Minecraft Dinosaurs! || 292 || Tylosaurus

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[Music] [Applause] hello people it's poet and we're back in the dinosaur world as you can clearly see by the giant skeletons of analysis or anyway I know what you're here for I know what you're here for you don't have to tell me it's been what a week it's been a while I wanted to do this episode a lot sooner but I just got distracted with other projects of the things I got the time shot time shot UHC got the UHC going so that's taking up a bit of my time and also posting episodes of terrorist or with me code and Jake which are really fun to watch episodes if you like seeing a group of three guys screaming like little girls that's what you watch it's so funny but anyway been doing those kinds of series and it's taken me away from this one for just a few days and then I gotta get back to it I got to get back so I got back I got back we're here in the Dinosaur World and you guys want the results you guys want to know what dinosaur did we pick to make in this world next now you guys voted so good I mean the within minutes of me posting that episode where I was like leave a comment and tell me what kind of dinosaur I should make you guys were amazing Wow bad zombie hello you guys were so amazing with coming up what we got a hotel guest I got to go check and see how he's doing look at these guys they just want to know him oh hello hotel patron how are you doing today are the amenities to your liking I see that you have the deluxe room with the nice red carpet and television and fridge and all that kind of stuff so you enjoying your stay you join the dinosaurs yeah okay well I won't disturb you any longer you have a good day sir anyway you guys you left comments you left comments telling me mr. mocking cow well that's not what you guys told me how you doing mr. mocking cow mocking Esmeralda today hmm yeah you guys told me what dinosaur I should pick and I got comments like crazy within the first few minutes even it was just like comments that come as it comes tell me tell me which one to pick and I didn't really add it up to well I just kind of watched the comments for a while and was like okay which one am I getting the most and I think I probably already spoiled it you guys you probably saw you probably saw what I was up to the one that one the one that one that's a weird sentence the one that one wo n is the tylosaurus so worried to those of you who were vying for the parasol office I think was the other one or the Velociraptor whoa do you see that Oh saw that the glass is like shimmering that's weird and we story of you guys those were two close ones as well people wanting them and I gotta say I was surprised that tieless or the tylosaurus got as many as it did but it really did like so many people were wanting it people were even sending me like emails and things on Twitter and be like Titus are Esper know it so I kind of had to so I built that little enclosure and I'll show you guys before I go and get the eggs and stuff also I'll show you what it's like so here it is I extended the poop oops I think I got a little bit of a water glitch over there I extended the park a little bit and this is how it all looks now yeah I'm gonna have to take dirt and fill that in I can do that I can do that even right now cuz I got dirt right there from all the dig and I did and to dig out this whole section here basically this was all dirt here you can see where I cut it off doesn't look the most attractive I might have to like that's the right word just grind that down a little bit I think take my shovel and just like sculpt this a little bit better maybe blend it in with this here make a pathway this way might be kind of nice maybe perhaps well dress like your nose this is non-chlorinated water I think so I'm okay with it won't burn my eyes is what I need to do driving there we go that looks a little bit better looks a little better so there we go there we go there we go oops these aren't sorted at all ah I should you know what I'll just take all these back now and I'll even take where's my axe oh I don't know where's my axe why don't I have one I'll take all this back I'll put it in our nice sorted chests on our way to get the tile of source so you guys saw that it's a nice open aquarium area and it's making it look pretty cool down there how so I put stairs here does this look better a little bit better people telling me in the comments a lot don't build so much with the stone brick stone bricks look great but don't build with the stone bricks so much and I tend to kind of agree I just haven't see the problem is here's my big problem is that I don't go resource hunting for like wood and stuff enough and this this mod doesn't include like carpenter blocks or anything like that so what you see is basically what you get for what I can do with blocks and stuff I'm thinking maybe more spruce but then normally I don't want to get too carried away with spruce everything here's spruce colored in some way it's like a theme right and then the pathways are all stone brick but then you got this whole huge build a stone brick except for the spruce logs going up which I really like and that's why under in the aquarium I put spruce logs there too anyway let's let's sort these things here so just there are there there there I got dirty I got some sand I got a couple furnaces which I think going here yep and probably the crafting actually I'll keep the crafting table actually no I won't the chests probably goes in here oh the crafting tables are in there my bad there we go and the log goes here and then the bone now I got to explain like people saw that I had two bones and they were laughing at me but I meant to do it I really did I meant to and I'll explain why cuz these are the dinosaur vertebrae and stuff like all the dinosaurs stuff but I don't want them mixing