Minecraft Manhunt, But Eating Gives OP Items...

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okay i definitely lost the hunters i'm kind of hungry though so let me just see one of my golden carrots wait huh what yep this is minecraft manhunt but the twist is every time you eat you get crazy opie loot how this is gonna work is the better the food you eat is the crazier and more insane the loot will be this man up becomes absolutely broken at the end so enjoy and leave us up i see you mining wood you're not getting food come on go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go don't let him get him oh you do not let him get oh i got food in a manhunt where food gets you op items oh my god oh dude this ah what the heck i just got punched by a pig that's even possible yeah you gotta push that pickle right you gotta punch by the pig please wait wait wait punch blake what's happening dude i don't know where he is there's no is [Music] let's go [Music] because i need to get some more stuff oh the better the food you eat the more opie the loot gets owie give me iron now no i'm not your wait yes i need this so much let's go wait that's a lot oh my god okay basically there's a higher chance oh i did go okay [Music] well if you before i go in i need this oh it i've still convenient i have that can i have one of those you know you said you had you know i was i was pranking oh wait i haven't you just have though wait let me see oh then this stuff is not looking for you bro i'm just gonna be my honest i did look at this one look at this one i'm going to put this one on what is that one guys we gotta go quick okay i'll go okay excuse me get away from me stupid zombie all the land [Music] where are you mister he went that way i need to sleep i need to sleep i need to sleep oh god i went to his portal he went this way he went this way oh god someone make it better he's there he's in this i'm on the lookout for any unusual activity [Music] i totally forgot i can make this wait can i actually make this what hey what are you thinking oh oh my god vlogger okay what happened you take a power you take it because i'm not i'm i'm gonna wait we're not gonna fight poland bro we're still here all right let's go oh my god oh oh my god no no no no no no no no no oh my god where are you where are you where are you wait this way this way through the floor oh he went this way he went this way where'd he go he's this way he's this way what is this oh my god okay somebody moves i gotta put this on i'm gonna put this on he's that way he's this way let's go let's go let's go oh here are your blazers he's right here he's above it i oh no oh i hit him off oh my god he's so weak oh my god that actually saved me distracted the compass track perhaps peter's i have a mountain no you didn't you're still down there what if i loop it above you oh how it actually works oh ow where'd he go they're all dead oh yeah save it save it okay i'll play iron armor and then like i don't have a diamond pick right now uh what are you guys breaking up oh my god wait wait are you choking wait this is op this is actually so broken how many what the heck is that you guys is that you power oh is that you that wasn't me wait what is he here is he in this oh guys [Music] do i just use this freaking hunger stick a bunch of times oh no he fell he fell he fell i'm so far away don't die don't die okay don't oh [Music] what will this give me what tier what is this tier four is this oh yeah that's i know we're confident about that bro but uh biggest noob in the world this can be tier five [Music] me and the boys oh my god wait i also got those when i get those how do you guys get lectures these are vip reserves he's gonna run away oh my he's building up oh oh my god him down i hit him down oh he's running yeah you better run oh my nice jump oh [Music] oh wait i thought we killed him oh my god he killed them [Music] oh my god i [Music] and i had so much sure five you guys are over i'm just going to the portal oh my god that's cool by not burning that poland how did you guys know we're so far out how did you find it wait how did you actually we're so far out how did you left that it's called coordinates i passed it but i think i passed it what oh and how how close are you to the stronghold buddy we're just wondering what is this oh my god they're actually wrong what is this i got [Music] oh you guys are trash dude this is your freaking fall bro oh god stop stop stop stop oh my god oh my god come on come on oh my god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my goodness he's going down he's going down oh my god i thought he's going to end crystal oh oh this is exactly what i wanted walked in come repeaters oh yes that's exactly what i needed oh that's good that's good that's good where is he guys where are you going where is he i have no clue no oh i think that was you ain't near stay near oh my god wait wait wait hold on hold on wait guys just place the crystals back just place the crystals back oh good stuff mr dragon good work man he's flying out oh my god [Music] [Music] oh how many christmases [Music] oh [Music] once a week i'm so weak dude i almost just died he's over here come here come here get me to me too hello [Music] oh he's dead he's dead he's dead wait i killed my blue spring i have feather falling on those oh no come on we gotta go we gotta go oh oh he's also blank please [Music] let me place it oh
Channel: P0LAND
Views: 3,021,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, MinecraftManhunt, Minecraft Manhunt, Dream, 3 Hunters, Three Hunters, Speedrunner Vs 3 Hunters, Speedrunner Vs Three hunters, Event, Skeppy, P0LAND, POLAND, Dream Challenged Me, Rematch, Minecraft Manhunt With Guns, Minecraft Manhunt Guns, Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters, Challenge, OP, OP Items, Clutch
Id: _Cb5FCeo5DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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