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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's Pat and welcome back to another minecraft video so Jenny how is embarrassing I don't know what Jen's doing so Indiana Jen is with me today with my mouth all right that is gonna be scary what are you Bear Grylls so today's we are playing the sequel to unseen forces that was one of the most amazing mini games I've ever played with a fight through waves of zombies yes it was fun and we got like the coolest weapons ever this is the sequel it is gonna be epic guys if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down below right down here next to my adventurers pants and I'll be commenting to a bunch of you guys because we appreciate your amazing support but first of all I need to talk to this dude right okay I have gold nuggets and they will give me a stick I wanna stick wait don't you have a stiff already no I do wait do I know I do okay so you have everything I have but a spin ya have a torch I have a fireball a healing totem lost focus and shield so these are our abilities we're gonna be able to use oh I have a key so we can get into the pyramid - so Jen may be missing a stick we will get you that stick like a walking stick yeah that sounds really cool alright dudes we are back Jen has they're sticking now we can take our beautiful stick selfies yes let's do that with our walking sticks I'm kind of imperiling her arm mwah-ha-ha-ha I can't even feel it alright you can't be on that one but that alright so apparently we are supposed to take this vote that Jen you know moved over there so she's gonna take that one I'm just gonna swim over there I don't need a boat alright she's a true adventurer just gonna paddle with my stick yeah use it like a paddle you're doing amazing so far you're actually oh my god you're quicker than the broom look at this I'm just kidding I can go watch my hair alright so over here we've got a pyramid they gave me a key so I guess this was open the pyramid right all right so I see a button over here are you ready for this oh my god the door is actually moving yeah did you see there was a back there was like dirt and everything it's like really really dark in it we have a torch chuckling OH oh my god what look at this if you right-click these with your torch it actually lights the ball oh man woah more importantly you did the parkour yes I did you fly it wasn't bad you do it one more time everyone's got to see this alright nobody you paddle through the air you use it like this oh it actually is pretty easy parkour Jenner mind alright you've got this all right go for it there we go and keep doing the torch in our hands alright make sure that you light everything up oh look there's like a sphinx on the wall looks so cool alright let's lay these up let's light this baby up so we can actually see in the room over there like a person a person like a pharaoh Oh like right in front of me yeah Oh does it not look like it opens up from the wall actually it does alright so what do we have to do over here maybe yes let's go this way we right-click this with our torch to start wait I think I'm standing on a tome Oh might be a mummy in a tomb I mean it's a toenail oh no I don't think we were supposed to do them okay why did you say we're ought to wave to alright okay we're gonna kill these guys okay so we have fireballs and all kinds of moves right yes yes we do and we have the healing totem we remember somebody oh we can put a shield on he's so cool all right so we have a lot of really cool abilities this time that we didn't have last time all right so I'm killing up there going down yes I think we did all right dudes we are back as you notice for some reason believe to start at first so what I did is I reset the map I'm pretty sure we lightness and wave one's gonna start all right here we go okay so we already believe - I know they're gonna be easy yes no it's like too long there's actually like tons of again I'm in trouble alright so there's two of us we should be able to do this what is lost focus do I don't know all the enemies stopped to follow you during four seconds also the stock going afters look they're freezing please all right fireball these dudes okay that is perfect yes okay so round one is now complete how do you start round two just keep going and we just keep lighting more of these things up okay so that's how to start always just like this up over here maybe somehow one of us clicked on this one in this room it was my fault cuz I was over here and I was dancing on the toe to toe toes look they kind of the way mojitos are here we do we've to are you ready for this alright for some reason I got a second fireball one which would use oh okay here we are so far so good yes we're doing amazing sorry what's that move you were talking about before oh so it's like the fourth one on the list okay okay I put my defenses look they can't even do anything no it's amazing all right so we're gonna beat these zombies to death muhahahaha three hearts oh I got you back we're perfect okay my firewalls back - all right let me put all of this together okay success now it looks like something opened up over here oh look right over here yeah right over here hello okay so I'm pretty sure remember how this glitched out last time I was gonna say mom or dad now your eyes are staring at me I think gorgeous absolutely beautiful so I have no idea what was she watching like truly all right dudes we are back if you remember from last time this map is not multiplayer friendly so this should work with Jen not here let's try okay so I need to pick something amazing oh yes how cool does that look still a rare item yes this is gonna be our weapon Jen it is a soul dagger it does three damage which compared to my stick which is only one name's three times stronger look so amazing can I come back on yeah you can come back on attack speed is 10 higher so we've got this really