and stuff like that i'm a good distance from the ground so we don't have other mobs spawning taking up the mob cap and let's say i come back from an afk session and it's night time i also have a little bed for myself up here just so i can make it daytime uh before making a swift exit now i do believe that that does it for the quarantine district this district is obviously you know unfinished there's gonna be a lot more stuff here to see in the future but this was the last district that we had to tour in the city of luna but there's still a ton left to see elsewhere actually before we leave luna there's something i forgot to mention so we're back here in the waterside district you may have noticed earlier that we have a dragon egg over here but that's not our only dragon egg see another interesting feature of this world is that we have not one but two dragon eggs which you know might seem a little strange until you realize that this world has been played in two editions of the game so we got our first dragon egg over there when we defeated the ender dragon legacy console edition and we got this dragon egg when we defeated the dragon in bedrock so i mean i think that's a pretty cool unique feature of this world you know two dragon eggs two legitimately acquired dragon eggs uh but i do think that also does it for the tour of the city of luna next up we're gonna check out some of the outside areas of luna and we're gonna do that by going through the nether to get there so let's go ahead and meet back at the mad house now we came through here earlier when we were catching our gas but now i'm going to actually show you around a little bit so one of the things that differentiates the mad house from everywhere else is our red skies and my red glass is actually supposed to be clean in my texture pack so let me fix that there we go that looks a little bit better but i would say really only a little bit better i think the red skies if i remember correctly look a lot better in season one of this world before we switched over to bedrock i don't know maybe that's some rosy recollecting or rosy retrospective anyway we are at the madhouse the madhouse serves as our nether hub that kind of links up all our builds and provides us faster travel to all of our builds anywhere in the world that we want to go as you can see we've got some more red skies back there i do these various little outdoor areas just to kind of you know kind of break up the the monotony of this place now we already came through here once we went to our gas catching area but i'm gonna take you to some other areas now uh including the withering house we're definitely gonna make a stop over there but this is the main floor of the mad house the main hub of the mad house and from here we can pretty much go anywhere we want to i think probably the first place we're going to make a stop is going to be wharf not normally like fly over to warf but we're going to go ahead and take our little soul speed paths right here which offer us even quicker travel through the nether than we would normally have without him right so wharf is right through this way um we do have these little hubs outside each of the portal areas uh but let's go ahead and check out warf we'll talk more about the nether once we get back to the nether and yes i have been saying warf this whole time as if you know some of you guys are supposed to know what that means let me go ahead and tell you wharf stands for the wolfens aquatic research facility which is this offshore platform right here dedicated to the research of you know aquatic stuff it houses our guardian farm it houses a kelp farm a sea pickle farm and basically anything aquatic i need to farm warf is where i do it uh this is a full build that goes all the way down to the sea floor i mean it would have to it would have to go all the way down to the sea floor for farming guardians here because that's where guardians spawn obviously uh it also houses our fishermen villagers this is where we do our trading with fishermen and this view isn't the greatest this is a backstage area a maintenance area let's go ahead and make our way back up to the actual surface of the platform and i'll show you guys around so let's go ahead and start in the logistics section of wharf this is the warehouse we got forklifts over here we've got shelves upon shelves with boxes upon boxes we've got a little loading dock out here with a crane that actually picks up items from supply ships brings them up to the loading dock and you know then the workers take them into the warehouse and you know do whatever they need to do you know logistics wise we can actually make our way up into the crane if we follow this ladder right here and there are some great views from the crane you know i only come up here for the views just gorgeous you know i know better than to push any of these buttons i know i'm not qualified to operate a crane okay i've learned my lesson it's not like i've ever collapsed part of this platform into the ocean at any point uh we can move around this way this is not the way i want to go we move around this way to the intelligence section of wharf and the intelligence section of warf they're warfare staff the intelligence section always seems to be empty for some reason not quite sure why that is but we do have workstations here for the intelligence officers uh who are you know somewhere hopefully i guess there we go there's there's an intelligence officer oh and here's another one they're over here at the stairs they're solving the mystery of uh how stairs work this is actually how we get to war if i have an elytra landing pad up here because most times i don't take the nether i just fly over here from luna kind of land on the landing pad make my way into the wharf area just like this now it is starting to get dark so maybe before it gets dark before our villagers start turning in for the night we'll go ahead and tour the villager housing area um i know i normally come here to trade i don't want to trade right now though so before everybody starts going to sleep oh i'm interrupting people before oh that that room's full occupied that's an angry bed um yeah the villagers are turning in for the night so i won't go into their rooms i won't barge in uh is this yours with the angry bed no okay uh you know what let's go ahead and make our way upstairs because i don't believe as many villagers live up here if any at all because you know stairs are a mystery but this is