MINDSHIFT: Overcoming Abortive Mindset & Positioning For Productivity

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shift it's been a long time coming and we are finally here welcome everybody from different parts of the world so many people have signed in so from any part of the world that you joining joining us from good morning good evening good afternoon and if you are rewatching this on YouTube I just want to say you are very very welcome mind shift is a conversation that has been in the heart of the father and it's a previlege to just be the one to create the platform where which we can receive his word right and I just want to appreciate everyone that has taken time to be here you're welcome this is a she tribes conversation she tribes is simply God's movement to bring about transformation to his women so God wants to raise himself a prudent woman and by prudent he means a woman who is purposeful a woman who is has a renewed mind a woman who is unwavering in worship a woman who is nurturing a woman who who has debt in his word a woman who is teachable and trustworthy that is the quality of women that he wants to raise for his for his season for his end time agenda for his mission here on Earth and so she tries is that movement and our scripture is taken from The Book of Ezekiel chapter 37:10 where he says that he would he would Breathe spirit and life into them and they would leave and they would rise up a great Army so that is the movement of she tribes so my my duty in the sh in the Sheep tribes Community is to prophesy as I am commanded so I only put together um conversations that he has instructed so when he gives me the word I speak it forth and it it makes it makes manifest everything that he has designed it for so you are very very welcome last year we had our first conversation which we tagged let's talk prudent that was an introduction to the quality of woman that God wanted for his SE for this season for this um for his Kingdom Agenda so this year he has given me this um topic I remember um one morning I had just finished my prayers early hours of the morning and I just went I was about to just I just wanted to take a quick nap before um I wake up finally for the day and I just had abortive thinking and I woke up and I wrote it down on my phone so I just held it and I was even asking myself God what is this abortive thinking about and then when I proved for that during the day and days to come I kept asking what is abortive thinking and he led me to believe that abortive thinking is what is standing in the way of what he wants to do for a lot of women in this season so an abortive thinking is a is a way of thinking that does not allow his purpose and his intention and his will to be manifested through us so it's a a thinking that does not allow us to produce it does not allow us to bring forth so we conceive ideas we conceive Concepts we conceive so many inspiration but somehow we don't get to move because we have this line of thinking whether it's feeling of inadequacies of insignificance of of less value whatever kind of thinking as long as that thinking it might even be a good line of thought maybe you're doing something good but as long as that thinking is not producing his will his intent and his purpose he calls it an abortive thinking so we are here to handle that line of thinking and that's why we called it mind shift because we want to deal with an abortive mindset a way of thinking that does not allow us to show up to our world the way God will want us to show up you know this is a season of demonstration and if you're a woman of the spirit you understand that God is out to do a lot of demonstration where we are not just speaking Theory but we are showing forth the manifestation of God's power by bringing about global transformation that means he's going to be given ideas that can bring about transformation and change and but he but if he brings those ideas to us and we sit on it we let feelings of inadequacies low self-esteem to hold us back from making the move that he wants us to make he can't bring about that change and God cannot carry out his task by himself he uses he does his work through us and he wants to use us in this season to accomplish a lot of things and by no means can you underplay or undermine or or ignore the significance of anything that God has called you to do because anything that is telling you that what God has called you to do or any idea that God has given you is not significant is an abortive mindset and that is the mindset we want to handle today we're talking about mind shift and what God is going to speak to us in this meeting I don't I I don't fully H have a grasp on it because he called us here and he will speak through the vessel that he has chosen for today to bring about that necessary mind shift so mind shift means he's moving us from a way of thinking the way of think way we are thinking now to how we ought to be thinking so that we can we can show up and we can produce and manifest the way he wants us to so however way you were thinking before you got here he wants to elevate your thought he wants to elevate your mindset he wants to elevate your perspective so that you can begin to do all of the amazing things that he has called you to do by the power of His Spirit he's going to speak to you he's going to meet you at at the point where you are and take you to where he wants you to be if you have ever looked