DID WE FIND *ALL* of the DIAMONDS? in Minecraft: Sky Factory 4

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But she just threw it in my face and said go away I Thought girls liked wearing ten cents Hey, what's going on guys SSundee here with crainer, so crain er? What's up? The last time we played Sky Factory remember, we made this the dimension builder. Oh yeah, I don't wanted to know what it did and you guy..., and Crainer said He wanted my week to be again this next week, so crater Let's do this. It is all set up check in this chest right here. Oh But you did a lot of work dude dude. We have all of these things created We have a dimension editor a dimension inscribing We have a matter receiver a matter transmitter a dying device. We can call many phones with this dialing device Can I call altra you can call oprah? We also have advanced charged portals I'll show you guys I'll cry and I'll show you what all of this does Dude, we're going to have a busy episode today. We are going to excited. We are going to call Many phones with the dialing device. Oh, it looks exactly like the dimension builder But it can call phones Okay anyway, so Greater regret, we're done. We've done calling oprah. I Think so she made me think up on the line So there's welcome back the static factory again if you're new around here and enjoy this video Consider hitting the subscribe button down below also turn out a little notification. Bell thinking cray what I do click that little bang Let's do this it is time So what we're going to do check this out grab one of the the blue orb looking thing grab one of those right, okay? I get to blow up right and all of these all of these crafting recipes are really easy as it's pretty cheap crap So I just made it really quick so check this out later what these are matter Transmitters do I'm going to put one down here if we so if you take your little Orb thingy right right clicking about right you click it onto the yellow Pad There we go ok it's received you. Did that right ok so right click? Look at that So we can pour it from anywhere. Let's say let's say we go to The beneath let's go to the beneath Ok the beneath ok I'm going okay. I just Ok ok I'm here if I right click this Now I'm back home. Look in my suit you will never get lost will never get lost so it is there so Since we have that that is the start of the rest of these machines all of the dimensions. So what we have to do crater? By the end of this episode if we can find what we're looking for We are going to make one of the most opie dimensions in the entire game if we can get this to work We're going to make it dimension craner check this out. So let's go ahead Let me grab grab some paper grab a bunch of redstone right look at this. This is called an empty dimension tab right ok so if I grab that and then throw this into Yeah here this Dimension inscriber right throw it there yes, I see I see and then I store right there We go it turns. It turns it into a colorful tetris looking thing this is A randomized Dimension oh Wait, so what happens if we go to that dimension check this up? I'm going to throw this into the dimension builder and look in the dimension building dude look at this This is sick. Look at that. Oh it's making a wild it is building the Dimension and look at that So what we can do is it's storing power and while this dimension is active it is using 300 60 rf a tick but with these solar panels we are good these solar panels rop so check this yeah What we have to do, so if we go into the other phone dialing device, right click that and then select so we have two dimensions right now the Overworld and Id 2 if I select Id 2 and then hit dial? Watch this blue Pad over here. What's that ok I'm watching I'm come I'm calling oprah here what I'm calling oprah Come on Oprah has answered So you all get jaws we all get cars. So if we go on this craner We are going to go to this dimension, right? Here are you ready? If I step in this light there? We go step in Crater join me, okay? Here we go I'm coming here should say what is this like a bunch of hate instead? I just want to eat my foot Crater are you here? Oh? This but do you see it? What is this? so this dimension was a fail, but We are in a new dimension and look at this how this dimension builder works Do you see how the sky is green you see how there's nothing in this entire dimension? this can all be altered we can build any Dimension that we want yeah, so if I make a bunch of these empty dimension tabs Right so we get another one of these empty dimension tabs in there And then there's this dim lit here what this does if I put that up there? It's crafted like that this Alters the type of dimension that we get so check this out don't dimension crater. I woke a Stop it. Stop it right now, then calm down dude So let's create another Dimension there we go now if we built this there we go So this is built so if we dial in Id 3 dial they're calling oprah crater go to oprah's house speed? Study, so we just made another dimension. Let's see what this one looks like is it different Ian This one is this one has Iowans dude But what's so special about these islands other than the fact that it looks really freakin awesome This is do it diamonds This is good progress through that means we're starting to