Minecraft Mods on STEAM DECK - PolyMC guide - Modding guide [Full controller support] [1080p] PRISM

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what is up everybody it's your gameplay therapist back with another deck therapy that's what we're gonna call it from now on so um today in this video I'm going to show you guys how to download Minecraft and play mods and get it all up and running so if you guys want to see that stay tuned and let's go so first thing you want to do is you want to head over to the Discovery Store we're looking for an app called poly Minecraft if you guys can follow my mouse cursor you'll see what I'm talking about poly MC we want to look for this app in Discovery all right so once you're in Discovery you want to search for Ali MC you could just search it right here it doesn't really matter I have to really search into the other applications just like the top gonna give it a look I did the wrong name let's just fix that rope oh poly MC no spaces thank you so yeah want to find this app you want to install it I have it all installed now so there's no point in installing it but this is what you want to find and stuff all the MC I'm gonna bother you deck not gonna hurt your deck at all after that recommend the step I want to say is you go over to steam and you set this application as a non-steam game so this should be a fairly straightforward stepper stuff I'm going to show you guys anyway the ad game add non-steam game and then you find poly MC you want to add it because it's going to make a lot of sense later on so once you have this added here let's go and cancel that and close that once you've added the app now we can go and open poly MC it's going to take you into a window like this so this is basically what you need when you get in this window it's going to be a little probably an error not trial and error but like oh you know work around to get yourself signed in they want to just get yourself signed in make sure you have a version of like Minecraft and whatnot so get yourself logged in and once you're logged in it should look just like this it should be with just a basic Minecraft launcher thingy there's a lot of videos on YouTube that kind of go through this so if my video doesn't help I'm sure there's a lot more that can help you guys so moving on to the next step it's going to be downloading mods so once you have this window open you've installed your if I mean signed in and you've basically got everything set up you want to go to add instance it's fairly straightforward you know at instance I normally get my mods from Chris Forge as you can see from the ones that I have currently I'm just gonna run and install one right now just to get it like you know just so you guys could understand how it works so we're gonna install let's see all right so I had a little I had a little issue with the instance just now it's because I missed a few download files I'm gonna try and get one that's pretty smaller with all the files included in the pack because having to download the extra files is gonna you know but that's straightforward as well I'm gonna make a video on that very soon but I just want to get the basic Minecraft thingy in here so let's find a pack that's complex but pretty much simple all right so we're going to try and use parasites I don't know if parasites have any mods that I have to download to the side but let's test it out all right one mod okay so let's let's go ahead and download this mod and I'll show you guys how to add these mods so just click the link because it's straightforward it just gives you the link to click or you can copy the link Papi I'm doing this all in the deck by the way I have a mouse and keyboard to get we'll copy the link drop it in your browser download it and you edit because I think it wouldn't work if you don't do it that way let's give it a go and see [Music] all right enter first Forge escape room blah blah accept or decline you want to download here to download straight into your deck Library if anyone knows downloading for crestforge you all know how that be but there it is completed I accidentally hit it twice did I hit it I might have did hit it twice all right so I'm just gonna add them both because why not once you have it downloaded when they'll go back over to your thing it's looking for a 1.8.2 so we're going to download the 1.8.2 version now so once it's done the downloading thing just let it do its thing the other horror map had a few more that I had I didn't really want to do all that so I'm just going to use a basic one which is this one so you want to hit the instance click make sure it's clicked edit instance you want to go to mods you want to go to add file takes you over to your downloads you want to look for the 1.8.2 star file you want to add it to the mod pack and just to be sure that we have it oh at any point we want a launch game now the same error that I told you guys about the Java era it always says that in the beginning so remember to hit settings job installation Auto detect either or one or two I always choose either or this works but you just need Java 8 and then launch game and if everything works smoothly then the game should run just fine alright so the game's launched it's right here in the window so now I'm going to show you guys how to get full controller support see it says 38 mods loaded and we'll show you guys how to get full control support with Minecraft on the steam deck but what you guys want to