Minecraft, but the entire world is Lucky Block Walls..

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in this video we play a lucky block wall the game is simple you have 20 minutes to open as many lucky blocks as you can and then the walls will drop and you have to fight to be the last man standing if you do enjoy lucky block content and you would love to see more lucky block walls be sure to click that subscribe button and if you want to see more lucky block walls on the channel be sure to click that like button let's aim for 35 000 likes on this one and click that like button with me in three two one and if you clicked with me you're gonna have a very lucky day today enjoy the video welcome to the first of many hopefully lucky block walls because we got grazer we got em and we got nikolai nikola is that you you look a bit like a chick today you ten what nick i'll just kill him all right you ready three two one good luck see ya have fun i died three two one go go go here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome to the lucky block walls as you saw in that uh slightly cringy awkward intro me and my friends are gonna be playing some lucky block walls today for you guys entertainment and right over here we have the chest of dreams that is full to the brim with lucky blocks and ate the lucky blocks and everything of it so did i take all of it i probably shouldn't take all them that's probably not a good idea let's just start with the basics we'll take a stack of each and let's go let's just get going we've got a bunch of lucky blocks around the place as well okay okay okay okay not the greatest way to start let's open up and ate the lucky block what is this huh what is this hello and somebody please tell me what this is i have no idea what this is supposed to be here we go another eighth the lucky block okay we got sheep now i figured we play with okay okay you can actually wear these i figured we'd play with a uh a modded lucky block that we've never played before oh no it's a supercharged creeper okay so there's gonna be a bunch of things that we don't understand like this little black tornado thing that will suck you up into the air and spit you out and uh yeah obviously oh my word we have the regular lucky blocks rip headphone users in the comment section i'm dead unless no way no way hold on the ice ring actually just saved our lives but wait okay we're actually stuck down here because i don't have anything to get us out so hopefully this is tnt to put us out of our misery it was cnt to put us out by missouri we need to get ourselves a crafting bench we're going to craft up a little bit of uh you know diamond armor and tools and stuff so we can go smash some more lucky blocks and on our island or at least on our side there's some uh yeah there's some secrets around the place we should probably go check some of those out let's put on this chest plate you know just go check it out it's down here it's right down here you know how i know about this secret because i built the map okay let's go into the cave we go ignoring all of these lucky blocks and ignoring ignoring the skeleton with the power bow please please not like this not like this it's always the skeletons okay taking out the mobs taking out the mobs taking out the mobs we have a mob spawner and there's more mobs okay there of course there's bumps it's a mob spawner well why are you surprised i don't know why i'm surprised let's break that and oh saved saved no way that was a last second clutch okay i really uh i really thought i was gonna die right that hello diamonds diamonds oh what is that a gummy sweat thank you very much i don't actually know what that does but it gave us regeneration oh we got it is that a lucky bow it's just a hero's bow okay let's keep breaking we got some diamonds yo we got some diamonds hello hello hello hello protection three thorns three i'm in i am all in on these leggings thank you very much all right let's keep smashing these oh that's a giant that's a giant's feet let's tickle his toes i'll tickle his toes really quickly get him off my island oh and that's a giant slime why is everything gonna be giant oh that's guardians i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead that's the giant okay so uh yeah we should probably avoid him unless unless maybe we could take him out eventually blessed lucky sword okay this looks pretty sick we're gonna put on the phoenix boots as well hopefully we can find out we got a cake we got a cake i don't know what it does but we got a cake let's put that on a yellow cape and speaking of capes my new luna cape is actually for sale on the luna website down in the link below you get the luna client you can wear my cape and it's a cool flex and also here's a free one if you redeem that code on the lunar store good luck okay let's open some more of these though oh another tornado yes oh okay that's actually really cool i want to be able to wait can we throw stuff into it oh we can wait okay no that's actually really cool i wish it was bigger oh okay it's still there i wish they stayed forever i really do i remember the last one left us too soon let's just place a bunch of lucky blocks as fast as we can and then we're gonna smash them as fast as