down on yourself and you on this call let me tell you after this meeting today you are going to begin to see yourself differently because God is going to reveal himself to you he will reveal himself to you he will give you a mind shift by that Revelation because I don't have the power to to give you a mind Shi our speaker doesn't have the power to give you a mind Shi is the is the god that we carry it's the spirit of God that has that capacity to change your mind just as he has done in time pass you know when um when the woman by The Well when she got there her conversation with god with Jesus at that time was a mind shift that that was what occurred there when modah told Esther don't think that you will be saved in the king's house how do you know that you you are not here for such a time as this that was a mind shift that moved you know Esther into action the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan was a manship that moved her into action and she went to call her people and the Bible says in John chapter 4 in the in the in the last text of that chapter it was talking about how people began to tell the woman that we we believe we've seen him now and we believe him he's he is what you say that he is not just because not just because of what you have said but because we have seen it for ourselves it was it was the woman's you know mind shift that brought about you know transformation in her community so you are that woman that God wants to use to bring about transformation where you are now and in this time that that is the significance of this conversation because you know we always say creation awaits for the manifestation of the sons creation awaits but but creation are Waits but you don't have forever so creation is not going to wait for you forever to manifest so the time is now and we need the line of thinking that can get us to move as a matter of urgency to deliver on all of the king taxs that he has given us and so that we don't under plague what we should be doing now because we are all in different seasons of our lives and there is a mindset that will drive every season for us to be able to accomplish whatever it is that we need to accomplish here so please prepare your heart and your mind you have not come to me you have not come to the apostle that is speaking you have come unto the Living God the mighty ruler of the heavens and the Earth the Creator God he is here to meet you at the point of your needs to to give you that shift that you desire see I did not put this program together and that's why I'm trying to prepare your mind for what is about to occur now and I pray that you have removed every form of distraction so that you can be focused this is not a social gathering this is a spiritual engagement and I hope that you can connect deeply with the spirit of God that is here to day I came into a meeting earlier this year um it was just by Divine orchestration really I just I I usually receive the invite to that meeting every month because it's is it's every month but that particular and I I usually don't get to attend because I always have other things that I am doing you know on that day so this particular day I just saw and I I just had a prompting in my spirit to go into that meeting and even when I Tred to take a nap around the time of the meeting I just felt like something just woke me up and just pushed me into that meeting and that was where Apostle Obby par Harry was speaking and the moment she began to speak most of the things she was saying was confirming a lot of things that God had told me last year and so when you started speaking the spirit of God told me this is the woman this is the vessel that I have chosen for your conversation this year this was even before he gave me the topic and when he said it I just noted it in my heart and I just began to find ways that I can use to get in touch with her but I just had to wait until I had the topic at hand so when he gave me the topic and I approached her she received me by the spirit because she understood that God had a plan and a purpose for the meeting usually she she said usually she would not do um meetings like this at random but she chose to do it because she God led her to do it and when I now started I I didn't really know her before before prior to the time that I I came into that meeting and God said that she was the one that would speak when I started to engage her and follow her her online and started getting into her space I realized that what we are talking about the Mind Shi we're talking about is a core of the things that she's doing I I I I can't I can't orchestrate such a thing I can't I can't it's almost as though I went to her page I knew her I knew what she's about and I went went and I designed a meeting for her to come and speak in no I met her I got the topic even before I got so I identified her by the spirit she identified me by the spirit so please do don't think for anything or for any reason that we are gathered here by the flesh this is not one of those meetings where you just come and you just let me just see what it's about this is going to be a redefining moment that is going to transcend Generations because that is why we are here most times when we come into a meeting or when we're asking God for something or when we desire to have an encounter with God we think it just has to do with us but it's beyond us we're talking about passing a legacy of faith hope and