cool weapon next one is yours okay let's go all right so just remember to log off oh no oh is that like a vine right there is it oh maybe it is oh do it it kind of looks like writing I know it does okay it's killing me how I got took damage from Jen all right we need to figure this out you think this is like Indiana Jones like where there's gonna be like some open area invisible blocks okay yes maybe okay I'm looking at the ceiling to me you can swing from the ceiling doing it okay that wasn't it it's killing me - all right dudes I've got a plan what we're gonna do is light this up okay okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna shoot a fireball into those boxes oh and then put on your shields you think my shields gonna help maybe all right okay give me extra protected oh I'm gonna make I was like really close to making that alright what else do we have that we could use the possibly get across this let's look here what we do you see the vines on the ceiling yes that's what I was talking about before oh if they're talking about that sweet from them maybe we can yeah oh my god this is so cool I'm making all right okay so we need to get out of this box and then we just good all right so look at this you like it memorize which way it goes okay okay so we need to get all the way over to the wall and then back over this way I did it I'm sure it's gonna set up for us cuz it set us like right over there already it didn't matter I had to manually do it alright man you really do yours and I'll do mine just to be sure okay alright dudes we are heading into the next room let's light everything off when there's more pictures on the wall okay so I've got my torch okay perfect so this must be the next room or we have to fight stop oh man look at this it looks so cool that's it yeah let's light this up so we can see it really nicely alright so I think all we have to do is why is there three pressure plates I'm scared there's a mule um you got a mule I don't know but it's a donkey I think it's a reindeer and that's Santa yeah he's got two heads oh yeah if we step on these does anything happen nothing we're lined off you ready ready I already did it Oh wave three helium okay alright remember I have like a really good weapon they're crawling on the ground again on us alright so I've got a really good weapon okay they're going out so quick with the other one okay wait until I get a better lucky alright so I'm helping you out before you die all right I'll just wait and see what happens okay all right I got him do you like quarter do you think we did it alright so we did that oh do you think we have to like light something else up or do you think we have to like swing from some weird vine what's that up there but it looks like we need to somehow get up that there's the chest right what is this oh you can climb my side means okay alright so come up here okay all right I wartime yeah my feet are too big all right I'm gonna try to go on to the next bunny tail board to Maine okay in case I fall down and then it looks like we have to jump from here on to this one okay huh okay how do you do this I don't know how you didn't do it all right so I'm at the top of this one then it looks like it's a tough job it's really hard all right I'm gonna do it up you told oh my god I do I guess you didn't know you did that was so close you actually said yes you do because you thought I had it all right let's go okay I'm up here Oh oops oh there's a golden pressure plate over there we must have to oops all right that is gonna be the goal after we get to the top of this thing which is actually torturous let me you'll guide you all right I'm over jumping this I'm overthinking all right so we just go like this okay I pop up on top are you doing really fabulously and then I go boom all right dudes I am about to did I seriously do that are you god this time all right okay so we get over here and then I just need to make the jump right to there oh boy okay all right dudes I cannot mess up this job here we go yeah okay so whatever's in this is going to you if it's good it goes to you if it's bad it's going to you know our new review guys that looks amazing is that legends gonna be less oh my god all right guys damn it okay so the one that we started with was the stick in that one damaged it I got a rare item which is three damaged Jen got three point five in it's quicker it looks amazing all right news we are back as you know multiplayer doesn't work properly so I had to put in the chest now take it out look so amazing alright wait let's just check out the difference alright - obviously way cooler guys all right you're just you just being mean now so I'm pretty sure looking at this room but we need to do is we need to jump up here like you see how there's like a pressure plate like right on top of this one then something's gonna fall down like it did on this side then we just step in the middle and we beat this level let's do it alright so I think I just need to jump on this to see that red are you doing okay right I almost got you did this can't jump on these things are suffering I know like I think it's a ladder but it's like it seems so weird no oh great alright do it I can't do it either alright this one ready do you know this two of us can't we just step on these are you step there and then I okay step here jump a little okay if we twerk you think it's gonna work you know what that means that means that we have to get up here then let's just do it I'll give you a push okay I need to get this angle perfectly because I know didn't you land like right here okay three no you you did nothing you touch me alright three two one again alright this is just getting cruel I'm gonna hit me I did wait am i creative are you oh oh my bad that's because I had to get the chest I was cheating oh that's cheating Jen I had to put the chest had to give Jen or what because for some reason guys look at this you can't put