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I've got a question for you what is below bedrock can't actually break it so how do you know what's below it it just so happened to call it the void is basically space you can't breathe and it continues for war balloon we have literally made the worst minecraft mod ever every step we take the void literally follows us and if we then touch the void we die oh this is the worst mod ever now if you think that this is the worst Mott ever as well to make sure you look alike in this video okay that's right guys don't move fine don't get up that block Josh don't do it oh boy the void wait that sounds friendly yummy I dork okay hang on did Josh just die I definitely died wait wait wait how did I I'm I I went in the void jelly wait you jumped in 100 I'm on the edge I'm on the edge Creina stay back what is this guys in front of crane at okay let's get this is gonna get real good isn't it okay hey oh no you're fun port we have to get die bats void again guys this morning in the boy you got your safe okay wait how do I break that blog put a block down okay guys look what I found come over here over here hey wait can you wait it's it's a I think nothing nothing all right well you just tried to kill me again what is all gonna be today listen I already say the goal is to the diamonds Josh is gonna be annoying wait okay so if you click you're safe yeah yeah we can break things yeah you can you don't need to be I'm sorry touch mod I think the chicken seems to be fine in the voice guys I'm in an endless loop again I was trying to say some crazy poor chord that we have to do how about we get away from your stock getting storm water 200 that way I went this way how many coffee oh oh you're hitting me into nothing no Ike I'm not going in the void I don't do ways that don't here okay all right listen we need to get some stone because that's the next big eggs that we have to meet two items disappear into the void no no it's only okay how are we gonna get anything done [Laughter] get in the mine again I don't know I think we gotta find a different one guys wait this will work guys but we just just dig into the mine oh this is gonna are you serious yeah like a stone just hit me into my own voice yeah that's no oh my okay you know I'm not going in there we gotta do something say you want to know what smart I wasn't supposed to go in the boy - right in here guys I'm cool as well don't okay coca-cola call and get the side you try and block it in okay let's try and be small Stan yeah Josh when have we ever been smart that's a good turn it against me pick out now I just need to make a crafting table and then we can get ones getting some cold guys a phone are you already found some hey I'm a cool guy look at me we lost yet don't worry remember I am really popular that's never happened in jelly's life remember you guys you guys literally called me dumb I'm not sharing this where are you guys oh hey right no we've got some boys falling into the void so easy all right you're doing the same thing guys you are doing the shoveling work alright that's okay I'm shoveling jelly's poop right now why are we going through a tiny cave and now I have to I don't know because this guy's just dig straight down and do it I think so yeah as long as we stay on the block it's fine we're never gonna do anything in this video wait wait wait I found the boy something guys we how does cleanup find avoid me mine so you should probably come down here okay mommy yeah and my chefs cannot be dead ends that way cuz this way is not let's go dad yes I did guys we are literally at bedrock height wait can we break through bedrock probably I'm just gonna need two good diamonds exactly if he doesn't really matter my trail wait Josh go I'm trying to keep my trail straight I am guys to adjust oh man oh really easy thanks Josh quite what underground fortress it's impossible oh look at this that's true this is actually easy diamonds all you but skeleton give me the skeleton like our worst it'll kill you I just keep dying and it's not good think you can get in the water safely right hey hey don't you say that about my buck continue this guy's just literally diamonds kitty guys she's literally diamonds right in front of me and I was struck in spider way mine right where my diamonds jump down oh no will I go one diamond okay and now I'm in the voice ah time we gotta say before you the diamond didn't avoid Josh yeah yeah I lost it why are we playing this game I am now stuck in the void forever and ever and ever click over here if you want to watch another video please click now because I'm gonna go I'm hungry and I want I want to eat yeah you know that's what humans do so Peck
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,686,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, void, void follow, mod, minecraft mod, funny, jelly, minecraft funny moments, new minecraft mods, MINECRAFT But VOID Follows EVERYWHERE YOU GO
Id: 71Vx9iJlY2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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