one of the villager bedrooms they also have a little common area up here which it doesn't look like they've done much with but they can store their reading materials board games all that stuff just you know kind of hang out if they want to this is how we bring villagers up into wharf we have a bubble elevator right down there in the middle of this gazebo over here we have access to the villager dining facility they can get their food over here eat over here and then make their way out over here when they're done eating also housed within this building we have um we have fish storage over here we get these from our guardians these are guardian drops i use these to trade with the fishermen just to get emeralds and stuff like that but also housed within this building is uh housing for our administration so these rooms are pretty significantly bigger and it doesn't seem like anybody's actually taking any administrative positions here at wharf but that's all right so they got their own little common area up here as well but that pretty much does it for the villager areas over here at wharf let's go ahead and move on to the farms and stuff like that so right over here we have our kelp farm which actually has two different harvest modes we actually have this hooked up to a cactus timer so that way uh it allows the kelp to grow in a little bit more in between harvest or we have the mode that's currently running in where just harvest every few seconds and that lets us get a little bit more of a steady rate so we don't overload our hoppers or anything like that which is useful when we're trying to just replenish one thing for instance if we want to replenish our kelp supply which i'm trying to do i know this probably looks full but i actually took a pretty good amount out of here recently we also have boatmeal storage over here because uh excess kelp is converted into bone meal uh or it can be taken up stairs to actually be smelted before we go up there though uh right here i have my little afk spot for when i want to afk at wharf if i can get through this door here i just kind of hang out right here nice little safe area don't have to worry about phantoms or anything like that getting to me now there's a couple things we can do with our excess kelp first we can convert it into bone meal we have a double composter system to get bone meal which is what this is set to currently if i don't need bone meal i can shut down the hoppers for that and reroute the kelp up here we can get dried kelp from that dried kelp blocks using this smoker array right here all depends on you know what i actually need at the time man we are cruising through wharf we have one more building we need to look at uh right next to the warehouse just outside the the main central building we have the building that houses our sea pickle farm so you can see the main sea pickle right there we just bone meal that and we get tons and tons of additional sea pickles as many as we could possibly ever need uh i haven't really used these for anything yet but i do have plans to do in the future so i mean this wasn't pointless not completely pointless anyway and you guys know you guys know i have nothing against pointless stuff i have pointless pills all over the place let me tell you uh even these devices right here i have no idea what they do they might be pointless they might not be now wharf is a bill that if you saw any of the previous world tours you probably saw wharf it's been around for a while but it wasn't finished until recently over the past 50 episodes or so i've had a big focus on just getting some of the incomplete areas outside of luna dunn wharf being one of those areas now in the next 50 episodes i'm going to focus more on the city itself over here we have storage for our coral i don't actually have a coral farm here i just kind of harvest that stuff myself and store it here and storage for these sea pickles now the main reason wharf is located where it is is because this is the former side of an ocean monument and the current site of our guardian farm here we have storage for all of our guardian drops and i'm actually going to take you guys down into the guardian farm just so you guys can see what's going on because if you haven't seen this world in a while um things have changed here you know we've changed the way that we farm guardians basically because you know the way we were doing it before well it just doesn't work that way in the bedrock dimension where we are now so this was formerly a victim of the dimensional shift but is no longer now we have this setup to work a little bit differently so this is the old system and this lover now does nothing uh but used to control a dual mode guardian farm where we get xp or just drops depending on what we actually needed all right i think that should be enough guardians to do our demonstration i don't think we're at maximum capacity just yet because i believe guardians are spawning outside in the farm still yes they are guardians are still spawning outside in the farm but i'm not too worried about getting all the guardians in here i just want to go ahead and give this thing a quick test run and see if it works as well as i think it's going to so you know what let's go ahead and throw our potion in there we'll switch to our pickaxe and just watch the pickaxe as it mends oh yes that is nice that is nice that is going to come in handy of course drown do not survive the fall this farm is not meant for drowsmeter guardians but we do want the drowned drops that's why we accommodated them uh things are a bit different now though now we just have this farm set up to be drops only as you can see uh the gardens just get taken out wherever they spawn in and spawning for guardians is a little bit different in bedrock than in the other editions of the game a little bit different it's kind of an understatement everywhere else guardians spawn anywhere within the monument area pretty much but in bedrock they have a few very specific spawning spaces where they can actually spawn and what we've done is build little containment cells over each of those bases that take the guardians out right when they spawn in so drops are pushed down into this bottom section elevated up here and then drop down the drop shaft where guardians used to go back when this was you know an xp farm as well so i mean a little bit of repurposing has happened here which made things simpler because this was more a renovation than building an entire