Minecraft, But Mining Gives Random Effects...

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and hopefully i can find some diamond wait a second that's a what that's so many diamonds hold on let's see here i'm gonna take wait hold on blindness saturation dolph resistance well for what that's right guys in the spicy video i had it coated so that literally every time you mine something in minecraft whether it be a tree or cobblestone grass uh literally anything you mind you get an effect now this this is a spicy video because there are some effects like uh instant death it's terrifying and uh you guys like the effects stuff so here we are i'm doing this challenge now and if you guys do go on to enjoy this video make sure you guys smash that like button hit subscribe because the fact that a large percentage you guys aren't even subscribed and it's free you guys can literally subscribe we're on our way to a million subs join the club let's get on to the video here we go a little bit nervous about this every time i do effect stuff i feel like i never have good luck but here we go here we go here we go don't give me a bad effect come on that just about sums up how this video is gonna go isn't it i accidentally swung and i hit grass and breaking grass gave me an effect i had instant health so my health was going up but now i don't so that's also kind of cool i should have been mining this wood the whole time also let's hope that doesn't happen anymore okay there we go get some health boost i get withering i could die to withering that's that's not good that's just not it i also got levitation again if this is how it's gonna be okay water okay oh actually i got hero the village how long does that one last about to run out already rip okay uh maybe one more just one more and then and then we're leaving on visibility yo check me out i'm a floating block check me out baby definitely gonna commit to desert here in hopes of finding a desert temple or maybe even a oh gosh wait so if i break that oh my gosh i get nausea are you i'm in the desert and i get nausea i oh my gosh it's so bad resistance three rise of paul's resistance three got some stone right there got another cave over there uh there's another cave literally right here i might as well just go to that oh actually i just want stone is that like too much to ask for so here let's just work on getting some stone real quick since we got a giant pile of it right here i got to be careful though of getting this stone naturally not trying to die here i need to make sure i got if i get levitation i have something above my head fire resistance and then what was that you're the village we're looking good and then instant health i'm going to keep mining while i have instant health oh the nose underwater breathing feather falling some of it's stacking i noticed but yeah now i got poisoned too right night vision oh my gosh the nausea yeah that's a lot of effect uh some of it did stack though so we're okay nothing too crazy uh here i'm gonna need coal and i'm gonna need iron that's ruby there is iron and a scale okay i gotta take care of this man i ain't the one oh i was wait was i invisible for a little while is that why he wasn't mad got visibility again i don't know what effect i had it didn't make him mad but i like it oh no i got miners fatigue oh blindness love it flint is gonna be the death of me flint is gonna kill me i need more iron though i'm going into this cave and it's so scary is there more iron hello okay there's no more iron in here okay dude this feels like a horror movie minecraft but it's a horror movie wait i got haze oh now i got weathering great i do have regeneration though you know what while i have the haste i'll take advantage of it i got haste and i have uh oh my gosh the nausea's back you guys and i got miners fatigue oh look at all those effects oh my gosh okay okay we're chilling we're chilling we're telling we're telling ourselves it goes pretty far down there there is a little bit of gold down there got some iron literally right across the way i i'll probably commit to the iron what is that luck three is that like really good shouldn't i oh oh my dude look at this haste what is this bro i'm insane break my fall once i eventually fall dude and levitation runs out there we go and i got haste again and nausea and invisibility i'm a mega miner okay all right all right that is that is not that is not what i wanted i hate magic okay you heard it here first i hate magic how dare you now i have to run back and some of my stuff fell in the ravine but it'll be okay i'm sure it's all still there right okay back at the cave oh gosh where's my stuff no there was lava no stop it's just wood i should get the wood otherwise i i think all my stuff stayed up here right other than wood maybe we just leave the wood i'll come back for that later i underestimated how hard this would actually be okay we have nine iron though there's plenty um let me um why why why why are you oh it's also about to be nighttime though hold on hold on yeah with my dolphins grace i shall gracefully leave um i need sheep so let's see if there's sheepers wait is that see stone that might be lava it might be lava over there but let me prioritize getting some sheep also food in general i haven't had to eat this entire time because all