Minecraft: CLOUD IS STOLEN!!! - JEN'S CLOUD QUEST - Custom Map

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Captions Word Cloud
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's Pat and welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys so today news we are checking out a map called gems cloud quest looks so beautiful I think this might be the best map ever created so basically guys we are surrounded by hearts and Jen's face is staring at us from every direction I noticed that I'm not anywhere no maybe you're somewhere but why don't I have legs what what happened to him you've legs yeah it's even more beautiful if you have the resource pack on so dudes it is gonna be a beautiful old you be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down blue right down here where the hearts are coming from maybe my but I'm not oh wait she is oh and dudes Jen's shirt she's a brand-new shirt line available only for a few more days I'll have so pop up on the screen if you want to check them out there will be a link down below and also guys I will be replying to a bunch of comments cuz you appreciate your being support on the channel but we've got a lot of reading to do right now okay would you like me to start reading alright okay so we have rules and we have important information but alright I'll read the important information and you read the rules okay so - three pages long is it really your on a swap okay you take that one you think that way alright so I will start pretty pink info book this adventure map contains some important or random things that you will need to know there's some pancetta Easter eggs and references in this map some might even creepily follow you around hahaha wait what does that mean I'm absolutely no idea how does it a straight Falls around there's hidden rainbow diamonds and rubies around the map which are like points rainbow diamonds are points are big objectives while rubies are points for small objectives they're found in chess if you're super girly gamma clouds should be tamed to you oh I love that because he likes me better than you and that said all right obviously he loves me more I'm his father you often see Jess in areas with a sign that reads next objective grab a pen and paper because this is very important okay there's actually like a notepad next to me in a pencil grab and Danny prepared right now all right I've got what I need okay this madness see her messages you'll need to decode to help you finish the map that sounds really bad there's only one hidden translation book in this map so look carefully some things will be labeled with a secret message when you find messages write them down and look in the translation book and write down the translation you get if you're recording this map as a YouTube as a video for youtube I would suggest speeding up clips where you're translating messages so your video won't be too long hinge the translation book is in some water I'm right now okay we need to find water in the map and I finished reading my box okay pick those pretty pink rulebook - Jen if you're playing you must follow all these rules you - Pat one must play an adventure move you actually like frightened me a little bit so isn't expecting it I'm in Adventure 2 now okay okay - difficulty must be set to easy three no cheating both of you fuller all particles must be on and four again have fun or is that it that's it all right we got that down we have a couple more things of you this is PS don't try to look at the map with no resource pack it looks beautiful map ever she's like oh my god with the resource pack even better Jen's the cloud please click that side for a gift okay oh I got a flower would you like it no it doesn't fit my skin no it looks good I feel like it looks like I killed someone who took their flower please alright it says PS this is my first adventure map so if it's bad then that is why no movie I'm sure and look at all the upside-down hearts no this person made a bunch of really amazing find the bond map so I think it's actually gonna be really good you are amazing and I love you thank you so much I will even wear your head today okay good idea oh you sure really bad can you please put it back together wait look my body's gone wait you actually look really good I want to be a supportive husband and rock your t-shirt line oh that looks good on guys - fabulous this is how you would look as a male if you buy one alright okay is that like every oh wait there's another part no you're okay I got it alright says put my face on your face you look better oh so I look like I'm really like you doing like the teacher thing okay first of all what's that pose Jen's doing I don't know and I'm the one that made her do that second of all hey Padgett it's actually you if it's actually you reading this thanks for playing continue reading after making find the button map suits December September I decide it was time to switch it up and make a little adventure map for you to it others to play continue reading if you like I'm gonna like close out of this or something I've been watching your videos for almost three years now and I love them they're entertaining and funny and I look forward to seeing what you post everyday well almost everything out also when you play the map there is lots of dialogue and text and chat which is important to pay attention to I'm looking at you jack I'm so easily distracted by everything but thank you for playing this I hope you enjoy it and keep making great videos no need to take me pixel thank you anyways you're amazing can you actually put my face back though because it's kind of creeping me out that it's gone I look like someone beheaded me alright okay I will put it there and once again thank you to the