Minecraft Dinosaurs - ( Dinosaur mod ) - Episode 1 - LET'S FIND SOME DINOSAURS!

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to minecraft dinosaurs this is a let's play with me and little lizard here and we aren't talking turtle by the way and we are doing them yeah there's fossils in archaeology mud we're gonna go find dinosaurs we're gonna rare them they're gonna be our pets and imagine waking up here looking over and we'll just have our land filled with dinosaurs and all sorts of fun stuff going on so we're gonna get started with that go ahead what were you saying so guys as you can see we kind of have a little shelter here already and the reason we did this is because we just wanted to start off with something overlooked in the area because we tell it pretty cool we don't have any tools around we're ghosts there and everything basically from scratch except for the fact that we have a house no we have the wooden lid in the chests oh we have wooden tools do we yeah that's fine well yeah so basically starting from scratch except just a few of the basics too because again this is gonna have dinosaurs and we want to go get the dinosaurs so yeah this is our house what we have here it's kind of like start of our I suppose what will recall its Cup because this is gonna be like archeology our dinosaur Kingdom yeah this is gonna be like we're gonna do a dig site down here for finding fossils and stuff and we're gonna have be probably have a lot of buildings because them yeah so it's gonna be pretty cool we have them all in their own pans yeah I think we should probably just from straight in Scott and try and find some fossils well I have my tools so I think I could grab my tools oh I got an apple you have an apple as well I think that's fair it's nice and open right so first things first we're gonna need a crafting table down here right we oh yes so join I go I'm gonna knock this tree down here after trader get some of the basics out away so we have absolutely terrible tools so we should probably get I'll get some stone will I yeah you start getting stone I'll start getting the wood and we can solve those puzzles here is this the right you'll find a lot around like a whole lot because you can get so much so many different items from them yeah you'll find like bones you'll get you get bio fossils you get all sorts of stuff so there will be a lot around cuz you're gonna have to collect a lot but let's just get some stone for now get some tools I think we might need iron to collect the fossils so that's the only thing oh okay so we've got to go for that straightaway okay so give us the stone Oh goddess come on no time already oh good okay do you have sticks for me here launch me some sticks there how can you make me whatever you're making yourself yeah well I think we'll start with pickaxe creeper creeper creeper creeper is he coming up here well I have beside you right now that I'll come back to him but actually I might let him blow up these fossils here hey Olli Mike yeah actually now that's a bit a bit of stone for us though okay I have a pickaxe for you but I'm thinking I might make us a sword each should we go to sleep yeah yeah it's probably a good idea keep it nice and fresh and daytime at the minute okay here I got your sword oh ah there you go was that you no oh I got fossil stuff what happened was it another creeper paper yeah oh god this is a a bio fossils channel or bio fossil it's not it's not easy here and right I'll give you one of these I'll give you one of these okay I got take it so I'm gonna take it what did you get ooh fossils by a fossil we need that for something we have not enough items on guys because because there's a lot of stuff in this box or if you're looking at my screen here you can see the all the different stuff there's the scarab stuff looks so cool where are you but they're very hard to get so oh it's 0.01 percent chance of finding that oh now I think it was on the run screaming and like 0.01 yeah please dinosaur let's see which so do you you're a bit excited there Scott know what we're doing sore I'm doing okay I mean and did you do to do to you so I need food we're gonna have to yeah we need to we'll have to make it good and fire more I don't know get a lot of kills or something can I have your Apple Oh yep map Oh No so maybe we should what should we do first I think and we should fossils but at the same time get a little bit a bit of grub well we need audience so we need to slow on this see if we use iron right get a bucket first make it little firm and yeah I'm thinking we're better after s'mores normally hoarding some cows or chickens and where'd it oh yeah anything Footwear on flip planes will probably find loads of them I found one iron anyway it's too dark down here I'm gonna have to get some torches as well all right well I'm gonna go up and see if we can find some food go harvest some din-dins okay I got more on this chicken it's hardly starting beside of mine well there's loads of saplings here after you took down that oh hello creeper this goes very deep he's out there making a nice big hole for us okay I'm gonna get this chicken cuz I need to cook you see if you can see any Capo spider hey it's daytime spider no one teach you the rules of Minecraft oh now you're okay with me whoa that was weird yeah you do that I think I found some coal oh yeah I found some coal happy days I've got half a heart so we need no surprises okay are you getting the cold in because I have iron yeah okay this is not a bad stir it's a good area though I do like the area yeah it's really good I like us being apart of the reason we put on ourselves up there guys is so that we could look down on our kingdom Oh every day we wake up and because we're well out of reach of even the biggest dinosaurs well that is a some of them will be dodgy some of them will want to kill us I presume so okay I've got a little bit of coal I mean should do it oh I got smoked up oh very nice right so I'll meet you at the furnace on the craftsmen table original hometown and yeah yeah yeah I've got half a heart so I gotta be careful I'm just really nearly jumping off hills here really mean willy-nilly right let's go I might make a few torches so that we can I can go down to the mines as well how many dinosaurs are in this mud and I'm not 100% actually okay look I can see here from the homes into trees or just the tan I think and tell something like that but then you have saber-tooth Tigers you've mammoths yeah I'll just stir it's there quite a lot yeah okay I'm coming back up I have cold I have iron okay I'm gonna put a little bit of coal into the furnace so we're gonna need that I put it in indoor chicken Oh were you at the very bottom oh