new farm even though things are vastly different uh here than they were in the previous version of our world and you know as far as efficiency goes i'm sure if i built a new farm we could probably make this work a little bit better but you know this more than suits my needs keep in mind i am a single player in this world so you know usually regardless of how small a farm is this is a big farm but if the farm was small it would still probably be enough to suit my needs but i do think that is pretty much all i have to show you here at warf now our next couple destinations are going to require a bit of travel that's where these soul speed pathways throughout the mad house really come in handy if you're wondering where the madhouse is located within the nether it's actually up in the ceiling of the nether in the netherrack ceiling of the nether not the not the roof where the bedrock is but you know below the bedrock um and the reason why i'm up here is because well i feel safe up here um if you've watched this series especially the early parts of the series you know i haven't necessarily had the the best of times in the nether i hate the nether so much i hate this place i'm on fire hide hide hide oh man this is so bad this is so bad oh no no no no but right now we are making our way to the eclipse outpost this is used to be our pillagerate farm uh which is now completely broken but that doesn't mean we can't take a look at it right now when i say completely broken i mean completely broken there's no hope for repair for this guy uh there used to be a pillager outpost over here so we could get the bad omen effect bring it into the village which is housed inside the building and start a raid it all in this one little area but unfortunately when the dimensional shift brought us over into this dimension the game no longer recognized that this was a pillar out poster the former site of a pillar drought post which is needless to say very very disappointing because we built all this out here and now it's not really being used for much aside from housing villagers and what adorable birdie look at you but overall i do like this building i would like to do something with it in the uh at some point in the future so even though this place no longer lives up to its original purpose i can introduce you to some of the residents of the eclipse outpost because they are very much still here very much still holding down the fort this is the village basically they have their little beds right here i was hoping i could sleep to get rid of the rain but apparently that is not the case but i did say i was going to introduce you to everybody so we have the mason brothers over here maverick and goose are kind of local celebrities you know they used to work in the farm district of luna until they crave something a little higher speed child is over here and nobody i thought we had a mccready out here but apparently we do not uh the villagers do have access to a dining area and a vitamin d replenishment zone right through this fence gate right here i'm not sure why this fence gate is here actually i think i remember i think i remember villagers used to come out here during raids and they used to distract the uh the pillagers so it was a safety precaution but one that i mean obviously is no longer necessary they can they can make their way out to the balcony whenever they want to now nothing stopping them uh hello i heard a zombie that's that's the last thing you want in this area the latrines no you don't want to run to a zombie in the latrines we have a little shower right here yeah so these guys can keep clean you know provided they can hold their breath for extended periods of time but man the water pressure is great over here at the eclipse outpost uh back here we have a little kitchen for food preparation which reminds me right next door to this is the villager dining facility um so yeah i'm glad i can remember my way around here it's been a long time since i've been out here i haven't had a need to come out here in quite a while but this place is pretty self-sustaining for the guys that live out here we have a little food farm here in the back and over this way we have access to the actual vitamin d replenishment zone complete with creeper face on a bush uh but yeah this is where the villagers can just kind of come and hang out and relax so onward to our next destination you may have noticed there is another pathway that leads down this way i'm not going to take you guys down there i haven't taken anybody down there yet i mean obviously we completed the pathway down there but i'm kind of not sure if i want to uh to commit to showing you guys that area because there's a potential build i may do over there but i'm not sure that i actually really want to or have a need to so you know we're just going to keep that under wraps right now but if we proceed further down this way we can make our way into the new areas of the nether the areas that we didn't load until after 1.16 when the uh you know the nether was updated so in an old world you know sometimes you have to travel pretty far to get to new areas and load new stuff load all this stuff from the updates and stuff like that so this is where we would come if we needed to get anything from the nether that is related to the new nether biomes you know the warp forest the soul sand valley the basalt delta or and i'm going to drag this out until we get to this next area or the crimson forest so this is where we get anything crimson forest related uh if i didn't already farm the stuff i needed back in luna i mean i suppose that would be a good area to set up a piglet bartering farm maybe uh but if we proceed a little bit further down this way and by a little bit further down i mean a lot further down this way um and i'm not going to show you all the travel through the madhouse i know these corridors are very repetitive but i do want you to get an idea of just how everything is situated where everything is located and stuff like that but if we proceed a little bit further down this way we get access to our soul sand valley area which is where our nether mines are located or another branch mines uh further down this way as you can see it's unfinished but further down this way is our mining mesa mushroom biome and stuff like that i'm not gonna take you down there there's not really too much to see there but um if nobody's around i might be able to show you a little bit of a secret so if i pull this