Minecraft Speedrunners VS 4 Hunters (Avatar Mod)

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today we're playing speed runners vs hunters invented by dream except this time we're doing it with the avatar mod my friends are all firebenders and they have to chase me around the map as i airbend my way to victory will i beat minecraft before they can catch me you're definitely not going to want to miss this one because it's chock full of plot twists i even freed up at one point i'll try and catch the avatar if you can air jump jump get up from you your air jump is so slow bud what do you mean it's so slow i can outrun you i could beat you in a race anymore ow oh i'm on fire oh god oh god steve jesus yes of course steve is fire what do you mean animals jerome i didn't think yeah you heard me okay okay all right well you know what it's fine and share a crafting table no steve we're enemies you're the fire nation you killed all the airbenders you made them extinct well i guess not technically i mean i'm still alive but you made all this extinct steve so no you can't be my friend vietnam you're just very very endangered yeah help i'm dying at an alarming rate okay there we go and crusting the table steve don't you don't what get your own crusting table you just said you wanted to share with jerome yeah that didn't mean to share with rain as well i think he didn't want to share it rain i think he just wanted to be annoying wow okay that's cool did you just call me annoying jerome no i didn't call you annoying rain did yeah come on also thanks rayne now i need to make another crafting table you just oh my goodness this one i didn't take it underground oh my gosh i have my own i i have a special plan here guys for today i got a very special what's that okay so let me just tell you yeah yeah yeah i'll just kind of evil plan out loud okay okay okay yeah yeah make sure you're taking notes all right so what i was planning on doing was not telling you guys the plan that was the first part okay okay okay i'm liking this yeah yeah oh come on you gotta be kidding what what what was wrong skeleton dude cold dude you instead what is it with you man you can't help yourself i did i don't want it rain is even more of a nuisance than i am i didn't think that was possible no it's not possible i don't believe it steve yeah yeah there we go so can we get like night vision or can we get like knife i'm down for everyone okay well no sorry no we can't who needs good optics well trying to record well in that case in that case i'm just gonna you know not listen to steve and sorry it's in your contract that you have to listen to me it's not in anyone's contract to do any of these things that you say that's in their oh god those are witches oh god oh god go away witches i'm just on the hunt right now what oh thank you cap oh get out of there oh my gosh what is the range on those witches witches yeah yeah these witches there's there's two witches and they're very angry all right so we want night vision right yeah i think that's the plan someone just hit me with a lightning bolt i tried to hit you i missed you get away from me stop trying to hit me with lightning bolts yeah lightning bolts are against the law i mean to be fair the witches are after me now to be fair in a society where you could shoot lightning bolts they probably would be against the law most likely oh yeah call it a hunch you know yeah sorry i tried to give everyone night night vision but i forgot how to i already know way to go stead bobby boy the witches are fighting each other yeah oh you found the witches that i was yeah they're just permanently fighting each other oh yeah they're not very pleasant i'm just gonna leave them to do that yeah ah yes i found the tiniest hole that has what happened to my night vision okay hey it came back i don't i rain you get away from me get away buddy hit you steve my number brain are you struggling very much so over there yeah yes i'm trying no no no no drunk drunk rain no no no no no i wanted to let you go buddy i wanted to rain are you already gonna die yes send hep nope well oh hey stead first except your lightning bolt flew out of your body like a zeus lightning bolt and i got very excited and i was like oh yes i'm gonna get me some cooked chocobo meat cap over here over here i didn't drop anything i got something pretty good for us over here oh what is this a rob yeah it's a ravine oh my gosh you guys found a ravine already yeah that's my favorite pasta sauce ravine is in a pasta actually dropped now it is instead you don't have the authority to make pastas neither do you wha my discord next differ yeah i i can make any pastas i want to buddy okay okay okay well oh no cap how am i not getting anything out here guys i have a great idea yeah what is what so pasta but it's flavored like toothpaste um and now yeah i'm not really coming on that bro that's gonna be annoying okay okay i got another idea i got another idea pasta sauce but it's flavored like toothpaste nut no step free from the toothpaste you've been non-stop jerome what is wrong with the toothpaste idea cap no tooth i lost my furnace because stead distracted me you have a product to paste the dia is that it who pasted ya i came that pork chop um the traveling witches are they've followed me all the way down into the mines and are fighting each other right now cap are you egging me right now i'm eddie good job guys keep up the good work i'm just watching these two witches they finally take it no [Music] can you imagine what do you mean i don't have to type it out i do have to scrape it out toe bones yeah imagine dying toe bones huh can you imagine toe bones [Music] what happens if i get an air bending squirrel uh you should give it to me you throw it in lava so that jerome can't have it so you're telling me i can't become an airbender too i don't think you can without uh like creative mode like uh commands so if i cheat exactly if you cheat i think you can but i wouldn't recommend doing that because that would be mean indeed i might have to cheat don't be mean and don't be whiny or i will go medieval on your hiney oh no that that's actually a pretty good rhyme not gonna lie well just keep launching peaks across the plains you can subscribe to not doing that yeah like what i'm trying to