Minecraft But Every Item I Drop Multiplies!

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get some iron real quick actually dropped one four wait a second wait why is there multiple five ten oh my gosh dude it keeps going 20 i'm rich that's right guys every single time that i drop an item it just continues to multiply i now have the power of god this gold block in my hands jake put a put a gold block in my hand please this gold block in my hand i get to multiply it when i drop it and if you guys go on to enjoy this video make sure you guys smash the like button hit subscribe because we're on our way to a million subscribers let's get into it so i guess first things first we just got to get some wood right like it's casual it's normal minecraft it's just totally normal but in reality i only need one because then i get two interesting spicy oh now let me drop those and i got four oh my gosh dude why is minecraft so easy bro i don't even gotta mind anything check me out bro i'm just flexing ye pick it all up beautiful just how satisfying it is oh wait dude i can just drop the planks i ain't gonna do the long oh we got wood for the rest of the game baby that's what i'm talking about um because i already have a lot of wood i might as well head into the desert uh hopefully find a lava pool i feel like this could be a mildly fast video i would say okay or we can go to this village over here that works as well oh wait i could get iron iron golem bro big brain and then i could be able to just multiply the multiply the yeah that's right but there's also gravel right here let me grab some of that let me get some of that make them sticks wait drop those sticks sticks for the rest of the game just like that oh it's too free if i could get like a single flint i mean like that'd be pretty pog thank you okay it only took you know 18 blocks life's just so good okay here let's go let's go to this village and then we'll clap the iron golem as well oh wait but there's stone here oh man brick okay here i'll just yeah i'll do this i'll do this how about this we do this we do that we do that you get one piece of stone and then i just i'll i'll just keep dropping it okay i'll just keep dropping it instead of mining new stone there we go there we go beautiful and and all right there's the stack baby that's what i'm talking about easy that's a huge desert too it goes all the way over there like wraps around it's kind of impressive oh weird dolphin come here help me help mamas i just want to swim are you ignoring me thank you took you long enough i already practically swam all the way across oh we get some food real quick get some food here i'll get a couple so then i can just drop the the few at a time and multiply even faster so now we're thinking with our big brains we're not just multiplying one at a time that's 10 10 turns into 20 and then 20 turns into 40 and then that's about as high as i can so i'm going to stop there all right where's your iron golem guys i need him i got big nick what's up brother what's up want these hands i'll give them to you clapping those cheeks baby it's what i've been doing lately easy drop the flower not trying to multiply it but we got three iron three six cake nice trying to get enough iron so that i can just here i'll do this while i'm crafting i'll just keep dropping it now we got plenty of bread for the rest of the game nice here we go all right and just like that we also have all the iron we need kind of awesome i've never dude it's been forever since i've beaten minecraft with armor it's gonna feel so good bro i'm actually speedrun i'm speedrunning like a speed speed i am sanic hey where's some chess what do you guys got that i can multiply here the power of god i can just i can just give you guys food lots of it oh my gosh i actually can hold on i need some of that back okay and then there you go what you guys got for food huh anything look at that see they're celebrating the fact that they don't gotta starve anymore i mean it looks like they're they're doing pretty good on their own but yeah it's all me i did all that um maybe i go find a lava pool or in reality it's like i can't just pass up on the opportunity to get some diamonds right like come on also i hear lava right here okay why is it sunken in like this it looks so ugly i was like sitting there just crafting oh my gosh what splitting steel there we go um uh i'll take some pants i was gonna go get that block but honestly i don't even need it i mean yeah dude i mean that's sicko mode it's cake it's cake here and i got infinite gap i don't even need this bread anymore bro i'll just eat gapples for the rest of the game right i thought they just disappeared on me that was terrifying there we go 32 turns into 64. 