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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today i've woken up to a very unusual scene i figured out that someone has gone ahead and planted three different types of gravestones and it seems like every single one leads to a very unusual place but i have to figure out first why they're all here but where's my zombie family as soon as i woke up i noticed none of them were here i hope these gravestones don't belong to them well let's go see what they've given us today and hopefully this book should explain everything hello naveed your family has been buried underground against their will you must save them before the evil monsters of the underground world destroy them each trapdoor has one family member inside but it seems like this is page one of two on the second page it says this week's shout out belongs to penny smith as well as kr brothers i think that's really awesome if you guys want to get a shout out as well all you gotta do is go ahead and press the join button down below and don't forget to subscribe i think you'll be perfect because you'll never miss another video ever again well let's go figure out where our friendly zombies are and hopefully one of these trapdoors should explain everything i'm gonna head down this quartz one first and let's go and do this hello anyone here i'm a little bit scared that this could lead to some dangerous items so we're jumping on barbed wire which i've never done before which leads to a very unusual place okay let's go and stop this it seems like that these skeletons are very scary we're gonna stop this no they've killed us okay we can't let that happen for the second time so what i'm gonna do is pretty much hope they've gone ahead and given us some wonderful weapons as well as some armors okay let's have a quick look perfect they've done it for us so i'm gonna go in and take out this full full iron outfit and let's go and do this i'm a little bit scared that these monsters might be a little bit stronger than the normal ones i wonder why they've trapped our family underground so let's keep on going let's jump over these barbed wires and let's kill off all of these evil skeletons hopefully i should be able to do one or two at a time keep going yes i think it's working and it seems like they're going ahead and dropping for us some very unusual arrows let's keep going and yes we've done it but let's make sure we don't touch this spider's nest which is looking super scary as well as all of these change in the sky okay let's be super careful hello anyone here wow what's that okay it seems like someone has gone ahead and hanged a zombie as well as loads of different types of villagers oh it's the skeletons okay let's keep doing this i really hope our zombie family isn't trapped in here as well here we go some more skeletons and perfect i think so far we're doing a great job mark where are you one of these zombies has to definitely be my car friendly zombie so let's go finish these guys off and let's go and do this oh there's one more skeleton and i think i've just found mark let's keep on doing this there we go and awesome yes we've done it mark i hope you're okay my friendly zombie let me go and break this and hopefully we should be able to get you out in no time yes there we go mark you're free but i have a feeling all of these zombies in here are sadly dead i don't think any of them are going to survive mark let's get out of here my friend zombie i have a feeling in the other trapdoors there's going to be more zombies of ours so let's get out of here hopefully markup and zombies should know their way out let's keep on going and perfect and let's head up to the next gravestone and let's go and stop this madness now i'm gonna put all these items that i won't be using inside this chairs but i do probably want to keep this very unusual gibbet so i'm gonna put this right in the middle whoever's done this to our friendly zombies is gonna end up right here well let's head inside the next trapdoor and let's go and do this this one is a slightly darker blue color but what's going on oh all of these doors leads to a very unusual place okay let's keep on going and let's go see where it takes us hello anyone here ah baby zombie okay let's run through and let's go and save him okay let's break this and let's get him out of this give it we have to go ahead and stop this baby zombie needs to be saved well all i've got to do now is go ahead and break every single one of these spikes and he should be able to get through the doors himself baby zombie don't you worry i'm gonna go ahead and make sure you rejoin with marco funny zombie that's one and let's go and stop the rest i can't believe someone would actually go ahead and put a baby zombie in this madness there we go and for the final one i think we've almost done it yes perfect okay let's get out of here baby zombie i'm gonna make for you a straight path keep going i'm perfect okay he should be able to get out of that one well all we gotta do now is go ahead and jump inside the last trapdoor and i have a feeling someone else from our family should be right inside wait is that bedrock i wonder where all this lava sound was coming from and wait they've got our girlfriend okay let's jump on and let's go and do this now we're burning alive this is awful okay for a second i thought we were gonna make it but sadly we didn't thankfully though we should be able to head