switch right here that actually opens up this trap door which drops us down into the law nether outpost i guess i don't really have to keep this a secret anymore because uh you know the law another outpost established in october of 2020 is known to the leadership of wolford's labs given that the co-founder of loonies against wolfen's laboratory is now the ceo of wolfen's labs so this was wolford's old laboratory before he you know upgraded his facilities in our most recent episode uh but he did some great work here this is where he reprogrammed dd and all that stuff uh this is more my area i have access to my nether mine and soul sand valley on down this way so i guess we can go ahead and check out the branch of mines obviously it's a branch mine there's not going to be a whole lot to see here but this is where i came to get my first pieces of ancient debris and all that stuff i actually think i got them maybe while even building the law another outpost and not from the branch mines themselves but you know we got some good use out of this actually maybe maybe we even got them while just digging the tunnels to get to the current side of the wall another outpost anyway it's just crazy to think that this build the law another outpost is no longer needed that loonies against wolfen's laboratory really has no more reason to exist uh the basalt delta is right on down this way that's ready to go to get my black stone and stuff like that uh and more recently we've started tearing down a bastion remnant uh but that provides a lot of crack stone brick you know how that goes as far as the exit from the nether outpost goes we just uh fly right back up to where we started ow my face and we pulled this lover and we are out now this stairway is just an alternate route down to the nether mines nothing really special there uh but yeah that's pretty much all there is to see on this side so i'm gonna meet you guys back in the central area of the madhouse you know what before we uh head over there there is one more thing on this side of the madhouse this little section of netherworm intestine right here uh full of animals for some reason swallowed whole apparently oh the humanity anyway this leads over to ender island that's the ender island portal right there we're going to tour ender island later on the episode that'll probably be one of the last things we tore because it does lead to the end and we want to wrap up you know each place dimension by dimension so we're not going to check that out quite yet but since it was on this side the madhouse i just wanted to go ahead and point that out anyway we're going to go ahead and move on to this side of the madhouse now and the first thing we're going to stop at is the weathering house and the withering house is my wither skull farm and this was one of the first places where we kind of experimented with that red sky effect and again this is one of those places i do feel look better in season one of our world than it does now it's actually right through here so i can show you what i'm talking about the main thing i think i don't like about this is how apparent the actual walls are you know i'm wondering if maybe another layer of glass would kind of help you know blur stuff and hide stuff uh it's possible i don't know i've mentioned that before i just haven't gotten around to trying it yet but anyway we're gonna go ahead and move on into the weathering house as i said this is my wither skull farm and it's actually been through a couple iterations itself we have the original version of the weather farm which i'm going to take you down to first and then we have our bedrock addition to the wither farm which i'll take you to right after this so the withering house is obviously located at the site of another fortress these spawning platforms for the original farm were located uh at one of those fortress crossroads areas so we're obviously pretty far below all like all that stuff right now but i mean basically what would happen is we would get wither skeletons and blazes dropping down here we'd take them out with our sword we would get our blaze rods we get our wither skulls and you know that was that now you'll notice i didn't mention pigment when i was listening to mobs that fell down into our fireplace that's because i like pigment i don't want them ending up in my farm so we built this mob sorter right here that prevents any pigmen that spawn up here on our spawning platforms from making their way down into the fireplace they actually just got carted off to safety and i suppose while we're here i could show you the actual spotting platforms they are right over here flying machines and all that stuff uh they've since been slabbed over just so you know we can improve the rates of our new farm so this is obviously no longer operational but i was very proud of this when we first made it and uh you know i just kind of amazed that this actually worked uh it looks like we have a skeleton that's coming into our system just now you see i also replace those magma blocks with slime blocks since i got rid of the vines i wanted to make sure our pigment were safe when they fell down uh and you know it's working the uh the skeletons still get taken out quickly and we have a pigment we have a pigment let's see if we can get this to work yes yes yes [Laughter] but we're taking a different approach to our wither skull collection in our blaze rod collection these days let's go ahead and make our way up to the new section of the mad house that's set up to work here in bedrock now this is a much more manual process than was the uh the farm we just looked at uh but basically wither skull spawn the same way guardians do they just have very specific spots within the nether fortress that they actually spawn and we basically just left those spots open so that's the only place they can spawn and we can kind of pick and choose which area we want to go to which weather skeletons we want to take out so let's say we have wither skeletons spawning in the same module with the zombie pigmen all we really do is not use that module we just kind of move away and reset spawns i do want to get a wither skull for you guys before we leave oh and magma cubes let me tell you about magma cubes they're not all as well behaved as that guy occasionally we get the big magma cubes spawning into areas where they shouldn't check that out there's our wither skulls oh nope this guy squeezed out that kind of uh okay so uh yeah magnitubes are