CRAINER is the MASTER NOW?! in Minecraft: Troll Craft!

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The next person that I hear about, that destroys cobblestone... I will find your house, and I will punch every single one of your stuffed animals. DON'T TEST ME! (tobu such fun plays) Ssundee: [stuttering] Crainer? Why did you tell me to... why am I looking at the server, ca- can I get on? Crainer: Yes you can, but before you get on... Ssundee: Y-yes? Crainer: Just know...I have a surprise for you... Ssundee: Okay... ple-please don't kill me. [worriedly] Crainer! Crainer: I-I'm not gonna kill you, Ian, this is something you love, you can get on the server... Ssundee: Okay, okay. Getting on, getting on, getting on. Crainer: Uh-huh, Uh-huh. Ssundee: Hold on, its loading..its..hold on, its loading. Logging in... Crainer: [exitedly] Okay. Ssundee: Okay...wh-... Crainer: Are you here? Ssundee: N-no, I'm not yet, it's still loading, loading terrain...okay, I'm here. Crainer: CONGRATULATIONS, DUDE! *Ssundee: surprise face* Ssundee: Crainer, what the heck have you been doing in between episodes?!? Crainer: I made us a little bit of a tree farm, dude, come over here... Ssundee: [laughing] Crainer: Come here... follow me... Ssundee: following you, following you, what? W-what? Crainer: Look at this chest and this chest. Ssundee: This chest... Ssundee: [Amazed] All this wood! Ssundee: Wh-[Laughing in shock] Crainer: I did that for you, Ian! Ssundee: Holy cra- so for you guys that are confused with "Why the freak Crainer is doing things," [laughing at his joke]...s-sorry Crainer. Crainer: Yo, what?!? Ssundee: The reason why Crainer has been busy, what we're gonna do this season. Ssundee: So, first episode, I somewhat, I guess, "planned," some of it, most of it, eh, some of it. Crainer: Yep. Ssundee: THIS episode... Crainer's, it's all Cr- everything we do in this episode... is up to Crainer, and then next episode... it's all on me, so CRAINER! Ssundee: I will be the student, I'm gonna sit over here in my barrel, what are we doing? Crainer: Well, first of all, Ian, since I'm now in charge of everything, I would like you to say that Crundee (Crainer + Ssundee) is real. Ssundee: B-But it's not real. Crainer: IAN, THIS IS MY EPISODE. *sighs* Ssundee: Alright, Crundee... Ssundee: Israel (pronounced like 'is real') the country! Crainer:I'll take it. [Bleep] Ssundee: What are we doing this episode? [Breaks into laughter] Crainer: We're actually doing something that you're gonna love dude! Ssundee: Okay, what are we doing? What are we doing?(x2) What are we doing?(x3) Crainer: We gotta get a crap ton... Crainer: ...of cobblestone. Ssundee: CRUNDEE IS DEFINITELY REAL, Crainer you are... I like you. Crainer: YAY! Ssundee: I like you. Crainer: Okay is that all I have to do to... Is that all had to do to win over your love? Crainer: anyway we need... SSundee: okay what are we doing so we need so we need.. Ssundee: okay I'm not I'm not going to talk tell me tell me teach me things. SSundee: Okay we're getting dirt,getting dirt, getting dirt, okay, okay, okay. Crainer: We're getting dirt so we can convert it into cobblestone, and then we need to make something that I think your going to remember from the other season if you were paying attention to your own episodes... Ssundee: Nope. I have not. So lets get dirt. Crainer: Lets get dirt. SSundee: Okay, okay, getting dirt. We're gonna turn this dirt into something better. I like this. Okay Crainer you have all the dirt right? You have all the dirt... r- Crainer: Yeah I have nine dirt, yeah. SSundee: Okay here take that, take that. Crainer: Ooh thank you dude. SSundee: I wa- I wanna test something. Crainer: What do you wanna test? SSundee: I saw this on a live stream.... SSundee: But I don't know if I'm doing it correctly. I know this is your episode, but I wanna make things a little bit easier! So... Crainer: What the crap are you doing to my episode!?! SSundee: Hold on- hold on, throw me back the dirt. I wanna test something. I don't know if this- throw me all the dirt. Crainer: k. (suprised) SSundee: O-...Or vomit it one by one... (O_O) That'll work too. Crainer: I prefer vomiting it. This is MY episode! SSundee: This is true. (But SSundee doesn't really care) Okay, so if I do...This? Crainer: OH! SSundee: Look at that! Crainer: How did you do that?!...(SSundee's evil laughter) OH MY GOODNESS! SSundee: LOOK AT THIS, DUDE! SSundee: I AM LIKE SUPER MAN! SSundee: I AM SUPERMAN... Crainer: I'm bowing down to the true episode master. Crainer: May I learn from you, Senpai. (dadi) SSundee: Oh my gosh! I just sieved four times at once. *SSundee starts satanically chanting "CRAINER" for 3 seconds. Go ahead and check, I counted!