the effects oh my gosh dude that dolphins grace is so op and it's gone didn't even have a chance to enjoy it get some wood don't ruin me don't ruin me minecraft okay got plenty of wood bam bam boom bow boom easy crazy chilling i need i need a little bit more wood naturally before we commit to leaving here ah ah it's scary the blindness is scary oh my gosh withering effect blindness the withering is kind of doing nothing though what is this haze it's insane it's only ace three but i feel like it's so p i need to cook up all this iron also this withering effect is kind of doing nothing i i'm not gonna complain one downside though is i do have to work on still getting flint okay let's see let's see it ah no flame uh uh uh uh i can't hit grass cannot hit grass don't do it oh don't do it i got luck dude give me grass or flint uh even with what luck three it's gone now oh there it is there it is oh my gosh dude i'm it's a effect overload right now it's effectively overloading that's me right now in my brain okay i'm gonna craft up another one of those throw the iron in that one uh in the meantime i shall get some more stone stones always valuable all right grab all this iron here and i'm gonna make a bucket pick up some water also make that flint and steel reel mick quick all right and then lastly make a shield beautifully done let's head out i have a feeling the likelihood of me dying in this nether is extraordinarily high possibly of the highest this better be a lava pool okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right it's looking good okay like to try to get some of the stone back because i don't really have much for blocks right now there better be gold i totally forgot about gold there better be gold in there oh my gosh bro what is happening to me right now am i okay is this it there's a withering effect and that's gonna be a little bit worried usually poison's not bad i can't i don't even know where i'm going oh oh my gosh i'm calling it right there i ain't i'm not even gonna bother with uh mining anymore i'm tired of it i'm tired of mining i need to go in the nether i'm sure i'll find gold there it'll be okay i'm low on food already gotta love it i was like is it gonna do that thing where it doesn't load me in and then i hop out and then i hop back in then it loads me in but then there'll be two portals on the other side just watch what okay so no no two port got a fort got a bastion too but it's kind of a dooky bastion and it's very far from that but it kind of no chance dude i get the worst spawn but i see everything i need let me see here i'm going to whip up uh some slaps all right i've played skyblock plenty of times to know how to how to stretch the resources as long as the gas doesn't spawn we should be somewhat fine i hope hold on just to break my fall a little bit because i got a massive brain hello soul sand gravel uh doesn't land on soul sand okay moving on here uh okay give me this gold please don't kill me for the love of god don't kill me please don't do it this isn't it chat come on come on nope nope i'm dead i'm dead i'm gonna die how long it gets the highest point highest point highest point i'm dead hundred percent oh oh there's more gold right there at least i'm gonna build up to that then i'm gonna place that block uh i got bad luck i think that affects my drop rates on this and we're just gonna wait and just like that bad luck's gone but we got bad omen instead oh my gosh dude so many effects all right now let's whip up some ingots and boots just like that and don't kill me okay we should be chilling now i could hop into the bastion with ease i actually think this might be bridges which is an amazing bastion this one oh yeah that's what i'm talking about this is it this is it chief this is what i'm looking for the effects i'm gonna take here are definitely worth it these are worth it in every possible way right now except for that one not like this why did i have to get killed by magic right there how am i oh baby i'm triggered okay okay okay okay oh my gosh and now i gotta i don't think i'm gonna be able to survive this one here we go yeah he's too fast he's too fast on the soul sand i gotta keep it moving keep moving keep moving i can make it oh no how am i gonna get up this okay okay okay okay okay let's think let's think here we go so soil soil since it's the easiest i can't i can't just do that i can't oh it lagged okay i was like can i not just get soul soiled with my hands of course i get poison give me regen i have regen oh my gosh i get to float as far as i can like so i got some blocks i also got the soul soil over there bro i need to hurry up before my stuff despawns here we go grab this oh we got plenty we got plenty i could get up this fine now please don't do this to me game don't do this now i gotta get past the piglens that's the next hurdle here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go no no piglens over here we're chilling it's free it's free real estate baby i love free real estate yes all right okay stress gone we're fine i don't know why everyone was so stressed out to begin with it didn't make any sense to me i got luck resistance glowing feather falling weakness oh [Music] i think we have enough gold no that's plenty this is plenty i don't need to get the rest as bad as i want to i do not