Minecraft but it's the Mayan Civilization

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I got to find a new job dude we can't just keep eating Ramen after I got fired from creeper core why don't you try that new business that just opened in town it looks like an Amazon delivery Warehouse or something that's actually a really good idea in fact I'm going to head down right now and put in an application let's go all right Isaac let's do this hey I see you guys are hiring I'd love to put in an application sure just fill this out and come back when you're finished all right man thank you here's the application all right thanks for turning in your application you're perfect when can you start when can I start I mean I guess I could start right now ooh great we'll send an airplane to your location ASAP feel free to take a friend with you as it might get lonely on the job okay thank you all right Isaac Let's uh go to the airplane pickup spot I guess I thought this was a local job all right fellas here are your parachutes you know how to use them right we'd land but it's too dangerous what yeah sorry dude what where are we um the Amazon didn't you read the job listing get ready to jump well Isaac when they said there was an Amazon job I didn't think they were actually sending us to the Amazon yeah me neither but you know what money is money and we got a job to do yeah so they gave us Isaac a little box of starting supplies uh which I'm not sure why they gave us a flare gun yeah you know what though we better shoot this off maybe we need to be rescued we should probably wait till night to shoot these flares off to be honest that's not very visible well Isaac uh the first thing I learned in Boy Scouts is we need to get food I see some coconuts over here oh Isaac look look look are these edible they are oh they're wild carrots Queen an's lace let's go get some carrots get a little melons or coconuts just get some food get some food I've scaled the tree I'm climbing it I'm getting these coconuts down look at these bad boys they look delectable oh that's nice okay there's zombies coming out dude watch out watch out watch out we we should be able to fight these off in the day oh there's alligators too dude what the heck or is that a crocodile I don't know the difference oh my gosh I got close to him I don't know okay we're getting swarmed there's a lot of zombies on this island I guess the jungle dude is dark underneath the canopy I just realized not only do we have to survive against all these zombies and here we also have to manage our food in water but luckily they gave us uh water purification in ook it says this is the dehydration handbook contains information about how to get fresh water and quench your thirst Bumbo bum boo pump can't get that campfire cauldron how do I make it copper cauldron shift click for recipe Isaac we need to get copper bars so we can make a copper cauldron and some iron let's go ahead and uh get working on that is that thing a do you think those alligator's aggressive do you think they'll attack us they are aggressive they're aggressive they're aggressive oh my gosh it's fast too you better get out of there listen let's go ahead and get a base set up over here where it's safe we can get just a quick mining set up here and by the way we need to go quick cuz the zombies are starting to move in Isaac protect me while I dig I don't have anything to fight with yet just keep them away from us so we can get a crafting table and some swords you want a sword yeah I want a sword dude these zombies are like next level they have like AI okay I should be able to fight things off now can we get water oh dude coconuts Bonk you oh I just heard that that was hilarious can we drink this oh you can drink this but I think it actually has a high chance of poisoning you okay we're actually kind of get overrun right now we need to shelter fast yeah we are I think what we need to do is kind of dig into the ground Zack and make ourselves a little Hollow area get in get in get in get in I got a wooden pickaxe and I'm going to start making some Stone here hey hey hey up here up here up here skeletons in skeletons in okay they're in our base mayday mayday mayday mayday mday you didn't close off the entrance I'm going to die get out get out I I'll tank I'm tank I I have no you better kill those I have no health no dude all right guys not only is it extremely difficult not only do we lose our items every single time we die but our island is completely overrun right now by like Amazonian monsters and there's more than normal because the Amazon's a dangerous place both of us barely made it back into the hole and started digging okay we're looking for copper it actually has a use for once yeah I'm going to join you down here guys it is unbelievably dangerous here and we haven't even started our job yet so let's go ahead and see if we can get some water and maybe actually survive here a little bit before we start to lose everything ISAC copper nice I think we need eight of them to make an actual cauldron we cannot go to the surface right now there are a thousand monsters up there it's absolutely crazy I'm not sure why we accepted this job in the first place it just doesn't seem like a good idea I should have stay working a creeper core honestly at the end of the day five furnes little bit Overkill I'll take it though okay wow we have plenty of copper we also need a little bit of iron as well I don't know about you guys but I just heard some noise that made it sound like daytime was happening so it's a little bit risky though to go check so I'm going to do this it's daytime I mean relatively safe I mean we are straight into the middle of the Amazon rainforest but at least I can get a little bit more wood so I can upgrade my tools got okay don't go that way to the right is dangerous to the left's dangerous this single tree right here though seems like it's it's going to be okay to break down oh hey yo wo whoo whoa whoo wo this one's wearing a suit oh but that's a previous employee all right really I'm just looking for actual food on the surface and I think I saw some berries yeah look at these These are growing down from the vines here I bet these are good oh look crocodile wo let's see how much we've smelted that is enough to make our very first copper cauldron now in order to make the rest of it if I look at the um survival guide book they gave us here it says that we need um sticks and a chain so all we need is a chain look at the jungle if you even peak in the Amazon rainforest you just die there's like a thousand monsters in there there's no way we're ever going to be able to penetrate that we're definitely going to have to go down the river I think so we have now a plethora of um copper cauldrons and so we'll be able to create these throughout time as we need them which is a great news all we need now is just to get ourselves a little bit of iron Isaac welcome back what did you get anything uh well I just went out to get some food cuz I was starving to death and I also got some wood cuz I needed some new tools let's get some iron let's start strip mining we know how this is done I don't know if we're deepen up here I'm going to go a little deeper all right you're probably right yeah we spent the next 10 minutes strip mining finding only a little bit of iron but luckily that was all we needed Isaac I want to show you something I spent a little bit of iron on what is that a bubble blower yeah that's what we need baby we're going to make friends with all of the locals imagine there we go campfire cauldron we've got it made now all we actually need now would probably be a campfire I would assume but I'm going to go put this upstairs Isaac and uh see how it works honestly we can't even start this job guys until we have a sustainable format here you would think our employer would have done this but he must be the cheapest guy I've ever met okay so this is The Cauldron it seems that it must go above an actual campfire that is my guess we need coal and full logs Isaac you have any full logs down there uh well I only got two Palm planks down here in the mine Zach you might need to go to the surface Isaac it's it's dark out it's dangerous up there dude just keep mining we'll get it in the morning the thing is we can make an iron sword and you could go up and get some mob drops for us or do we want to go out together dude we could literally destroy them together all right I got an iron long sword this thing looks literally like a regular sword but it's longer so I mean to me that's a dub I made an iron sickle cuz it looked cool oh quick quick quick quick quick quick quick all right what's attacking you skeleton baby oh a sickle just one shot him can you please get some uh full logs right now that's all we need full logs get a whole bunch of them I'll protect you yep there is a absolute insane am of creepy mobs like that looks like a dark villager we've got people up there we've got like just there's a lot of stuff in the in the in the woods we haven't even entered that I don't even know what it does freaking crocodiles everywhere dang all the Coconuts almost got me there ISAC you got bunked bro that's embarrassing this this looks like a potential pilot of um somebody who worked here before we're getting attacked by this literally looks like a person that got transformed oh the sickle is so nice guys we might have found the most broken weapon here it hits them all at once don't worry Isaac I'll save you dude I'm Wrecking with the sickle bam there we go wait dude look over there in the tree it looks like the the monsters are forming like gangs there's like a skeleton I it literally looks like a skeleton gang like they're hanging out in the trees like a wild pack of monkeys we need to get back down after we got back to our underground base we smelted more copper and crafted the campfire now we could finally purify water by boiling it inside the copper cauldron but just one bottle wasn't going to be enough for this journey so we crafted some buckets made an infinite water source and began our preparation and we even discovered that we can put water straight into our backpack oh you can fill up both sides of your backpack with water look at that we have four pieces of water in the inventory at all times we have water here food wise I got 20 coconuts I'm ready to go bro okay it's time do guys want to leave here Zach there's water right to our left ladies and gentlemen it is now time to begin our job finally now that we can actually survive here just took a little bit of work you think they would have gave us some on-site training for that yeah they did they dropped us off if you die you're not for them it's true yeah get on in here buddy all right guys we are now officially started wait why are we taking damage oh my gosh there's a giant puffer fish back there did you see that I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die it's poison it's poison poison won't kill you it take you down to one I didn't know there was giant dangerous puff fish and there's skaters let's stop it spawn Island so I can heal real quick cuz that was not unexpected dude you got to be careful with where you're driving it was huge okay eat up coconuts are not as good of a food source as I thought it's only one hunger bar all right guys we're going to squiggle around here our Compass is taking us somewhere over here for the very first delivery of our Amazon job and uh we'll just squeeze on by that guy they attack us oh wait something's in the water dude is has a sign Amazon Waterway delivery service this is it I found a chest already dude oh oh my gosh there's like literal stuff in this everywhere there's a book down here this has like a weapon w we could have come here the whole time it's full of iron no way get out there you're drowning you're drowning crap crap crap crap crap crap crap hey keep me safe keep me safe dude there's some sort of sharks or sting ray to our right I don't know if we should go near near those no but I have smithing templates and those are going to make us look sick and that's very important also a book and a spear this must be one of the Amazon guys Spears okay let's see if there's anything else in here quick check again check