Minecraft Bedwars, But I Added Custom Beds...

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what happens when you add custom op beds to bed wars chaos this is the god bed but you need 40 emeralds to purchase it but it spawns bedrock around your entire base and this is just one of the custom beds the boys and i added to minecraft can i protect my bed by upgrading it stick around until the end to find out all right a little gentleman's agreement okay i say we kill wally bear deal what color is he right he's right there who's better though actually i have a big question is it wally or is it purple me and purple have never 1v1 oh but i think he's better than me but i think i'm better yeah yeah okay so there's a double agreement then that's better by the way guys this is where you go purchase your custom bed so we just bought a stone bed and look at what it does when you upgrade your bed boom look at this guys uh i'm just going to go and say i have a stone bed all right don't be tall now okay i just i've been getting diamonds i'm just getting diamonds at the diamond gym i'm probably gonna go middle i'm just gonna start well you're getting you're getting diamonds wait are we recording this wait the stone bed is pretty good um has and i'm about to upgrade to an iron bed to see what this is about but i think is it an iron bed i think you get like iron golems oh let's see what we're supposed to be showing you you're yoinking all the emeralds iron someone had a big old iron wall in there that's me dude i got the iron i'm going to claiming this i'm not dinner this is me what do you have is that stone sword no he's not down oh my god how much do you have dude he has like 12 at least ah like three no what's he got she's got twelve one three like three maybe four maybe four maybe seven all right is he getting stabbed now there's no way let's go there's my diamonds yeah you can't you can't do me like that you can't you can't do me like that stop it while the rest of the youtubers are arguing about the emerald generator i'm going straight for diamonds and gold so we can upgrade to the golden diamond bed i feel like that's that's where you do it i got the gold bed oh what does anyone have an iron bed is look at all of this yeah i do i've got the iron bed right now but i want to go i want to go we're wait preston look at the generator my iron blocks are in my oh come on they really i think this is anti-stonks bro i'm getting like half the loot now it's a disadvantage it's like a disadvantage literally i'm getting scammed what is this don't get just scammed all right let's see if the gold bed is worth the hype i'm putting the gold battery that's pretty nice i'm not gonna lie you get bodyguards oh but dude if your bed's protected you gotta like you can like break it down all right where are you live i'm gonna watch your bike upgrade live okay sorry i already okay here let me see it do i have another one for your favorite i'll trade you i'll trade i'm challenging you for these emeralds run your pockets oh my gosh look at this not alive look i'm the first player i'm the worst player that's ever played this game let's go we have uh tier two diamond generators two i'm just worried about when the emerald generator gets a tier three if everybody has a god bed we're gonna have problems oh emerald's two that's why that should be the goal oh my goodness for everybody dude i'm scared i'm getting i'm getting really close to my goal here i'm only a couple emeralds away from the uh netherite bed uh okay well i upgraded it to diamond 22 seconds of diamond trail does that mean i can just jump off i don't know we're gonna test it out we're gonna test it out it okay that didn't work arguing my sharpening i'm not actually robbing you no cap two emeralds right now two emeralds i'm so sick no you gotta give me two bro two members what's happening two one two emeralds right now come on bro this is a robbery i'm no cat right now what is happening dude i only have one all right i think he's lying i think he's definitely lying dude he's definitely like bionic what are you trying to buy i need your attention everyone i need your attention come to the gray base come to the gray bay something excuse me something like something changing ready all right it's huge it's huge let's go baby wait is it going to flow all the way down oh that's sick i have like a huge defense yeah where is he all right let's see if i see him do something all right buddy come on let's go what you got what you got oh okay okay okay okay okay i got it okay okay okay okay okay oh let's go listen listen listen listen buddy listen buddy listen buddy hey listen we can talk about these things purple come on oh wait like that how do you do that what do you mean i just jumped around it dude i just jumped around it i jumped around bro this gear is so cheeks this is cheesy baby wally nice got some new resources what your bed what about it is this is this baked he