Minecraft School S2 : DINOSAURS IN THE SCHOOL!!

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what have I done oh hey there mr. scientist what brings you here we haven't seen you in a long time oh don't mind me I'm just um hiding out here no need to worry why is this science teacher hiding here I don't know did he say Heidi yeah he said he's hiding now well what could he be hiding from and I asked him teacher uh sorry mr. scientist did you say you're hiding from something when what are you hiding from do we have to be worried nothing did I say hiding I'm researching researching teacher what is he researching uh I don't know I don't think there's anything really in here to research I know we've got a few computers but he has his own mr. scientist what is it exactly you're researching well how well the class is doing ah teacher teacher did you see that yeah I did see it what what was that it looked like a giant lizard are you sure that wasn't your dad now I had a good close look that was definitely a big scary dinosaur it sounded like a dinosaur is is he gone I think he was he had a good look in here and I think he stared straight at Donna oh she had red eyes and did you hear his grille Oh shucks the floor and I'm really scared I'm going home oh well you can't leave you can't leave this classroom it's not safe oh wow you can't leave okay we need to think about this oh I hope all the students are okay this is nice where would a dinosaur even come from guys what was the scientist hiding from it must have been the dinosaur he must've in Aegina Czar yeah but where would it really even come from this is so crazy that I saw was huge and did you see its teeth oh my gosh sharp teeth okay nobody is a little Eve the class hopefully all of your students are safe as well they're all in their classrooms okay I'm going out there I can't do this oh I'm hiding underneath the desk okay you get underneath the test that's okay I was spoiled for today guys but maybe we can find out a bit more of the scientists um mr. scientists do you know where this came from okay okay might have been a backwards time portal and dinosaurs may be able to get through what do you mean a start accident you definitely did create some sort of portal and dinosaurs are definitely here there's no baby you guys guys what's wrong um there's more than one dinosaur oh my gosh it's two down there I could see two I could see two is huge as a big teacher what's going on here tiny turtle well if these scientists just explained it I accidentally created a backward portal in the research lab this he doesn't know if he did but he definitely didn't get her way and it serves one went by the window there there's two down there oh wow who knows how many there what can we do as a scientist I have a plan if I could make it back to the research lab and go through the portal I can find some Huntsman who deal with these sort of dinos everyday and then they can help get rid of these bases okay wait here right guys I guess we have to wait here okay we're gonna close that in case any little itty-bitty dinosaurs get in I get claustrophobic I need to get out we got it no we gotta hide here we gotta hide here we can't we can't leave guys because yeah don't you do some drawing designed some helicopters and lilies that dude that if I'm panicking just take your mind off things it's okay there's no dinosaurs nearby they're down there and the other one went right by the window so I've got a good idea what are we gonna do let's have a giant competition between me and you let's go I'm sorry okay I'm gonna draw a t-rex okay don't draw dinosaurs guys that doesn't take your mind off anything I know I know let's play a game of rock-paper-scissors okay okay yeah all right Rock Paper Scissors go first oh I want oh you've never said what you had I will get it with his fingers look at my fingers oh okay and what did you do Torian clearly showing scissors oh my gosh well I shout Rock ha ha oh no you cheated but he said paper guys the dinosaurs are still down there that's okay the scientist is gone to try and get some crazy Huntsman to come and catch them and bring them back tiny turtles I have a question yeah do you honestly think that them big dinosaurs with the big sharp teeth cannot get in chewed em silly wooden doors I think they're too big I don't think they know we're here if we'd be really quiet and hide down this and and whoa okay can you hear that yeah what is it what is it I think it's getting closer oh no hide hide hide all right okay okay guys be quiet be quiet I can't hear them anymore so I'm gonna go check the window gosh I'm so scared I'm so scared it's okay I'll go check okay okay Oh Oh No there's a giant dinosaur make it what are we gonna do oh okay okay let's little mocha okay quickly guys I think the halls will slow him down but we thought at much time yeah it seemed to be covered but where we get on time Jimmy wears down here we're goes to the research for city oh no ok ok ok I'm right behind the pop-up you head oh I'm landed become the pie ok we need to get fight ok ok I need oh oh my god he's so scary what he can't fit me our friend I think catch me be careful do you have food on you tiny toy because he looks like he's trying to get in your pockets this little guy yeah no he writes burgers between your toes again donut and no fish fingers this time well he definitely likes us maybe he just wants a plant apples or maybe fish fingers as well but s strong enough to break it haha ok so guys follow me I will bring you to the research facility hope there's no more oh he's fighting you bum bum tiny turtle hey stop fighting me Dinah sir he's like a cute little one he's only a baby he's like nipping I like you can we keep the babies and send back the big ones I don't think it works like that when he grows up exactly skill but if we train him then maybe he'll be friendly oh I don't know it can you train it Dinah sir I gotta kidnap him and bring him home oh I don't know donut we can raise him as well ok that order guys gone back to the hall we gotta wait that was good guys that was good Bordeaux we need to come in today the research lab is just here so oh oh we could be in trouble this looked all the Dillion source schools they're so scared he does his thing send him home he won't compete he won't come in yeah oh he doesn't want to go okay you wait here mr. little donut out there for us this drinkers and his mommy or daddy is gonna come first and true that while any second and rescue him oh okay nothing okay no okay perfect so the scientists desert yeah he's here he's here mr. scientist we've managed to make it down here we had to leave I know you told us to stay but we had to leave just because that big red dinosaur came and started breaking the window so we lured him away from the class stare safe we're safe what's the plan no time to explain uh well okay he just left and disappeared why did he just leave us like that he didn't have any weapons or armor or anything he's just got hit to the Dino land that's so dangerous oh wow I'm gonna in come on follow kind of a bad idea we need to think about this let's have a look around see if there's any weapons or anything we can bring look at this place oh I like this place I've never seen this perform the skill this is the new resurfaced early that we had installed we with the new budget we got like the swimming pool we got out of these solar panels to power the school and these wind turbines it's really cool isn't it yeah does he have a few malfunctions with Dinosaurs the scientists faulty powers messes up okay what are we gonna do guys because I think he kind of left it to us to size this dino mess I don't understand any of these machines or anything or any of these pictures I know I know see this down here and look this is some tribesman taking down a t-rex so I'm guessing that's very good idea okay so here's like it looks like a bone marrow they're good looks like he's about to get eaten guys wait wait listen up if we don't get some tribesmen to help us then maybe we can get rid of the dinosaurs yeah yeah that was his plan that's what he's gone there oh okay well let's go then you're not listening to the scientists now no he wasn't in my ears was he watching cat videos on YouTube yeah that's what he was doing I knew it he's always doing that fish fingers in my ears oh they were yes okay I have some wonder they sound like don't just hate them ah that's so tasty I got loads of earwax okay forgot those dinosaurs in the school and the students are in danger I think we need to go true and helped about scientists all right okay not eternal all right tree do go
Channel: Little Lizard Adventures
Views: 7,429,581
Rating: 4.722816 out of 5
Keywords: Littlelizard, Minecraft, Adventure, School, Little Kelly, Dinosaurs, minecraft school, dinosaurs, tiny turtle, donut the dog, donut, doughnut, little lizard and tiny turtle minecraft school
Id: Kzsz51e4zT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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