do is close this close this quick game basically and remember what I did in the beginning we added MC I mean poly MC as a game in Steam you want to head back over to our deck deck like UI basically all right once we're back in the decks Library when I go over to poly MC it should be inside of your game so if it's not used you're gonna go to the library I'm going to go to non-steam game Holly MC reason why I'm launching it in here and not in the desktop mode is because this app utilizes the whole controller scheme for this mod but parasite slabs by forged Labs let's launch it and see what it do and this is all launched from the steam deck itself so we'll see what it do I'll give you guys a little gameplay to show you how it works full time [Music] foreign [Music] in the beginning I recommend giving it a little few seconds to load in because a lot of things happening right now but I'm using my controller scheme right now everything is controller used right now so I'm using my joystick look around this is a thick mod and the deck handles it very nicely so it happens on any console really when I load this mod on my desktop it does the same about a little thingy but look at it bro oh my God so yeah I'm playing Minecraft Java modded with a controller oh my gosh in handheld mode because I never normally play my um deck in in um that docked mode I I never do that but to get this recording and you know show you guys how to do [Music] kills I can use my mouse trackpad as movement as well as you guys can see I'm pulling a 60 frames steady not steady but from time to time like I said it's a beefy mod and as soon as you start to mod this game you start to push the deck to its limits kinda but I'd say keep everything at basic don't try to turn nothing up because it looks great screen dark screen but I'm gonna just give a little short gameplay I don't want to play too much into it because I don't really know how a little pigs Little Pigs and cows wow rear warning as well when you guys do mod this game you can run into like instability issues if that crashes due to the odd intensity but that's that's minor yeah put your titties in the twist back's still a wonderful dad thank you this area looks big though oh my God oh my God Temple I was just going to oh my God I'm just all over the place goodies look kind of cute though not gonna hurt me [Music] excuse me anyway I'll get sidetracked I'm getting sidetracked oh yeah back to the control scheme I kind of got sidetracked and playing with the controllers I wanted to show you guys to control that I feel so crazy but basically I'm using our everything so I'm using my joystick here my truck pad here I'm telling them a to jump X to throw things basically normal um Minecraft stuff why two when inventory you know what I'm saying be the Crouch get the back buttons this is your F5 one guys how you doing how you doing how you doing and then you got your F4 continue there and you got I put my jump key in the back for some reason I'm gonna show you guys all this mapping in here so let's go get it hit it hold up as you can see from the layout everything here like we got the radio menu that shows you the rql v x I'm gonna create a radio in a second let's go uh basically every button's technically mapped everything from the directional Keys mtcf all the special mod keys so it's not like you're limited when playing mods because you can technically bring up every button that the mod would have so L brings up your achievement x g all these these are not used in the mod pack itself but you can always go and map East but yeah basically you can map all the keys mapping is pretty simple like if you have a steam deck you should understand this by now all this is all this straightforward like you have to be like Patrick Star let's not get all this but you know this is a little gameplay I don't want to play too much into it like I said if you guys want to do what I want me to do like that gameplay and like that we were free to drop it down in the comments I all sounded stuff like that but I hope I've checked all the boxes would you guys how to download Minecraft install mods get your whole controller scheme up and running like you guys want a control scheme go and look for mine go and look for mine get toast of glow it should be up there like go over look for it I notice it might not have a lot of watches not not a lot of play time but we'll look at it it's it is beautiful like I said the layout is crazy play out the whole key it just work and it just works like I play Minecraft for hours on a steam deck and it's just phenomenal like crazy but I'm gonna close this video off here because I feel like it's a bit long now but if you guys enjoyed it always like the video and I'll catch you guys in the next steam deck therapy you know you guys want to see something else just let me know I'll teach you guys how to mod something else if you guys think about anything so yeah I'll leave it there you guys enjoyed the video like I said always smash like and I'll catch you guys in the next steam deck therapy peace
Channel: Gameplay Therapy
Views: 30,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play minecraft on steam deck, minecraft on steam deck, minecraft on deck with mods, how to add mods to minecraft steam deck, making mod for mc on deck, steam deck minecraft, [parasites mod] steam deck
Id: 6sOg8oOXisY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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