love to the Next Generation there is a generation of women that are coming behind us that we need to pass a button to but if we ourselves we don't even know what we are doing and we don't know what to pass on to them what are they going to move ahead with and if we don't do it God is going to raise somebody else that is what we always say but why can't it be me why can't be why can't it be you that God is going to use and so just be just prepare your heart and your mind God is going to reveal himself to you one day we were praying for this meeting and my husband gave a word to me and he said that just as Thomas requested to see the hand of Jesus you know he wanted to see the nail pierced hand and Jesus in his kindness he reached out and showed it to Thomas and Thomas felt it and he believe that it was Jesus that is how God is going to reveal himself to a lot of people he's going to make you believe he's going to make you trust he's going to make you aware that he is with you and whatever line of thoughts that have carried you and and undervalued your significance and the level of depth and and and and and covering that God has given you it will be broken at this meeting today you are going to encounter Jesus you're going to encounter light you're going to encounter truth and the Bible says that the truth sets free if it is not truth if it's not setting you free it is not truth but the truth you will receive today it will set you free I'm going to be calling up our wonderful and amazing speaker Apostle Obby Parx har I'm going to read her profile and um just take a moment I I just felt the need to say all of these things before we say a prayer to begin so just take a moment and just speak to God and just tell him why you are here tell the father I'm here to have a mind shift I'm here to move away from the way I used to think to a way that you want me to think so that I can produce your will I can manifest your will your intent and your purpose that that is the prayer that you may want to pray as we enter into God's word for this meeting you can take a step further to just write in the comment SE section your you can take it take it a step further by writing in the comment section your expectation you can just say I am going to receive a mind shift you can just write it out and make that declaration you can make that declaration and say I am going to receive a mind shift I am going to receive a mind shift yes you make it you declare it you will prophesy to yourself prophesy prophesy prophesy as you have been LED I am going to receive a mind Shi so I'm going to thank you Heavenly Father we give you praise we thank you for your presence that is here and now you have called for us and we are here for you we are here that you will speak to us and you will reveal yourself to us in a way that would get us to move on our assignment to move on our task to move on the things that you have called us to do we are here that we will not be subdued by thoughts that are contrary to yours your thoughts for us are of good and we pray that by the end of this meeting we ourselves will begin to think good thoughts of ourselves we pray that your spirit will take over this meeting we are not meeting online Lord we are meeting in your presence and in your presence there is fullness of joy in your presence there are Pleasures forever more we will not be the same we will be activated for greater we will emerge as the women that you have designed us to be prudent in your sight thank you heavenly father thank you Jesus be glorified here today holy spirit of God speak through your vessel let our hearts be made ready as a good soil to receive your word will comprehend will grasp and your word will produce fruits in our lives in Jesus name Amen Hallelujah to the King of Kings forever amen so I want to read the profile of our speaker and then she would come up Apostle Obby par Harry stands as a beacon in Apostolic leadership and is renowned internationally for her Dynamic prophetic Ministry with a global reach she is esteemed for her transformative impact across spiritual business political and governance space Apostle Obby has served across the UK Africa and USA for over two decades at various leadership levels including media as an executive member of the Christian broadcasting Council of Great Britain and also as a member editorial Advisory Board of son Sona post Apostle Obby Parx har is revered as a to leader celebrated for her awardwinning book Prof IC engagement isaka mandate adopted as a recommended text for master's degree program in women's leadership by two American universities her pioneering work as a mentor and coach has empowered countless individuals to excel in their respective Fields driving visible progress and development as a social change advocate he guides transformational leaders in affecting impactful change within their industry notably her Le background adds depth to her multifaceted leadership please I want to say ladies and gentlemen but ladies and women of God please let's just give a vetal round of applause as we make welcome Apostle Obby PX Harry to speak to us now we want to appreciate you Apostle for being here with us to speak to us e hello everyone good evening Apostle we can hear you okay thank you very much um so we're sharing screen right we shared screen just a minute guys is very sensitive so I'm trying to um I just wondered if um you'd enable us um share screen because at