an issue here occasionally i was gonna say we get big magma keep spawning in areas where they shouldn't spawn and they squeeze out their pen but apparently all magma cubes just squeeze out of their pens uh which is very annoying that's like the one major downside of this farm i do have storage for you know all their drops and stuff like that i do have to put them away manually and i suppose it would be simple enough to hook up some kind of item collection to this but i think when we're building this i was just so over everything being broken after the dimensional shift i didn't want to dedicate the time to actually doing it anyway anything we don't need stone swords and like that can just get tossed into one of these barrels we just pull this lover all that stuff gets shot to a lava lake just so we don't end up stocking up on unnecessary items and stuff like that but i do think that probably does it for the withering house you know it's occurring to me now that uh there are aspects of certain builds that we've already looked at that i did not show you and i'm not going to go back and revisit them because we've already left and this tour is going on for a very long time already but if you do want to check out you know the builds more in depth you can feel free to just check out whatever episode the build that you're interested in was built in because as i said you know every build is documented in a video that may or may not answer any questions you may have further on down this way we have access to our ice biomes where we get uh packed ice blue ice all that stuff that's purely for mining uh down this way we have access to another mining mesa again just for mining and over here we have our weather battle arena by with all these wither skeletons you know they're kind of watching the wither cage match going on right here uh but let me go ahead and bring you to the wither battle arena and i know the name wither battle arena seems to imply there's a build here there actually isn't a build here i just want to show you the widespread destruction from all the wither fights that we've done in this world because most of our weather fights have occurred in this area we've done you know single weather fights we've done triple weather fights and we've done several quintuple weather fights and those are just kind of slowly eating away at this area as you can see we got areas over here where we have you can see wither skulls flying around as i'm reloading chunks earlier in the video i probably showed you a clip of the weather fight when i was showing you the witherer bow that we got this is uh you know where that took place but i do think that pretty much does it for you know the nether accessible areas and the nether itself so let's go ahead and make our way back to luna or should i say some of the areas just outside of luna now we're gonna make our way over to enchantry island and i mentioned early on in the episode that this was my favorite build that i've done in this world so far very different from anything else i've ever really tried in minecraft from the block combinations that we used here to the the kind of uh fractured building style to i mean just the builds overall like this statue of this massive beast that kind of guards the island and this was a lot of fun to put together and the only way to get to enchantry island is via boat i mean or we could fly you know but uh if we did that we might miss the the view of this intimidating landscape from the doxier uh meant to be both you know all inspiring and foreboding uh you can see some of the details of this you see this waterfall kind of flowing down from the cliff here that actually used to be a natural waterfall but it did not look like that did not go all the way up we've uh enhanced some features of this island and you know just freshly built others like for instance this massive overhanging cliff right here that used to be a cliff but it looked nothing before like it does now now before we actually go into the enchantry tower we're going to go ahead and tour the enchantry village first and i guess as we're making our way through the village i can kind of explain you know why things look the way they look because some of the stuff that we built here it's kind of fractured and falling apart basically the arcanan order who once resided in the houses of this village they were the original settlers to this area they were a group of mages who were not too happy when i moved in and started changing things up when wolfen's laboratory moved in and started doing all their experiments especially that one that involved you know destabilizing the dimensions and destroying our world the arcanine order was so determined to save that world that they resorted to calling in the netherworm to destroy wolfen's labs which almost destroyed luna itself but they failed they failed and they were trapped in that destroyed dimension until recently as you can see the arcane order have since returned to their homes here at enchantry island with plans to rebuild and repopulate this place i mean they're still very much aware of the fact that this isn't their true home but i mean all of our true home is gone this is where we live now right this world this dimension let me show you a magical rock with this rune carved into it that matches the sky at sunset this is actually what trapped the arcanine order in our previous world this rock was originally meant to protect the island from any magics or anything like that especially the magics used by the old ones over here at ender island and we'll be taking a look at ender island in a little while but while wolfen's laboratory destabilizes the dimensions hello sheepy while wolfen's laboratory did destabilize the dimensions it was ultimately the old ones who traded our world for the current one and that brought them one step closer to their ultimate goal of ascension whatever that means now you'll notice enchantry island isn't the best lit place in this world so it seems like it would be kind of dangerous at night time and yes we get plenty of mobs spawning on the island at night but that was taken into consideration you'll notice all these spawnable areas actually beneath the walkways that we actually you know travel on so i mean despite the mobs and stuff i do feel generally safe walking around here at night uh this kind of marks the end of the actual village area this little shrine right here although there is something a little bit further down