in with the normal mob drops I mean I don't know there's just something about having unique dinosaur mob drops a little bit better than having these and the mob drops like the Dino steak and stuff were in here I think yeah lost Raptor meat got all this dodo cook Toto okay hey you'll notice that there is no sound coming from the old dodo pit anymore that is because they are now gone they will be missed but we've got so many Dodos on the other side of the park I also got this portal here I haven't been through this portal yet I made this portal just today and I don't want to use it yet because I'm scared about portals you know how I am so I'm not gonna use it yet but soon seeds on the ground okay this way tylosaurus so I got a few of them I'm gonna make two just in case something bad happens with the one we got another backup in fact look at all the ones that I got three of them more for the more so I can make quite a few I'm only gonna make two so of all of these I don't think very many people if any voted for Stegosaurus I don't remember seeing Stegosaurus like at all a few people saying Velociraptor couple saying Gallimimus a lot saying Parasaurolophus a lot of them but apparently Parasaurolophus also has a problem in this mod I don't know if they fixed it yet or not where it guys if you make it and it just takes some damage and damaging damaging what are you doing no apparently Parasaurolophus takes damage like as soon as you plant one down you you hatch the egg it starts taking damage and it's it's kind of bad so I wish I could have had that one but it wasn't any close to the tieless or I don't think Tyler Sora got the votes by far I think and what else oh yeah a few for hips alot for Dawn and things like that but mostly people saying tylosaurus and that's what it's gonna be Peyer Terrace or space doesn't have enough space to grow okay cows hanging out all right jump the river and here we are now oh wait I didn't cultivate I didn't cultivate them what am i doing well at least we have a portal could you imagine if I didn't have those portals now and I had to like walk all the way there and back and I forgot to cultivate it that would be bad that would be so bad I'd have to make a cut in the video but I won't because we can just zip through these portals now this is the room I wanted to be in I worked on the roof did I show you guys this before yeah I think I did oh yeah that's why people were like you've build too much with number cuz this whole build is stone brick essentially except the outside I'm gonna show you guys outside to it you just slam the door on my face here's the outside a little less stone brick but it's still definitely a lot of stone brick I understand I understand I try to maybe put a new material in here somehow some way when I get some that's the thing is I need the materials but I don't have any still don't have a terror bird in there I should really put one in there anyway here we go and got all these cultivators ready yet not these last two but these first two they're ready they're ready for a dinosaur like it's ready to go so here it goes there's one and here's to oops there we go so there they are little guys cultivating now they don't take very long I don't even need to really be round there it would be kind of nice if they're probably working on it it would be kind of nice that it would like almost like a toaster oven give a little ding when it's done or maybe if not like a toaster oven then kind of be like I don't know what what do you want what do you want mister paper man out of my face what do you want from me want my attention weird man these builders sometimes the reason I broke open the floor here because I was gonna just do this throw those seeds in there cuz I'm fed up with picking them up a trash can around here ok here the tiler sores are done oh look at the eggs are so cool the eggs look so much like like the fossils in archaeology eggs I don't know what that means kind of like a Moses or can we see a Moses or what does the Moses or you look like dinosaur is kind of a Moses or I don't have one their DNA for one yeah there's ok so there's a Moses or DNA and you can kind of see similar shapes on the egg and the DNA similar I can't wait to see what this looks like alright cuz they do have like these animations on the dinosaurs and stuff I think the guys name was like something hippo some people something that was the guy's name who made the animations and stuff it's so beautiful he didn't make that animation the animations for this mod but he gave them the ability bad bad bad look at this place is all dark cuz I just built it there there we go light it all up so that these guys don't give us a bad day Oh are you nervous I'm nervous I don't know what to do with I almost need a dyno pad as much as I hate those dyno pads cuz they break everything Italy Oh pleura Don it's kind of like almost on land there oh no he's not he's just in his little little cubby with the tree anyway I hope these guys don't jump like what if he jumped free willy style like over top of the well I hope not anyway I don't know what conditions I need to meet with this guy I hope just wet conditions so I'm gonna just throw him down here do any light of some kind do I need a glowstone I wonder mm-hmm do I still have a glow stone down there I do one of the chances that he gives me four ah gave me through uh don't scare me like that man sticks his head out let's see do is he stuck no he's not okay no he's not how has Imelda just got to run this way and grab some glowstone cuz I'm not very oh there's a nautilus underneath just go oh there it is gotcha here we go where's the glowstone chest oh there it is so put that in there and all I need is like one piece there we go okay now finally da da da drum roll please we will plant whatever you say plant them planting eggs what's the word for it when you put an egg down you plant