we can let's see what happens okay okay let's keep smashing keep smashing out my ears smash all of these sharpness five 21 diamonds where did my diamonds go where did my diamonds go give me give me give me diamonds okay i really need diamonds right now if we can get that sharpness five sword that would be insane okay what we need like 24 diamonds oh the chest boys the chess boys are back oh no okay stay away wait wait cats please sit sit and sit okay we got an option right here we got one as lucky one is not i want you to go down in the comment section right now comment left or right and then i'm going to open them both and then edit your comment to say if you were correct or not you ready if you pick left you were correct if you picked right you were wrong you weren't really that wrong but you were hold on speaking of lucky before the creeper gets us oh okay tried to blow it up but he didn't succeed we've got a lightning knife okay hold on yep wait oh get lightning okay okay these are good these are very good we can spawn lightning on people oh hi creeper please stay away from me okay i'm half a heart i'm officially on half a heart uh okay do we want sentry boots or do we want phoenix boots i think the phoenix mob is kind of cooler in the aether mod if you guys know which is better please do let me know okay goodbye zombie get lucky sworded yeah i don't know how that didn't kill him please please okay we're safe and we're safe okay we have a shield of repulsion put that shield on we are fully kitted out right now okay we almost have a full inventory of aether gear and what is that okay it's another one of the what is this okay let's just eat some enchanted berries i don't even know what they do we got our last four oh an air whale oh that's so cool i love the air whales that is super cool yeah you guys need to give this guy a name in the comment section right now i want to call him aaron the air whale if you picked aaron you're pretty cool okay let's get some more ate the lucky blocks let's put on our zanite helmet uh we have a zany axe a xanax pickaxe okay we've got everything cool right now but a zanite sword we're not gonna need it i'm gonna throw it out aaron where are you going where are you going he's really leaving he's actually dipping yeah where are you going and he's gone and okay i know i said i built the map but uh yeah i don't remember what lucky blocks i placed i just kind of spammed lucky blocks everywhere and hoped that it would uh that it would turn out all right and okay every single one of them is unlucky fortunately we've got the lucky pendant that is turning everything into ice and obsidian that we don't actually need to worry about getting too unlucky i fell back back in the hole oh no oh yeah hey hey chill let's get out of the hole and blindness is gone slowness is gone you guys need to leave you need to leave you've been evicted from my side of the island you guys can go hang out next door at someone else's corner please leave me alone okay my island is a complete mess right now let's just smash everything wait i'm pretty sure a diamond pickaxe is better than this and i threw out my diamond pickaxe take the gold blocks though definitely need the gold blocks oh i have the shield of repulsion and if a skeleton shoots me it shoots itself okay this is my favorite item ever if you guys know my videos you know that i hate skeletons skeletons are my biggest enemy unfortunately now zombies are but with the shield of repulsion they can't touch me anymore let's just keep smashing lucky blocks free diamond block there's five minutes of collection phase remaining though hopefully we can get our fully geared out we probably want to get an enchantment table i think i had one earlier and i threw it out i wasn't even thinking about i i'm actually speechless i'm actually speechless this whole video everything that i've asked for i've got i mean let's just place that down right there kill this creeper really quickly it's like so this sword actually is kind of bad okay so we've got our enchantment table right there we're gonna leave it over there so it doesn't get broken let's go and break some more lucky blocks oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay there are so many cool weapons in the aether mod okay i don't know what it does but please just pick mad at me okay i thought that pig was coming to kill me for a second a valkyra cape now things are getting serious and we've got the obsidian helmet and boots let's go enchant those really quickly you're the valkyrie cape does it make me fly it makes me fly wait does it let me fly it doesn't let me fly let's just go feather falling one unbreaking one protection one okay okay okay that's pretty good let's throw these 100 luck potions and hopefully get some xp and we didn't get any xp okay there we go luck 100. i feel like i shouldn't use the blessed one anymore probably gonna regret throwing that out yeah let me get my other cape back is it still over here tape cape cape i don't know if i need it i don't really need it okay we've got like two minutes left uh let's just smash open a bunch more lucky blocks an agility cape that sounds much better for pvp don't know what that's gonna help me do maybe it's gonna help me like sprint