out the main Captain's Room like I did some paper some feathers you missed a chest here I mean there's some rope I guess I'll grab that cuz I don't even know what rope does there's a bunch of seeds pumpkin I'll take a pumpkin you never know when you can make an iron golem get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat dude there's an actual Stingray over there and I guarantee that one shot to it looks poisonous I I got this book when I was down there it says delivery day log one oh this is previous delivery drivers and they got a full pirate ship man we got ripped off dude they give them a full boat it says all seems well the trial seem friendly and thankful for the deliveries of food and Medicine three deliveries today day two I've gotten really far into the jungle this day keep seeing people watching the ship from the shoreline I'll have to make camp tonight one delivery today day three was awakened in the Night by a stranger they were not friendly so my companion and I fled the boat for safety we are lost zero deliveries today day four we decided to just leave this place and call it quits the locals seem unwelcoming now heading for the coast and out of sea tonight we won't make Camp Outsiders are not welcome here dude this boat was sunken on purpose well Isaac the compass is taking us over to this island is that right Isaac I think it's up a little bit straight you see where the the ship is up there no wait over there look look look over there this is where the compass is pointing it's got to be the first delivery over here right yeah watch out for those puffer fish Z we're getting in shallow water we're about to arrive at our very first delivery point the way this works is very simple our Compass points to where we need to go and after we make the delivery we automatically get our next item and our compass point to the next area in this case all they need delivered was an earthworm oh dude that's a dangerous looking land out there I'm going to dock us right here we got to be really careful with all the mobs climb quick Isaac climb quick okay I see the delivery box Zack it's down to the bottom all right all right that's a little dangerous well first let's just loot this guy up wait is this water can we drink this this looks like purified water oh my gosh this guy's items oh wait he has trades he actually trades with you if you have that stuff but I don't have anything to trade him oh my gosh look at all these different fish species in here this guy has fireworks too dang it there's so many things I don't know what I can take oh my gosh TNT let's go take it all Take It All We may be delivering but it doesn't mean we can't Rob him Zack there's zombies up here so be careful oh my gosh dude this is crazy there's literally so much food dude I'm sorry I know we're delivering packages but the villagers are in trouble here I got to save them help me I can't I can't I'm I'm I'm I'm panicking cuz there's so many good items I just love stealing items from Zach's robbing them while I save them it just feels good did you make the delivery yet Zack or you need me to protect you when you go down there I haven't even made it I've just been robbing the guy I I got a lot of food on me all right I'm making the delivery he had an earthworm delivery and we got money on the side look we got money we got to get out of here we're getting overrun we got our next delivery Isaac it is some flax seeds and our um Compass is pointing is that wasn't so bad our first delivery get in get in get in I need in the ship oh get over here me up dude there's a puffer fish coming at you Mo watch out watch out watch out I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming dude he's chasing you down I got to get in and we got to get out okay I'm in I'm in get out get out all right so the next deliver is going to be over this way so far I think we're doing pretty good for our first day I mean we're one for one on deliveries that feels good Zach there's green things glowing below us I the wildlife here is just wild I don't know what to do it's that's what the Amazon is guys it looks like we found a deserted campsite here for our next delivery so Isaac and I will pop in our flax seed and Isaac we got some money nice okay oh there's also a chest here too I got to open this up sunflowers coconuts manay that's got to be good food this guy doesn't have a whole lot for us to steal maybe uh take his bed Isaac I'm it's always good to have somebody's bed I mean break his campfire too cuz that'll give us coal yeah yeah we could turn these into some breads too if we wanted but that's a good delivery our next one looks like it might be Inland so hop in let's go take a look over there it's good money though dude we're almost both made 1,000 bucks already yeah this one's definitely pointed somewhere inside the land and there are some mobs around so we got to be really careful about this this is going to be an issue to be honest with you let's just pull up here let's be very careful stick with me that's all you got to do all right not only do we just find what looks like the next delivery section guys but Isaac I didn't bring the boat did you no we got to swim we're going to have to make a new one here watch out for the Mana Rays I don't know if Mana rays are aggressive their cousin killed Steve Irwin so I'm staying clear keep following that Compass Isaac deliveries around here somewhere so we can get these guys their Flacks oh watch out that guy up there dude he looks aggressive oh no that's that's their Golem that's their protector oh okay the delivery box is somewhere over here there it is Isaac over here all right next deliver is going to be some salt but uh I'm not going to take that yet I got to see what else we got around here there's a lot to explore here oh a golden apple a spy glass watermelon oh emeralds baby we're robbing them dry that's a lot hidden chest in the tree this has got to be loaded I feel like more emeralds that is what I like to see wait wait wait wait wait a villager it's another tribal it's a it's a tribal villager Isaac and he's trading these rare items of which I do not have but keep that in mind fuel up get your food high get a quick water check oh I couldn't figure out dude you cannot run if you have low water I mean it's going to be tricky we're going to have to get another water set up here soon but that lasted quite a while actually are we going into this Temple I mean I think so I think this has to be the front entrance break through this skull or do you think there's a door oh there's a there's a road here yeah let's scope this out and see what's going on right here this is interesting little bit of a detour guys from work real quick watch out for that well I don't really see an entrance to the temple but there is a big treehouse here maybe we should loot this up before going in I'm going in oh we're going in the temple seems safe okay you got any torches man oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's just a singular spider that's okay that's okay are these some sort of trap though no they're just some sort of like statue campfire here we've got um dispensers here with nothing in them and then Isaac there is a staircase over here let's go down here and see what's up there's Pistons moving too it sounds like there's some sort of redstone careful at traps watch out for pressure plates we're in a jungle temple yeah you're right you're right hey right here right here trip wire trip wire I don't think it does anything I'll bet you anything I walk and don't die boom all right all right it was a fake one let's start just being smarter about this de we might as well bu build over these but this doesn't kill me either boom one of them's going to kill you eventually they're just lurring you into this where do we go then maybe we had to go back this way no it's this way it's this way follow me follow me I found the direction down here Isaac all right I'm coming that I'm not going to take risks with that I that one is just a little too much for me I I found it oh my gosh it's a Crusher make sure you can Sprint eat up before you do this I'm going to go first oh oh I got through it woo I definitely wasn't sprinting okay um so far so good this is interesting I feel like this stuff's just going to fall in from the ceiling on us yeah I know that seems suspicious watch it watch it more stairs man we are deep at this point watch it watch it okay you fight him off I'm sitting back that is just basically a trap crap crap crap crap back off back off don't don't fall in the hole behind you that'll kill you all right we're good keep it moving there's more zombies oh back up back up let me step in if you took damage no no no we're good this spear is pretty strong yeah you're freaking eaten with that some sort of a puzzle here let's kill that spider and let's check this out oh iron ring hey I'll wear that oh diamonds nice we might be able to make something with that some oh I didn't even think of that there's some sort of like s thing here what is this just some sort of table no it's a puzzle it's a puzzle we realized that all the Redstone torches need to be turned on so we spent the next 10 minutes solving this puzzle boom done oh baby Redstone Master that's what happens when you're with the engineer boys let's go it opened up a lot of monsters oh he has a book bag on get us that book bag pick that up I did get it all right they they're going to keep coming what the heck dude they've been waiting a long time for someone as smarter as us to come along and solve that oh creeper woo I'm going to get a quick backpack upgrade I think blindness creeper Zach if you get hit by those they blind you wait a minute I can just hold this in my inventory and load it up and then just keep it in my inventory two inventories let's go go backpacks are op oh creeper watch out hey no woo dude he almost blew up your backpack I'm a block this off I realized how bad that could have been I'm doing a little reorganizing give me a second here pause it's all about looking good while you're surviving all right let's go we discovered this chest room behind the area where all the monsters were coming from and it turned out it had two weird masks inside one was called the storm mask and that enabled a player to call upon lightning while crouching the other was a protector's mask that gave the carrier extra armor and health it also had a notebook with a prophecy that read long ago four powerful Brothers known as the Babs created the layers of the sky and were responsible for overseeing the river each brother made a protective mask from a special tree with magical powers to safeguard the people of the rivers one day strangers arrived from the sea and envied the prosperity of the river people they began stealing Treasures causing chaos and forcing the river people to flee the survivors built a secret Temple to protect their treasure sealing It Off from outsiders with a great door that could withstand anything only when the four masks of the Babs are brought together in the Hidden Temple can the door to El Dorado be opened again let's get out of here buddy onward I never really figured out what those little those little jungle creatures are in the sky did you were they aggressive Isaac no they seem passive so I leave them alone weren't these things proposed my Mojang to be added into the game at some point on a mob vat I thought they were oh that's what it is that's why I've seen seen it before you're right oh they were [Music] TOs and Mysteries yet to be told the for of elor the key to our F to find them all our journey awaits far and wide andde by us Night by Dark Night Dark Night that looks like our next delivery Isaac right there oh that looks like a nice settlement too all right let's scope it out make sure the compass yep the compass seems to be pointing here where is the box I get the feeling it's up high just cuz of the way this is built is it oh no it looks like it's more back into the jungle must be somewhere inside here Isaac what do you think we're venturing in again I guess so I don't know the compass is pointing us this direction somewhere in here let's go scope it out and see just avoid avoid avoid make sure your water's good oh crap tall creeper what