cook them and eat them but they keep flying away from me well did you ever think they didn't want to be eaten i was gonna just go chase jerome down but you can't ignore surface iron uh no you can't surface irons it's a pretty lucky i feel like this world is a lot more iron than a normal minecraft world but maybe i'm just going crazy it just seems that way you know but all right either way time to try and uh oh oh cap this air jumping guy is so sick it makes traveling that much easier i'm gonna die i'm regretting my cap i'm i'm gonna come save you i'm going wait cap are you really about to die i hope not i got your cap i got you i got you oh okay cool that's not food food you should [Laughter] food i see a glow in the distance hold on let me get closer and then i'll get for it he's back it's spawn jump what no i'm not you but are you exactly yo what your boy just got a universal scroll and an ender pearl oh who just exploded the thing right you get away you scram look square brain um yeah right you scram you scram you're a butt i will keep my distance and keep shooting you because i know if i get close you are very good at minecraft and will beat me i am not very good at craft but i am very good at brain i i am this close to coming on over there and biting your toes do it you won't i will bite your toes what there's a bigger ravine down here oh why did you build with wool over lavas because i had nothing else you're a maniac add your points as a fellow maniac please don't endanger me you're the one that crossed the bridge that's right no i i built another bridge okay guys jerome is breaking the biston out and i can't stop him out because he has full iron i guess he's a stone he's exaggerating i'm not breaking the bison out if i was breaking the device he's riding it i'm not riding the bison rain you're crazy brain i think you're you've gone crazy he's losing it he's listening guys yeah also i have no clue where i'm at i'm a thousand blocks away i don't even trust jerome to drive a regular car what do you think he's going to do with the bison yeah exactly exactly rain sea rain stop hitting my not bison that i'm not stealing stop it wait wait oh if you're out of cheese you should just kind of meditate and like just relax and become wonderful what are you stealing the bison come on come on rain that doesn't sound very one with nature to me yeah rain he is taking an abnormally large amount of time to steal this don't understand you have time for you to get back here but you are not there's no time rain apparently our defenses are impenetrable yeah what the the iron bars apparently so jerome you good uh it's not gonna look gosh dang it rain stop it you're going away it's rain being annoying i finally had enough g to throw another blast oh is that what you were waiting for that's it jerome if you don't stop i'm gonna have to use the big bla okay i'm using the big blast yeah you wish pal how sick are you oh my god you guys okay over there are you good no no he is still here still doing the thing he is so thick i'm not getting any help and i feel if i stay here i'm going to die so i'm going to leave i mean eventually i'm gonna have to come over there and kill you but you can't just let me go and try and get this bite okay no the the apathy of my teammates has made me leave well we're doing other things dude yeah come on i'm getting ready to go to the nether buds so you can call me yeah like he's here honestly i just would have been better dreaming this stupid bison already like i literally oh wow this has literally held me back you coming at oppa like that bro yeah yeah more like thicker he can't fit through the door like he's just thicker he's just huge dude it's ridiculous oh yeah after i grabbed these diamonds the bison is finally free oh wow be free bison man be free what if this one lightning bolt is all it took rain i i spent like 10 minutes breaking this thing out okay ow that really hurt it was not nice all right oh actually yeah you hit me why did you think you weren't gonna hit me no not at all i thought it was from like 100 feet away no guys i haven't done it what have you done steve your boy has made the portal to the nether oh steve could you keep an eye out for combustion scrolls while you're in there yeah sure whatever you want steve if you were to have a portal where would you put that portal poor reporter um it would not be at 230 860. okay are you telling me am i lying or am i telling the truth i i don't know why did we let him have this why not yeah come on man come on up yep oh hey jerome hi is this what you want steve hey don't you hurt oppa you lit up on fire wow how can you do that dude oppa is a fine lad and you're just a bully mcbully pants you're not a fine lad at all steve you're uh no stop lighting up on fire bro you're sick steve so nice and steve's so steve sometimes you know he's the steviest of the steve's that i know i'm leaving oppa there stephen i gotta say i mean yeah you could easily kill oppa but if you did probably you'd probably no longer be the heart and soul of the channel jerome oppa's dead oh wow all right well you're definitely not the heart and so the self-proclaimed heart and soul of the channel now actually instead of killing him we're just gonna put him in another cage it seemed effective at wasting your time oh chrome page i like that idea buddy how's it going out steve no wait where are you you can't see me no that was a real jag move mr invisible punched me into a pit of lava i didn't know that you couldn't see me well i guess we'll both reload i don't i don't know i can't see you and that's entirely like i'm sorry i didn't know that you couldn't see me wow hold up jerome turn around real quick we'll do a test can you see me i could see you steve with all of my heart that way i'll go this way yeah lay off lay off guys come on we can't believe i'll give you a little bit of a a grace period to get out of here jerome oh i do genuinely feel bad i didn't know you couldn't see me yeah i just like an invisible fish just walks me into a pit of lava like i didn't know well jerome you were just hungry and he gave you a knuckle sandwich [Laughter] any reason why you took the fire out of the nether portal i didn't mean to break it i was just putting down a um what's called a lava bucket i was trying to