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Egg cracking sounds

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Late_Negotiation_958 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] do you have any batteries no but I need them whoa what could this new meow be stay tuned to find out hey if you had to choose one to survive who would you pick girls or boys I know you'll make the right choice but will we in this would you rather who will make the right choices all right to your ride to see the pandas follow me over here stop punching them and they will like you and over here what's this oh would you rather game oh my God this doesn't seem like a part of a zoo no no I told you guys we were coming to the zoo and I never said we wouldn't play would you rather but we're playing would you today so do I have to ask that one foreign [Laughter] [Music] oh be human but extremely rich the Forever part was important I thought it'd just be a vampire limb oh wow somebody's little dirt particles where's it gonna be I'm picking I picked one oh wow okay my argument my argument is the fact that you know you could be human but Rich right but you can live a vampire be forever and then eat the extremely rich humans right ah exactly after the humans are gone then you take all the riches I'm sure I could buy living forever either that or I'm gonna be really awesome and then leaves oh yeah bones download myself into a computer be extremely important babe nothing's changing within me oh so look at yourself [Music] wait all ready I think they got us both I think somehow in just a Blind Fury we lost immediately yeah yeah all right let's see what the other side was like yeah yeah ah the beach with my friends [Music] power to burp Donuts would you what fart pixie dust [Music] um which one do I do why would you do this to me who's picking what okay you know I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna pick I feel like this round's gonna be really telling I know I'm sorry I have to pick this first I thought it was gross but actually it sounds pretty cool okay it does but think about this kid Kim unlimited donuts it's a lot of donuts what but then you can burp for it get more Donuts exactly this is a win-win situation 300 pounds every time that wouldn't take the donut burp out the donut it's a perfect process that said well it doesn't matter oh no be more gross versus [Music] okay let's go for it [Music] I feel better I'm gonna cover up all those pixie farts I am not making any progress great great it's fine don't worry about it we got this aren't meant to win and they picked the wrong what would pixie dust actually smell like as a fart I wonder I'd rather just take someone's word for it whatever what is wrong [Music] this is gonna be the most insane would you rather question ever are you ready yeah I think so good one okay I wouldn't mind that Tony coils survive are those really the only two options these are the only two options let's see who's who's nice and who's naughty okay I think I got it this is the only way that makes sense yeah I mean what else can we do oh okay but no wait a minute I mean I'm glad but confused because you thought we were going to pick girls but you know yeah we decided that we weren't going to be mean about it right yeah that's why wait because wait I pick voice yeah that's because you're selfish but anyway I want to survive yeah me and Kim are so selfless because we know that girls are the best right yeah it is the only self uh fish man yeah [Music] win the lottery next year oh yeah okay listen [Music] right now I think you all know what I'm going with yeah maybe you'll surprise us or I don't know [Music] yeah who's taking so long I bet it's saying yes I have already made a choice thank you very very much make it [Music] oh hey [Music] I'm sure now obviously I'm picking this because I love money and I get it today instead of next year huh [Music] skirt the issue big green yeah so I get rich today because I get my love today you all have to wait a year it is a great sale have fun you gotta be quick on the punch we gotta collect the right thing [Music] and my my love my gold and I I warned you you have to not pick up the gold wait what yeah love you picked love buddy yeah we gotta go for the hearts oh so so so we have to oh I can't get it yeah oh they're all mixed up with each other you must lose your heart in order to get rich that foul bury it Thief all those feelings Zayn it just pick up just pick up the gold you know that's that's 100 trillions come on come on come on come on [Music] how much gold did you pick up um oh my gosh what I don't even know what it is [Music] um so you have the choice so they're doing it for you oh [Music] okay them break up with your true love okay I mean obviously I'm gonna pick The Winning Side this is actually a pretty easy one for me yep yeah oh sort of a split see so we're the best we end up though we're the ones who broke up so we're the winners okay if they're the ones that break yeah well so the trick is I thought you said Fierce I saw no my true love is so I gotta I say gotta break up with me because I I wouldn't know where to go yeah if they're the ones that break up with you they're the ones that are saving you the trouble and showing that they're not worth your time so you get to do something [Applause] always worth everyone's time whoa hang on oh my God [Music] long distance yeah all right since when could you do that what happened of my head nice yeah I think it's maybe the number of lives we got left okay guys I don't think I'm doing so good oh yeah oh is that what it feels like when you get broken up with I got killed I'm being broken up on him you will not break up with me I'll break up with me first wait a minute Pierce what's getting away I think I did to break up with me sorry dude oh that is a cruel mistress let me explain my music I didn't explain to me okay so here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing so I'm listening I'd rather than break up with me so I could eat chocolate and everyone feel better wait what you want okay it's my turn uh guys keep your possessions but cats go extinct yeah what's that job reading all right before you pick let me propose something I already picked [Music] wow okay so all the other people I get saved cat no listen listen if I'm a science guy I would love the challenge of bringing cats back from Extinction okay I could be that guy think about it fake cats can I help the extinction go a bit faster I think that's more important nowhere for the kitties where's the kitties I have a brand what about the food get over here oh no kitties I'm trying to save you please please please yeah let's see that's the problem with cats they don't care yeah they want to run away from you nope no we're the red team what do you mean yeah [Music] [Music] that's that's putting it one way I don't know man oh oh here we go I'm gonna go with this okay okay this one should be obvious this one should be pretty good yeah all right hey really we've had jalapenos you know they're not that bad from Carolina yeah but I I just thought it sounded cool and also just what is less than 10. it trust me there is nothing cool about it well we'll see about that whoa oh hey despite this is jalapenos over here okay okay [Music] oh my God oh just skip this real quick [Applause] okay yes Pierce welcome to Carolina would you rather have a giant cat or a giant dog let's talk wait giant litter box okay yeah I'm listening yeah okay well now we have to pick which one we want oh uh oh oh here we go [Music] okay there's one person here and then there's where is here though I don't know oh okay so but you can have a giant wolf I figured you would have read the books about the giant bugs Kim I'm a giant red dogs yeah imagine a cat going meow [Music] [Applause] [Music] go go go go go go go go go go go go go so tiny alive [Applause] not too far help we can do this Camp guys help that's that's your problem s I'm trying I'm trying so bad this is my first time on Wolf Flags wait where's Kim wait I think I think give one they've got it good news I got out of the tree okay yeah what what are you my dad ah not your dad for 25 cents a day you can help these poor animals after they have lost their important races now don't you put that on me cheers she's a scooter
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,265,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau would you rather, aphmau minigames, aphmau mob race, aphmau parkour, aphmau impossible obby, aphmau giant cats and dogs, aphmau rich, aphmau vampires, aphmau has to choose, aphmau true love, aphmau secret crush, would you rather mod minecraft, pick a side
Id: JfnTs_5cAA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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