the heck was that that thing was massive dude the jungle's so dangerous oh not the jungle archers they poison yep got to get out of here fast it's a good thing we have this mask giving us extra health absolutely brutal this is definitely not the best delivery that we've had maybe we should have stayed in the water all right Isaac this looks like our next delivery looks like it's just Dead Ahead here uh yeah just right up here oh here it is we'll drop them in here Isaac nice I'll make the delivery after I get myself some food big fine by me too before I make this delivery uh I found some leather pants dude leather pants armor is Big cuz we don't have any yet Isa watch out watch out watch out I'm going to die keep me safe guy I'm taking him down I killed him I have one Health I have one Health we set up camp here and restocked on purified water and organized our inventories yeah I don't know what these are Isaac but there's blood underneath them it looks like out here look at this what what are these oh my gosh wait what is the little dude behind it is help Isa help is help they're charging dude I have no water oh God all right you're good oh my gosh I thought you died but you fell in a hole now I'll be real honest with you those dropped items called corruption I don't know what it is they also dropped sickles and some other stuff but that was pretty dangerous all right I did manage to get a spear Zac I killed one of those jungle Warrior guys so we both got one now Isaac there is definitely blood over here I feel like we should follow this before our next delivery maybe explain why you propos we do that though why we're just here to deliver packages there's clearly something going on here Isaac there's blood something killed the previous delivery guys we're Amazon delivery men we don't need to okay follow and stick close get your spear out stick close don't get hit by arrows follow the blood poison dude man I should have ate up before coming in here this way this way this way it goes up right here giant hole see that's why you follow the blood oh you don't want to be in here either oh god dude you just jumped into a cave what are you doing down there I I don't know I don't know I don't know why I did it I'm coming behind you I'm going to try to save you Isaac Isaac mayday mayday mayday may I don't know how to get to you there's so many people in here panic hole crap crap crap oh okay so I W be real we should have probably got armor earlier IAC if you can get to me in the Panic hole you're going to be okay wow it didn't sound good so guys interestingly this did have several items I don't know any of this stuff is but I'm taking it all crooked warm a hood allows you to look at Ender without angering them where do I wear a hood oh sick okay good I can stare at Enderman now this seems ridiculously dangerous in here stick with me let's go okay hold on I got to eat up I'm so low on health there's like a full campsite down here there's obviously like really really good ancient relics in here we got to collect in my opinion I mean I'm not is there's iron everywhere too dude dude there's a lot of stuff in here but there's a lot of stuff trying to kill me too I just don't understand why it has to be so unbelievably dangerous no wonder the previous people died honestly Isaac this is really good mining we could get some mats here dud what we need to do is get full iron armor too I mean we almost died like five times coming down here so we mined until we had enough iron to craft ourselves some protective armor against the monsters of the Amazon Isaac behind you Isaac behind you Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper made it oh my gosh you would have had me if you didn't say anything woo saved your life big dog I have full iron except for my um Enderman Hood which frankly I don't know if I need this but I'm keeping it I like it better there's a chest right down that mine shaft too Zach and I think we should go for it oh let's see what we got you loot that and I'll just defend you I'm seeing if anything comes up behind wao something good no I I know there's a iron rap Rapier Rapier yeah that's probably really good oh it has knockback I'm actually going to trade out the spear for that all right I think we're good in here we got full armor I think that's more than we could have asked for it so let's let's freaking leave now just keep your eyes out if there's anything else good we got to get back to our job we're going to get fired if we don't man they got us on the clock dude it is Amazon I guess Isaac doesn't this remind you of that sunken ship earlier I mean the dead bodies it does yeah yeah it's just interesting I don't know why Isaac but I just feel like somebody died here okay all right on to the next mission let's see where we're going next for the delivery what is this okay we need to get I'm drinking some water dude hey wait no no no I killed one of these earlier and he gave me a spear we should kill him again kill him go okay he does have a lot of Health though he's pretty hard to kill hard to kill yeah right all right leave leave leave leave leave get to the boat get to the boat we got to make another delivery we're taking too many side quests this is why your packages get late by the way dude what are you talking about we're not delivering these things late we're on time hey go go go go go puffer fish God dang oh you had a puffer again dude I keep freaking steering right into him it's like potholes of the Amazon River Compass is saying this way just a little bit maybe to the right should be something let's see what we got let's make our next delivery here get ourselves some cash oh my gosh they just have pet alligators in the middle of their Town who are these Savages this is a questionable place to live looks like they've got a little bit of a um ATM airdrop store over here donated by UNESCO wow it's like a world heritage thing right like they're like a charity that's pretty cool we'll shop there after we make this delivery they might have something good see if you can find that delivery box Isaac we need it I see you telling me to find the delivery box Zach and you're up here looting the best spot on the entire village where is it oh here it is Isaac it's down here okay I'm definitely rushing to you right now and not looting up the village trust me looks like we got another cheese wheel here for our next delivery guys but um as Isaac does I'm going to do a little exploring too well since we're already here it would probably be a shame to not steal everything from this Village I hope they don't submit a complaint to Amazon all right so I'm going to use this airdrop store wow so mean oh man I'm pretty sure I saw a gunboat is that what that said am I wrong in reading that I could buy some bills here and pay the guys with some bills but ATV Zach massive discovery made by me look at my armor look at my armor I trimmed it oh that's nice oh wait Phantoms we haven't slept hey keep me safe keep me safe keep me safe don't let that thing blew up the ATM it was just donated watch The Phantom I'm fighting the Phantom off if you have arrows shoot him down I hit him twice though hit your shots hit your shots kid I'll do it Isaac behind you Isaac behind you Isa behind you oh my gosh what is that thing that's a new mob I think we might want to run from him woo how did you get a gun what I panic bought a grenade launcher hold on I need an AK-47 if you got a grenade launcher I got to get an AK-47 item added to next air drop oh it's coming down we're getting the air drop fortnite baby let's go wow give me my you just stole my quad give that to me we got to put this down right now let's go oh these are so cool are you kidding me this is the greatest donation I've ever seen I'm going to shop Isaac just for a little bit more cuz you can also convert your money to these you just shot me you can convert your money to these bills yeah seems like a bad idea but I'm going to buy a lot of these just in case massive amount of gear here to put in what in the oh what is that Isaac Isaac what is happening get the items and move get the items and move oh my gosh dude he has my stuff I couldn't pick up the money dude there was no time what is that Zach the money's on the ground he's just robbed us I was like all my money is he still coming he's gone he's gone he's gone go get the money go get the money me me the next station gosh I got an AK-47 at least but it has like no durability the Little Baby Woo juked him all right I think I got most of the money if we left some back there it's not my fault he sent me on an impossible Journey here Isaac over here Isaac oh I found you I run run him over don't you worry take them out the next delivery is the graveyard let's clear this place out real quick I'm going to get off my quad here I'm ready to light him up with my AK you don't want any of this got it got it cheese wheel cheese wheel that's what he wanted why is this graveyard ordering supplies what's going on here oh oh is that who ordered it maybe one heart I got to go down or I'm dead he has a sniper rifle yeah he wrecked me hey he dropped it he dropped it would you think we could Rob these Graves or is that just me I don't know I I'm down in it right now we realized that every grave had caskets with insane loot inside it started turning to though so we were starting to get overrun by mobs my gosh they're everywhere we need to get out of this graveyard dude yeah but look there's a giant pyramid this is where the rich persons are always buried that is true I'm going in Isaac help he's going in again there's a creepy monster up there I'm inside it's uh I'm speedr running it Isaac there's something after me and I'm freaking out I'm just going to speedrun it wait how do I even get in there there's monsters guarding it where's the button how do I turn this off when in doubt break it Zach I'm stuck at the top I'm fighting it off at the top of the pyramid okay coming down something up there doesn't sound great for you personally yeah I'm killing some big dogs oh treasure room you already did this without me let's go diamond dagger this gives me plus 10% speed this is going to help with deliveries taking all the loot without me oh it's a trap oh my gosh that would have one shot if you through that wow I did not I've never seen anything like that the whole thing is a trap desert village Isaac I think our next uh delivery is right over there back to back to back side by side by side delivery this is what it's about right here let's go see what we got going on in here free bread for days if you want to convert that to bread very yeah I need to get that actually I'm pretty low on food look a monkey wait Zach do you need arrows yeah I can buy you so many arrows with our emeralds look at this come here do it all right I just bought you 64 arrows that should hold you over for a while this looks like the Village Market trading center and it's empty oh Isaac wait this is where we delivered the package nice right on the water this one would been a good one just to drive up to we here a lot of monkeys in this area what is this is it poop yeah I'm telling you this is oh cuz they have Hogs they're raising pigs here for food hey look at this the heck is this oh what the heck what there's a monkey here too what' he do it has Isaac look at this four skulls in the center around some sort of magic dagger do you think this is a legend of the four God Brothers we saw earlier it could be I'm going to light all of the candles maybe we'll spawn them can I take this I think that dagger looks takeable I think you should maybe we need to break it I feel like I shouldn't have done that it's just a regular bone dagger I mean it's kind of creepy I feel like that was a ritual dagger more than a fighting dagger I feel unsafe I'm going to just not I'm just going to put that back this must be some sort of reference to the four God Brothers Isaac I think we should leave it alone then I agree let's get out of here all right guys looks like our next delivery is um what is this Isaac a little abandoned witch Huts or something is it abandoned I don't know if it's abandoned or not there's an active fire going right there oh there's purified water right here isn't it cauldron over water