past the farm area i don't have jump boost so i can't get to it that way let's go ahead and hop up through here and take a little shortcut down so there are a couple farms over here at ender island a couple of manual farms for the most part uh not like food farms but like actual like resource gathering farms obviously we get our mycelium from right here uh mushrooms and stuff out here uh we do have another floor i can't i don't have jump boost i keep forgetting oh we do have another floor for harvesting mycelium which is down in the basement so i'll go ahead and show you that while we're here um it's not something i use very often neither of these are things i use very often in fact i think the only time the skeleton somewhere i think we're gonna have some trouble here you know there used to be a door right here anyway as you can see that my team hasn't had a chance to grow back in it's not something i use very often i think the only time we've ever actually harvested this is when we're first building it but uh let's go ahead and get out of the get out of the danger zone right here let's go ahead and make our way back inside i'll show you the little mushroom growing area and that should be pretty much it for the enchantry village so as i said uh we grow our mushrooms out here we have a barrel full of like mushrooms like that we take our mushrooms we add some bone meal to them kind of bring them out here grow the big mushrooms and we just chop those down with silk touch if we want the blocks or with a non-silk touch tool if we just want to get more mushrooms back uh again something i don't use i've never actually built with mushrooms i don't think i've placed down a mushroom block in this world yet but you know it's there in case we ever do need it but now it's time to make our way up to the enchantry tower the main feature of enchantrey island also accessible via these docs uh over here they kind of stretch out through the entire island link everything up right but the arcanan order they don't like visitors so you'll notice that as we proceed up to the tower you know we have this long dark winding cave that offers plenty of opportunity to turn back to hop back in our boat to go back to where we came from and uh this room right here serves as one final warning uh you know that you might get hurt if you proceed any further now this is one of the two areas that we built in our world that actually contain soul flame and the soul flame is basically meant to represent the magics you know at play uh in this world this water right here is because soul flame is very hot but let's say we're not deterred by that let's say we're not deterred by all the arcanine orders attempts to get us turned back well then we enter the enchantry tower and this is the main floor of the enchantry tower and i don't know there's just something about this place i really like the way it looks it's functional too we have a little enchanting setup down here in the floor uh there is storage or at least room for storage right here all these barrels are currently empty but i'm going to be loaning the ark and i order some books we have plenty of them over at the flying wolfman back in the waterside district the outside areas they are obviously not very safe but we did build on an elevated surface just like we did back in the enchantry village so we're using the same method of uh you know mob attacking prevention let's go ahead and proceed upwards through the enchantry tower there are multiple towers housed within the structure known as the enchantrey tower we have little corridors that link them up as you can see right here and these towers are basically used to store ancient magical artifacts and relics and the like i know it's uh it's pretty dark in here in fact i'd be surprised if you can even see this so you know what let's just go ahead and proceed on this way we're going to make our way up to the main tower and you'll notice all these twisties and turns that we have to go through to get here that's because the arcanine order really really really does not want visitors we should actually be able to see what's up here though so this relic is known as the conduit staff otherwise known as the staff of very difficult assembly now there are other relics we could look at but this is the main attraction house within the main tower of the enchantry tower is one relic that i'm particularly interested in so let's go ahead and make our way up so we can see it we have to go up this windy twisty staircase right here in keeping with all the other windy twisty staircases around the enchantry this is so difficult to ascend uh and we could fly up here yes we could fly up here technically but we're gonna go ahead and take the actual route that uh you know we would have to take if we were really visiting this place but up here is this ancient mirror and yes this is the relic i'm particularly interested not because i'm super narcissistic or anything but because this mirror i believe offers us the ability to see into different realities into different dimensions and oh hi hi did you say something it's not as dull as it seems what's not you know if you need anything sharpened uh we have weaponsmiths and toolsmiths and luna can take care of that for you in fact i could probably bring it over there myself i know we got off on the wrong foot but i'm just here to help what you know we're doing a world tour let me go ahead and introduce you to the to the viewers and whatnot um i know you don't like to be called book ladies so what is your name you are not fit to speak my name destroyer i'll be gone from here well i mean as i said we're doing a world tour and the enchantry is kind of one of the last places we need to check out then quick in your stride i don't want your muddy paws dirtying my floor any longer than they must okay all right well you know what we'll just uh we'll hurry it along then i i suppose man she is pleasant huh i suppose this would be a good time to tell you guys aren't familiar with what's going on here that me and the arcanine order aren't necessarily on the best terms and i don't understand it because look at this view of luna from up here how could they be mad at me when i give them all of this right anyway the enchantry tower is the tallest build in this world it also possesses the most lore in fact this book right here this chronicles everything i was telling you about as we were walking through the enchantry village in fact it actually materialized