weapons down it like goes back into your hands wait maybe now we can set my base okay let's just get up here please all right I have to do it all right just got a jump for it I had it if you didn't hit me I would have made that one all right how how is this not possible are you able to make that other crazy jump and you're not able to make this one I think this one is bugs I think it's bog [Music] I don't want to spend the rest of my life do it yeah hello wait is there things we could light up in here let's look around it's so incredibly dark well you know what oh I got the weapon it's the same woman oh don't ever do that again so I've got two of the same weapon okay so I have the three soul daggers like I thought you broke the mathis you know when we do those things we have to restart the entire map yeah I know all right so okay we've already had to do in fact I'm not even playing the map all night all right so we go this way okay like that wait we have to go there Oh races so we go up here okay this looks absolutely miserable okay so we jump up here and how did I fall all right now get on the ladder spider-man woman oh yes Spider Woman all right so I go up here like this and then I need to jump onto that one so don't come up here okay all right so I'm on top of it right now dad I'm coming you scared me all right okay we're over here like this is just looking professional so far oh yeah do nothing I won't do anything oh no I have to jump to the other side I don't want to jump to the other side no I've got this wait jump over there and then I'll teleport to you what you think I've got this yeah yeah you got that I need you come back I'm sorry all right I won't do it again I promise okay I'm gonna jump across okay we're almost up no or not no we are not it's an odd way up all right let me just light this one it's up here which I can't bite for some reason it's here so I alright I'm a little shorty okay so I'm no no nothing happened this is why you keep me around isn't it well yeah without you this would take like hours all right no olbes Oh mummy Oh are you here I slept so bad last night I slept for like one hour all right that was the first excuse of the day oh yeah how long you're noticing this but there's like an invisible block or something I swear I'm flying this way whenever I jump towards this all right I'm gonna stick to this wall okay okay all right okay I made it oh my goodness all right okay did I go like this I did not think you would ever make that jump all right then I need to go to the other corner okay oh that's really far away all right I'm gonna do it no it's fine I know what to do now I know you know that torch pushes here it does I hate your torch I hate you so much teleporter it reads your feet all right just come off your bed okay this might be easier if we stay up together oh all right at least I know what I'm doing now teleport here alright so guys we're learning that I must do this on my own gonna have to do it all on your own okay make it oh boy yes yeah why do you say yes alright dudes it's been like ten minutes and I think I figured out exactly wait I think I got this alright go okay okay well I'm going alright oh you're doing good okay alright actually you fell Jan how did you make that joke I'm just that good alright wait wait go make this yes across maybe this is like torture because the blocks they're not normal blocks they all look weird I don't even know what I'm jumping onto because I know that was a ladder I don't know what the sign is I don't wanna say hmm that was wrong all right so if land up in here we can okay so there's got to be places to put torches on right here alright so since I love our beautiful okay so get that one is there any more than we could light up I don't see any more all right are you ready to fight here we go wait for Jen's got a legendary weapon alright let's work to you oh my god their mutant zombies everything okay so you slow them down right all right don't worry I'm gonna get the ones in the back in the wrong dudes do you see your weapon weapon is so amazing you're fun all right he's killing you he has no legs yes okay so once again do we have to parkour again I do see parkour suffer alright so based on what I'm seeing we have to go up there okay so where does it start frog okay it looks like a star cuz I see one here but I mean you can't magically just fly up to that okay oh my god it literally brought me off wait what is this thing I don't understand what this block oh my gosh you're right how did yeah okay so what I need you to do is jump over there behind you okay I do it I think I can do this one alright so we go up like this and they get ready for I got oh it's happening okay okay okay so then I see that there's like one over there oh no we probably just parkour onto this in the middle oh yeah over there alright so we made it over to this side just like dive onto that like a tail over here okay come over to me teleported me I think with your push I could jump onto that okay alright it's gonna happen hey where am i pushing you to all right next to the black hat okay all right you see the one yes I see all right so get behind me to get a little further back are you ready to go yeah okay okay don't mess up how can I possibly jump up to that from here there's it just over there look oh we have to do it all wait no these are all easy jobs okay so we just go we just go up here like this yes very good and then we go huh over to this one okay gonna be over there over there and then are you all no no no okay okay now I am okay how do i how do I grab it yes look I really want it oh and I really need to have it wait I think those things are right there I'm gonna bang my head jumping for this all right so basically this is what we need to do we need to jump on to this side we actually checked it out I had Jen take a resource pack off this is a stair with a piece of glass attached to it I know it looks really weird