Minecraft | SECURE BASE CHALLENGE IN BIKINI BOTTOM - Zombie Planktons! (Spongebob Base)

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[Music] your wood up Atlanteans Judy sorry still not to reduce yo you hit Doritos what all right welcome back on the idea to a brand new BAE's challenge or its secret new security base challenge what was this one crackin you mean what was that I'm still waiting I think you can tell us what it is well hello guys this is me cracking kid and um basically you know we're gonna flip a coin see who gets what house and then we're gonna fortify it because we're gonna be getting punished to monsters what are we gonna get that guy zombies playing zombie - destroyed bikini bottom and we got Squidward's house we got this not Patrick test that's funny Bob's house and then we got Patrick's house and each of us are gonna get one and then we're gonna have items in here which we have to fight over by you-know-who and then uh it's gonna help us defend ourselves what was that I didn't do anything yeah so we're each gonna be getting some items from this chest that will help so we have items like cage traps we have items like reinforced oak planks spring jump blocks so as the Plankton's are coming in they'll be thrown up into the air and then we also have weapons so I'm gonna pick first here cracking or yeah I'll show salami do you know how this goes cuz you've never done one you soon as he picks one I'm gonna pick one then you pick one look your friends chance crack by your roof kalenna spikes couple students chainsaw sonic rifle kill for chainsaw Flynn throw energy soaps Mac tens few things quicksand SMG mags reinforced smooth strong reinforced 9-millimeter pistol magazines explosive c4 missiles see far remote see for remote super plastic wait no I don't know what I can't think that way because you just built up the c4 dang it okay I'm look at the intelligent illuminations yeah demeyers Ezard d atomizers Oh alien blaster energy cells oh wait that was you sorry you're good you're gonna do it though did you pick yes I did alright so energy cells a more SMG mags stop taking go back back no this is my turn she went and now it's my turn I'm Oh energy cell there I go more SMU nights I don't know what to take do I dislike okay more c4 you guys have you guys are just focusing on guns glass eye you guys aren't really focusing more spikes help you defend is it my hair is that code is there anything cage trap hey bunkers what radioactive same toxic good at Boise Ford chuckles oh my god wait I was gonna take those reinforced double stone slabs thank you son all right last one salami great sword I don't know okay the justices know how to play okay I call Squidward's house I call this one problem no one likes the eenie meenie miney mo anymore I don't know it's awful all right so you can slash fly you can start building your base so we're gonna have five minutes here to prep your whole entire house ready for defenses bunker total right there looking good cracking you know what you're living under a rock so you might be really probably the best face and you guys picked first I'm gonna have a few of these landmines around they're gonna take out waves and waves of them just leave those gel box is gonna be awesome you should place those right outside your base in your door can we just confirm that they're coming from the front yeah they're gonna be coming behind the house room so where should I put them in like from making near the door wherever you think I mean you're gonna have defenses later okay oh wait these aren't landmines oh jesus that they were lame I sleep there actually you can touch him I was wondering what that noise was I am quicksand here guys the quicksand was get to enjoy our land mines if you want dude no no no I got dirt mines I'm good I just picked it I have placed on a dirt line and I had to pick it back up and I was a little nervous if it was gonna blow up give me a wee bit of a heart attack well good we got two more spikes wish I'd put them out but one right there it will work I have no idea let me say what oh okay what's this radioactive sandy does that hurt things pretty much yes what is the sandstone do just like longer so bit something tries blowing it up you will have a better defensive okay yeah so if you want to break some of the blocks that are already there by your door you can play some near it what I'm gonna be doing with reinforced stones are you okay oh my god I disagree and into a cage walk yourself oh wait I'm out of it though I shouldn't no place I'm so close like me other door wid words house is gonna be impenetrable nobody will be able to get in nobody will get to be able to get out so that's gonna be a problem but you know the problem so why is plankton attacking last we have like a oubli we actually realized he hates spongebob so if we want to yeah that makes sense okay something's actually don't have to make sense correct it is my friends who do stuff together you ways for you to blow up the whole town yeah that was very good scene guys we should be a band us and band would tell me what a Sandman is yes Oh what about us and bed episode yeah that was some that was the pilot episode I'm pretty sure like