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today we're playing minecraft but every time we move we get faster and faster but first we have to turn on the mod together that's right you have to click the like button when I say go three do what go congratulations now let's play do not move not touching anything I got my hands very bad dude no wait what about our mouse can we move our mouse you think oh this I don't know we can move our mouse so every time we walk we go faster but we need diamonds pretty much you said exactly what we need to do how do we do that and everything look we don't know how quickly this increase off okay no we don't know yet it might not be that bad right guys go to the tree who wants to be the first one to try out the trees there's a whole forest here guys why don't we get jelly jelly look at that one oh so perfectly ready to be cut is that gonna be enough wood for all of us wait he might be right Josh maybe a lot more clever to go that way exactly boys how about we go to one tree each people which tree I left left okay I'm just gonna go good luck guys all right be very careful I don't feel too okay I think I'm speeding up no this is like quite a bit just then but it's a tree be careful yeah try to just stand underneath the tree guys so you don't have rotten take it off I don't really not gonna move now I'm not it a good spy I'm gonna be honest I mean I all right I got an idea guys meet at me I got the workbench I'm in the middle of you guys just meet at me okay yes just give me a second I got a lot of wood to cover here okay I'm going fast already Craner yeah yeah sorry don't move too much and jelly just get over here okay you don't need all that wood bro the trees wait wait wait Creina crane are coming I'm coming Street what do you make you're moving around for the arena moving me piggy the people have to come to the middle Craner I'm going to make a pickaxe I'm not wasting it he stopped moving me I'll make a sword I got em boys no no don't waste the word jelly we gotta get back up spending I got him just me so sorry now he has to walk in again jelly jelly you are a jerk bro or myself a stone for us alright I also have wasted so much I'm sorry okay today okay you have to walk to a different tree jelly that's a waste at least I'm not moving around okay wait wait kill somebody throw me down the workbench yeah you can do it no I didn't pick it up jelly that was literally come on okay okay Oh jelly we need to work together here you had one job down cleaner hey Craner you need to come out anyway to be of us a cobblestone yeah but I was thinking maybe I could just oh my goodness guys taking weight loss hurry up hurry up just come on I can't just come on up again then oh my goodness you look fine you show us how fast you're first no then I'm okay whoa this sprint speed while walking normally right now very bad cobblestone give me the cobblestone yeah me too okay okay jeez can you guys be more demanding of me right now there you go okay so you get three Josh and then you can throw the rest to me there we go here we go you you you pass it on to jelly so yeah good job Josh thanks guys that was great I'm gonna go into the mine myself now oh and a sword I just I am guys no matter coal right I don't think we're gonna find much oh I found Hawaiian there's no way we're gonna find it he's the luckiest guy alive there is so much iron alright okay I could just get it oh and bring it out alright but we need a furnace we need coal guys come on oh you own it oh I feel like I'm going real fast already there might be a small way to do this guys if we just dig straight down the movement speed right oh don't go straight down No straight up an audience that's against the Minecraft rules Craner yes I have you have to be a bad boy sometimes you have to live life on your own okay well you guys do that I'm gonna go outside and build the furnace or I'm going for it I found coal I got it boys hey are you kidding me lost we have really lucky it's a baby really greater your only down there oh this guy come on crater we need the coal hurry I'm getting us much coal as I can because we don't know if we can get down here again okay don't yell at me he's gone I mean we have to go even deeper alright guys I think I got enough coal okay come on out put it in the furnace quick crater you're so fast I'm sorry I blacked out for a second okay it's in it's in it's in okay this is what we'll need to get diamonds if we can so that's good couch is perfect oh I'm a good teammate guys I'm good okay reach that and we don't get diamonds I guess we gotta find a cave kind yeah do you want to dig straight down that's always a bad idea wait yeah I know exactly how we can find a cave boys Wow no it's this way no no crater that's going to kill you I think if we just sort of go in one direction I know we'll get speed but eventually we should find something I'm gonna which direction do you want a goal Josh I don't I'm gonna make a shot the hill over the hill guys come on think about it you might be right this way okay alright on me guys I'm talking okay no jelly just count really fast oh my I'm Mike Amy so zoomed out as well careful guys we can get fall damage and that's going to kill us ridiculously fast I can't help it okay need to stop walking quick guys we have to find this cave okay oh man whoa swimming is fast okay Caves oh I'm going so fast this'll do all ravine Oh guys I almost fell in I almost fell in oh my jobs out here in the water right yeah some food guys Oh bring anything we could we're so quick we can watch as arrows yeah but jelly then we keep going faster yeah we keep going oh I'm so far so are we guys we are 44 yeah we've got a little bit further to go thanks for Josh only got two and a half hearts there oh I'm going to this is too much icon guys I hear way too many zombies around we need to go up a guy's okay trainer why did you have to suck so much at this I ran into you by accident cause of the speed to be honest Josh you always ruin things so it was probably you all right which we are action do you guys want to go and come over to me rock the snowy direction that's a bad idea come over they go oh my I'm so fast okay perfect oh this is not good this place just weak point I'm looking for it orders the cave there careful guys are you guys fighting ball I need more camp almost dead thanks joy it was the speed that pushed you in Karina relax okay almost murder water my friends did anyone manage to check for any chest inside in the houses cuz that's where some goodies I think I can even enter a door I'm trying I actually need to test test that is the chance for African doll bro I can't get in there's no chest here I can't get into buildings I'm in again boys okay we really need to find that diamond this one this village sucks and see yo I was ready to that thing I feel bad for it generate a lot of speed from doing that yeah really bad wait we could kill an iron golem oh yeah wooden sword though okay yeah you just go into me Oh run boys here as quick as well oh that was fun women then hit him brightest you'd land on him is not really working like that I'm trying to do this with a wooden sword that's probably cuz what point that was just mean Josh sorry I mean so what now that's cool Oh actually drop something yeah of course Josh had the clay no no no enough for someone else is fine alright whoever gets it first can grab it okay there you go whoa I'm actually getting way too fast guys we really need to find a mine super stuff max are like teleporting alright well with this newfound power I think it's time to head into the mine we are the females why not dig down guys thought that was the plan there's a creeper one here guys remember the creeper came out remember it's too fast for caves oh yeah it's going up but know this today nothing all right dick knocking get out back we've got to do it we got to do it come on what your other digging downs your most efficient Oh Mike take us out together it's the most I thought we died you guys are very thick okay come on it's easy all I gotta do is dig down we'll find a nice cave we're actually pretty fun dying with lava as well so meet zombie help wait run across holes like look at this job oh my god yes chilly maybe run and I might be diamond there boys let's go down oh okay okay eat bread okay a lot of brain up behind you holy ass Kelly did you just call it ask Ellie to help him up good okay okay oh stop pushing me I don't see any way anything hey there's nothing in this one okay let's keep moving okay we can find some more literally every time I click I just fly for Oh Akane let's go way too fast jelly can you stop getting long and I'm sorry actually teleporting there we go I fell down again oh hey I did say there was diode I mean Oh Josh Josh careful hopefully I think I fixed the issue then we fixed unless you all major dick down again guys I think so yeah oh wow I just won there was lava beneath the diamond that's illegal jelly can never win no I'm the greatest and fastest boy alive thanks for watching this video make sure you go to jelly sorter comm if you want to get some awesome merchandise and watch the next video by clicking right here you can do it click right here click right here I am going away
Channel: Jelly
Views: 12,360,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, run faster, game, games, gaming, mine craft, funny, minecraft run faster, speed mod, MINECRAFT But RUNNING Is 1000x FASTER, jelly, jelly minecraft, minecraft mods
Id: XninciZlH0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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