straight back and go and stop this i'm a little bit scared that pretty much getting through that parkour is just gonna be a huge disaster well let's head down and i'm guessing whatever we do we'll never be able to get rid of all of this bedrock keep going and perfect and just be super careful how are we going to jump on this chest oh they've given us a book that says to release your girlfriend from the chains you must use all the tnts in your world you have two minutes to do this challenge wait so they want us to go ahead take out all of these tnts and blow them up if we don't do it in the next two minutes they'll probably drop her in the lava and she will sadly die okay let's get out of it and let's go and start using some of these tnts so for the flatter tnt i'm gonna head straight out of this village i need to get out of here so none of our houses pretty much get destroyed i'm gonna do it a fair distance away because if it destroys our neighborhood it's gonna end everything okay let's quickly do this we've only got two minutes to go ahead and do five tnts okay i think i'm ready right around here should be perfect here we go and let's run it's gonna flatten everything let's have a quick look did it work oh i think it's working all the flowers are disappearing oh there we go it worked oh the great news is as well it didn't go anywhere near our village that is perfect but it seems like it's flattened almost this whole area do you know what this is a great spot to go ahead and do the lava tnt hopefully we aren't taking too much time let's back off and let's go see what's gonna happen yes it worked watching our wolf is gonna be a pretty crazy day and we also have a tnt times five so we've pretty much done three tnt so far which i think is great perfect what where did that come from oh we're falling inside lava this is actually awful i didn't realize how bad we were i'm pretty much keeping track of everything well i'm gonna go and do the next one which is the fiery tnt which goes along with the whole lava scene very nicely let's watch out there we go everything is nicely burning well i do gotta go ahead and do the last one which is the physics tnt which pretty much looks like a giant explosion of all lava oh now it's consuming all of us what's going on watch out guys it's doing everything that we could easily do to destroy our whole world how are we gonna get out of here i wonder what's gonna happen when it actually finally explodes oh there we go i think it worked but somehow we still seem to be stuck um can we get out oh there we go i think we've done it but our whole world has slightly been changed something has definitely gone wrong whoa that's super cool but sadly it did go ahead and kill so many of our wonderful animals well guys hopefully the challenge is completed if our girlfriend is still alive it means we've gone ahead and done it but if she's not then sadly it means she died okay let's go and do this i am gonna check in all the items i shouldn't need anymore and let's head down here hopefully everything should be back to normal girlfriend where are you let's go and see if she's still there yes she is okay this is perfect but i've just realized she's not gonna be able to jump out of here so what i need to do is head up and go ahead and get out some brand new blocks hopefully that tnt gave us some items we can use okay we've got a couple dirt let me just go ahead and get some more dirt i need to create a perfect path because i don't think my girlfriend enjoys jumping so she's pretty much stuck down there until we open up a wonderful path okay let's do this i think about 10 blocks should be all right if we need more we could always just get some more okay let's head down let's go make sure everything's okay and perfect so we should do a blog there so that should be good there we go do we have enough yes i think we do that is perfect and the final one goes right here come on girlfriends let's get out of here hopefully now everything should be back to normal let's go and have a quick look so our girlfriend should be waiting inside our house for us yes she is here and then baby zombie should be inside his house so let's go and double check yes he's there and then the final person that was inside the gravestone should be markup for the zombie and he should definitely be waiting right inside his house yep there he is guys we've done it now all we got to do is go ahead and cover up these gravestones because i never want to use them ever again they are so scary well guys i will see you soon at the crazy minecraft video and don't forget to like this video subscribe down below buttons red and don't forget to go ahead and press notifications bell so guys i'll see you soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 516,086
Rating: 4.8564677 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gravestone, dead, alive, death, underground, house, mod, mods, minecraft gravestone, gravestone minecraft, minecraft gravestone mod, gravestone mod, gravestone mod minecraft, minecraft grave, grave, grave minecraft, minecraft dead, dead minecraft, minecraft alive, alive minecraft, minecraft death, death minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, minecraft house mod, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft underground house, mc naveed, beckbrojack, preston, unspeakable
Id: e08JZ9i_9tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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