Minecraft but I have OP Tools..

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I am a complete Minecraft Noob so today I'm challenging myself to beat the whole game for the very first time however I get to use God tools like a sword with sharpness 32,000 will these tools be useful for beating the game or will I fail and completely embarrass myself stick around to find out all right so here we are in game let's take a look at our op stuff that we have in our inventory oh my go oh yo sharpness 32,00 ,000 oh my God looting 6,000 Unbreaking F I don't know I don't even know what fire iect 7,000 would do and I don't think I mean knock back 9,000 that's insane oh my gosh there power power 32,000 on my bow oh my gosh Fortune 6,453 uh so we got really good stuff here and then oh my gosh God chest plate God leggings God boots oh wow uh we're going to see how easy it is to beat Minecraft with with OP loot uh let's take out this zombie right here that he's in my way yeah no problem all right so uh let's get underground I guess uh it's going to be night time there's these mobs oh God a creeper okay yeah no problem oh my god oh I got yo I got three stacks of gunpowder okay um let's head underground here uh cuz obviously we're going to need to get to the Nether um and eventually get to the end wow we got a got a lot of Flint but this wow oh yo oh my God okay uh I can't even open my inventory oh my God I can't oh I don't didn't even pick them all up what what is happening oh they're down here okay wow that's a lot of iron uh that's a lot of iron I think we're going to be probably good on iron there uh so I'm going to I'm going to just going to leave the rest uh I don't really need it and I'm just going to keep going down here okay we got some some lapis that is O it's it is breaking it's lag but I found my way out of uh the laggy lapis area I did have to restart my game twice um and eventually it did load um so it's way way over there I've dug away from it so we don't need lapis I I don't I didn't even grab any of it um but I just don't want this because this this is what we want um okay I let's get some crafting going here uh cuz we got to get to the end uh but we need a couple things to get to the end one of those things is going to be be uh a bucket to make the portal um I need coal going to be right here I definitely should not have mined all of that hopefully my game does not crash oh God there's like 3 million coal on the floor right now see now I'm able to come back through oh cuz there was iron there too yeah there's a my goodness there's a lot it's weird like after like I leave the chunk or whatever that it's in then I can come back is fine but it's that initial time so the main things that we need at this point um is just blazes uh for blaze rods and then Enderman obviously uh to craft Eyes of Ender uh let's see how much oh we got iron from that but yeah we really only need like one or we're not going to need that many mobs of each uh because my sword has such a good looting on it oh shoot I need to make uh flint and steel too good thing I have a stack of Flint all righty let's mine these diamonds here just one though okay there okay there we go game didn't crash I think that's uh probably a fair amount of diamonds all right here we go now we can start on this portal oh well I mean I was kind of wondering but now I know that we are completely immune to Lava all right we have finally constructed the nether portal I don't even want those spider eyes um do we have anything I don't think we yeah we have our buckets so into The Nether let's see how good our op tools are here um so we really just need to find a blaze which means we got to find another Fortress [Music] um not quite sure if we're high or low right now I might just start digging up here and see where it takes us since it really doesn't take us that long um okay and one thing I've also noticed um this doesn't not seem like I take any damage on anything I have not taken like durability wise I have not taking any damage on anything which makes sense as I have Unbreaking Unbreaking 3,000 but still it's kind of insane oh got something a little bit different here oh whoa whoa whoo whoa whoa whoa okay okay what I think okay we're close to the surface thank goodness but we we we've reached this um okay so we're in the nether luckily we are invincible to Lava so we are still alive um however one thing I just realized is that we are definitely not going to be able to find our way back to our nether portal um so that's going to be tough oh let's kill this gas here or not all right but here's our another our uh um Fortress here uh so let's get over to that real quick kill our necessary Blaze and then find our way back I wonder if he dropped any wither skulls oh looks like he did oh that would be helpful if I was trying to fight the Wither I don't know how how good I am against blazes let's find out nice okay uh shoot I don't I didn't see where his I did not see where his blaze rods went and there's not a spawner up here uh but I see another one there so does that mean that there's one nearby I really got to kill him with my sword otherwise I won't get the Looting benefits so I need to make a close combat oh which I think I can do let me get a free inventory space here H good get away from me oh my God I think my Thorns just killed him oh I think my Thorns is killing the blaze too okay that's uh that that is a problem here okay here oh is that it right there got this this hole in the stord makes it so hard to see anything yeah that's it that's it now's my chance no damn it come on yes okay I got my stack I think now our next move here is to try to find a Bastion uh to get obsidian to to get back cuz there is no way that we're going to find our our portal at this point I've long I mined so long and I the fact that I came out of a lava lake would mean I would need to dive back into to a lava lake there's no oh there's piglins maybe there's a Bastion around here I've been having so much oh no way oh yo y y okay oh all right we're saved we're saved we're saved we're saved we got ourselves right here a ruined portal all right we did it saved by the ruin portal which is oh all right there we go problem solved yeah that eliminates all the lag I think it's just there's just too many items there he is come back Mr Enderman oh snap snap see me see me okay where'd he go he probably doesn't like this he probably doesn't like the cold I don't blame him but uh I got to take him down all right there we go there are our pearls now we can begin the journey to the stronghold I'm not going to be too worried about the Eyes of Ender uh just cuz I have two stacks of them so this shouldn't take too long stop going for me man I'm just trying to find the stronghold here okay it is right here I'm almost 100% yep out of my way polar bear oh perfect we broke through an ore so we got the The Ore leg but I think we'll be able to get away from it enough um unfortunately I wasn't able to see where the stronghold uh portal was okay there we go and there it is right there perfect we're going to make this in record time get him in jump all right here we go I hope you're scared Mr iner Dragon [Music] come on hit [Music] me not even going to punch is he just like surrendering to me he doesn't even want to fight it's not even hitting me hey all right I got him one hit thanks for watching if you want more vids like this let me know in the comments below and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Fezzy
Views: 8,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft op tools, minecraft tools, minecraft OP, minecraft overpowered, OP tools, over powered tools, overpowered tools, minecraft armor, minecraft sword
Id: qnK8uhTsk9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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