as we were building up in chantry island so build after build gave us page after page now before we move on from enchantrey island i should also mention that this houses our ice farms so it doesn't provide enough ice to you know make packed ice or blue ice or anything like that but you know in case you need water sources this is uh this is a good spot to get them the next stop on our world tour is going to bring us a little bit further out from luna just past enchantry island this is charlotte's well and charlotte's well in addition to being an experiment with terraforming and trying out different types of terrain and stuff like that it is a spider farm it's a very unique spider farm in the fact that uh can only be used at nighttime so yes that's a unique feature of you know this this particular farm uh but it's better their other one which is completely disabled let me go ahead and get rid of this guy uh you know i should have waited until night time to actually bring you here so we can see this thing in action um in fact maybe i'll just hang out let me go grab that and uh you know i'll meet you back here in a little bit there we go so we got some spiders spawning in they're going to fall down this drop shaft to some magma blocks down there and their string is kind of hanging out there at the bottom uh because i don't have the item collection on so let me go ahead and turn that on so you can see like the the full process of this working now the item collection can be activated in two different ways first of all we have this switch right here which you can just turn on or i could just stand here at my afk spot and that would activate it as well uh now you can see we got some more spiders going down there they're gonna drop their string we should see all their string coming up this water stream any minute now and since i didn't have the uh collection mechanism activated during that first spawning wave we should see both waves of string now coming in they're going to get elevated up moved over and deposited in the chest over here to the side now since this farm does only work at night time when it's actually dark out obviously this is only good for short little 10 minute afk sessions but then again i don't really have a use for a whole lot of string this was just kind of a you know a fun little build a little experiment to see what we could do with this place but now it is time to move on to the penultimate destination of this world tour where donkeys reside just past enchantry island this is ender island and ender island is of course home to our end portal it's also home to a particular wolfens laboratory experiment that we talked about previously and it's also home to the old ones so carved into this island carved into this mountain right here is the door that's going to bring us to all of that and this door used to actually work it used to open and close with the push of a button over here but sadly this was also a victim of the dimensional shift probably an unintended victim at that because this left the old ones kind of defenseless as far as you know other people gaining access to this place i shouldn't gain access to this place like me this is uh my little work room of course everywhere i go i have to have a little bit of a work room somewhere and then just past this portal right here this is the operation center for the what was once called the dimensional stabilizer that's what wolfen's laboratory told me it was but we've since come to know it as the dimensional destabilizer now i can turn this on because uh you know this is a different world stuff doesn't work the way here that it did in our previous world and this basically has no effect i'm allowed to touch stuff if you have a problem with this you can take it up with wilfred wolfens jr your new ceo yeah that's what i thought walk away look at him he's gonna keep an eye on me but yes this is the dimensional destabilizer isn't doing much these days it's trying to shoot straight down into the end dimension destabilize it but as i said uh things work differently here now there is another secret house within this room if we pull these secret lovers hidden back here i'm gonna try to slowly back up without falling into the portal uh we can open up another area i'm gonna save this one for last we'll go ahead and get this one right here and then this one right here and that grants us access into the ancient ruins of vendor island home of the tomb of the old ones if we proceed down this way we can make our way down to the lower ruins now a lot of this build was playing with light and shadow as you can see probably you know we used light areas to emphasize the dark dark to emphasize the light we did the same thing with our block choices using stone and stone brick versus black stone and basalt this was a build very much focused on building atmosphere you know and hopefully you can you can see that uh as far as what i have to show you we have this little book area over here with a missing book that was actually taken when we were uh building this place um this room right here is how we access the tomb of the old ones we actually need to summon the tomb or we need to summon ourselves to the tomb using this book right here uh before we do that uh you may notice we have some soul flames in the wall one on this side two on this side and room for three on this side but this is as of yet unlit uh you know what let's go ahead and make our way down into the tomb now oh this is wrong page we did that a little bit backwards uh but yes that that brings us down into the tomb itself now the old ones they're no longer here they've vacated ender island and according to the booklet there's only one reason they would have done that and that is in preparation for the ascension whatever that means and in fact the missing book up there i'm told by her is actually the book of ascension whatever that means so yeah i mean it seems like uh you know they might be preparing for some bad stuff let me go ahead and get out of here hanging out in crips is not my favorite pastime we're gonna go ahead and make our way through here no i'm stuck in the door okay well this is embarrassing i should just go ahead and start this whole clip over i'm not going to let me out jeez um as i was saying let's go ahead and make our way out of this crypt quickly through the door and into this crypt this is dumb i don't that just completely ruined the entire atmosphere of this place but you know what i never