some point in time um I'm going to be uh needing to go on slide so hello everyone um hello hello hello wherever you're signing in from I just want to thank you all for um giving off your time um to be on this conversation um it's been called and um I would want to have a word of prayer uh can you highlight me please so that I canel okay and possibly yourself so you know we're having the conversation as you know I have made you host already so you you can highlight okay Heavenly Father we just want to thank you for a day such as this we want to thank you every one of of us for ordering our steps um to this time we want to thank you that we are fulfilling predetermined times we want to thank you for appointed times over our lives I ask Holy Spirit our teacher that this be truly a special time of Shifting every one of us into um your pre-ordained plan your pre-ordained plan so father right right now oh God we bring every one of our plans every one of our ideas goals all that we are we bring before you Lord all that we are we bring before you right now we decrease that you may increase every one of us we decrease that you may increase Lord we ask oh God I ask for the ability to interpret your footprint interpret oh God Mal your blueprint also for everyone for Womanhood for everyone on this call I ask go God for the grace to bring us to that place oh God m in our journey as women that we truly understand purpose from your perspective in Jesus mighty name I don't know if we can all say Amen because it means let it be so so right now we enter into God's plan and not ours can we just agree am agree can we ask the Holy Spirit help us can we can we agree with God that can we truly agree with God in sincerity that we want God's plan right and not ours can we just agree now that whichever we can we just open up and say is this are are we all Christians here um OA is this okay great so can we all come into agreement because l whether we're men or women so long as we're Christians Every Time We Gather there should be a seismic shift right so whatever we're asking for should be at the degree of a seismic right the shift should be measurable can we just ask God I mean because all you want is is really what you want is what God wants for you all right so however God gets you there you we have to be thankful all right we're quiet you know why I ask because I'm going to function as an apostle and functioning as an apostle means that we may experience some adjustments all right in asking for a mind shift because the degree of the shift will either offend us excite us encourage us uplift us make us crazy whatever rece what I'm saying because we when you say a mind shift every shift creates a rift so we have to say God we're asking for something right just before I came on the call my mind began to be um to well I said the Holy Spirit right so let me pick this up my my my airpod's not connecting so the Holy Spirit began to um take me into this thought we're talking about the mind so we have to agree that the spirit of God please make sure that I keep to time that the spirit of God who's in control of our minds of our thinking faculties so if we do not esteem ourselves even when the Holy Spirit is bringing Thoughts with which we are to fulfill purpose and by the way fulfilling purpose is I mean the purpose that we fulfilling is the purpose of God right so if our mind is not you know uh submitted to God you know then we will not take our thinking seriously so just before I came on and I think that's what we're going to experience for this in my notes I began to hear the spirit of God talk about us in this meeting and the Lord was comparing the hebraic Mind from the Greek mind and the Roman mind all right so the hebraic mind is a mind that thinks like God the Greek mind is a mind of intellect and the Roman mind is a fixed mind so let me let me contextualize this with scripture because whatever we do today we're going to um do in context of scripture this has been one of my hardest um hardest meetings to prepare because I just didn't know um how to penetrate are there people here that prophetic are there people here that are um I don't know how you live your life I don't know who you are but I know that you're God's daughters and that's what matters I know that my host um UFA is just such a great great great person in the spirit you know um it's been interesting Journey with her in such a short time and I feel like I've known her for a a lifetime but I want us to agree here that we want the spirit of God to to Really shift us because many times right we're asking for stuff but we don't know what we're asking for so can I ask you maybe if you've been on any of my webinars trainers I tell because we're talking about the mind all right I'm going to ask because I've been teaching on the mind since 2007 right I'm going to ask us to to just do an exercise and it will help us please draw three square boxes what about nice one so I had to make a nice um image of this okay so this is how my mind thinks can I have the card so just draw three boxes okay three boxes like one after the other square boxes so this will help us because we have to discipline our minds right so the the mind if we're talking about a mind shift okay so if we kind of I don't know if you can see this so I have I have I have my three boxes here and my first box you can't maybe you can't see it says time my that's why I was thinking about highlighting