* SSundee: I want more ss- Ah- Wh- How much string do you have? Do you have anymore string? Do you have anymore string? Crainer: Ah- Oh yeah, I have 20 string, dude! (did you just assume my gender?) SSundee: Okay, Crainer, do you have anymore butt worms? We need more butt worms, we need more string! Crainer: (obnoxiuos fart sound) OH YEAH, I HAVE- *Crainer starts violently pooping out butt worms* Crainer: right there. SSundee: Okay, more butt worms! We have to do more of this! Do more! Crainer: Yo' wait! Don't- Oh yeah, we have 8 saplings, you can do that. Sorry, I was kinda panicking right there. Crainer: Uhh... Ian? SSundee: Wha-wha-what? Oh it's all white! Crainer: I think the buttworms are done, dude! SSundee: The butt worms are done! Okay, go ahead, veinmine it! We found out in between episodes veinminer is on, we're just stupid. (true dat) *More of SSundee's evil demonic laughter of doom and death and suffering and pain and hatred and death and melancholy and war and mean stuff and other super bad stuff that is super bad.* SSundee: How much string!? Crainer: Look at that, dude! SSundee: *refuses to look at that, dude* How much string did you get?! Crainer: I'm getting so much butt string, dude! (You might wanna get that checked out.) SSundee: Can you gimme all your b- *demonic laughter* Crainer: Look at all this string I just pulled out of my butt, dude! (Seriously get that checked out) SSundee: Crainer, what the heck is wrong with you?! Crainer: I wonder why it isn't brown... SSundee: What the heck? SSundee: This episode is now rated M for mature. Thanks, Crainer. (FCC plz no) Crainer: Did I take it too far? SSundee: Like always. (roasted) Crainer: It's just poop! You always make poop jokes! SSundee: You have a point... (Violent cut off in editing) SSundee: Alright, Crainer. Crainer: What's the experiment? SSundee: Look at this! All of these sieves! Okay, so I need 25 dirt, I have 20, 22, 3, 4, 25! SSundee: Okay... Crainer: Why are you experimenting with my precious dirt, dude?! SSundee: I wanna see if I can sieve all of this at the exact same time, are you ready? Crainer: I'm freakin' ready, dude, this is pretty epic if you can do it! I'm not gonna lie! SSundee: Here we go, let's see if we can do all of this! (More of sunday- I mean SSundee's demonic laughter of satan's underbelly of doom and fear and hatred and you've heard all this before so let's just get to the point before this run on sentence hurts someones feelings i love you bye bye now) Crainer: So far, so good, dude! SSundee: Look at dis! Crainer: Oh- HOW MUCH DID YOU GET OUT OF dat! I ALMOST GOT TWO STACKS OF STONE PEBBLES DUDE Ssundee: Which equates to...sixteen, hold on, hold on, lets see. Uhhh. Thirty cobblestone. Crainer: Oh dude, that's perfect, that's what we need! Ssundee: *mumbles* I know, there you go, there's life. I just threw you all life, How's that make you feel? you are holding life, in your hands. Crainer: How did you get the cobblestone? Ssundee: ...... Crainer: DIRT Ssundee: By DESTROYING...MUTILATING, MURDERING DIRT... TO DEATH. Crainer: Man, you get really violent sometimes, man. Ssundee: Sorry, I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. I apologize. Crainer: I know, I know you have. Crainer: Errm, Ian? Ssundee: Wh-wh-wh-wha-what. Crainer: I forgot to tell you about this but, in order for me to kinda do the, the episode's achievement that I have in mind.... Ssundee: Yeah? Crainer: There's something that's kind of an issue here, these barrels aren't full of water...and it hasn't been raining at all on the server and trust me, I've been on for a long time. Ssundee: It hasn't been rai... Crainer: Uhh Ssundee: Oh yeah right, the barrels aren't full of water, but maybe with the.. Crainer: Yeah none of them. Ssundee: maybe we just have to wait for it to rain. *breaks leaf block* Crainer: But, Ian, Have you checked what biome we're in? Ssundee: What biome? Crainer: yeah, I realized this like after 2 hours of waiting for rain. Ssundee: We spawned in a savanna biome? Where it Can't rain!
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,314,153
Rating: 4.9397092 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, review, spotlight, showcase, forge, SSundee, custom, adventure, map, commentary, creeper, minecart, porkchop, lets, play, live, zombie, spider, skeleton, archer, xbox, arcade, quest, diamond, tnt, multiplayer, gameplay, biome, pickaxe, cobblestone, sword, game, testificate, video, pc, free, playthrough, enchanting, server, mining, ore, yt:quality=high, no swearing, no cursing, Sky Factory 4, Sky Block, modded, Mods, Challenge, Survival, Series, Cobblestone, cobble gen, generator
Id: Rl7pE-VRuqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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