we should actually collect that oh yeah there's some skeleton archers here watch out watch out watch out oh I'm getting low I got to run it's the skeletons bro that just decimate you this is very dangerous keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going can we really oh this this is this does look purified yeah I know can we somehow get it do you have any oh I have some glass bottles maybe let's take a little look around see what's going on here hey this guy had a bottle of swiftness oh hold on hold on I hear a witch I definitely hear some up there who dude it's laughing at us dude what's making that noise though you don't hear the witch laugh I I'm ignoring it I definitely hear it I'm just straight up ignoring it okay I was got to say you're just kind of going in potion of swiftness I'll definitely take that is he downstairs the stair is there like a downstairs or a basement in here you think I just hear a witch for sure oh Isaac yes there is look at this you want me to go down first I don't know I don't know I I might be able to shoot her with a bow from above you out all right I got you from above come on come on all right Witch is down Witch is down check it out another Brewing thing there's like some kind of like a ritual looking thing in here she had a cat down here was she about to boil this cat alive yeah I we might have actually walked in and her boiling her cat I want to get out of here this I I agree this is uncomfortable to me all right all right let's get out of here we got another delivery to make follow the [Music] compass this look like a Pillager Fort is this the next delivery the one thing I hate in Minecraft are Pillager Outpost and so a jungle villager Outpost is significantly worse oh wait a minute dude they got this guy actually like locked up we got to let him go oh it's a villager yeah get him out of there no leave him I hate villager oh Isaac Isaac Isaac hold on we're being attacked does he have cool trades dude this guy actually has good trades don't let him die that guy has like actual good trades okay you just blasting with lightning bolt yeah I took him out I took him out look at this guy's trades Unbreaking one Diamond Helmet oh my gosh he's got diamond stuff dude I only have 24 emeralds can you give me uh six more and we get that chest plate for one of us yes I got it I bought it Emerald's on the floor for you oh nice plenty and I can get the hat I got both of them dude me too too I'm going to go ahead and put my robe then away here for storage for later mine has magic protection three I don't even know what that is what else we got some here's the thing I shouldn't have bought that helmet Zach do you just want to carry it you can combine it at an anvil maybe oh yeah you shouldn't have no I'm not going to carry your junk oh here's the delivery box what did they order um I think it's Flint oh yes watch careful careful is I think there's spawners somewhere yeah it seems like they keep coming back we need to go up in this Tower if we by the way remember if we die we drop all of our items and we will have to travel across the entire jungle to get back so do not die all right let's just clear it out and see if there's anything in here withth taken second floor clear third floor clear fourth floor clear Diamond spear with looting two yes oh that's actually huge nice Diamond weapon we don't have those yet yes look at this upgrade what a dub all right follow me this guy wants a lantern Isaac let's go next delivery watch out watch out behind you baby zombie all right let's do this way Isaac follow me get us a boat and quick cuz people are coming at us protect us hurry up dream would do this so much quicker dream can make a boat while falling out of the sky dude I'm not dream what are you talking about dream you can't compare me to the best player go go go follow it towards the compass see where it takes us who orders mail when they have alligators in their front yard I see the Box you got to take care of these we should be able to refuse delivery get in there let's hop on land let's get out quick okay right here I'm going to dock us my goodness this guy ordered a lantern who even lives here it looks like it's all broken down dude the alligator's looking at us whoa whoa whoa wait we got an alligator I got the delivery in and I'm getting out help help help hold on wait we got to explore this place there's always stuff I feel like dude we got to just get out of here for a second start shooting them lightning bolt what are you doing lightning bolt him you know what this spear is actually great I'm just going to be honest wow run by the alligators follow me this way there's a trail my gosh they're so scary when they're chasing you have a whole pack behind you just just keep going leave the Crocs leave the Crocs God dang it not in the jungle again ooh a cave salamander is that what that is what is that thing no I don't know what this thing is it looks like some don't kill it I love salamanders Isaac oh little loot chest over there do you have a water bucket by chance oh skeleton's in here you do that I'm going to get my water bucket out here's the thing Isaac if we get over there there's Diamonds In The Wall I know there is some upgrade actually a lot of diamonds in here yeah let's just oh the the obsidian's blue why is it blue it's the Amazon obsidian that's probably why I guess it's a different type of lava like different melted rock all right I got an iron pickaxe so I'll get the diamonds you know what we could use this diamond to upgrade our pickaxe and this is like a different ore oh what is this an Elven ring wa what is a rainbow ore this ring says 12% projectile damage and 5% speed here is I'll give you this old ring is there any other diamonds yeah there's some more we should get the rest I'll get you to it oh that's a nice patch of diamonds let's go of them we can make one pair of legs and the other guy can get a pair of boots I have two more diamonds is there anything else I can make um I have one more you can make a pickaxe here I'll drop it boom diamond tools that's a great delivery man you come you take out all the indigenous resources and you move on to the next one this is what it's meant to be right I feel good I know that I don't know if it's good for them but oh good it's a lovely Village just across the way this guy just has a nice low privacy screen back there with some natural environment there blocking them we're getting raided who's the goat horn we are getting raided what are the odds of that happening oh they're coming in dude if we want to actually make this delivery we got to defend them first well here's the delivery I'm going to pop in my Lantern immediately no what they order antique ink next one they want ground coffee I'll put the ink in dude I'm fighting them off dude we got to protect the village we need future business at this place dude I'm killing them all without you where you at some nice shooting there buddy we defeated another wave of the raid then we both finished our deliveries to this Village before we go check anything else out let's get a quick water resupply I'm actually doing decent on water right now I mean if you put some in there I'll all right this is the last house and it has a skeleton on the outside so let's see what's inside ISAC watch out for this one this is a different house than what you'd expect normally some weird decorations yeah yeah yeah stay low stay low this is creepy oh hey you told me to stay low you told me to stay low I forgot stay high that's not a pressure plate we've got a okay let me take the lead here stay back wait you are you trying to take the lead just so you can get all the loot a book day 108 great creator of the world I awoke from a deep dream the world is profound and deeper than the day has realized my presentent has happened the quarantine didn't work the plague has spread across the village what does that mean I'm not really sure some sort of like weird library or something oh my gosh it gets a lot bigger down here whoa brother has an entire oh hold on hold on there's caskets they're loaded with items oh my gosh we should not be looting the gra wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey whoa whoa wao hey right there I told you we shouldn't be down here what bro this might be the guy who wrote the note make sure sure you take everything that you need a curs of Vanishing shovel what they got a lot of random creepy loot in them okay it's like a little dungeon in here oh left looks like the big area so let's go straight and right first what a creeper having this whole thing under his base oh wait you're being chased by a ghost turn around stop stop stop stop stop careful careful careful careful okay there are some really good like books and stuff in here if we start collecting these I bet we can get some awesome armor is there's some ladder wait there's like a secret look at this couple vases with items there's another chest up here oh a blast protection 3 helmet all right I'm going straight now I mean there's an efficiency 5 ax almost and some dark iron ingots what are those I don't even know what that is I'm going to this way hey careful over here ready Isaac I'll take the left spawner you take the right spawner 3 2 1 go there's four go go go I'll protect you just go I'll protect you get them all got it got it got it watch out watch out watch out hey hey hey help help help they're literally everywhere in here these things are really fast and really strong watch out watch out watch out we've got a couple directions here Isaac we can go straight or we can go left let's go left cuz left looks like it's like cut off there's probably just one chest in here oh it is it is it's just like a death trap here okay okay straight it is it may be about delivering packages is right what's up trip wire is trip wire or not I don't know I guess I saw the things on the wall watch out watch out creepers and skellies in here oh nice with the lightning yep oh and he blew them all up I know that was an accident I straight up know oh Isaac dude there's stuff everywhere oh ender pearls four ender pearls are huge for getting out of tight situations and I also got an Unbreaking 3 pickaxe so I'll take that oh Isaac you want you want a new weapon yeah gold grade Hammer get out of here iron rape here you know what this bubble thing is cool but I'm just going to get rid of it I I think I think at this point it served its purpose oh I like using this thing it is a wamper we explored the dungeon further and found even more eerie monsters that appeared when we kept opening more caskets we did not like this at all but some discoveries kept our Spirits High Isa I found a secret room I just dug into the wall over here over here in the wall how the heck did you find this what I don't know I just thought maybe if I dig in the wall there'll be something and I was correct about it and I'm not exactly walk back to Scythe you got a scythe oh that's so cool I I'll put I'll put in a spear for you if you want my looting two spe that does sound better than my hammer cuz my Hammer's almost broke oh my gosh look at the Scythe no way it's huge the scy wow look how cool you look all right Isaac let's go ahead and check this room out and see what we got oh lots of emeralds coal emeralds ender pearls Isaac sneak while wearing to bring forth an army oh we're getting attack watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out these must be the infected people from what we read earlier careful careful I think they were waiting till we looted it oh there's a spawner right there there's a spawner Isaac there's a totems in there as well did you get a totem oh man that's huge we were one step closer to uncovering the secrets of these lands we found the champion mask and that gave us the ability to summon an army to help us against enemies all right let's get out of here Isaac let's resupply our water here and let's move on yeah I was thinking too I'm kind of sick of the lightning I'm going to put on the first mask we got so if you want the storm mask you can have it if you want to play with lightning for a little bit um no you know what I don't because I don't want to kill you so I'm get my compass down the next delivery Isaac is some ground