said what about this that's that's my bed defense which makes sense it's just two blocks on top of your bed it's foolproof just i have to tell you this fellas but i have taken the middle uh bed stop hostage he's stuck you can't get out what's up hey how are you living in there man hello wally i don't know if i want to fight a bear right but i will fight a bunny oh he's going to give me a bonuc he's trying to get away get the bunker get him get him so we're not teaming we're splitting it's sharing well oh my god he's got these guys he's got gapples sorry i've got gapples too well i know what he's trying to do he's trying to team no you have to be low there's no way no i can't ah take it oh i can't toss it either way i would like to just wait wait hold on i think i know what it is what damage is that it's more than iron sharp too i'll tell you that way down you have an idea wait i think i know what you did wait how do i do it oh yeah i have to like place it if you get a fancy buddy after the middle get it yeah yeah he has a fancy bed baby no way which one did he get don't worry advice i think it's the godman i think he has it he's not the guy there's no chance he got the god bad there's no chance that that's bedrock walls isn't it that's 40 emeralds how did you do that um i think it might be time for a three-man team up on bonkers we need to pool our resources and make a make a defending base okay i agree i have okay i have 12 emeralds if you guys want to buy the bed off me you can i can still drop you emeralds okay i'll do seven seven seven emeralds all right we got eleven [Applause] yeah don't tell it to him he's a liar wait wait wait if we're all teaming together why didn't we just let one of us get it when it was really cheap wait that's true dude oh my god oh he's in the center guys he's in the center we got to kill him i'm ready i'm ready ready let's get him let's just get him get him yeah i'm out of here boy no no he's playing out of here does anybody get a projectile i can go back to the base and get one i'm getting projectiles i'm coming i'm coming it's been a long time since i've navigated the bedwars inventory while he better save me i give you it to you no don't try to save me i'm not even kidding i will give you the goddamn bro i don't care i still haven't for i am an investor that that's him up there that's him up there i'm i'm down here i'm below you oh oh that's him that's that's bonkers oh who did this wow what are you doing you you've gone to the dark side what are you doing let's okay just come back here until it's safe i don't need a fireball all right here's what the problem is here 20. 20 emeralds and 15 diamonds that's your that's your channel i have five emeralds is this the teams now should we do wally and bionic versus preston and purple sure who do you want to kill first though purple like do you think you kill wall here right here what's he doing go go use it wait wait i know what he's doing okay here's what we have to do we can just purchase the bed for each other and then share it so you can use the bed on your island yeah yeah so use the bed on your island and then i can use it on mine like we can share the bedroom we honestly have to just get stacked like this okay bring them bring all your emeralds in bring all your emeralds and i'm starting to think that maybe you want to go for the rainbow bed literally passive income the rainbow bed is passive income i'm ready to buy it preston i'm i'm waiting here ready to buy i'm gonna i'm coming yeah he's waiting just [Music] frick wait you didn't have anything on you oh my god it was purple bloated i secured the payload oh my dude how do you shoot in this version oh my god we're at my base we're kind of fighting right now oh boy that's that's that's awkward okay you're fighting how's the fighting going is it going in the favor of the enemies rolling away he's pulling away he's probably why he's scared yeah bro don't pearl what are you doing are you a little girl wally has the bedrock bed too what yeah i think they shared the bed that was the problem attention fellas i got a rainbow bed what does that do though it says it's supposed to spawn a rainbow sheep that gives me healing and four emeralds every 30 seconds did it work that's op bro i don't know i have to wait for 30 seconds i guess wait did you still have the bed in your inventory did it go away it went away so we can't share these a lot is riding on this i don't know if it's hey what do you get away from my bed what are you doing weirdo i'm just chilling oh bonkers come here my child i will murder you all right look dark there's no escaping this there's whoa he's going baby he's going in okay he's actually he's one and he's one and he's i'm really losing this one it's go time in here wait wait what that's right that's right get out of there okay i'm gonna i'm i'm keeping pressure on wally bear on white okay keep it keep it keep it going keep it going cheaper i'm