64 turns into two stacks baby and then of course i got to do it with the gold too just think about it we're going to go into the nether with a stack of gold blocks before i even get in there oh my gosh oh my god i love multiplier this is amazing oh wait no i did that one too many times okay well i mean i'll take it i'll take all that gold i really want diamonds so bad though that's the thing but i don't want to like i don't want to go in a cave you know what i i can't pass up on this opportunity i i gotta get diamonds i have to i'm gonna i'll commit yeah this looks like a mine shaft kind of pog though not gonna lie because i might stop guys stop stop stop stop the diamonds that's all i want oh no oh no no no this isn't it this isn't it oh my god away from me and away from me that's why i said i didn't want to go in the cave oh my gosh okay all right maybe there's another route nope okay this is dead end but we are at y level 30. now screw it i'll dig straight down i hear lava oh great no this doesn't have to happen to me what level am i at 14 baby we're about to be at diamond level prime time diamond level come on just give me that sweet blue stuff that's all i want there's always diamonds inside of these caves baby okay maybe not this one i think i've just been jabbatted don't know if there's gonna be any uh but i will find some i swear okay i'm literally gonna give up if this i hear lava room right here if this lava room doesn't have any diamonds i'm i'm actually i'm just quitting i'm putting minecraft entirely want you guys to know that actually i could save this because i could portal in right here big brain i didn't even realize that until right now okay so obviously no diamonds about to give up on life but we do have the lava so we're all so high on life you ever seen someone make a portal like this with uh with some gold i know i'm pretty cool come on bucket glitch don't do it to me hello oh dude the bucket glitch is so scary oh it's so like why is it lagging right now it's terrifying we got plenty of gold we got gold on we're chilling all i gotta do is not die and it's free oh my gosh bro stop bro yeah that's right you better look away from me put your ugly face okay i'll i don't even need a bastion i literally just need a fortress right that's literally it um which it's not yeah it's it's not looking good i'll be honest it's not looking great portal might not have been the best but one one thing's for sure is i do got some piggies though i mean that oh i just dropped too much gold but i also just had the realization now now that i just realized it when i drop gold it multiplies so that's two stacks right there that's insane hey you coming come here come come over here come over here get over here in the hole with your friend okay hit the hole there you go you can have all that too why not beautiful beautiful all right and now we now we just play the waiting game the next melody oh i already got two wait two ew what what our nuggies yo i'm multiplying things right here i gotta be careful i gotta i gotta burn it all can't be leaving all that on the ground it'll start getting a little too laggy just dropping tons of stuff i just wish i had more pigs stop rubbing on me wait i just realized why am i even waiting here i don't even have to wait right here i can just drop technical difficulties maybe it doesn't seem that it's working in the nether um maybe we go back there's a fortress over there dude what in the pog champ i was gonna say we should go back in uh to the overworld and then you know just multiply all the things we need also fortress there it is i was going in the wrong direction okay okay i'm not crazy okay so it's just nether things now they're just ruining life as per usual gotta love it we get all these pearls i'm ever gonna need for the rest of the game i guess i'll just keep all that gold for the uh building blocks okay plenty of pearls shoot i mean i'll even multiply these fire rests why not bro i'll use them why not all right so now let's make our way over to this fortress i didn't even see that earlier i saw this bone block but i maybe just didn't render in yet stop stop stop it oh my gosh dude i just missed that lava yeah no i hear skelly's dude leave me alone okay i'm gonna purl down there casual it's free ow hurt my face then i'm gonna eat one up there oh no i barely made that oh my gosh all right i got fire rest though good thing because there's eight wait i only need one blaze rod i'll need one more should i get like one or two more like why is there so many mobs i feel like it's just it feels too easy i mean it is i love it then again if i get a lot right now then i get i get that then i get to do less drops so there i got like what three or i got four cake all right just because these guys aren't really doing anything to me i i forgot it uh doesn't multiply in the nether all right so we're gonna leave and then hit it with uh uh beautifully done oh pearl travel is so good god i love minecraft all right let's head back in and then yeah we're pretty much we're on to hunting down the the stronghold boom boom boom all right let's head back to the surface wait but i also can't forget can't forget here we go drop that beautifully done that's eight and that's 16 and then that's plenty proud of us we worked hard for all of those i want you guys to know that each and every one of you in the comments section hashtag proud oh no whatever shall i do i gotta get up there eat oh i thought i was gonna fall oh god get me out of here i'm scared oh oh fresh air all right show me thy way wait a second i'll just drop the eyeballs and then now we have infinite eyes i'm gonna craft up here actually i will craft up a bunch 40. all right well i guess i'll use the rest to uh do some pearl travel where are we going over yonder thank you for showing me the way wait a second i actually need string i want i want to make a bow i need to make a bow i got to do it guys let me just real quick i'll run down