coffee and it is this way Isaac you know what's crazy what the fact that we have three of these masks kind of makes me think this elderado story might be real I mean these are these are real items [Music] our next delivery was at a pyramid and wow it seemingly went oddly peacefully barely managed to fight them off and headed to our next delivery which was a crossbow that of all people we were delivering to pillagers well they attacked us so we killed them all but then we still ended up delivering the crossbow after some exploring we found something peculiar oh Isaac we got something back here what is this there's just some empty signs a lot of dead bodies here creeper right behind you got him well there's a little chest here oh a diamond oh this is an archaeology site there's a brush here that makes sense actually interesting so some sort of archaeology dig site here what are they uncovering then I know I found something down here in the pit it's like a doorway do we just break through yeah probably probably that's what I'm thinking too yeah oh it's very hard to break wait that's obsidian but it's different looking I don't know but the blue stuff to the right's obsidian oh Diamond Lance an iron leather flask oh my God this revolutionizes it what is this a netherite roof Ru ring gives me 8% damage look at this Isaac this flask holds more water that's pretty nice actually all right let's move on to the next delivery I I do wonder why the pillagers were guarding this why everything died though you don't think there's a mask in there do you no didn't seem big enough let's get that next delivery sometimes I wonder if we should be looking into the water more you think there's like hidden chests down there from I'm sure there are it's the Amazon there's probably stuff everywhere hit that guy with the drive by hit him with the drive by wait wait where's he at where's he at the left to the left driveby oh my gosh I'm the worst drive by shooter ever yeah this next one uh this guy seems to live on his own up here quite the distance um yeah just just in here Isaac this should be a pretty easy delivery Straight Ahead okay monsters to the right keep going keep going keep going I don't know if we're up top but just watch out for them arrows wow what a delivery spot this guy lives at the top of the mountain another raid started but we completely ignored it because we found a hole that went into the Earth there were actually some man-made structures inside do you have a bomb or anything to throw down there you got any grenades no but if you could get your minions to summon down there that would be great I do have an AK-47 and I'm going to use all the bullets here oh I'm out we don't really have a lot of options here do we I mean we have to get down there do you at least have a water bucket so that we don't have to just jump okay so I'll water bucket clutch it and then I can take a potion of invisibility you took a potion of invisibility oh I'm not trying to die how'd you even get that okay this isn't good cuz if he goes down there they're all going to turn down they can still see you this place is loaded Isaac get down here mayday mayday mayday mayday emergency Mayday L fell is in trouble but I need a pickaxe first you can't make a dark iron ingot pickaxe come on going to have to go I'm coming holy crap mother of pearl okay I'm down here creepers oh my gosh they're like smoke creepers my goodness gracious Isaac do you need a necklace I do but I'm fighting for my life over here I'm going to give you no I'm going to take that cuz I want the extra Health a diamond Javelin I wonder if I can throw that oh my gosh I can throw it this spider's going down I have a tank build I got four extra Hearts now for my two rings and I can store other ones in my backpack yeah do you have an amulet for me you want it yeah I need one cuz I don't have one if you have two right there take it take it take it wait you can't open this can you how do you get into this thing oh I bet we need a key for it look around for the key oh crap wait there's other floors it wouldn't be up there would it you didn't you wouldn't think it'd be up there I mean it might be cuz I don't see anywhere else to go down here all right second floor now we're trying to find a key for that one chest taking heavy fire up here nothing I'm still looking Isaac it's not on the third floor so far all right I'm looking down here oh my gosh what is this room oh I got the key you got it I got it all right let's go downstairs go go go go go okay there we go oh my gosh yes pickaxe of the jungle temple does that mean I can mine this block oh yeah it's like a netherite pickax or something that's pretty quick that's worth it I'm going up I'm going up that's a nice little side quest right there folks to get that pickaxe upgraded I tell you what you see an ancient Relic Temple you go into it just a [Music] rule we got some wind coming in the storms are getting tight get us out of here before the river overflows and floods us oh man it's going to be intense I see I see a lot of activity on our right we've got a lot of a lot of natives here what is that up ahead oh my gosh a flying legendary bird it's the legendary Bird's brother that we saw in the space video oh my gosh remember him what was his name like zardar or something a we could tame one of these bad boys and drive it that's a goal dude we're coming back for him we don't have a saddle right now but I will be back for you through the withering Amazonian storm Isaac and I rode for 15 minutes to reach our next delivery location we delivered an iron spatula and there we found another archaeological dig site we explored it found some great loot fortunately too the next delivery was very close and it seemed to be some sort of mine Village all these villagers are giving each other gifts we just witnessed them making love wow are we about to get a baby we just walked in on this we oh they just popped out a baby I told you dude I knew it was going to happen is that how you guys greet new people to your village my goodness look at him dude he was born with a nose ring that is incredible I'm going to drop off the delivery real quick some books a single book for the whole village that's lovely ooh did you find some loot dude I found something better than loot oh I've been waiting for this this moment sh Isaac from now on out you're going to start respecting me a little more what does that mean look at the armor oh you trimmed it out with lapis oh that's pretty cool actually oh Isaac a water purifier let's go start filling this thing up oh nice little water restock [Music] here all right dude Iron Golem's wrecking here oh they got a whole Farm over here behind the village I didn't even notice this oh and there's an ATM Zach where you at dude there's a gun boat for sale and we finally have enough money cuz you made so many deliveries we could get a gun booat why don't you yeah get a gunboat I think maybe you should load up on some bombs those seem really good oh there's also a big treehouse there dude I'm going to go check that out while I wait for my gunboat to come in hey it's coming air drop oh my gosh I love watching that come in all right so I basically just spent my entire salary I've earned so far working here for a gun booat and now it's in my inventory we're not even going to use it yet I'm going to wait till we need it I didn't realize off to the side of this guys was a giant pyramid and it's obviously just barely peeking through it's some sort of ancient uh some sort of ancient pyramid here let's go ahead and see what's in there potentially uh I don't know another mask maybe something like that hey yo yall living up here oh this guy's selling a whip a $100 bill and a $200 bill two 200s and one1 100 all right I'm going to go grab that because I need a whip okay some beds there we go this is what I've been looking for and an anvil I guess that is kind of nice I should pick that up because we left ours at the last house we were at Zach yeah oh I see you look at me up here what's up down there bud bro he's trying to show off to me that he made it to the top of a treehouse I'm about to show off to him with a whip when I climb it and join him let's see what does this do oh oh bro this is the craziest thing now does it does it prevent fall damage oh this is so cool Isaac Isaac can you hear me yeah yeah U we're going to challenge each other first one to the top of this tree wins um all the Watermelons the other person has I'm out of watermelons right now actually so I don't even have anything to bet I get any golden or Enchanted apples you have uh okay deal all right 3 2 1 go what the heck he's got a clean your gun oh man I've never beaten that you can just give up have you made it to the top yet no Never Say Never baby oh he doesn't know how to use it crap I don't have enough blocks on my inventory am I helping you he doesn't know how to use it boom dang it I was so close all right Zach well I do have some bad news for you I only have one Golden Apple but you can have it thanks buddy Isaac went to go buy himself a whip too and he started testing out his new gun boat oh here comes Isaac on the freaking motorized boat let's see this thing what in the world is that it you better watch out buddy dude this is my Florida Everglades Airboat with a machine gun mounted on the front this thing is a perfect thing I'm buying one I'll be back I just have to oh we're being attacked doesn't matter reposition full 360 on them and then light them up you know you can get air drops out here in the jungle of battleships I'm surprised that nobody else has gotten one of these yet because this seems pretty freaking useful when you're inside the Amazon there we go welcome time to go to our next delivery dude we're rolling up in style wow this this is what we've been missing out on the whole time it took a while dude we basically spent all of our earnings so far on this so oh is that a tuna in the water look how big that fish is there's two of them light them up dude I think those are Tunas all right next delivery should be somewhere up here I don't know some sort of Mayan Temple yeah I mean this thing is buried it doesn't look like anyone's been here in Years bro this is huge this has to be the next mask you would think right dude good thing we got this whip though we can just climb right up with it oh this is big I mean if the rumors and legends are true this has to be where the next mask is how do we get in side of it though it seems pretty well secure down here I found an entrance I found an entrance that I did not just make oh yeah here it is interesting let's take a look here some old dispensers but I think that's just the decoration yeah okay Isaac look get your weapons ready this is going to be a little staircase here watch your six oh boy here's the thing Isaac oh my gosh send those guys in first to hit the pressure plates I love it why don't you go Isaac you go and see what happens you go first um I'm afraid okay I'm doing it oh gosh what's happening woo oh he did pretty well I think it's it seems like we just triggered some sort of trap somewhere else follow me follow me head on a swivel watch out for that that'll kill you I still on pressure plate drinking water I'm losing a lot of hydration in here must be warm little bit of a parkour course down here nothing to it nothing to it keep moving keep moving speed speed speed don't even think baby parkour is best done when you don't think go go go oh it's one of these again wo this has to be a trap right here right there's no way this isn't a trap dude we got to get that emerald block it's yours it's yours oh no it just there it was just there what are the odds of that it's just unbelievable I just gave him free emeralds keep moving in this has to be the mask there's another chest here more emeralds we are getting loaded on those watch out what do we have last time the treasure was through there Isaac through here oh this must be the location of the very final Mask wait a minute wait hold on hold on let me get out that's a trap chest I do not want to die from this stand back I don't know what's going to happen oh you're getting lava get out quick get out go go go go go go go oh my gosh you were waiting in there a while