doesn't it oh yeah okay so the thing is I don't think I'm ever going to make this jump because I'm gonna be banging my head over and over wait just one right here hold on a second oh maybe you can just jump up oh yeah what is it okay what I'm thinking is you just jump and try to grab the chest in mid-flight all right but if I do that the problem is gonna be you're gonna still be on oh well I'll just log off you don't need me here do you all right your spawn point can you do that wait wait wait I'm gonna just and then just last kill yourself every time you fall all right thank you here to do all right log off I got this all right so I'm just gonna jump and I'm gonna open this and it's gonna be like amazing first rice ideal girl who looks alright you know what I bet you guys don't know how live and shine this jump for ha I did it it's amazing I'm so sorry okay what is this oh this is for you or no it's for me right well nope legendary oh please be better than what I have is the Christmas anchor anchor that sounds cool oh I'm in over here let's you release okay so this one it does boom a half a heart more damaged than the one I have it is three and a half so this one's better yeah alright so guys this is really like the map isn't too bad but the parkour is so weird it's like these weird signs and I don't know how that they work at all um but I'm raging too hard so I had to cheat a little bit just shoot a fire multi-port no I live it up forth here oh my god is this look at sandwich goodness that is sooo sad do not blow alright this one we totally deserve here we go man there's a lot of chefs Monty better know it's rare let's see how it compares to the other ones alright so I just got a new weapon this one does three it's not as good so this was the long plate I was really hoping for the other one but you can come back on coming back alright so it looks like we are in the next room so I'm gonna start lighting this puppy up so should I do it you didn't try to shoot a fireball I want yeah well let's try that is it work no all right so I will light these up it oh it's alright okay so look at that look at this dude all these spring hits off yeah they get so crazy he's like a zombie mummy mutant all right I'm putting down the healing totem frozen in place alright there's a huge one on me okay oh that's what she said oh wait I got him okay thank you alright so now see that's not the hard part the hard question no we didn't come from here oh that is open here's another chef down there wait isn't that the one we just opened on the way in I don't know oh yeah I think is it okay alright alright so we're expecting something even better right now guys okay the mirror to the stick all right come on being legendary I want to be like Jeb there's so many weapon boxes please is this a stone sword I just got alright guys I just got this thing possible to damage I just got so I can't use that one but you can log back on we need to figure out how to get to the next wave alright so what we need to do okay so we can't jump up that okay so we have to figure out how to get up there okay so look right here right next to us okay so we go up onto this this is a piece of glass at a stayer it's like really weird I don't know how you like climbing fire on them do you just knock me off the real thing all right don't worry don't worry it's fine just wait there okay winter I'll save you Indiana Jen all right she's joking she said all right we go I just did me this is the first time you know what I'm noticing I feel like after you make it once you could never make it wait I think I know why why because before when I did it when the texture pack was off there was no glass there but when I jumped the glass appeared so maybe the glass appears and then you can't do it again why would they do that okay now figure out why we've had to cheat because we it's impossible after there's no way to make it on top of this all right okay so there's a glitch in the map because once I made it up I was like why can I not make this jump again it made no sense to start on the ladder fit okay so you cannot mess up at all yeah all right so then I think I can just walk down and just go like this okay wait there's like weird things in play Oh what's happening bars just like came out of my body ball they're moving oh do you think I have to jump over to over there yes okay okay that's what I have to do okay and then from here yeah huh I did it yeah good job okay oh wait you're gonna have to log off sorry it's not multiplayer compatible Jeb Eunice you wanted to tag along and here we are all right here we go come on oh no it was a trap oh my god it's the dude with the belly misses all right it looks like we're gonna do some parkour it doesn't look that bad okay wait where are you I think I'm down in the hole oh okay um you summit in the evil fat dude with no stomach all right so all we have to do is just jump through the park or I feel like we've been here before it looks like the original one does it does okay so you see how there's a bunch of like things on the ceilings so we need to climb across like Indiana Jones okay I'm gonna do this right now like Tarzan did I make it hold on oh no I didn't respond in the same area oh no wait where am I I don't know but teleports me all right I'm coming to Jen maybe we should set our smugly all right I'm gonna someone point right here cuz it definitely didn't bring us to the right area okay so I'm gonna go all right so all I'm gonna do this slow okay that was a little too slow I think he's like the radius in map but ever seen all right oh yeah I'm stuck to the ceiling just go slow right it's not a race all right because you can actually stay stuck do it just go straight right super super slow and then you did it oh my god it's moving okay we have to actually stay on it all right so it'll open up I think I think we received it we might have won okay no we did not Oh Oh what is that thing look he's