Creator I will actually wear your face for now and store your question Carly feels so great to be back home I can't wait to see cloud all right you got you got it let's keep going let me just get Mikey all right ah wait am I saying the same thing again yes we take that a twice go inside and search for cloud look at your house yeah gorgeous we look at the flag out somewhere someone's like full of themselves a little bit wait oh oh we have a button oh okay okay so go inside and search for cloud there's a button oh so this is not a wooden door because it's like in a resource tanks actually an iron door okay oh look you have all your like candy style equipment on the side looks so cool here look at clouds house we got in there wait you guys don't room let's go in here maybe he's in here alright cloud Oh book is bad right there all this toys are gone maybe he took them out and left them all around the house oh wait there's a chest oh my god boo what is him yeah it's him as a baby wait why is my face on the wall that's like really creepy you know jen has her face like everywhere this map oh my god there you are again wait look at your shirt again oh the world is beautiful gorgeous alright see there's like a random man who is that Jen I don't know I'm a little bit jealous oh there's a basement right here okay so we can't open this oh because it's really an iron door right we have to find something that is there like an upstairs alright guys okay let's go up here all right maybe cloud is up here cloud look there I am again it's really weird way I love this heart-shaped door entrance wait a sec yeah oh my God look at my bed it's amazing where do I live I don't really know why I think you're I don't think you exist in this one bed alright better take these oh there's cool stuff Ross dad okay so let's take half the food okay I will take half it how about I think the bow and you take the pretty big sword okay okay pretty powerful big boo I will get these pinched apples and I think I edit out with too many pink keys so I'll put them down okay okay ready let's go Owen there's a shirt again look you have like little pigs here but I noticed something there's a chest right up here oh okay I really can't return something important in here okay I'm gonna jump I didn't make it wait this must be like something we really need right now all right so we have to hit this perfect I hate when they do this it Maps I could never get it yeah oh okay you're gonna get it all right no maybe it has to be all right I'm gonna I'm gonna jump and I'm gonna get it got it great okay okay so I got fire resisting force I'm not sure what it's for but I got a weighted pressure plate and it can be placed on white grey wall I wonder if that's for downstairs oh look there's cakes over here it's like the best map ever for you all right so we all had that was embarrassing don't work that way all right so we go down here I'm assuming that this is gonna have cloud in the basement wait no that's clouds room oh wait right here so we put it down right there okay I'm gonna talk let me try okay oh my god I do exist it's so creepy oh wait Jeb's gonna take over right now why come down here anyway he can stand up to open doors though like the time he saved us oh my god I remember that in the video received ah save me not us yeah but like save me he never came I'm really stopped all right here we go there's like a little mouse hole wait I'm like really walking into everything okay come over here I'm trying what's wrong with my body wait there's a door over here and there's a button I have losing control of my body okay we have to go down we have to find clouds I can't move you can't move it's this awful keyboard you bought man it's like moving me in random directions right now you just have to go through the trapdoor okay okay this button we are you okay I'm going I'm going out we have to leave okay how do we do you closed me in all right wait let me try okay so we open this there we go oh lucky block right there wait there's a there's a sign over here dead if you are cloud you have to find him all right next objective okay so said there would be more objectives this is objective number one it says okay searching for clouds items someone has taken cloud only patent chen know what some of club's favorite things are bread in his mushroom toy with catnip search around for them oh okay oh yeah I remember you a little mushroom time you got for me and cloud loves bread so much there's like four videos of him eating bread how did you get out there I just jumped out so we're supposed to do oh I see the thing over here okay let me open that okay so do you think that we go this way now no we can't go wait how did you do that I just walk because I went the wrong way oh yeah it is that's the only way how do I go back you know you have to go down in the basement alright yeah you do that it oh it's Stacey tough this is Stacey place house oh wait no you see the donkey hold on I kind of just like entered your home right now she's in here Stacey doesn't appear to be here only her dog wink inner cat no squid oh s--- no photos milk and toes no milk no milk and toast no no Kay toast you might not get any help from that Jen you have to come outside no I'm in your house right now I wanna see I think I found something wait I found the bread you did okay so I'll stop snooping in her home all right so there's sandwich bread the dog he's holding it since he has your chest oh and I found something that you love to what we are you I'm right next see you want it what is it oh it's delicious chocolate bars oh that is not chocolate bars wait a sec yeah oh my god there's a chest under the water Chad you think this it must be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just