I know there was a lot of stuff to get okay I'm not sure what I got I got a new weapon and I don't want to use it but it's really good it's a netherite spear all right I'll use that for Close Quarters if I need it what else did I get I got emeralds I got diamonds I got ender pearls which I don't want you can have them what else we got in here a mask de Fuego I got a map a mask or a map oh a map ooh it's showing like a okay there's no water this must be the location of the final map somebody took it and buried it maybe we've got like sand desert like jungle I mean that's going to be hard to find the Amazon's so big I'm going to put it in my backpack we'll just kind of keep note of that if we look around and find anything let's get out of here though back to our boats all right boys quick little detour right there we're back on to the next delivery somewhere over this way I feel pretty good about these boats Isaac what about you I really do like them I'm just worried we're going to lose them to be honest cuz like sometimes we have to leave the river and I don't know if we'll be able to find them how's my dust taste it's it's pretty good to be honest I love some rolling coil in face you know this part of the river looks familiar to me I don't know if I've been here or not but a lot of it looks the same I guess you get lost in the jungle all right our next delivery should be somewhere up this way I'm just going to follow the compass I think it's just a little bit Inland from that main strip there it is just a little uh campsite Isaac little long oh yeah they got some training dummies though which makes me think they might be fighters let's see what we got here a couple dogs got it rope oh Unbreaking two bow I'll take that oh Isaac another bundle dude how are you Looting up in there the guy's in there shooting oh this is the owner look at this little guy he's actually incredibly powerful oh he's brewing up night vision potions hey there is there a basement I just Peak through this window it looks like there's actually a basement here dude there is Bro Look Isaac downstairs there's another locked away villager with trades what is going on with this this is the same type of basement as that last place I ain't letting him out all right let's go there's a path out here leads into the jungle if this guy has some sort of secret area back here with water I'm going to go find it cuz I need water wait Zach to the left melons hold on dude there's some giant Amazonian jungle melon here oh get it all up this is the best thing we found in a while I got a stack of 64 I don't want more than that that's all I need I definitely want more than that are you kidding me this is unlimited food and water I guess I did say I wanted water but Isaac follow me on this path it's defin it leads to something skeleton heads skeleton heads bamboo creeper have you figured out what those bamboo creepers do yet cuz I haven't got blown up on one no because they're so long they just seem stupid yeah I I think the same thing yeah Orin Del Shaman now I speak a little Spanish this says Isaac order of the Spanish I mean order of the shaman hey watch out Isaac Isaac just spawned on us I don't know what this is we're getting attacked something's oh dud get out of here we're getting wrecked no no no no no no no there's something there's there something going on kill it call in your dudes dude use your mask oh wait half of them are fakes they're like they're fake I killed them I killed them gosh that was rough oh this isn't Spanish hold on I got to translate this this is is is important they're back dude you better read quick I can't even read it it's going to take me minutes in Spanish dude I can't find the real one all right let's get out of here back to our boats we're going to die I'm going to take the book just in case we are here today to condemn this traitor of the old Customs the ancient Heritage and Riches of our people have been exploited by greed the Villager is one of those Traders hey that guy's a gun watch out dude we're being chased down by the mafia now what the heck potentially that's why they're locking up villagers down here let's get to that next delivery stay on foot we're getting raided as well let's just get out of this Village the next deliver is up here we'll take it on foot it's just across the water should be pretty easy we'll go back for the gunboats just use your whip across oh you can use it on kelp deliveries here rope boom ladder's next oh man I don't know where to go there's so much here right now this is some sort of ancient okay okay what is this oh man what the heck am I being attacked by right now there's like these corrupted dudes here these guys are always guarding these temples for some reason one over here too dude these guys are so fast hold on I got a temple key Zach and a saddle if we see that bird again I'm over here dying so I hope you're doing well zombies coming in from every angle well there's got to be a temple around here if you have a temple key I got my backpack filled back up with emergency Water Supplies I got my water maxed out I'm feeling very comfortable right now I'm going to get a little more water too I want one more bucket full wait make sure you don't get rid of your ladder I think that's the water is just gone what the heck was there only like one source Block in the top I don't know I'm going down okay this is so deep oh this is just it's just a deep well there's nothing down oh wait a minute is there no way Isaac get down here hurry okay I found it no way what is this wow you're in the corner down there this has got to be it careful who who who w w Don't just run in and open a giant ancient Secret Temple chest oh wait these these need the keys do you have one key or two wait I have one key how many do you have I don't have any you better pick right which one do we want you tell me just pick one okay this one we got the axe of the jungle temple and a spell haste efficiency 3 book yes the jungle temple axe we can't get into the other one can we break it I don't think so dude these wait it is breaking no it's not we couldn't believe that the other chest didn't have a key so we searched for a bit until we gave up to the growing pressure of monster attacks next up we had a delivery at the beautiful jungle village where we found a villager who is trading blow dart guns that shoot poisonous darts of course I had to get one of those and off to the side of the village we noticed a pathway that seemed to be leading somewhere yeah I'm going to check that map real quick and see wait a minute Isaac this is the dirt I knew it looked familiar this is the dirt in the map wait this is like the desert Sandy area follow this Trail it barely looks like a trail it's like just mud podz that means somebody's made this this is not a natural Trail somebody's been here somebody created this true oh gosh you got a full line of mobs behind you here we go Isaac this this is we are on top of the X so I feel like the x is somewhere here so let's move in slowly and be careful all right I see no monster so I'm going to full on YOLO this all right that's probably smart chest ahead you see a chest oh there is one hidden over there let me use my old whip to get over there dang it man you're always faster than me I don't get it oh another chest I'm not even going to tell you where this one is so I can get there first already there dang it how the heck did you get there first again I even saw it first I didn't even tell you where it was screw it I'm going down I don't need this anymore you're going to die two the whips prevent fall damage already there oh they do you're going that way Zack I'm going to go the other way this looks like a normal Minecraft shaft there is some diamonds down here Isaac if you want diamonds I'm I'm in on my own little world over here I feel like I'm playing normal Minecraft again it feels nice oh this is Call My Name yes sir like an assassin like an assassin drop in the Infantry snipe him get out hey yo skeletons with swords I found this cool M shaft I feel like we're on the tracks of something did it just dead end come on there's clearly something majorly dangerous happening cuz I hear a lot of skeletons what in tarnation wow go get them boys there we go that's what the helmets are for dude are you down here in the Black Block sack going in holy crap you just missed out in the ultimate battle Isaac I'll see you around oh you're way down there what the heck we got oh dude dude the mobs are insane down here support requested support requested wow I don't know if I took the right path I'm so lost this is the most massive thing I've ever seen but we keep moving boys we keep moving we ain't afraid of nothing honestly I'm just digging down to you Zach and I cannot find it oh finally I knew that would work just dig straight down and you'll find a cave what the heck did I just find I see some sort of lava portal and there's literally probably 50 mobs in front of me a lava portal all right I'm coming back all right boys don't go in don't go in don't go in I do have a power four bow though I might as well use that is I got some arrows turn around I got Enchanted ones behind you I've dropped them all down there okay I'll get them once I run out I'll pick them up I'm getting oh crap dang you're getting close watch this boom my gosh I'm coming down to help hurry up there's got to be spawners hurry up light them up dude they never sto coming we got to get get out of this room or we're going to die no no no we can't we just got to be quick cuz there's a special chest up here I need to open up this shovel of jungle temple let's go finally so we have the pickaxe the axe and the shovel we almost have all the jungle tools makes you wonder if that was the sword previously hey did you get those other chests up there what in the middle another temple key there's another jungle one over across from you oh oh my goodness golden cooked chickens you're talking about that lava one right in the middle no there's one like straight over there I just shot it with an arrow oh I'm going in let me eat a golden turkey real quick the whip is so important it really is it really is this one has pickaxe this shock room look at this guys it's hitting everything at once we got to keep repositioning him and getting him in a train though Isaac there's a um single chest in the center I'm going to see if I can get to without dying okay okay that's tough to get to oh I got it I got it I got it it's it it's the last mask ISAC elor's real it says that no but it means all four masks are real but where do we put them I don't know dude we got to get out of this room though we're going to die and we can find El Dorado we're not going to have to be delivery guys anymore Isaac let's get out of here this was it it we had found the last mask of El Dorado The Inferno mask it enables us to unleash Fireballs whenever we sneak wao you get all the cool mask are you kidding me that thing's like a fire catapult My Le I have grave news what is it Ramona they have found a fourth mask this is very butt we must do something using our we returned to the gunboats and continued on to the next delivery now that we' collected all four masks we had to keep an eye out for any mysterious ruins that could have a giant door in them this delivery though was to another village where we upgraded our armor and the villagers there offered some great trades I got a frost wand that froze mobs when I shoot it and Isaac got a sniper rifle at a nearby Temple we also stocked up on some cool potions and then headed to our next delivery try to stick high in the trees Isaac hi in the trees baby like a monkey all right I'm at the bottom is that an apple tree right there D I wonder if you can pick those I got to check that out you can wow hey there it is jungle treeh house that must be our next delivery what the heck kind of cows are those man they're like caramel delights delivery is over here this a fancy little area isn't it these things are gorgeous wa dude they got all kinds of cool food here I this is crazy isn't it it's like a it's like a bar are they making wine and stuff here cuz they got grapes growing what are these things I'm just harvesting everything golden beetroots those have to be