like a boss but no one turned the lights on Jeff oh yeah okay we don't need that all right I'm turning them on okay all right let me just run around well Jen kills everything with a legendary weapon okay don't worry I'm coming back all right I'm gonna use the the law school because I'm gonna freeze everybody okay then we get what's your free mitts off to the big dude your dude who looks like notches weird brother is right there I got him - okay I'm half dad okay fireball wait where did that like boss looking you go I think we killed him okay I am taking so much damage there's too many all right I'm behind you oh I kind of died okay so so far so good we're taking these dudes out I put on my shield all right I think we just have to kick your river keep going okay we have to kill them faster okay these ones are almost all day if we kill them they won't keep respawning oh wait they're dead yes okay what do we do okay I love you we take a selfie with this beautiful thing I'm gonna bury a little more oh yes I love you oh you're gorgeous what is it Jen we were busy there's something over here oh there is hey we can't actually go in it's like there's blocks in the way what there's blocks in the way we can't wait you go through there oh you know we probably need a minecart did you see how it like connects right over here oh there's a bunch of parkour over here all right I don't see any parkour none all right we're having to figure this out so let's look at the room very carefully okay all right so you said there's a little pocket every time all right guys so check this out so we're these steps if I mess this up once I don't get another chance to do it there are no second chances oh wait don't worry I failed at the first try but once I make it once Arthur's I am back apparently I was trying to do the parkour and Jen let me hang up again in mobster okay we're making progress okay oh my god the balls are flying at the faces I got that dude okay so basically these like gargoyles are like gasps I guess yeah okay all right so far so good this actually isn't that bad oh we got that one right do it okay let's both wait next to each other and then we just got like the balls okay I come down here please we really have no other way to attack you other than shooting balls at you I'm pretty sure you might have okay so what do we do just Knight up again so we'd like this thing off yes Oh wave egg here we go all right and hopefully maybe that's why the parkour wasn't working actually decoration oh my god there's a gargoyle stare at your face oh yeah my views are like extremely far away oh there's no way we can hit them in my speech yes all right I'm trying to get this with attention hello sir all right I've an idea why don't I just try to light up again anyways all right we've no agenda all right so this is gonna be a lot of balls flying around I don't think it was ever said that before oh I'm saving you oh all right look at them they're actually in like the casket while they're attacking like jumping all over you oh you've almost got these ones down okay we need to concentrate on the air now - I just deflected one it was a perfect shot yeah you get that dude there's a couple more in the air there's whatever you try to shoot a fireball at him oh I can get this one I think he's down to low okay I got it alright I'm coming over I'm gonna deck you I kind of wish there was a death count in this one so we fell in parkour like a million times I think you died so deflect the fire point - oh my god this guy fireballs coming out from the sky are you a full help yes alright okay I'm gonna do it here we go wait there's like a scene going on Oh always yours alright I'm putting up my shield I'm putting down the totem oh my god it looks amazing is a giant Pharaoh alright this guy is just like giving me a bear hug I'm like like he probably has a lot of help alright okay I did the focus thing so then everything is frozen in place I'm gonna try to get some of those like seven headed minions down oh no I found a hole Jen is so happy right now let me get all the dudes around you that are attacking okay I'm Kelly Todd's a bum all right Oh got this yeah let me throw it on the Huron of all the rocks okay the guys around him are almost dead I wonder what his health is a bomb so you read the legendary weapon so we should go down really quick okay got the dude please and don't summon in anyone else no more babies okay I've got the boss focus all right frozen in place let me get the fireball let me get it for the video for you guys let me somebody get it back on there okay there we go okay let's do this and see if it works oh yeah there's all blocks going down I can't go in alright watch my screen look at this so we're going on like a roller coaster through oh my god the wall broke oh it just teleported me somewhere oh um I don't think you teleport about the perfect time the unseen forces by tomax I can see inside your brain and you see a lot don't ya absolutely nothing all right so do it looks like the map is over because like this special screen is in front of our faces I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our You Tube channel that would be amazing also leave a comment down below right down here where my feet are pointing to oh yes you have don't you worry about that doesn't that remind you the glitch from the first map oh but yeah guys hope you enjoyed the video I have an epic day I'll be replying to a bunch of you guys and we'll see you next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 3,233,796
Rating: 4.8488975 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, defense, mobs, sword, weapon, armor, item, magic, pyramid, parkour, minecraft traps, redstone, command, block, lava parkour, puzzle map, custom map, parkour map, modded mini-game, lucky, lucky swords, lucky block
Id: iwu8j5LtyRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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