claim to be good at stuff nobody's ever accused me of being good at stuff i just like to build you know that's what i do i just i play this game and i build stuff but uh that pretty much does it for the ancient ruins the ruins of ender island this uh this path right here this just brings us back up to the crossroads and allows us to access the uh the areas that we already looked at now there is one more thing i want to show you here at ender island but first let's go ahead and make sure we get the tomb sealed up make sure we get the ruins all sealed up so no more ancient secrets escape this place uh we're going to make our way down to the very very bottom of vendor island where uh this is obviously another wolfens laboratory area not an ancient ruin or anything like that but you'll notice the end portal right there uh basically if we turn this light off we activate our silverfish spawner and this is where wolfins laboratory entomologist would uh you know study these these bugs or if we're being a little bit more realistic about it how we can get these bugs into the end portal this would probably work a little bit better with our beacon off so let me go ahead and make my way up there no i think we got some spawning we got a couple spawned in here so that's enough to do our little demonstration so we will see them go up and around and into the actual end portal and if we afk here for a while we can get hundreds of these guys up into the end and that's just that's not how we're you know getting rid of the bugs you know we're not just putting them into the end to get rid of them uh we're actually putting them into the end to serve a purpose and that purpose is not just to annoy enderman though that is a great benefit to it this is actually part of another farm that we have set up in the end so let's go ahead and make our way up to the end or up over and then down to the end so you guys can actually see what exactly i'm talking about so welcome to the end now welcome to the end bye uh you can you can go too no no you don't want to he's fixated on me let me uh let me see if i can break line of sight no i didn't forget about me that's okay so we had we had one go up where we want him to and we're not really doing anything with them uh basically as i go up that elevator go down this water stream towards the central portal right here and normally if i was doing this if i was afk and trying to get a bunch of silverfish i'd have one of my secondary accounts kind of waiting at the halfway point between that portal and this portal so that way these guys don't actually despawn as they're making their way over here but the whole point of getting them over here was so that way they would crowd around this central area of this uh this island where we'd spawn a weather right here so if you can imagine you know hundreds of silverfish flowing down this way one angry wither at the center exploding that basically equals a lot of weather roses so this is my wither rose farm and also since the bedrock right here prevents the weather from escaping this is an easy way to take out the withers without actually putting myself in much danger you know i don't always want to fight you know sometimes sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do right but this isn't the only thing we have to show you over at ender island you can see off in the distance we have ender ender island not to be confused with ender island this is ender ender island beside of our ender ender our enderman farm ender so moving over here uh we do have multiple routes we could take actually uh if you look this way you can see how you have a black glass path that actually leads up to the farm from the main island so this island is not as sketchy as it seems it just it looks a lot worse than actually is but this is the side of our enderman farm i used to use this for xp back when uh the village and pillage update kind of scared me away from villager trading for a while i have since moved back to villager trading as my main source of mending and xp uh just because as you know a lot of other benefits resources and stuff like that you hear the enderman this is a little maintenance area back here let's go ahead and check out the farm itself because it seems like we already have enderman waiting for us in here so these guys are fairly easy to take out uh we just come in here with our sword chip away at them like this switch to our tools if we actually need to mend anything up and then they just kind of spawn back in just like that so overall pretty convenient also a good way to get ender pearls let's get started in the chests off to the side here but that's pretty much it i think i mean this is all there is to the end we just have the with the rose farm and ender ender island over here so uh let's go ahead and make our way back to luna this has been a ridiculously long world tour and if you guys made it all the way to the end i appreciate that so much future world tours will probably be multiple episodes given how long this one was and if you're new to the series as i said earlier if you saw anything you're curious about feel free to go back into the archives and check out whatever video you want to check out uh if you're interested in continuing this series i do upload new episodes every friday at 2 p.m eastern standard time as of right now uh but i do think that's going to be it for us today guys so i hope you enjoyed this episode if you did please be sure to hit that little thumbs up button that would mean a whole lot to me and if you want to see more please remember to subscribe but as always i just want to thank you guys for hanging out with me today i deeply appreciate it and until next time i am lobo and i will see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: LOBO's garage
Views: 231,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Vanilla Survival City, Minecraft SSP, Minecraft Hard Survival, Minecraft SSP Series, Lobo Minecraft, Minecraft Luna, Minecraft World Tour, Vanilla Survival World Tour, Pure Survival World Tour, Legit Survival World Tour, LOBOs Garage, Minecraft Vanilla Tour, Minecraft Survival Tour, 100% Survival Minecraft World Tour, Bedrock World Tour, Minecraft Epic World Tour, Minecraft Solo World Tour, Minecraft Single Player World Tour, Minecraft Solo World, Solo Minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 22sec (9622 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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