um I don't know pardon so um my my my first box says time right and it there's an arrow point into space which is where our fulfilled purpose right otherwise we're just really blank we're just that kind of talking so time right so this is my time box so this is my space box where I'm supposed to fulfill purpose right and this is my context why am I seeking to uh fulfill purpose please know you know let let's be interactive it says it's a conversation so Queen you're going to be reading this um chats for orua just Guide Me by that so this is it so if I have my time box my space box and my context box and I don't have me there I am still going to be looking for purpose so so many Christians are in error were asking for purpose what's my purpose whatever I my purpose and we're getting to 70 years old we've still not found this because that's the language that Babylon has given us that's the Babylon way that is The Way of the World system and that's what has come into church so the very first thing we should be doing now is repenting that we we we we're asking for purpose we're asking for I don't get it we're asking for purpose we're asking for for this for that what we already how do you create a person without purpose is this okay to say you can tellan she tells me and I can kind of Channel you know I'm a versatile um uh speaker teacher right so and I also am called to the to the to to the uh Temple and market place so I'm a temple person right I sit in the fivefold off all offices and I'm a I'm I'm I'm a Marketplace person so I'm a Serial business person and entrepreneur all right and uh and I train at all levels but I have a voice to I'm called to four generations so from the twoy old uh to the 100 year old I am so I'm I'm a servant of God so what I'm saying is let's just have this four boxes if you draw this it will help us this afternoon even shorten our time and it will help us locate truth contextualize it will help us coming out of what UA has um has referred to as abortive thinking right okay and it will help us you know also come out of what's the other one abortive submission right um I have to hear voice since I don't want to feel like I'm on my own here so if you know we have those three ma yeah yeah then at the bottom I have me so I have a box that says me right um but even my drawing has error Revelation is progress Progressive right so my drawing I have time box arrow pointing to space box arrow pointing to context box and I see a lot of my mentees here no matter how many times you've drawn this box it's good to draw every time there's a gathering it's a different thing so it's really a way of disciplining the mind the Mind should never be allowed by itself to just kind of Coast because we get distracted Affairs of this world you know affect us second Timothy Chapter 2 and verse4 tell us how we've got to live all right it very very powerful scripture it says that we are called to Warfare right and we know the war of the mind is basically what we're war of perception so so I I'll give you three crisis that were under and I'll give you also three things that we need to so we're in the crisis okay identity so there's crisis of identity there is crisis of purpose and there's crisis of location and I will explain that okay and um I need a Time Cube because I just want to drop some Concepts so that you know when we leave here we enter into meditation consideration which is really thinking okay so I don't know if I can assume that what we're talking about in this place is that we come out of limitations of the mind and the things that have caused those limitations and enter into adopt the Hebrew mind the mind of God all right so there are three crisis that you know we are faced with I'm talking about not just as women the entire world were faced with three Crisis crisis of identity all right who am I and and I began to see today did I did I don't I completed okay I told you what the Holy Spirit just before I came into the place with this thought that let's just say we're dealing with three mindsets as well all right so the Greek mindset the Roman mindset the hebri mindset so if you can put that out for us so we're in crisis of um three Crisis crisis of identity crisis you know of of purpose and crisis of of of um locations crisis of identity right who Am I who Am I who am I and we cannot find out who we are you know unless we use the lenses of scripture so here's what I want to do please guys if you don't mind um have we had enough people drawing those boxes do you need me to explain again do you need me to explain again I pray that I can get pardon I'm good well fabulous so you know and and I think we're all going to find this helpful so that we're disciplin in you know what God is given us all right can be located somewhere remember um Jesus taught us how to receive progressive revelation okay maybe you don't know that what this is all about so in Matthew chapter 9 we get a picture of progression right so there where Jesus and I'm going to be very simply simplistic did you you've got the two sets of Crisis I talked about so we have the first you know the crisis of identity purpose and location then the mindsets three mindsets right that I'm I'm going to be dealing with right so the Greek mindset the Roman mindset and the Hebrew mindset all right and um I don't know what else the holy spirit is going to uh uh uh G give to us so let's look at this right so what we're talking