get there So we just have to keep making new dimensions until we get what I'm looking for dude Did we make this what we're looking for are giant balls Spirit We're looking for giant balls Giant spherical balls but What why I? Cranium so the next thing we need to do we need to like I said we need to keep making These random dimensions, but check this out come over here. I made something in the end I don't think you're gonna like it, but follow me you made something in the end. Come up here okay, I'm I'm here what I made an enderman killer Why would you do that to all the henrys what the crab dude also what is going on with the eyes right now seriously? Why do I always have this issue? So we have the mob grinder here from Joe conic evolution made that and then on this platform? Enderman constantly are spawning and as soon as they spawn this mob grinder murders their face And then all of their drops go up into this diamond chest look at this dude. I Am constantly JQ taking out. Loot bag But this is what we needed from these enderman right here. You see. It's called Dim lit Parcel right go ahead grab grab half of those grab half of those or grab all those grab an app click this once right right click it in your hand the Tousle yep, right click the parcel and look in your inventory after you click it Look at that We did all of these different dimwits which we can combine To alter these dimensions however we want to alter them Do we should like kill all look at all those Henry's over there Craner that's the goal our goal is to murder all of the enderman all of the Henry's To use their drops to our will That is genius dude, but also an evil. That's a little on the morbid side, so I I Am sorry, but we need more dimwits. Oh, dude. You got it Wait what I'm getting everything you need what did I get you credit you got the dimwit bass part? I am proud of you crazy. You got the three bass court Case ian, I am proud of you crater. You are the best crater. I know Thank you. I played I'm also the only crater. You know right are you seeing other craters? Okay, so what we're gonna make with this up there what I need I need gold Lapis and your mother can you get those three things? I can definitely get my mother. She should be in this chest over here mom mom Mom and There we go through the dim lit workbench this race here at hood and if the dimwit, so this right here is How we make all the dimensions look in this dude Look at the Right-hand side. It has all of the different holy crap There's a lot of options dudes this list goes forever these are all the different types of modifications We can make to all of our dimensions dude. So now it's a lot of motions now. It's the fun part now We have to create dimensions and we're looking for one specific Feature through a dimensional like I said, it's huge balls norm's Why do you want huge balls in a dimension? You can literally make whatever they mentioned you want and you're going for the big ball one Crater just trust me. I am rushing. I am a ball doctor Yes, I do. So here's another dimension. This is Id for I've okay. Let's dial There we go okay. So we're calling Dr.. Phil you ready to go to Dr.. Phil's house can I go into Dr. Phil now okay. We're going to Dr.. Phil's house. Okay. This is to mention number four Okay for us in the balls app Apron nope this is a boring dimension Daddy, not the Phyllis Mary blue dude Dr. Phil is very blue his sad crater cheer Dr.. Philip. How are you gonna? Do it maybe sing to him? You have a beautiful beard and I wish I had to I Don't know if that helped Gonna be honest Why not? Let's just keep testing dimensions craner all right crater. So here's our sixth attempt Okay, six different devices right now okay, okay? Going in going in okay. Going in good. So we're sitting this side ah your sister Why would we make it on dude, okay? Credit your sister's house is boring Hey, don't insult my fish yourselves. Okay, it might be a little boring, but that's not her fault yeah Yeah, this is not working dude. We just think huge pools Why can nobody give us huge balls? Oh, what huge orbs dude dig it let's keep creating crater This is going to take a lot of RnG is going to take a lot of luck enos Well, we got to do this homie. I'm an expert in luckiness dude. Do you want me to try? You are the least lucky person. I know oh yeah, you might about hey granny let's keep testing Number 13 this was so long Are you covered in I'm in ok number 14? Yeah, I'm going into you now. Please can we get depicted things oh my God? What? finally Crater, we got the huge balls news orbs. I'm Okay, they can't beat my life, but once the campus you got ball 14 dimensions, okay Crater go back home go back Oh, we have to craft something we have to crap two different things Okay, crater what I want you to do what I want you to do Go downstairs to all of your mini-me scare creating shading grab a bunch of diamonds I need a metric crap ton of diamonds. Okay if your kind of sacrifice diamonds right now I'm not going to be your friend anymore, ian you do that way, too often Just ground okay. I need a feature feature done. Okay. I need a feature absorber, and I also need a material Absorber hold on k. How many diamonds should I get? Metric poop metric Rufus what what does that even mean dude? Just go in it Okay, so if I