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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today marco funny zombie has gone ahead and sent us to this awesome village where apparently these villagers need our help it seems like two brand new towers have gone ahead and appeared one full of creepers and one full of ender dragons so guys let's go figure out what we're doing today and hopefully it involves us going inside these towers and destroying whatever's inside oh they've given us a chest perfect so the book is says hello naveed please help us some of our villagers are trapped inside of these mob towers if you don't get them out soon they will be killed by dangerous creatures wait are you trying to say that right at the top there's villages inside those houses okay let's go and do this i'm gonna go and put this book back and i'm gonna enter the creeper towel first gosh this looks so scary i'm a little bit scared that this could easily blow up and the whole village could be destroyed along with us well right inside i've noticed that there is blood scattered everywhere and instantly when some sort of labyrinth oh a chest they've gone ahead and given us an iron sword as well as a four iron set but instead of the iron helmet they've gone ahead and given us some sort of zombie head here we go nope we're meant to go and put it on let's go and do this i think all we got to do is right click and there we go oh this is the worst labyrinth ever well let's keep on going and let's go figure out where it's going to take us upstairs we go to the next level and let's go and see what's here oh it's a zombie villager i wonder what he wants i'm pretty certain whatever he's looking for should be right inside this chest oh there's loads of food wait a second guys i figured it out we have to see what this villager wants to eat and then allow us to go ahead and go to the next level okay i'm gonna take out every single food and let's go and feed him we should be able to figure out what he likes by the sound he's making let's go ahead and give him some flesh nope he didn't like that let's go and try some garden salad no he's hating everything so far how about a hamburger yes he loved that one okay i think i figured it out he wants really yummy food for example the oreo cookie yep he loved that one as well and let's go and try the sausage it's a little bit of an unusual sound but we have three more to go and try that could be really yummy let's gonna do the sugary doughnut as well as let's do the ice cream sandwich yes he's allowing us to pass thankfully we didn't have to kill him okay up to the next level which involves doing some parkour on some zombie stairs okay let's go and try this out i'm pretty certain we have to go ahead and jump in these very unusual blocks with each one having a very unusual ability let's keep going and perfect making sure we don't fall down to the lower level good yes we're doing it this is a lot easier than i expected okay making it across up to the zombie stairs and wait there's loads of zombies okay we have no choice but to go ahead and kill them off here we go no okay let's keep going and let's make sure we don't allow any of these zombies to finish us off first thankfully we do have a decent amount of food so maybe we should head down and stop them from getting close to us okay let's eat up by eating the pumpkin stew and good and let's go make our way up these zombies are a lot more powerful than i expected okay let's do this yes okay only two left good keep going no they're gonna kill us ah this is awful well let's make our way back and let's go figure out what we can do villagers don't you guys worry i'm still on this mission sadly i have died quite a few times but i do think we should be able to do it because we should be about halfway through up this tower looking from the outside is definitely a lot bigger than i expected but i do think now that we know where we're going we should easily be able to do this so up to this level i'm perfect and we're ready fed the villager and then up this very easy parkour which we should be able to do very nicely now keep going and perfect up to the next one and there we go so let's just make sure we're ready to actually go up to these zombies perfect and there we go and let's just charge i'm pretty certain these zombies should be on very low health there we go and perfect on to the next level wait is that bedrock okay this is kind of scary wait a second oh it's full of lava and i've just noticed they want us to go ahead and do this parkour and pretty much if we fall down we'll hit bedrock or go inside the lava so guys let's be super careful and let's be very cautious with where we jump perfect no oh okay thankfully we didn't go inside the lava but hitting the bedrock head-on is pretty dangerous as well here we go and perfect on to the next one and good have we done it here we go and good and perfect huh that was super scary but i'm pretty excited that so far none of these creeper heads have pretty much blown up so let's make it up and we've done it yes this is perfect so this is where the villager is actually staying there's tvs inside every corner as well as a chest with an iron pickaxe as well as from flint and steel and the wrath of zeus wait what is the villager inside the prison villager what are you doing in there don't you worry i'll go ahead and help you out hopefully now you should be free and make your way down to the village well guys we've done it the first tower is now complete we do have to make it though inside the ender dragon tower it's gonna be a little bit scarier but i'm pretty sure we should be able to do this well we were given the wrath of zeus which i'm gonna do down below so guys let's do this let's make our way down to the bottom and hopefully