okay maybe one more all right we're chilling yeah that's why i figured you're gonna come on over here i'll give you that relax all right guy oh you gave me obsidian okay and then now all i need to do is come over here to this uh crowd of beautiful people and then all i gotta do really is ah gosh i need to kind of create a hole here or they will get stuck guaranteed oh there it is that's it that's it everyone get in there we go pearls right up gate that's what i'm talking about getting a whole lot of trash here boys not a fan come on baby we got 12. give me more keep them coming oh my gosh two people dropped pearls at the same time that was so pog i think one of them was like a seven drop two oh my gosh i actually could just leave right now this is amazing holy crap dude i am dream i am dream insane you guys are you guys are you guys are amazing i think i could go through here blindness okay not bad a little bit scared not gonna lie not gonna lie i'm a little bit scared there's gold behind there too yeah this whole bastion is just buried and i i just don't want to deal with it i just don't feel like dealing with this we're also in a soul stand by him worst case scenario i guess i could just fight some skellies later and get arrows that way so at least i didn't waste too much time on to the fortress as long as i don't break any more blocks we'll be okay all right fortress should be up over this way yup there it is there it is baby oh my gosh this looks amazing this is actually freebie now please i hope every time i say that it doesn't really go my way so i also have fire res so we're looking uh pretty good right oh there's one right here got fire res got my shield ow out here meleeing me bro relax well toxic oh i put out the fire and it counted as mining oh that ain't it yeah we ain't doing that no more yeah they could they could they can light everything up i don't care i don't care i'll just continue to use fire resist oh my gosh i just i placed these two blocks and i don't want those there because now it's spawns are gonna slow down maybe we go this way then we go to the other spawner we start fresh my fire res about to run out that's okay we got another all right guys how's it going come on come on that's a one and that's a two guys drops i need them as i'm sure most of you know i need these drops already up to three baby it's looking not that great i've actually slain a lot of blazes now drops aren't as good as i was hoping all right and we're chilling we got eight actually heck yeah baby that's what i'm talking about we also do only have one steak though so not too great uh however we're leaving the fortress i could actually just outright leave the chest i'm not gonna say no okay easiest way down easiest way down probably just a pearl i'm being real here bam easy now i'm gonna try to find a lot of skellies here let's try to get as many arrows as i can it should be free i'm gonna have to call it there because i'm getting dangerously low on food right now back over zoom zoom zoom boom boom boom into the portal we go please don't be nighttime oh ah what was that oh my god hey skelly's more arrows why not uh uh a pearl r please let's go let's go let's go let's go i should just try to sleep right there hold on i got uh i need some of this okay i need a little crafting table bam place that down boom boom okay we got a bed okay all right now it's free why is there a bee over here well in the desert it's even a beehive nearby what are you doing yeah i don't have anything to make a new tool um i need stone also i i really need food this is bad why are they not burning game oh yeah here we go get some of that chick-fil-a oh my gosh i was literally about to say i need to not hit grass brass is gonna ruin me with these chickens okay wait what was that what did i get saturation i could sprint again oh my gosh that's amazing that is that is oh my gosh dude full hunger bar right away that's perfect literally what i needed okay all right let's throw an ender eye yay we're going that way i still need an axe though i already forgot about that let me get some stone there was a cave literally right here and there's plenty of food nearby too so getting some stone yeah it's your fast now i'm not mining at all because i got nighter's fatigue oh then we're getting pork chops for the rest of our lives i love pork chops yes i do i love pork chops how about you plenty of food now cook these bad boys up real quick like so a little bit low on wood i should get some that is terrifying i've never looked up with blindness hello why does the sun look so ominous and now we just cook up then we go slay that dragoon and now we're off to go slay a dragoon honestly i have so many pearls i need a pearl travel i need to start eating these things i really do ah it's scary though okay there we go keep going oh at like a pretty good distance i would say one more pearl i'm in the water then give it another toss right here all right look here game i appreciate the vacation i've been needing one are you serious are you serious i'm not i'm not breaking that leaf i'm scared of the effects i'm about to get right now i'm scared i don't feel like breaking a leaf right now there we go and then we just yay all the way down oh please be in the ocean please just tell me you got that easy access i would love that