make these machine frames right let's make Tuesdays and then use the machine frames and let's Make a feature absorber there. We go. We have a feature absorber right and now let's take solver I'll show you what that is in a second. Let's make a material Absorber oh crap. I need dirt sand and gravel crater. I need dirt sand and gravel Stack desert Useless start when you useless dirt sand and gravel. I wasn't useless if you needed do - doesn't even make any sense And there we go through we got the material Absorber as I and the feature absorb, okay? So what we need to do let's go back into this dimension with the big Dre's Circles yeah, let's call him circles for now dude. It's getting kind of weird Okay, so what we have to do on top of what are these orbs. We have to place down this feature absorber Okay, yeah there. We go. Do look at this it is charging if you look up top it's at 2% what this feature absorbed is doing is it's Absorbing the Giant balls It's okay, so it's okay. What a fat dude doesn't just make the ball disappear I'll show you let's go back home. So if we grab these diamonds okay, huh? Granny you're Gonna like this part. Bye wait killer what what are you doing? Okay? Come over here. Thank you go We're probably gonna need more yeah, we're going to need more credit. We need more blocks of time It's pretty more blocks of diamonds so check this out all of these diamonds. We have this material Absorber watch then K so you're gonna absorb the diamonds now What's this? Yeah It just absorbed all of those diamonds and it is at 100% Can we get it back? Greater I am about to show you something okay? Okay? So now that we have this material absorber. Let's go back to this dimension Let's see if this feature absorber is done craner. If this works it is insane, okay. Hold on Oh, let's go back over here. Let's see if it's done Get it dang it. It's only at 18% Crater I need you to stay here and defend it with all your life defendant defendant. It tells about a hundred percent Do you promise to keep the diamond safe then I promise I kind of so you have the absorber right I? Got it Yeah I'm still okay to see what the camp is going on blow it throw it in the dim lit Workbench right over here throw it in there, okay? So what we what we have to do all of these are crafting recipes all of these are crafting research So what we have to do what I learn all of these did let parcells, right? Okay, and throw them all in the dim lit workbench every single one Every single one dude. We need as many of these as possible so check this out if I create a feature Of huge orbs, and there we go now you have now we have this dim lit which can alter our Dimension now check this out. We cannot get few jobs put on check this out there we go this cute look of diamonds This with two so we just created a huge orbit inlet and a block of diamond dim-lit now check this out Let's go to the dimension in Scriber. Let's go in a blank dimension Let's throw in the huge, orb gimlet and a block of diamond dim-lit. So if we store this there we go So we have a new dimension, so if we built this now crater keep in mind Building this dimension takes so much power to keep it to keep it running and to build it so I Let's go get more solar panels Yeah, this is not enough at all dude, and they have so much power I don't know let me go grab these down here Okay, dude Ninety-eight percent 99 and There we go dimension 16 is complete Put it in your credit don't go through yet. Don't go through yet. It's still dangerous We may need more power hold on let me check this out okay? Oh, and I got it working Is it ready so this dimension is trading? 36,000 Rf per tick dude that's way too insane So I had to surround this with solar panels on top of solar panels This is get more dude Okay, so crater. It is ready. Let's dial in are you ready for this? the moaning committee the most opie domestic come on in the most Oc dimension ever We are entering right now. I'm on my way Here are these giant balls of time adore and lots of diamond? crater there are endless fields of Giant Diamond block orbs, oh We only spent like 40 blocks of diamond, and then we got all of this I love you in This is why I play Minecraft we have just broken sky Factory look at all these blocks of diamonds My life dude. I'm Gonna get you 15 lamb balls now for now We're going to end this episode here if you guys have enjoyed of good Hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button if you're new to the channel turn on notifications crater Yeah, I think we have endless diamonds now. What do you think? This is the best day of my life dude. I'm just gonna jump around out here ah This is a good day is the best day dude
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,428,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, review, spotlight, showcase, forge, SSundee, custom, adventure, map, commentary, creeper, minecart, porkchop, lets, play, live, zombie, spider, skeleton, archer, xbox, arcade, quest, diamond, tnt, multiplayer, gameplay, biome, pickaxe, cobblestone, sword, game, testificate, video, pc, free, playthrough, enchanting, server, mining, ore, yt:quality=high, no swearing, no cursing
Id: asFF5BhPn30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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