the episode that they sold the show or released the show or was it the first one I don't know I know the first one was the the crusties the the when he had the spatula I think you know the singing splashing when you got the job at the Krusty Krab that's all you think about the SuperDuper turbo spinner yeah yeah extra I didn't actually give me who's feeding all the fish with the spatula that was like the paper the first one yeah did radical man [Music] yes it is I'm not sure hope you guys fall mcpherson that's nice you know really nice well we got the electric fences I totally promotable bill all right I want to play all of them yo what did you know Patrick's house is hollow no pressure cells have some stuff to it no like TP men I'm inside the rocker you're just trying to wait we've already went past five minutes you guys want to keep going yeah maybe just like in a minute yes I'm good I'm breaking SpongeBob's famous chair it's in the way just destroy it stuff just because you're using his house isn't it's in the way it does sound like it is really annoying I'm trying to build the wall here build the wall see this is going so good dude nothing's gonna get them knows um lankton gonna be hype hug face but do you know nobody knows him he's actually not real but Squidward's house heat he's such a fancy doodle and he's not really built for zombie apocalypse what about a plankton apocalypse you're really weird wait I don't remember spongebob having a fish fish is fish like a pet fish I see oh my god damage who don't wonderful night yo homies dude we needn't give ourselves food are we allowed to give ourselves food I'll just kind of slash feed you do /b yeah all right my face is all good times up ding ding ding good namche in you guys you guys gonna go yeah I really don't know what I was doing so I just think it's doing you wouldn't stop you know it's sounds like you guys gonna die in a zombie apocalypse we probably Selena goes first trick and we've taken a look here no we're not take a like I guess we could take a look I just make sure you're flying over stuff so you don't step on land mines everybody falling on me oh no you idiot I take it all no Kraken being game mode game mode one dude you just TP doll-like that was your fault what did you do that oh my gosh man can we just go look at my face I think why would you do that you did it you TPD I was get flying over stuff admit it dang it alright alright don't fly everybody mean game of want don't land oh okay Selena we're going to your base dock is through it how's SpongeBob's house looking on these jump things and then these spike things they're never gonna hit the jumping kid this bike something bank you know what I don't care I don't know what I was doing here and then I have this wall and then I could fight them from this little thing that's actually smart I didn't place my blog correctly like that like I didn't place defenses inside I was just hoping I wasn't able to fight on the outside you're right anything else that's it how are you gonna get over there what do you mean over where well starts there there's a backseat news too alright we move it over to my base so what I focused on all right stay away you're going okay there are many traps with throughout my entire landscape I wasn't really focusing on the interior my base let's focus on the exterior so we have some electric fences I have some of these things that crack and I already figured out what they do then if we come over here it's like flew at ya are you in-game I mean demon one you can place a new one place a new one place a couple cuz I broke one two I fixed that one alright so let's just not go inside my base alright I'll just stay on the other side there's electric fences there's some quick sanity to some dirt mines they some toxic gases the water over there that like a little bit of a moat that thing if they landed there pretty much they die in like 3 hits and then I reinforce my front entrance and cracking let's go to you wait and you gotta fix this hole no make them do the work fix the hole tell me all about your base then alright I'll tell you about my face as soon as you fix all so I'm making me fix thing holes I'm done okay so you gonna you know I I love these obsidian spice so you get you hit one and then you bounce back and then you're gonna be in toxic sin with all that crazy stuff and I can either be down here like I'm getting overrun and I got blocks in my hands so I can block it off if I want to hide but I don't think I'm my height so I'm gonna be up sugar you come around this way and then you got to do this little hop skip and a jump and you come to to to to do you know new your new O'Neil you know and then I can shoot them from up top my rock or I can go down here and this is about saying how it's a hollow why didn't you just make a staircase because then you know what if I didn't want a staircase there that's true now I can just be up here and I can be like mo and I'm down at my SMG me you know and then I win okay all right stop going near them so they'd like that it sure thing if you need to come near it yes that's the point no I thought there's a step on them just get away from my base Selena's going first for that