oh my gosh would i love that let's see we're still going oh no it's going to the land though please don't just do me one flavor minecraft all right boat up head out honestly this might be a short-lived boat trip oh no we got ocean on the other side baby that's what i'm talking about give me an exposed portal room right now in a stronghold you will not minecraft you won't do it my fear is that i have to mine down to a stronghold that is my biggest fear right now really really don't want to deal with that all right let's give it another toss oh we're still going we're still going okay that one break all right finally we broke an eye wait a second hold up yeah no this is it this is a beautiful baby that's what i'm talking about let me swim right into it tell me there's an open doorway it doesn't even have to be the portal room just give me an open door i don't want to have to mine into you yes just hold on before we commit to this before we overly commit to this and i swim in there i'm being safe okay i'm playing with smart doing it for you guys i need to make a bed just the exact amount of wood and since i had the exact amount of wood i'm going to go to sleep because i have the exact amount of wood now i'm also going to go get some extra wood because i'm going to need to make another bed saturation 2. ah oh gosh oh blindness okay nope that's plenty of wood that's plenty i'll take it i'm going to swim right into this bad boy real quick come on hopefully the portal room's not that far hopefully it's really not going to be that far gosh i hope so um the staircase down this is going underground technically zamboni's got here for that silver fish baby gotta listen for the silver fish my gosh dude there's so many mobs already i'm terrified okay going deeper no shot no chance come on lex relax my guy oh it locked it lagged alive like flagging i'm scared yeah oh my god let me get rid of the spawner but that's mining don't kill me don't okay kill me wait okay how many eyeballs one i'll take it of course i'm gonna commit to making another bed here ain't dying plane is safe baby now my next hope is the fact that they'll be uh i could just pearl right onto the mainland and i don't to deal with digging up let's find out oh wait a second wait a second i could work with this i could work with this then we could do that and then boom just like that baby okay okay maybe maybe it's not i need i need to play it safe though just in case dude because what if like i fall off and i gotta come back in here oh my gosh dude this is so scary ugh soul speed is terrifying to do this with also we out here now we're connected to the mainland uh it's gonna purl over time to bust down all these healers i got enough arrows for him as long as i i don't have potato in ah which i never do look at this i just don't miss shoots the easiest one out here come on dragon don't don't smack me down all right don't spike me into the into the stove i knew i knew you i knew i knew how did i knew i knew that's how i knew i just need two there we go and then this one okay like oh so okay last one baby last one oh i got five arrows done it's done okay that was a whiff um now it's done just like come on come on stop minecraft oh i'm insane i'm insane with an arrow to spare yeet it's free there's one more oh my gosh we're gonna have to go up here we're gonna block clutch okay like that uh like so water oh my god the dragon's coming for me dragon's coming for me please stop okay or we're chilling we're chilling okay oh my gosh that got me so nervous nerves were over 9 000. now all i need for you from you dragon is for you to uh uh please land um i would a parish actually gonna whip up an iron sword especially for you wait hold on let me get over here all right all right dragon it's time oh oh yeah baby ooh so much damage okay we're chilling oh please please stop moving no i can't i cannot i can't reach the head you stupid dragon i hate you so much there we go now your head's popped out and you're gone you know what just to be disrespectful oh you're coming down already huh i understand i truly do i i really do okay a little bit of damage there and oh my gosh i can't hit your head because you keep not sitting straight you need to sit straight on the stick on the on the perch on the pole and i can't i actually just can't hit you anywhere can't i here we go i hate this dragon this is my least favorite dragon i've ever fought oh you guys know that and we win though all we do is win baby not really we've lost some challenges but not this one guys comment down below if you guys want to see some more effects stuff i know you guys like this these i know you guys like watching the effects videos so comment down below if you guys would like to see some more of those most recent videos are popping up on screen go check them out if you guys haven't already and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 336,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraftbut, minecraftchallenge, wisp, tapl, acookiegod, minecraft but its random, minecraft effect, minecraft random effect, minecraft but effects, OP minecraft, minecraft OP, minecraft but, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardmode
Id: mQHKha0uQT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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