about this afternoon really talking about disrupting these you know for now these three two uh Concepts so you know the crisis that we're in Three crisis that face us and then three mindsets okay three mindsets to deal with all right and so everybody here if we and then the the the the boxes help us to understand why are we having this conversation why right because purpose is linked to why so let me just put it down here why are we having this conversation right why are we having this conversation so yes we have to ask that why why are we having this conversation you know and if you if I were me the way I work at this time I'll put in capital letter at this time capital letter and time in my mind so if you don't have this is it's just going to be like your mind will receive everything that I speak here pastorally because we're Christians and we've been we've been grown in the past Farrow way all right nothing wrong with that so pastoral way means my mind is going to receive this in a motivational right kind of way and you know gentle it's just nice and my mind may not even root it anywhere my mind may even even demean it my mind may even think it's not as important as what I will be doing in the office from Monday to Friday because that's corporate especially if you are in the marketplace and maybe you occupy a position of significance in a company right so my your mind that's a out of your mind is going to think okay what they're saying in this Christian thing is Christian I am talking about mind condition right now okay so the that pastoral that I'm a Christian that religion puts us in you know makes us vulnerable to Identity Crisis and so we come into confusion often are we going to be power women are we going to be wives are we going to be mothers are we going to be friends we don't even know what we're asking for because we're in crisis of identity we're in crisis of identity and how to come out of any any any form of Crisis is to really evaluate and that's what the Holy Spirit did at the beginning but I don't want to go ahead of myself I want to just pull back a little bit to say why are we having this conversation at this time and I want you to take the scriptures very quickly even if I I don't um do a thorough job typically a few years back in terms of my work in Nigeria I excused myself for being a a church speaker conference speaker I typically don't do anything that doesn't give three sessions to properly my call as a fivefold is to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry I'm not called to uh preach to people right I'm not really a preacher I'm I'm a a fivefold called servant of the Lord to serve people's Destiny as a servant leader to equip and I'm going to give us a picture of equipping do you know why it's important that we're having this women convers position as women you know women are are are versatile women are versatile the woman is is a reflection of God's glory all right so we have we have come through times of understanding of the image of God all right we created in His image according to his likeness so we're now in the era of the of the unveiling of the of of of the likeness of God likeness of God and the woman in know in God's creation becomes that that that creation that can easily be used to teach the likeness of God she's just really multi she's a mystery she's God's wisdom hidden in mystery and unless we go back please right now on in your time box I I I need you to go to Just note the scripture there Genesis 128 right so note that Genesis Genesis 1: 26-28 and um 27 verse 27 becomes what you put Aus because verse 27 tells you there that male and female you know he made them so at that point in time the woman was still a thought and you you see that it's about chapter two that God then takes the woman out of the uh um out of the rib of Adam and created a help help me right so please in your context box can you put if you like in capital help me and because of time I want to very quickly explain that because this is going to be Foundation to what I'm saying please can you put there help me right and then you can you can put the scripture exactly the the chapter and verse in Genesis okay help me so so to come out of identity uh um identity crisis remember three crisis identity crisis so can you just put on a helpmate whether you're married or not that's what the woman was created right everything God created God didn't have any was wastage he didn't create anything without purpose Genesis chapter one thorough study of Genesis chapter one gives you the the blueprint the the framework of God the structure of everything systems that's what Genesis chapter one is all about k so God did not create us to become our this that that the woman has missed it and I'm not talking about raak I'm talking about there is a search for the woman who where is the woman that God created where is the saint woman where is the apostolic woman right so we need to repent where we're asking for purpose and where we have allowed Babylon the world system them to Define us and so now we're in crisis of identity right so I believe that gave us this um um conf whatever is this Gathering is for us to examine this so that's why I said to you I'm going to function as an apostle right and we all of us are being sent to our spares to take this message right and um I I from the from the time that you knowa began to give me what we supposed to do right I had a mind BL headache