come right back up there's literally a ton of string waiting for me right here i just got to be careful dude yeah get away from me bro get step off okay quickly actually i'm going to whip up a sword swords are op and you get string faster that way so now i can casually just whip up a bow real quick just like so and then i could grab these arrows and do this just like so that's beautiful and then we got eight and then all of a sudden it's 16 and then boom it's like wow that's a lot and then boom it's a stack oh it just never gets old bro i love it oh wait it's our temple no all right just gotta make sure because you know there's a temple you know might call me some tnt the eye is pointing this way so here we go we're traveling so fast here's the lava pool that's what it came in handy earlier thanks minecraft toss this eyeball all right let's keep going i'm just i'm going to pick them up oh just kept falling down that mountain yeah i'm not even going to pick up the eyeball there's no point i can just drop more multiply you're like a village you taking me into the ocean eyeballs yes you are all right time to craft a boat let's hop onto it i don't know where we're going but let's just get into it and it was vibrant oh whoa my face came been bugging this whole time get out of you heading into a disgusting birch forest oh yeah no we yeah we are oh man i thought that was it but it's just a stupid drown thing oh i see a triton guy okay hold on i'll keep my distance calm down relax now ain't trying to mess with that guy where are you strong holy oh please come out oh we're going hard left back into the uh back into the board forest that borch that means it's gotta be like literally right here no way it's not right okay no we're we're gonna keep going oh god something about uh something about leaving those behind getting to me i'm just like i'm not supposed to do that everything in my brain right now is just like you're so dumb i'm supposed to leave those eyeballs behind we're going back now y'all i shall eat another one okay right here on this little little peninsula here that where it's at we're just keep just to make sure rapid firearm real quick i think we're good i think it's right here all right i'ma clap this dragoon he's gonna die real quick it's a boy there's no way i die now we have arrived at your destination oh my god stop bro stop relax okay yeah be about your business oh god he's back infested stone eh where's your portal room i know what's behind here there's fake walls huh you can't deceive me with your buttonless doors oh there's a button on this side there's a staircase into a staircase what the heck is this jabatinus actually what that's kind of sick like it was a staircase down into another secret staircase in which had the portal that was kind of cool all my many eyeballs in here like so yeah or maybe just in case just in case so you know i'll drop drop a tiny bit more just two more stacks all right let's get into it oh mrs dragoon missy is a dragoon it is time for you to perish that's the way these things sound i don't know why that like tone like that that rhythm is in my head right now comment down below what is that [Music] i have no idea what that that is oh my gosh dude he's american sniper he doesn't miss a single shot see that's what i'm telling wow bro you hurt me see i told you guys i don't me oh wow that would actually hit i didn't think that one was gonna hit i don't miss if i land this right now you guys have to subscribe okay all right jay cut that out i think there's only one more i want to say those are two come on come on stop oh easy claps bro easy clap us oh my gosh can you stop spitting can you accept your fate is literally just be here for me to conquer you i'm just going to continue to lob these arrows am i running low just in case why not get like four more stacks of those real quick so i can continue to just rapid fire these oh my gosh dragon you're flying too high now now you're just being cheap oh i still nailed it what even what is this what are you doing oh my gosh now you're gonna come down i was just supposed to start dropping beds now you come down oh my gosh yeah you're gonna take a while aren't you i might as well just pop some arrows off i said goodbye oh and you just fly away immediately i hate you twice the thing when you fly low like this you're just the easiest target ever all right never mind you actually just hit me too that dragon just chokes me out bro sort of broke my ankles right now oh you're coming back for some more huh dude you're gonna die right now yeah it's too free baby i mean i mean you know when you're taking advantage of uh a multiplier if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys comment down below let me know what do you guys want to see multiplied next but also if you guys are new here make sure you subscribe most recent videos are popping up on the screen i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 665,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraft multiplier, minecraft multiply, minecraft datapack, minecraft but, can you beat minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft funny moment, sminecraft, challenge, minecraft challenge, op minecraft, blessed minecraft
Id: k39faXFzF0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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