them oh these little squiddy's here they probably don't want to be here for very much longer okay before I drown there we go okay tylosaurus egg and plant it down right here and hope for the best now I'm gonna get out of the water cuz I've learned my lesson I learned my lesson with the Leo plura Don where'd that dodo go by the way that Dodos around somewhere he didn't get eaten I know some people were thinking he got eaten but he didn't that's this guy right there how do you how did he get here how'd you get over here where'd you come from what it's nice and bright here under here maybe maybe right here maybe from up from up here Coop's made the noise of jumping but didn't jump no come on one more time one more time one more time rah rah rah there we go that's the proper jump noise now where it's not dark anywhere over here where did he come from just a random creeper oh maybe over here yeah it's a little bit dark there okay could I come from right there okay tell us or tell us or tell us or you tell I'm excited let's go see how long could it possibly take to hatch do you think it should have hatched by now I think so oh there it is is it going after it's going after the squid I think it's trying to look at this guy I don't want to get too close okay yeah go in f1 mode so we can see good and it'll let me take screenshots too there's a screenshot there's a good screenshot oh boy oh I'm drowning because I can't see that I'm drowning okay oh look at this yeah he actually ate the squid no I'm not a squid I'm not a squid I'm not a squid no no no no okay oh this guy's so cool I wonder how much he hits four do you love me are you not gonna eat me cuz I'm your best friend ever I'm like your mama fish look at his tail that's really cool oh he just saw the Liopleurodon he just saw what's that little guy I need a diving helmet here yeah who's that over there I made this window here because I wondered if they'd interact it looks kind of like they do well look at that he like follows me he's actually following me oops did he hit me or did I drown look at that he follows me around haha I like that you're a weird one little guy oh he tried to jump oh he tried to jump again he is a jumper isn't he ooh uh-oh no that could be bad that could be real bad because if he sees the Liopleurodon and wants to attack them and like jumps over okay does he eat Nautilus I wonder I'm gonna put a nautilus in there and see what happens what get me out of here oh look at that he's jumping again feisty oh he just sees me this guy's awesome he really is that was a great suggestion thanks to everybody who voted and wanted to see him in there it doesn't look like he's going after oh yeah he's going after the Nautilus there he goes chasing it around oh maybe not oh maybe not it's hard to say but what I'm gonna have to do now I got to get my stone bricks and we'll do that and that'll be the end of the episode should I put another one in there I wonder if they get along I wonder how big this guy kids I'm gonna put another one in here this might be crazy yeah get me out get me out she didn't care about me that time look at that they were like kissing okay I'm gonna put another one down in there I don't know if they'll attack each other kind of hesitant to put another one in there but I'm I might as well try that's how we learn that's science if there are two males then that might be territorial if it's a male and female maybe they'll get along I don't know if I had a Dino pad I'd be able to see kind of what what gender it is how big it might get it has more information but I don't want to make one of those Dino pads until like the mod updates or something that that is my plan there we go there we go that's all I really needed to do there now let's look at that oh my god the brutality did you see that I got it what is this oh it looks like a chunk of fish tieless or meat my god hahaha my god well I guess that answers the question these guys definitely didn't get along maybe it was male and male i I really couldn't tell I uh uh get me out get me out get me out I didn't mean to go in here I'm scared of going in here now he doesn't seem to want to attack me all the time though maybe after he's eaten like he just did maybe he's okay well let's go see what he looks like underneath here now this guy of course this tail sticking out the original mosasaur and then this guy right here look at him he's so cool oh he's coming to the glass maybe can he see me through the glass he kind of no he doesn't seem to he doesn't seem to care but that is so cool and with that thank you guys for watching I like this video comment below and do all those other awesome things that you people do we now have a tieless or tried to put two and it like Aidid alive so maybe male and male or female and female they didn't get along or maybe even male and female and they don't get along but hit eight the other one I got it's meat now haha so anyway okay let's see Esmeralda did you oh and and random cow Esmeralda did you know that that was gonna happen definitely you know I should I should ask you I should ask you next time we'll be seeing you next time in the dinosaur world bye-bye you
Channel: Poet Plays
Views: 1,724,430
Rating: 4.6452751 out of 5
Keywords: triassic, mammoths, jurassic, greatest, poet, dinosaurs, academy, let's play, tyrannosaurus, pre-historic, dodo, trex, paleontology, part, cretaceous, dino, fossils and archeology, t-rex, park, Dinosaur, archeology, mod, duncan, fossils and archaeology, play, archaeology, ancient, poetendo, velociraptor, prehistoric, dinos, fossil, poetplays, raptors, revival, minecraft, fossils, custom, minecraft dinosaurs, lp, ankylosaurus, stegosaurus, raptor, embryo, spinosaurus, prehistory, mobs, Deinonychus, gallimimus, feathers, jurassicraft
Id: xXPHrmbDm_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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