lava you before like you teleported through oh yeah it was hilarious because i just teleported right on through it's like almost the same time as you steve yeah get on what no did you guys steal oppa back um actually i can't i can't can't drive him upper wall listen to me oh probably because you don't have the ownership oh yeah yeah yeah you have the ownership of oppa and i took the whistle like get that whistle back kill him for the whistle uh hashtag you wish pal we need to go deeper oh i got a lightning bolt with your name on it but first i got to kill this guest wow that was oh almost your food fell off i really needed food oh why didn't you just ask me jerome because you're getting me you really scared me [Laughter] sorry look at a guest and then they died well rain oh this is awkward hi steve when did you get here i've been sitting here the whole time leave me alone steve just went in i thought i was safe is there actually chocobo me or were you making that up i was totally making it like that's not a thing oh so i just murdered those two chocobos for no reason yeah probably yes and you should feel bad whoa steve fireblast too yeah you're a lucky one i need to get scrolls at some point because all i have is air jump which is great but like you know i don't know it's not enough yeah i get a tornado at some point i get crazy out here that is a ripoff one diamond one one diamond oh you did get ripped off there yeah one time for that i mean a diamond shovel you know you're still you know a little ahead of the game man i still got a little bit more all that smack talk stead over there and then you get one singular diamond hey hey i'm still looking steve all right how did i got uh one diamond but this is a desert temple so it has scrolls in it oh oh that means the the nether fortress will probably have scrolls as well straight up didn't even think about that i had no idea oh man i i just blasted a sheep out of existence and okay that's fine yeah you probably should feel bad right that was not no earth bending scroll oh wait these are all earth bending and sand bending because that's why we gotta go to the nether to get more scrolls okay but does that mean jerome has to why would sand bedding be considered its own thing isn't it just finely ground dirt like earth bending yeah okay why do peaks [Music] what the pinks keep flying away from me [Music] i hate to say it but that sounds like a you problem yeah i don't really know what to do with that ah yes all the cooked buttons so i can go on my adventure for the fortress without ever needing food again yes i know what you're talking about the hunt for a fortress oh my you found one the hunt for the fortress now i need to figure out which way you went oh man i made my own way did you know i don't know like i said before i don't have to tell you anything i could be lying to you that i mean oh hey look a combustion uh combustion oh hold up i want to keep that meat what am i doing that's not the right thing all right i found the first little bit of your thing steve and now the rest is all just it's impossible to tell i'm losing the scent oh hey look a second combust uh combustion i can't say that word combustion well that's good for cap you can give that over to cap jerome i wouldn't think about going across that wait steve how do you see me right now because i'm in the fortress and guess what i have fire oh i just barely missed you oh fire in the nether you can't put yourself out well i can not pull myself out you're right it's actually quite the problem oh my goodness a zombie pigman almost walked in front of me while i was doing the pickaxe thing i guess the plan will have to be not you know getting lit on fire all right blazes come on now come on now guys are you in the nether yet this is weird oh no i'm kind of stuck here like i could use some help eventually yeah well i have like 15 zombies on me for some reason well that's what zombies do did you even go like dude i don't even know i'm like i'm like i know for my life right now no no no no no i'm from the netherlands yes yes where did you go from the nether portal i we are at like uh negative 100 positive like 75 i'm just okay i found it i found your path down guys i've still got my eyes on jerome i don't want to engage until you guys are here but he is at a blaze spawner so if you guys can you can take this you don't have any armor yeah but i have more spells than you yeah you're not harry yeah the fact that you call them spells means you're clearly not mastered in them steve hashtag got him cap can i get a got him okay steve that is actually pretty terrifying that you could shoot like a giant snake like that oh yeah i'm trying my best to hit you okay rainbow oh you might not even need to steve oh oh my goodness i almost died i almost jumped right on off no oh you almost died i'm taking cover yeah i'll continue to fire these snakes at you uh well you just hit one of the blazers with it oh nice yeah you keep hitting the blazes wait is that is that the fortress right below us yes probably i had to jump down so you guys are pretty close god guys i don't know what's up with this blade spawner i've never seen anything like this it won't stop spawning then there's five of them i think i was fine i'm dead yeah what you're dead no i'm about to be dead i'm about to be dead dude i've never seen one of those things like that before i think you'd throw a snake at him i mean i could lobbing a couple snakes over there yeah maybe you just grow some accuracy dude i am lobbing these things by far but he's got iron armor on me so i don't want to like i don't want to go in on this until you guys are here i'm going to die i'm dead ah gg those blazes were dropping with lightning were they really they had tons of fire scrolls but man i don't know if there was an increased spawn rate or what but that was absurd we might have to come back to this for a round two
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 199,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, man hunt, speedrunner vs, speed runner vs man hunters, minecraft speed runners, minecraft man hunt, man hunt modded, modded man hunt, hacker, block armor minecraft
Id: WdqsH6B99R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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