faster or something we've got some more darts to fire we got some more rings i can just spam left click yeah okay this is sick this is gonna be such a oh i didn't mean to upset you i'm so sorry okay yeah we're gonna be pretty op during the pvp though i actually just maxed out look how cool we look and that is in fact time time time time time and here we go the lucky block walls are dropping three two one drop the walls here there we go okay here we go the walls are gone everyone has been released nicole i got what is that were you riding a cow it's riding a cow okay i'm going for the mid i'm going for the mid what what is that dude hold on that is not okay i'm going up nico relax hold on we're going up we're actually going up no no i'm falling and falling keep going crazy got some crazy good armor oh my i don't know what he just threw we're falling he got the top he got the top i'm going we got the bunny on our head though and that's all that this is so sick so glad i got the bunny let's just start throwing some shots up there at grazer make life a little bit difficult for him we hit him we hit him we knocked him down he's floating down okay he must have got something pretty good then hey bunny come back you're mine thank you for it get on my head get on my head thank you very much okay there's em there's em there's nika oh bunny what are you doing she just got trolled by the bunny come on come on come on oh what a shot we got him in mid-air that is insane nico nico you better run he's got lightning knives okay i'm gonna break some lucky block oh that's bad that's bad that's very bad okay i'm just gonna start firing can you stop i'm supposed to be fighting my friends not you skeleton okay come on we've got golden darts i'm just gonna stop firing off darts here we go hit grazer he's got a crazy bow come on get darted get darted i don't know it doesn't do any damage nico nico you better run you better run you better run we've got him in the lava he's officially lavand okay we'll leave him to die in the lava okay he got out of it you're gonna get lucky boat in that case my friend this could be a very long fight hopefully it's not too long i'm gonna start taking them out right now here we go i don't know what it is that i've got but i can just run up blocks huh how are you doing that i gotta try and shoot him out of the sky again got him god i'm gonna got him okay i've activated a shrinking border to make everyone get closer to the middle m's got the cloud staff m back it up back it up back it up she's got the crazy op armor as well here we go niko it's time to die it is officially time for you to die you can't just escape me like that niko i'm on your other side now here we go okay i don't want to be dealing with the big chest boy big chest boy you got to leave me alone grace is invisible he's officially invisible i don't know how he's done it let's hit him with the hammer it actually just sent him flying here we go the border is officially as close as it's gonna get and ate the portal oh my god we can go to the aether we can actually escape no no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah okay no no no no we shouldn't we shouldn't we shouldn't no one will ever find me in there into the earth here we go i'm just gonna tell everyone to go into the aether oh my god okay the rest of the fight is gonna be in the aether apparently let's up the world border here we go the final fight in the aether i don't know how this is happening and yo aaron is back aaron is officially back and she hit the shot oh she's here she hit the shot she actually hit the shot okay we gotta land in water we have to land in water otherwise we will actually die here we go i'm gonna end nico's day right god okay and then we go again and nico's officially dead okay nikolai is the first person to die grazer does have the most op armor so that's a thing here we go m oh no no no no no okay this is where the video ends m is dead in three two one she's gonna die she's gonna die and then we're both blown up by a creeper no way we take the dub let's land in the lava and officially die oh my we won by creeper explosion in the aether this was crazy if you guys did enjoy this be sure to click that like button and let me know if you want to see more lucky block walls this was a ton of fun and we can do it with any lucky blocks possible smash that subscribe button if we can reach 2 million subscribers by summer that would be absolutely insane and don't forget my lunar client cloak is now available on the lunar client store that's hard for me to say and yeah this was a blast i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 723,354
Rating: 4.957901 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but the entire world is lucky block walls, minecraft but the entire world is lucky blocks, minecraft uhc but the entire world is lucky blocks, minecraft lucky block walls, minecraft lucky blocks mod, minecraft lucky blocks, minecraft, lucky blocks, minecraft but, minecraft but the entire world, lucky block, minecraft lucky block mod, minecraft lucky block, minecraft but lucky blocks, minecraft but lucky block
Id: pKR0tnyUaVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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