rare yeah yeah I've given up my days of working in the jungle and decided I just want to work here from now on oh this place is loaded with drinks wait really like wine oh it's a wine cabinet wa jelly wine apple wine improved instant Health oh Isaac this is loaded with fancy food pie crust raw pasta minc beef okay start unloading all your food into this chest and we got to we got to make some new stuff dude I can hold a second backpack and exclusively use that to hold all my different foods and Waters and drinks how can you make a new backpack I found it look at this it's my potion backpack this is crazy there's an apple press right here and I bet oh yeah are we about to make cider oh we got Apple Mash nice let's eat it oh that's a great food source and it gives regeneration Isaac we might as well chill here for a minute restore relax we've been working hard oh man we need to get a bunch of food going oh wait I just realized there's actually tree houses here too I didn't even look up until now a lot of villages up they're all up high that's where all the people are oh there's bad guys here what are you doing here this is for the rich people you shouldn't be here you think this is a rich person area Zach I'm getting more of a cult-like behavior from this place like a bunch of people left society and decided to start a little communal here it could be I mean there's definitely I mean mean how would you ever come here there's no airfare here why don't we do a little cooking over here Isaac come here look this is full of ingredients we could maybe try to cook something I'm going to take minced beef and see if I can put that on The Cutting Board this doesn't seem cutable does it seem prival oh I put it in the skillet oh the fish too let's go let's make oursel a nice little meal we've been working hard so that's what we did we fill up our bellies full of amazing food and we went to sleep after a hard day of work and exploring and tomorrow we needed to uncover the mysteries of El Dorado and make our final [Music] deliveries people of other's own they have filed by false mask of BU up we must stop these Outsiders before they destroy that Junger sent out the huntter all right Isaac it was a good sleep let's get our armor back on cuz it's time to go out there and explore I think I'm going to change up the mask I might bring back out the storm guy today it's time to rain some lightning down I'm going to stick with Inferno all right off to the next delivery Isaac these guys want a um it's just a delivery item I don't know what it is just a little sand listen Zach I'm not going to say what this delivery item is but it's a white powder from the jungles that's fair that's fair but we're not here to judge we're here to deliver we might even be in columia right now that's all I'll say we're we're okay first off is it more dangerous to you or what uh there's a lot more monsters through here maybe not I don't know I feel like in the daytime it's usually safer now Guys Somewhere back there we accidentally left our Battleship that we spent a massive amount of money on and so to be honest with you it's a it's a it's a big F we'll do it by foot we're not giving up all right this is a uh interesting delivery Isaac we're delivering a white powder to an abandoned house I'll go ahead and drop mine off hey watch out watch out Isaac tribal what is that thing oh yo he's spawning in people I don't know he's wearing one of the masks oh dude that ice is awesome look at that and then they shatter Zach I I got to reload dude he's he just spawned people in you froze me oh one more up here one more up here I got him with the blow dart okay something's going on here buddy I'm going to deliver watch out where did the mask guy go did he get away Isaac that was the same guy we saw earlier yeah but he got away again he keeps teleporting there's blood on the ground in here wao something happened in here buddy rotten food everywhere what is this Isaac in some sort of abandoned kitchen hey I found a diary diary entry 217 we've been here for almost a year now enjoying the isolation and living off the land so far however we've noticed that some tribes in the area have started a habit of surveillance of our comings and goings diary entry 315 we finally made good Headway with the bunker it's taken a couple months of work but I think we can start moving things there tonight don't think we'll survive another attack without it Isaac there must be a bunker somewhere D I don't know I turned this lamp on though and there's a dead body below it yeah I see that maybe they didn't make it to the bunker the Bunker's usually below the base right hold on dude the blood is leading into the forest hey watch out watch out watch out dude they're everywhere God the blow dart's fantastic but also horrible let's follow the red here follow the blood yeah my gosh there's so many guys through here oh it dude it continues on the trail up here here we go wait Isaac if there was a bunker they were after and somebody died inside this could be somebody trying to make it to their bunker follow me through the blood crap dude there's so many guys yeah we just got to run we can't fight this many where' it go I've lost the blood track the trail here I'm going to try to freeze them freeze shot freeze shot oh I found the trail I refound it it's kind of following like the podz oil path I see I see you keep going keep going keep going they're everywhere what's going on dude we can't fight this out we got to get out of here hide in the jungle no we got to keep going keep going get to the bunker that's the only safe spot over here over here blood's over here dead body get me out of here watch your health watch your health look look look Isaac dude I just killed half of them oh my gosh that was huge do you see it no I don't see it it's got to be through here though in this sand I'm thinking we searched for a while surviving the constant attacks and finally found the bunker all thanks to some blind luck oh Isaac Isaac I found it where I just started digging and it was right here what the heck let's see what this thing's about oh dude dude this is crazy oh my God ISAC is a fully stocked bunker oh he was so close to getting here too oh my gosh he would have been loaded there's weapons there's like drinks there's potions this looks like portable water yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes there's fish trophies oh oh here we go here we go here we go here we go always have a goat horn on you Isaac come grab one of these amulets allows you to look like an oh okay I see bro cookies an enchantment table this has everything you could ever need wait what's in this there's cookies and then what are these Isaac you missed a crossbow oh bro here this is for you you're the crossbow guy take that that's really good oh that is really good here I'll give you this one then if you need some range N I think I'm good oh Zack book bags on the table we didn't even see them Isaac over here ammo Quivers and ammo chests Isaac arrows arrows and bullets there's everything here wow what an incredible Discovery for our next delivery we found ourselves delivering to some sort of Swampy witch Huts the Huts had some weird potions inside like a disguise potion and a human potion so we decided to hold on to those in case we needed them later after that we traveled to this beautiful Alco with giant turtles and a turns out we could also tame them so that's exactly what we did delivering packages on giant turtles was way cooler than gunboats oh you finally made it what the heck is your super Speedy for w cuz if you jump dude they fly look at this oh oh wait this is the spot this is the spot we're here go ahead and get a quick Park in wow I'm Dr I'm delivering oh the next item is some fur boots this looks like a little oh Isaac it's a little encampment here it's like some people are living in this area or something huh scope it out see if there's any clues on what's hunting us down right now this is getting a little bit weird bag of cocoa beans oh is this a little chocolate production line I think I think it is Apples I'll take those good fruit lots of apples some apple cider and they also have ancient pearls in a saddle as well I'm not exactly sure what's going on here wait a minute are you friendly oh that's so cool I have ender pearls that I get strink too it's just a lizard cam don't kill them don't kill them they're nice peaceful kind of worried that our Turtles would have gotten away by now oh yours is still here oh they're both here okay nice mine hung out over here let's go oh my gosh there it is finally Zach I've been waiting for my chance to get one of these you want it yes I have to I have to try go get it tiger I haven't got a saddle for you this is my fireb bird's long lost buddy okay he doesn't like me but we are trying to tame this thing with all of our mic there's no way look at this all right beus should have a big enough area to get out yep and I'm just going to walk her over to her new enclosure and we gave her a fireplace so hopefully that doesn't kill him you always know that he's just going to be waiting for me that's because he loves me guys there we go there we go we're trying to tame it these things are extremely hard to [Music] get wow what a rare find that's only the second one we've seen he's really making me work for it it's not easy Zach this is like a no he's flying you can't get him when they're flying oh oh there we go we got him you got him finally I got zarak Zar talk is back and he has particle effects as I fly look at these they're beautiful no kidding I can't believe it Isaac just upgrades and leaves his Turtle there like nothing just trashes him man I erased that guy from my memory look at the view up here man I'll meet you at the delivery wait a minute what the heck dude this a snowy Island oh this is our delivery site look there's a cat on it how cute watch out he's back Isaac he's back not this guy again crap I'm out of ammo zor stay back oh crap hey may mayday mayday mayday Hunters they're Hunters they're hunting us oh is that what it says oh we're freezing to death here we're freezing to death what is this delivery dude like a little micro climate here what is the delivery item oh there's snow boots makes sense at least wait a minute there's a house here can I get warm go to the house quick oh yeah it's nice and cozy and there's some little dude in here oh look icy pearls hey take half take half it says it freezes nearby Targets on hit that could be useful what is this guy y he's so cute how's he living in the Amazon like this get out of here get out of here all right Zar talk where are you come down to me son all right guys our next delivery is a uh thing of shears this actually might be the last delivery I think for this journey here so I'm very excited to finally drop this one off I mean it's it's been a it's been crazy but you know all all in all things have gone pretty well got a great Turtle so let's go ahead and just knock this out right we'll catch up to lover fella in no time it felt like we traveled across the globe to get there but we finally made it Isaac this is our last delivery dude this is crazy we've been delivering for a couple days now I'm going to pop in the sheo I'm kind of sad about it to be honest pop it in this is great let's pop it in and just go scope out this last area you notice there's a full Temple back here too I do it's kind of peeking through the trees up there wo whoo whoo wo leave zarp talk could be dangerous my gosh there's a lot of temples up here zarp talk you got to stay here wo dude this is like the actual civilization where they must be living it almost looks like it's kind of abandoned though it's like all overrun it's not Isaac Isaac hold on I got to change masks that's way to you know what I'm putting on a helmet that's going to make too much noise dude look do you have a spy glass I actually do yeah zoom in looks like there's bunch of people up there oh W they're doing some sort of ceremony it looks like they have like Spears and they're holding it towards a guy here take a look I drop you one I that's the guy who's been chasing us every time we make a delivery oh dude there's a guy right in front of you back up yep I see that back it up