we should be able to blow it all up you guys ready i'm gonna go ahead and use it right inside this labyrinth and we have to get out as fast as we can so let's put it right there and here we go run quickly let's get out it's going to be crazy okay it didn't seem to do much to the tower but it did crash our whole world but i do think now everything is burning inside which is not so bad for us well hopefully by the time we do this next tower everything should be pretty much burning in there well inside this ender dragon one they've gone ahead and given us a new set of armor which i don't think i'll need for now but i guess if we are ready let's go ahead and do this wait is that an enderman okay and it wants us to go down below and pretty much get to this ladder no stay away from wenderman for some reason i've just realized the ender dragon blogs aren't allowing this enderman to go ahead and teleport away so when we try and kill him he's pretty much stuck there well let's do this villagers i've saved one of the villagers so hopefully you guys should be super happy that we've gone ahead and done it but moving on to the next tower now hopefully it should be a little bit easier i'm a little bit scared that possibly there could be an ender dragon right on top so let's keep on going and let's go and survive this diva monster die he's a little bit harder to go ahead and kill and perfect well now that we've gone ahead and done that let's make our way to the next level and hopefully should be so scary wait it's a creeper he's in the wrong tower but it seems like they've gone ahead and given us another chest oh full of food of course i have a feeling we have to go ahead and use these new foods to figure out if this creeper likes them and once he's pretty much full up we could go ahead and maybe make it to the next level well let's do this let's try the sweet food again does he like it i don't think he does no he definitely doesn't how about a tomato ah wait i think i figured it out so he will go ahead and eat everything healthy like strawberry a little bit of cheese and nothing else seems too healthy in here how about the potato bread oh he likes us as well well let's take out everything healthy and hopefully we should be good i only have these two left hopefully you'll like them yes we've done it i think it's allowing us now to go ahead and make it to the next level that was pretty easy well let's gonna have a quick look to see what this next level is which seems to be some basic parkour well let's go and do this i think the hardest thing is is that we think there are steps but then they lead us to a brand new location so hopefully we should be able to go ahead and do this without dying perfect and good we've done it now to figure out what's inside this next location oh there's another enzyme and he kind of blends in with what's going on around us but i don't think we should be able to kill him now i have a feeling he maybe wants us to teleport around but i can't seem to figure it out but this trampoline might lead us to the next floor and it does okay let's keep on going this seems to be pretty simple we need to go ahead keep on jumping and once we have the height we can reach the level thank you enderman you are awesome so it wants us to go ahead and just follow the ladder to the next floor so let's go and do this and hopefully we don't fall off keep going and perfect and yes we've done it that is awesome and once again there's a poor creeper inside the prison and it's giving us a diamond pickaxe as well as a flint and steel with a chunk buster tnt so guys let's free this poor villager and let's go and use the chunk buster to pretty much destroy these two towers i don't want any more villagers pretty much roaming around and getting stuck in here villager you're now free but it seems like his house is very similar to the other one and it seems like the door is pretty much hidden well guys let's make our way down and let's go and blow up this place you guys ready i'm gonna go ahead and use the chunk buster right on top over here so i put it right there and let's blow it up and let's get out of here run it's gonna be pretty awful okay there it goes it's destroyed almost everything that is so cool but the worst thing is now is that we've gone ahead and destroyed both of the towers but sadly we've made a new obstacle for the villagers whenever they walk down this path they'll just fall down to nothing it's so bad well guys i think we've pretty much done it even though we've caused a brand new problem but i'm pretty excited that we have been able to go inside the brand new towers villages it's been so awesome and you know what i want to give you guys some brand new food which i think they're going to love very much there we go try all these new foods and i'm pretty certain you will like them so much well guys i will see you soon at the crazy minecraft video and don't forget to like this video subscribe down below button is red and don't forget to post notifications bell so guys i'll see you all soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 598,191
Rating: 4.7192121 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tallest, house, houses, creeper, ender, dragon, mod, mods, minecraft tallest house, tallest house, tallest house minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, minecraft house mod, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft creeper, creeper minecraft, minecraft dragon, dragon minecraft, minecraft creeper mod, creeper mod, creeper mod minecraft, minecraft dragon mod, dragon mod, dragon mod minecraft, minecraft mod, mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, beckbrojack
Id: BQ7ksDjkqDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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