have to angle your body correctly okay I'm trying there's all these stupid hearts in the way wait how do you get under like one of these is it possible wait this must be the thing that's in the water daughter yes sure they said something would be in the water the translation boy did you get it I got it a book of dilemmas it appears this translator is based on colors and shapes you might need to think about it carefully red equals diamonds orange oMG equals circle miss I'm nervous three vehicles heart blue equals weird simple thingy purple equals arrow it appears there's more to this translator it depicts 12 letters of the English alphabet and they're all a certain color you might need to think about this okay so maybe like these colors represent the numbers I mean the letters that are right here or something yeah yeah okay three-letter abbreviations for colors respond to one of the twelve letters in alphabet previously show it's a black alright key symbols given for each color responds to one of the twelve letters previously show an example weird symbol equals B which is blue and then blue is be there which might resemble number two this is the second letter on to something wait oh my god I'm a genius wait obsession we can't go through this door we need to find something there must be like a button somewhere in here oh yeah I'm looking around I see oh I see milky toes I see milky toasted wings all right so we need to find a button all right so I'm right next to the little doggy all right so you think we need a button to go through there yes I don't really see anything I just see like a bed you didn't like pick up anything right no I don't have anything all right wait let me double-check because I didn't actually try to go through it so if you go in here oh wait where I'm stuck we go back in Oh so we need something to put on this block right here come right here okay right right there yeah so that's the same block we have to put it right here yeah so we just need some kind of button they could be placed on this and it really has to be all right well maybe it's somewhere else in the map all right dudes we looked all over Spacey's house there is nothing else there I don't see any way to get in the back so we're gonna head over to Lizzie's house which is right over there all right let's go [Music] oh it even has a moat around it yeah but look there's like wings attached to her house which is like a fairy house all right so it has a moat so there might be something in the water so I'm going to quickly check it to see if there's anything over here okay I'm gonna wait for you before I break in I feel like I should have better manners oh we just actually met ldshadowlady - in real life so it might seem weird that we're about to break it all right knock that door down jack all right we'll see how this goes if this goes well we'll just go to London we'll do the same thing real life no let me just creepily look through the window okay no one tell let's go all right yeah get in here oh my god she's a lot of clothes she's like really organized whoo my gut she is every kind of armor all set up in a row and then she's got a rainbow ladder' color-coordinated wait so cool I found wood shears and coal but I don't think it actually has to do with anything okay so I'm just gonna like go through all these chests and see if there's anything important in them oh so maybe we'll get the thing we need to put on the wall - oh that don't work bond or something all right so yeah animal new mining treasures this is really really really organized all right so I'm thinking that makes it a little easier for us to see if we can find anything of use here you found anything no but my precious there's nothing in my precious nothing you would think that would be the one way you see a mushroom on the Maastricht oi wait how do we get it wait we try it oh I got it oh yes is it the kind of toys yes it is one of clouds favorites the whip catnip all right so we have the two items that we need but it looks like there's and like an up ladder to her house okay all right something up here let's go all right and then do we climb on the wings oh maybe is there a chest or something I want to know that I'm going the right way here there's no way to get on the wings um oh yeah you're right because there's all like blocks in the way so there's no way to actually get on those actually do up here all right so I did notice like in the distance there is stampy's house because there's like a huge cake that must be where we go next oh yeah let's go to stampy's house wait there's a well with a button oh maybe you should throw out a coin oh please yeah do we have a coin yeah it just gave me a woman I have five okay yeah wait oh my god that is so cool so when you throw it in it actually gives you poop so we really didn't need that oh yes all right stampy we are breaking into your house as well knocks the doors had no idea oh there he is okay cakes he's like these are the most fabulous cakes I've ever seen all right so they should make him talk anywhere open tonight I think I saw someone walk off with him but I haven't a clue you can have a look at my house outside of you tonight I don't know it's saying beautiful it was that perfect hello this is stop it I'm so bad at it I don't even like to do it oh this is high in pink alright see there's something here is it a cow I don't know is this important oops I put my coin on this so he said to go outside right yes the where did pink place Terracotta home phone is on the wall I don't know I just took it alright so check around the house to see if there's anything oh my god oh my god I fell for you this is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life oh there's one over here too oh is it a cake Pig