breaking them more i'm gonna come back i'm not taking any chances [Music] what are you doing what are you doing dad what are you doing what are you doing oh oh he wants it he wants it he's in bed okay bedroom like 35 just be careful because we don't know who's at who's bed that's what i'm wearing is that i need to go home uh it's 15 15 health get it ten eight seven six five four you know two one is gone i go go go go i'm coming too i'm coming too uh okay i got you i got you bringing fireball he's looking all cute wait where'd he go do you pearl i honestly took my house off for half a second did he go i think he's in my basement too worried about wally bear i think he said i don't know what he went through honestly speaking i don't know because you know how much use this would the rainbow bed have oh 30 22 21 nine he wasn't like i don't think it is where would it go i think it is it would tell you this it's not technically gone purple not yet oh my god okay i have to go to bionic space i think i have to go to bionic space yeah you do okay screw this wait wally wait i just realized while he did if well he's dead he's dead dead wait yeah who's great you don't die bro wait i'm coming with you i'm coming through person if i'm dead i'm dead dead as well yep he's going away while he's going oh this is the perfect timing that's you that's you just huge what the only emeralds on them oh my god i almost dude i almost fireballed you and killed you i was so worried i'm purchasing i'm purchasing i'm making purchases if you can hold on where he went where'd he go he's probably at somebody's bed he's probably at somebody i know he's he's out he's we're all blue come to blue come to blue i need help we're all at his base uh okay wait he's that he's a blue okay blue need some support oh listen support's here don't worry oh shoot oh yeah you scared me hey um can you just do this oh gosh oh oh it's okay i have diamond he should be he's like he's uh he's i'm breaking his bed i'm breaking watch out watch out friendly fire what you want oh he's got spawn protection i gotta eat my gap he's got no good weapon he's got no good weapon he's purchasing he's trying to protect it get him get him while he's getting better while he's weak yes oh my god you get that side get the knockback stick by the knockback stick wait oh let's get the knockbacks don't kill him don't kill him we can knock back stick him yeah yeah yeah yeah your generator's got scoff i never noticed this where's he out where'd he go where'd he go oh he's hiding somewhere back up back up back up back up wally bay your base is amazing is he really i don't i don't believe it i don't believe it worse yet wait so preston how many how much hits do you have on yours uh i don't know it's a good question have you are you over there right now i'm on my way maybe you're on your way to work i'm i'm staying here because i feel like he might still be here i think he's dude i think he's strolling for unicorns are you going are you going all the way there's one other choice do i have true no another choice you have to go all the way you're right i don't know what he's talking about i don't know either dude they're doing some kind of weird like tick tock cringe stuff yeah dude like i don't know a bunch of weirdos i think he's trying to take out my bed i think he i think he he's always been attracted to me i think that's what's happening i don't know guys listen yeah blame me preston you kind of kind of cute i am i mean listen it's 2v1 so even if the old bunkie boy decides to break my uh my business loses it i mean there's there's no way he can pull it through there's no way there's no shotgun well i guess that settles that all right well let's go ahead and see before we have a fight to the death if uh you know if we can do a uh what what are we doing right now oh yeah we're seeing if i can bring your bed [Music] oh i can't drop it put it in the best put in the chest put in the chest i saw you with wally there's two in there okay try it see can we revive the bed can you revive this is like goku and dragon ball z no you can't no i guess that makes sense but i have a proposal purple the only way to settle a 1v1 in bed wars is a emerald stick duel at the mid lord oh my god how about this how about this we we do like three go we do three into pearls each and another next step yes do i get a dog to break your bed beforehand uh sure really okay just go get it again give a nice little slappy tappy what a fair fella what a fair fellow but you know i guess this is more fair you know i respect listen i was listening i'm wally and bio okay you kind of let me down to be honest what do you mean all right this is it the custom bed wars champion you ready i'll count us down and go all right three two one go let's go oh gg dude
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,142,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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