Hey listen listen listen give me one of those potions those disguise potions oh my gosh I got the backpack give me a second okay there's a disguise there's a human and I'll take both two I going to take it and see what happens hey they're coming they're coming oh my Dr the disguise oh you look like one of them now Zach kill that guy he saw us no we know he's good I don't know how long this lasts what the heck is this one doing what is it noise dude what kind of potion we just drink get away from here kill this one too all right that's perfect cuz we just killed two and now we look like them we're good we're good we're good all right let's see what's going on here okay I think we can just walk right in oh wait no we're good we're good yeah we look like them act apart act apart hey boys hey hey hey he's a hunter I don't know that one in The Middle's on to us dud we might not want to hang around here too long just keep going just keep going just keep going dude the big Temple's up there to the right I think we got to go to the top bro we're about to make some money I don't know if like the common folk like us are allowed up on this Temple so we need to go quick no we're good this is not the most convenient staircase but what kind of species are these that they can walk up this oh Isaac wait a minute don't open it that could be trapped I'm taking it oh it was trapped I think oh oh oh we look like them but we're good we're good we're good we're good just come on let's get out of here come on back in the beginning whip I got to pull mine out May me it's your bird let me drink this human potion real quick and see here I got you an illusion totem you can pick it up I'm byy zard bark zard barar whatever his name is zard put that on oh a diamond necklace for some speed that would have have been useful getting in there I'll just save it we don't need that right now what else we got um some golden axes some diamonds some emeralds uh here's some emeralds for you if you want it oh a diamond leather flasks these hold lots of water we also got a book that sells El Dorado and a map that sells El Dorado as well oo that's like the most important thing and you left it I know I know I know let me see this what does it say on an island of ice head far far south a mushroom Forest at the southern end head Far Far East a boiling River shall be followed continue undaunted then one shall stand on a small Sandy Island and look South the monument guards the door dude I feel like we're going to have to do that in steps that's so complicated we have to like get to the ice biome and link up maybe we split up and seek out the boiling river that the notebook mentioned neither of us could find it for half an hour but finally I managed to locate this weird area we linked back up to resume the quest how's the water down there it's good and I feel like these are going to destroy my boat so I got to be careful Oh They'll suck you down won't they yeah they do oh they suck my bird down oh he's going to lose it oh it takes you under what is that too there's like some sort of lion cow up there hey dude I don't know how else to describe what I just saw keep following this River and I'll tell you what we're looking for next I found a little island I'm going to pause at that one and let you catch up that's got to be it dude I don't know what we're looking for but there's a Temple it is Isaac this is the island I think all right I'm going to pit stop at the island it says no it says go to a Sandy Island and then it says look South and you'll see the monument door which way is south it's this way Isaac welcome to El Dorado what that is more than a door dude that's a full Temple I'm going to trust you to stay here on the island my bir bird this is unbelievable you think it's a myth you think it's a rumor Isaac get on up here where you at wow just a couple zombies oh watch out just a couple zombies nothing we haven't dealt with yet this place probably hasn't been visited in ages so it's probably full of uh you know just some dead these will be easy to kill oh it's the Temple Block I do have the pickaxe to break through this stuff now I think you know this is a great item to have in Minecraft by the way uh a block that's not obsidian you can build out of like that just so cool wao look behind us look at all that loot it's like a mask kill these guys real quick this looks like it has places for The Masks mascara day M and mascara day Inferno all right I have the storm mask and the protector mask we're going to have to translate these to I have Inferno I have Champion let's see if any of these champ protector I got protector here we go so the last mask goes right here should open the door mascara de tormenta go do it I'm ready okay here we go here we go oh we're in oh my God we're about to make so much money in here wait a minute is it not a golden City and it's just beautiful no it's going to be full of gold look at this peaceful bamboo creatures it's amazing gosh it's so pretty in here El Dorado this is incredible I can't believe we made it Isaac we're about to make so much money well let's not die right before we get there I'm going to jump down the waterfall you say we Swan Dive In let's do it I'm in it oh man wa hey all right all right we got to get out of here to be honest with there's a lot of stuff and we don't have our mask anymore you're right hey whip up whip up get your whip get your whip Isaac oh god oh you're right I need to get my whip yo yo yo yo yo hold on wait a minute where's all the gold at Isaac yeah yeah I hear you the Shaman's at the center bro what is he in here for wait there's mob spawners down here I can't get to you dude what the crap there's no loot Isaac there's no gold anywhere well hold on there's a few pieces of gold I'm seeing around here it's just not a full Gold city though there he is watch out watch out okay I'm taking out his Hunters careful careful careful just keep looking just keep looking dude why are these guys are like ghosts they're like fading away when you hit them it's so strange this is nothing there's nothing here there's no gold anywhere there is some gold but it's just not enough this isn't the city no this has to be it what's back here how is the shaman already in here I don't know it's like some beehive thing is there any gold is there any elytra anything barrels they're all empty though this way there he is oh we found him again watch out watch out watch out wo whooah wo wo wo wo wo there's nothing in here either this was just a dead end they're like it's like they're living in here Isaac meet me at the center watch out zombies yo a full-on library oh he's back again dude get a life and stop harassing us watch out watch out watch out Isaac the table gapples oh my gosh these are the good ones too these are purples oh they are take them off take them oh netherite armor yes give it to me dude get out of here Diamond I only need the netherite oh there's more over here what's this netherite sword oh netherite body you missed it did I dang it you can take my armor though it looks cooler than yours and it's Enchanted over there on the ground um you know that's true that's true I I'll take that wow oh there's weapons everywhere in here Isaac o there we go that's what I've been looking for the sword of the jungle temple and there's an axe that I don't have so I'm going to take that too a runic shock and it says regularly fires arrows at enemies if you have AR arrows in your inventory trade I'll trade you for the sword I've been a shock Room Boy since day one nice we finished looting the library and geared up to finally face the shaman there he is there we go all right let's try out the new runic shock okay it seems to not be able to hit this guy we'll go for a new guy there we go keep moving keep moving this is clearly the right direction hey that looks weird lots of gold keep moving though we'll be back for it oh there's so much gold though I can't stop there's gold everywhere oh my goodness look at it all look at all the gold I need to start doing that to we've been leaving too much keep moving keep moving keep moving looks like it's opening up up here wa he's here he's back he's always back man you see everywhere that sweeping Edge is there any secret items in here too I'm going to check out upstairs I don't see anything in the basement Al let's get out of here I don't see anything yeah it looks like just a grand Library we're taking a left never seen a base made of gold blocks hey he's back watch out watch out watch out keep moving keep moving keep moving oh it's like a Fallen Tree across here I got to go across move quick move quick watch behind you dude the ceiling in here looks awesome oh hold on hold on what is that that looks like the emblem we saw when we first came in Isaac this is where the shaman is oh the Boss Bar has appeared don't go in yet get your best amulets on your best armor your best amulets I'm geared out as well as I could it's just going to be a shock game in there to me I got two golden cooked chickens I got myself a cloudberry juice and I'm ready to get in there make sure you got the gas apples take those drink one drink one hurry drink one I drink it I drink it I'm eating a grapple why I'm flying what the heck is this doing let's go baby Isaac there he is he's over here how long does this last for a long time I got him Frozen get down here Isaac I need help dude I'm stuck on the ceiling oh he's using all the masks against us dude I'm worried I'm going to die mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday you should have thought of that before you made me fly what is he doing bro took a Willy Wonka juice dude I'm stuck bro that's just embarrassing let me down oh finally finally I'm coming down where are you aerial attack there we go surprise attack this is the shaman Isaac this is the guyy he's got the mask fire mask fire mask watch out fire Mask wait he took my weapon no no you threw it and you bounc it off of him watch out watch out watch out he's got all the masks he does he takes your inventory when you hit him he's gone he's gone he's gone where'd he go he takes your armor off too you got to be really careful bro I don't know what's happening to you he's not doing that to me watch out he's coming at you dude he's on me I know this guy's got it out for me cuz he the watch out I'm going back up good luck son what you shouldn't have gave me two of them oh what's this mask do what's this mask do lightning mask he missed us he missed us we're good hey he hey leave the final hit for me Zach get him low you're doing great down there just freaking Dodge my attack so well I got a plan here I come here I come step back boom he didn't even see me coming oh the sneak attack all right yeah oh we're getting in there now oh you froze me myad my bad my couple more couple more couple more where is he where is he stop it this ends now what are you here what do you want dude you've been harassing and attacking us every chance you've gotten yeah we need to get rid of you so we can continue our job in peace ever since you have got then here you've been harassing the locals stealing their goods and killing the people here I have sworn to protect the Amazon against people like you and I will not stop now like as you can see I could have stopped you at any time but I didn't who think that you would come to your senses and just go away on your own but enough unless you want to be killed drop all of the stolen items in the mouth of bab and leave there's no way we can defeat these guys I think we lost you're right I just wanted a stable job delivering packages I'm so sorry about everything Isaac let's just do what they [Music] say Zach look over there what's that whoa what what Incarnation Isaac let's go check this out before we leave wait Isaac look at this whoa this is this is beautiful yeah do you think we should see where it leads to well Zach we might as well we have nothing left to lose all right let's do it
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 406,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 12Zm3eWe6e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 15sec (4575 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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