yes oh my god it's beautiful amazing I killed it deceive you drop cake Diddy no oh wait there's just right here alright so we are going in the right direction objective number three I don't think we actually saw the one that said objective number two did we no all right so this one says who took clock even stampy is not sure about who took cloud should probably keep looking around that trail of red lucky blocks looks interesting oh there they are alright so I think that we just go this way and then we follow this right here okay and then it brings us to like that weird like castle thing alright so all we have to do is just follow the path is it really easy alright do you think evil gensoul cloud I feel like she's always the villain at this point oh my god it's awesome it's the moment from my Titanic roleplay this is all I get you're sure you're somewhere else too you're getting a face every five blocks alright so over here it says going this is getting like really creepy all right so it says he's here in here okay okay I feel like this is a trap sure that we should be going in this direction no but we have to find our baby okay alright so we go up here at least the ladders look not good what it's evil dad I knew it would be she's above our head next objective oh yeah alright oh there's a button to with oh no it's got the translator weird code oh wait maybe we just put it on the blue block that we found in Stacy's house oh you think why don't we just try that all right we get at least give that a go okay all right so objective number four Jed's evil counterpart has appeared she has not attacked though whether she's real or not you should probably get out of your clout isn't here anyway but here's a pink button it can only be placed on a single kind of block maybe you should go have a look around all right I think you're right I don't even think we have to translate yes I think we just figured it out I think so too I can't get down oh I see you're hurt no makes it hard go down the ladder all right I will race you back yeah okay to Stacy's house and then we're gonna completely own the map and we're gonna save cloud yes we don't even need that translator book all right wait let me eat some food my hungers get a Mike horribly horribly low wait wait I'm like winning right now so I don't want to stop all right okay okay yeah she is she's winning no no teleportation is not allowed Oh Oh looks like I'm winning way to go around the house oh no you have to go around Jen okay thank you all right we're almost to Stacey's house okay all right that's the blue one yes no it's the purple one it's s the word like right in front of my face all right so we go over here we don't see each house and then I gotta but it goes we're right here okay yeah it works yeah wait so what does this bring us no wait where am I going oh look there's a path Oh oh my god we figured it out I can't believe it yeah all right this is perfect so there's like a whole nother area over here for us oh my gosh there's a huge castle when I see your face on it you do wait look at my screen like really close oh yeah so it must be evil Jen space over here remember we didn't get weapons and stuff before anything all right wait let me like eat some food I'm kind of hungry all right so we have oh it looks horrible okay so it says circle or orange applies it okay plus green equals all right orange my sweet okay so I have here guys let me open up that translator book okay so or it okay so orange and green right wait if you mix those two two colors together wait I got this I got this orange plus green because there's like alphabet letters right yeah okay so green is three okay okay okay three plus four six seven three four seven is ten yeah why is orange three because it's the third one an ounce of note no orange is 700 orange of greenness three which equals ten so eight nine ten answer is yeah J blue blue it's blue it's the weird simple thing you know the door didn't open I was like really sure what is meso that I thought opens all right Jen just slam them okay until the door opens okay here we go was it three of them oh there's three now we got it over here it says the door appeared to be long maybe there's some kind of code some kind of easy code alright next objective right here Ruby okay objective number five right here and it says cloud appears to be in that white cage up there there's no way you'll just save him and leave them evil Jen must be in here find her in defeat her fight look Jen what clouds and the keys right over there okay we have to see them hello jack so I see you found out the combination to the door how do you even manage that um it wasn't as hard as you think it is the answer was also the red rhombus color would you like more than room rhombus yeah I guess that's true but anyway it doesn't matter you're prepared to say goodbye to Pat and clad forever not happening ever okay I'm coming back to fight you and I'm taking my savage cloud back this is the moment to save time even Jed is hiding out in her tower and now you must get to her or cloud will be a release into the lava oh no oh my god you should go Baba wait where is she okay so she's in the tower she's in the tower okay okay start to work um is this a door the door I'm freaking out right now is the door I opened a book after that lady please throw a blind for this oh no I don't see a button do you know is there more doors looking around okay we need to find a way okay forget to her we should like a way out here to get to her oh it's open no this isn't it this is it I thought it was open for a second you don't have a button by any chance do you no I do all right we can check the water possibly for a hole or something no weird hole oh we did yeah gets anything now like