mistake okay you better have some guns to back it up Goswami you go go yeah okay so we are here for swimming this turn we're each getting a set of commando armor to hopefully defend from this she's got a wave of a hundred and twenty of these plain food zombies where actually this is a twenty of them that can explore they're faced with a grenade launcher oh wow thanks see well they're cute you see that these Plankton's are so ugly now we do / - spongebob mod we would use the models from the plankton but they're a little bit laggy sense and they're very high detailed we can't have too many on the battlefield but this this little my craft screen allows us to do get a ton of them for Selina to fight ready three do you amp secure your base Selina oh she's burning the dummy's getting your base there boy things up let's see if they hit the jump okay yeah be sicker they did I mean gets me think it makes Mike's a pretty Opie dude Oh somebody said forget it they're gonna send it they're making their way you know I can get through it she means we got some subs go upstairs I cannot even is that allowed yes it's allowed if you go wherever your old base it's your house you live here hmm wait you can make a hole in the floor make a hole in the floor and you can shoot him yes that's too much can I really do it you can do whatever you want your objective is to survive you can't cheat in items you can't be in gm1 bother than that you're good to go where are they hiding no that's the thing is out of the base why I'm right here we're trying to find a different Road to the top look at they're going through the back entrance they're getting smarter oh my god they've literally found a back entrance what did this they have all they did they created their own back entrance I can't even see them and I should explain wait they're upstairs they are upstairs I don't know yeah they're going up the stairs dude they're smaller every time driving the guy in this bar his mom that's a pretty good gun Linda send a for help dude she needs to do slash speed way I just do that yeah you got to get food salami Ron don't talk about it I don't like any of you dude you did good you did good that was pretty funny well maverick are you prepared to die me happy because I get a sonic right I got my commando climber Valley I'm good to go I mean you're gonna do wow what just happened what just got sent your green bonds another fall men don't go oh actually working out I'm dying is there someone's guns whatever blinken's up what we got although this stray shot going towards your house crackin what you shot going georgia rounds well grenades flying past he's leaving his defense you're abandoning your base oh I got to go to my basement Cebu yeah go back into it ah scum plankin scum reloading I need to hear why am I not healing something's preventing me from healing it's great that what's happening to me too oh he's dead oh no I died in my water I died in my Wow I died in my water there's my water damage is me I'm an idiot that's fake water so if they go in there the might defense is even wort oh yeah dude marcelina move you've a chainsaw the plankton army zombie army extends a great deal of Kraken kidding you ought to fight through this way okay let's get crack-a-lackin' crack-a-lackin' out cracking black crack is lacking getting shot up in the air the basement getting destroyed there's a bunch of grenade shots going in to get destroyed then the zombie functions are making their way in they're very smart they know how to climb you ask yeah they know how to jump through little things too I can shut the c4 we forgot he had bad one of his own base use no defenses trying to buy a few down for class your basement mop what shush he did have a good idea that with this little secret area so radioactive stuff was it's doing a bit of damage oh so is that that those place holy crap I'm not yelling em with my water yeah we were I wasn't hearing either so wasn't Cody yeah there's something wrong with the healing that's probably why we like all to hide it so easily look at that I told you they were a spot you didn't want to listen how did they do that they out thank you who do you think did better guys me Selena crack or crackin I mean seriously my bass is noise destroyed Greg yeah but they all outsmarted us or actually I outsmarted myself and we didn't heal so keep that in mind too yeah we could heal I don't know what that was playing like hardcore minecraft oh yeah thanks so much for watching guys I would catch you in the next Minecraft video you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 8,582,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft, MINECRAFT, challenge, challenges, the atlantic craft, atlantic craft, minecraft challenge, minecraft challenges, CHALLENGES, Challenge, new, new challenge, base, bases, minecraft base, base defense, most secure base, secure base, security, defense, base defense minecraft, minecraft base defense, trap, traps, secret, secrets, spongebob, bikini bottom, minecraft bikini bottom, zombie, zombies, minecraft zombie, zombie attack, plankton
Id: -7EX34ZiedA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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