you're in our mine furnace yeah I didn't know there's a friends down there I'm in the house oh you silly sausage I just needed to get myself some grub I think I should make a book at first and make a farm yeah okay I'm gonna store our sufferings better string bio fossil leave that there and yeah that's great now okay so I'll make a few torches actually so I can come down to you okay I'm making bolt it as we speak have a pocket okay there's enough iron in there now to give us two pickaxes very nice we'll do that very smooth it's a success story of a start I need seeds and okay I mean I don't like this place up we're gonna have to get some sort of system in place down here because there will be a lot of hoarding of the fossils yeah we're gonna make this our whole big area so actually I'm gonna go find some chicken care like you did because I'm running out of food here yeah I might go with you because we need a bit it it'll take a while for the bread too weak to grow anyway so oh you've started a wheat ramp well I'm going to once I get enough seeds nice you do all the dirty work and I'll just run around okay where are you what is it chicken um huh I'd say I'm behind you I'd say you're actually coming up we're just loads of chickens it's gonna be cool having to like some mammoths and stuff cuz you're meant to get like lolled to wall off them I just saw a sheep there and I think do we need well I was like we don't need to because mammoths will just give the mines mine mine you go oh you ain't Yeah right I have a few exes act okay I'm gonna go cook this chicken and we will you try to get some seeds hey yeah I can get cocoa how many we probably don't need too much to start off we'll just get a basic one start off and we'll make sure we have it maybe get four more it's that way we've knowing that's tree loaves of bread now I have four more an area thank you that should do the job we need to cut this grass anyway yeah I need to put poop did you get em did you plant it yeah no okay cuz we don't want to plant it in there cuz that's where we're gonna do our dig site I'm gonna walk over here I'll do it over here this would be good okay I have seven you could probably do it upon the hill make it different don't want to just stand it or fry oh yeah why not okay which way which I'm just across from the house chicken straight I don't understand just straight across from the house generate Reaser Oh both the hill up to here up to here and we'll make a little firm patch here I think very hilly around here I keep expecting to find under stones yes pick someone might pick someone series that were doing which is a lot of fun I am I'll just do a little little basic one here it's got my other round different hills you you probably I don't see you anyway I'm at the very top of the hill oh yeah now come down but airside huh come down the side of the house yeah I see you I forgot to bring water I'm gonna char little one in here so if we take this and oh no that's not gonna work you should probably take this one well you want to make a I know you're back never mind take that one on the inside out there so this one's no good to me I'll take these ones out instead we need to get off these em wooden tools they're terrible I have stolen oil on in everything I know just a pickaxes okay let's take this down that should be enough for now that is fossils you see we're gonna find a lot of them which is really Kilda and what we need to make first we need to make a analyzer yeah yeah and is it now what is it a we could do this as well a workman its bench or something like that oh yeah oh just best bench blue something like that well I'll look anything now Oh you floating me I need also run we need to build a factory where we're gonna be doing all this well I wouldn't call it a factory because we're not gonna be doing all this in our house in our labs labs yeah kind of the labs do you want to plant your seeds there as well and we'll just roll with that yeah I'm just trying to fill this up first let me see I put some torches so this would be a lovely little fan yeah there we go that'll do the job nicely I think we got some food growing I'm gonna cook the I do have any chicken you want cooked I'll go cook them and bring them back what the hell is this I can't we need a your dirt all right I'd love the dirt yeah need to fix this this looks terrible no that's I'm sorry don't open OOP sorry gonna leave that one open all right yeah that's what I meant the other side though like that that's my working and I'm gonna get rid of these fossils hang on oh you've got an iron pick yeah well I got something else I learned something else again show me an iron pick there as well so we can try and get ourselves I think we have what we need for is a bone oh we can get loads of bone Mia yeah you can get loads of omnia because they are like all the fossils the main drop after his bones and then you see the bio fossil I got two relics scraps o2 relic scraps okay I think we need that as well this is good what is on right another barn is it yeah okay so that's just for water now is it yeah I come with me and we'll see what we can't redo in tune with the fossils yet Henry there's is there any iron leftover we can make Warren I have one on let's see so an archeology workbench is paper and a crafting table so that's not gonna be hard to get and then an analyzer okay we need one bio fossil one relic scrap and for iron bears we can make ourselves an analyzer that's sound good to you yeah I'm just after harvesting a bit of wheat yeah we may as well try and get some bread going oh I can picture all this place now just covered in dinosaurs we have to cover it though I want everywhere to be full of dinosaurs yeah there would be a lot don't worry we'll make like our own little Jurassic Park right show me that iron pickaxe yeah you know just um there you go okay I'll see what I can find so yeah let's go get the iron and make an analyzer sound good sounds good to me
Channel: Little Lizard Adventures
Views: 4,271,851
Rating: 4.751822 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaurs, minecraft dinosaurs, dinosaur mod, episode 1, littlelizardgaming, minecraft, explore, indie, sandbox, quarries, textures, blocks, hardcore, videogame, mojang, building, crafting, secret, mobs, gaming, challenge map, episode, survival, cubes, diamonds, notch, pvp, farming, dinosaur, amazing mod, xbox 360, craft, enchanting, underground, gameplay, mods, computer game, open world, playstation, creepers, videogaming, xbox, dinosaurs in minecraft, minecraft dinosaur mod, fossil mod, fossil archaeology mod
Id: mGHVYjzudms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2013
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