if you look over there but wait it's red stone but I think it was just for the door that we opened okay all right so there has to be something that we need to like open this up so maybe if we climb this yeah I was thinking crime the water all right and maybe we can even see evil Jeff maybe we get a save cloud from up here I'm climbing all the way to Izzie top cloud I'm gonna get your little buddy don't worry um I don't think so I don't I don't know how we get in we need something to open this okay all right let's just let's just think this through clearly I found a hidden chest all right so where are you Jim we were solving the puzzle before oh okay I thought you were in the other room over here okay so if you look over here okay have you stand like right there you can see that there's a chest in there all right okay so but we did you get already no I didn't get it I couldn't reach it okay so I need to get in there perfectly oh this is just a rainbow diamond this is an N Chad all right so we got some points but we have no way to actually open the door bud dudes there is one thing I noticed that is super important so right next to the door there is a piece of red wool which means we need something that is gonna go on this red wall right here and hopefully that will open it off yeah we need my compressor play wait fire resistant quartz I got this earlier oh I can put it down how does that help us know Oh to save him wait he won't fall into lava if you put that in there okay yeah okay this is brilliant okay yes I'm doing that all right but seriously I thought the may we be something underneath this there's nothing under there where is it I don't know all right dudes we looked around for awhile and we noticed that there is a opening right here in the water on the opposite side and there's a chest oh boy let's do this evil Jenny get cloud back all right okay so it says on it it can be placed on Red Bull we put down there mmm here we go all right all right wait for you it's kind of shut in my face all right so we go up this rainbow ladder over here I don't know if we go up or if we go this way maybe this way oh oh yeah okay all right so she should be somewhere around so keep your eyes peeled okay keep going up all right what if we go through here oh wait no we can't do that all right nobody's chapped door is not let's go through the door she's here he's here come quick I'm coming oh my gosh she hurts so much oh I'm sure her I killed her oh my god she dropped it button what do we do now it's his place on an iron block in survival mode gamer zero okay where's there an iron block I don't know let's go down oh wait if we jump through here it was supposed to be jumping through something right now wait we'll split up and we'll see him who can actually find where we need to put this first okay there's nowhere to go from here all right so we can't go up here this doors knocks or I'm going down oh this locked always there like an ayah block next to it no but there is like a weird wood block all right wait I'm coming to you okay you see right there wait that does look weird yeah but it said an iron didn't it okay why don't you just try it's maybe it was like a typo no but I'm in survival mode so I can place it anywhere okay so it actually has to be an iron block for me to do this alright so we know it's around here somewhere please evil Jen why do you have to make this place look awful I'm gonna go back down alright yeah I'll go down here with you there's nothing here don't white cloud why there's so many doors this place is so confusing alright don't worry I will have you saved in like 15 minutes don't you worry um yeah we're totally out the same door should we just try this one maybe this happened maybe these oh my god this is high ball yes oh wait wait so look if you use it right here there's cloud yeah okay good thing you tried back because we would have been going on and on for like hours looking for that iron block and look wait she's hit I'm gonna scare me yeah it is no it's not it says cloud says push my nose what did you think it was sweet now it's cloud what do you mean who did you think it was you have any imagination alright he ate a big snack after okay okay I didn't even get to use any of my pink apples I'm a neat one right now alright so you save cloud did you like my first adventure map if you did thank you Padgett if you played I hope you enjoyed play after making find the button Maps for months I wanted to try something new and this was it this map was in the works for about three and a half months if you have feedback or suggestions feel free to contact me on Twitter pixel skies YouTube my birthday just passed and July 3rd so this is my gift to you thank you and happy late birthday happy birthday usually you don't give other people gifts for your birthday but seriously thank you so much this is our gift to you us play your map so apparently oh these are like find the button Mouse fighting evil Jen actually I'm like petting cloudy feeder fish I'm like this is a cute little kitty cat but dudes hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be absolutely amazing also leave a comment down below I'll be replying to a bunch you guys - we appreciate your amazing support thank you so much for watching and we'll see you dudes next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 3,768,782
Rating: 4.8586855 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, saving cloud, evil jen, quest, jen's cloud quest, ldshadowlady, stacyplays, cake, stampylondhead, youtubers, youtubers houses, castle, structures, code, puzzle map, custom map, items, sword, weapon, armor, lava
Id: o0D0cO6pv8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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