28 Minecraft Build Hacks You Need To Know!

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here are 28 of Minecraft's greatest build hacks number one are you feeling a bit lonely in your Minecraft world well then get a dog but instead of leaving it on the ground or on your bed why not give it an actual place to stay by using a new cherry blossom wood or any type of wood depending on what you like you can make your very own dog house I'm sure the pup will appreciate it number two this sounds crazy but you can acquire blue magma blocks well not quite they look really similar though place a diamond block on the ground with a skulk Vein on top of it and it would look just like blue magma just watch out that your friends don't steal it number three creating realistic balloons is actually quite straightforward with a small catch you can choose a wall of color of your choice to make the balloon ensure that it's a few blocks off the ground so it looks like it's floating then place a fence on the ground which will be your anchor now here's the tricky part you will need to get some kind of mob probably a chicken into the balloon once you attach a lead to it and then tie it to your fence in the ground it will look like the string on a real balloon if you want to go back to when civilization was at the basics then why not try this Mega torch craft a campfire and place it on top of two stone brick walls this large light is much more Charming than using a torch and will be perfect for the streets in your city number five next time you are creating a living room in your house or want to have some kind of centerpiece try adding a TV this sounds a bit wacky but use a smoker with a leave fever on top it will look just like those 80s TVs with the bonus use that you can smoke your Meats with it number six now that cherry blocks have been released you'll have an easy time making a pink Barbie themed house stripped logs and planks will work best for this building and it will be one of the most recognizable houses around number seven rather than making a crazy tree house like everybody else you should try making a tree hammock simply attach some chains to the bottom of the trees and use trap doors for the bottom of your hammock attach a bed and you've got yourself a functional place to sleep using the new clay pots in 1.20 you can create real Egyptian hieroglyphics luckily these pots stack extremely well so you can use them like a wall in your caves by adding certain designs on them like in this example a person a bow and a Wither head you can create a literal message on the wall I think this one says that you should subscribe to the channel number nine when building structures they will look so much better if you stop making those one block wide houses and instead add a little depth by using stairs trap doors fences and other blocks which will make your house look so much more realistic number 10 you've probably made a lot of farms that are surrounded by grass and water this can look nice as it will resemble the natural world but you can make it look even better by using pod Sole and add a splash of color dirt paths will also look great if you want to bring it to that next level number 11. next time you want to build a park or some kind of outdoor area you should consider using hanging signs when making your tables while it does sound a little odd the signs will look great as the legs of the table just put two hanging signs underneath two drop doors and you'll be in business number 12 nothing will impress your friends quite like a roller coaster and this special roller coaster will be even cooler cover all four walls around the track with black concrete blocks this will give the illusion of traveling through the dark or through the void number 13 the new clay pot has even more uses than you first thought but it over a campfire and you can make a stunning cooking pot use fences or chains to hold the pot above the fire Pro tip you can use stairs with signs on the side to make chairs around your new fire number 14. one of the best ways to make your building pop is to use different kinds of colors I recommend using a dark color alongside a light color so that the contrast really stands out Cherry blocks will look absolutely beautiful when you put them next to dark oak logs or planks number 15. falling off of bridges can be annoying especially when you're carrying a lot of valuable loot typically fences are used to cover the side but they take up a huge amount of space and they really ruin the vibe of the building try using hanging fences instead it just looks like a guard rail from the top number 16. the chiseled bookshelf is great to make for a secret entrance it has a useful ability which will provide Redstone power when interacted with meaning just clicking the book is enough to trigger a redstone signal and open your door number 17 Pathways can sometimes be boring so why not add a bit of realism to it place a stare of your choice in the ground and waterlogged this will make a spot where water is on just half of the block number 18. if you want to do a little bit of flexing on your friends but don't want to make it obvious try this hack in your Minecraft bedroom you can create a lamp by putting a dragon egg on top of a frog light so not only does it act as a light source but it'll be sure to impress your friends because of how difficult the items are to obtain number 19 creating a dining room in Minecraft can be annoying considering how massive some blocks are so the table ends up looking ridiculously huge what if I go a bit smaller instead using four upside down Court stairs connected together you can make a pretty neat table that takes just a two by two radius number 20. here's a cool way to spice up some birch trees by using dorite walls instead of birch logs you can create a super slim tree and it will look a bit more appealing than the usual Birch log just don't try to punch it number 21 if you're making an extensive city which requires a wedding venue then try this using stripped cherry wood with slabs and trap doors you can create a beautiful wedding Archway bonus tip you can put Cherry saplings into pots to make a flower decoration for the wedding number 22 surprisingly it's possible to place carpet on a pot then only the top will be showing which makes it look like a small clay Bowl you can put this on the ground and make a picnic display or you can build the pot into a table and have it on top like a cereal bowl number 23 it's tempting to use a sapling and some bone meal to make decoration trees however you'll be punished for this laziness since the trees are small and unimpressive to take your builds to the next level collect logs and leaves with some shears and then make custom trees which will be even bigger and more complex number 24. aquariums can look super nice inside of houses but they just take up so much space with the glass and the water so let's make it small Instead try placing trapdoors around a block of water this miniature aquarium will fit just about anywhere placing glass on top will also make it look a little bit more professional number 25 add a little bit of fun to your roofs flat roofs are easy and more straightforward to make however it looks significantly worse than having something with an angle on it I recommend having a triangle design but you can get creative with it and add an arch using stairs number 26 search for inspiration from real buildings Architects work on this stuff for a living after all by finding pictures of real houses you admire you can attempt to recreate them in Minecraft feel free to add your own custom touch on it by changing a few things number 27 why not add a giant nuclear bomb to your village it's a bit on but it is somewhat realistic given that there are over 12 000 nukes around the world building it in either a silo or on a giant launch pad will probably look the best and yellow materials like concrete or wool will be a good choice for the bomb itself number 28. this build hack should be one of the easiest to implement all you need is some stone bricks wooden slabs and a small amount of other resources plan about five minutes for this build in case things go a tad over schedule and then you can build this spectacular Castle from start to finish this simple build will surely impress everyone alright folks these were 28 of Minecraft's greatest build hacks well maybe except for that last one make sure to smash the like And subscribe button if you found some useful tips and click the video on screen to see more of our Minecraft content and with that we're looking forward to seeing you in our next video
Channel: Minecraft Done Right
Views: 50,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x3stRhr9LxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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