right till till this very moment that's why you have to pay attention because I'm also functioning as a prophet so nothing I'm speaking to you about is in notes I have a PowerPoint presentation that I we may not even get to you know because Apostles lay Foundation what is most important in any building that will stand is foundation isn't that the case the Bible says in psalm 11:3 that unless the foundation no if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do please can you just reference that in context right context if the foundation is the and the righteous so Psalm 11:3 right and I I believe that I gave us Genesis 1 um 26-28 in context 27 being very very key and then also in our context so get the help me please put a scripture very important very very important we don't even want to be going to scripture of what we're supposed to do a wise woman builds a house just the foundation who is a woman so we're dealing with coming out of identity crisis okay so we go back we say God what did great because you know in my walk with God when I get confused and and and I just have all this fogginess I go back to Genesis chapter 1 so it's a good place to go right that happens in the process of life in our transitions in life you get to a point where what was sustaining you in one season is over you see what I'm saying the Revelation that got you to where you are is over is a very difficult time delicate time difficult place I call that season intersection season so you can just put that in your time box intersection season and I think with the intersection season we can reference I believe it's Second Kings we can reference you know the four lepers so you don't sit on the edge right it's very difficult to sit on the edge of time and it's very difficult to be waiting and then so let me give you that I believe it's Second Kings and um let's just make sure all right so I'm giving you scripture where Christian women but the world the world hilas is building on on biblical principles but we we seem to have forgotten you know um we seem to have thrown away these um uh principles all right that um just a minute [Music] um so please somebody help me here you know the the the the the four lepers so that I don't waste um I don't spend too much time um uh looking yeah so here they are so uh 2 Kings 7 okay so time there so it's intersection time so maybe all of us here you know because this is a we in the season of summons so it's either Satan is summoning you or God is summoning you so that so you put again in the time box Psalm 50 verse 5 God says gather to me my Saints those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice so that's a kind of reward the reward is that you are the right Zoom the right this the right meeting the right place at the right time right so it may look like you're running late but late is no longer late by Gregorian timing is not late by God's timing right so you rush off to the thing maybe you get there you have 10 conversations we're talking about abortive thinking right so we're dealing with issues that lodged in our minds that have been a problem but we've not but here God gathered us right any anyone here has to be be thinking so now the the the spirit fi thinking is I am here because God called me I am here I'm summoned of God so if we populate this Zoom with this kind of thinking God does more that's what I'm just saying to us okay so right there where intersection time an intersection time forces you to make decision whether you like it or not right so crisis of purpose second crisis right of purpose that you just need to understand the season and time of God Ra and then you break out of definitions that the world system has given you you know and we've adopted it because we've not paid the price to think hebraic to think like God now God helped me because I don't have notes in this so help God helped me to just keep guiding you here so when I say when I've been thinking heally so in the time then can you help me put Ephesians chapter 5: 15 and 16 so when you been in intersection time I hope somebody is getting delivered now that you're no longer going to go by definition all these all these definitions of the world system Satan is a liar right the where coming into God's ordained plan for our lives it says to everything there is a season a time for every purpose under heaven to everything there is a season and a Time so this is how you push into right God's space God's kind of thinking so let me let me just you know uh give you you know context again and I want I want you to understand that at a time such as this Paul we had to break out of the Greek mindset remember Paul said you know prayed for the sins in Ephesus that they may receive the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him that's what we're going to pray now we receive Spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him right right so when we do that you know Ephesians 1 17 then 18 begins to talk about you know so that our minds are illumed enlightened right so by the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and you know what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints you're carrying something for God woman right you're but you're carrying that thing as a helpmate what did God create the woman for God did not create us for this and that and that so our first role is help M may the Lord help us today by this time of Engagement that we return right k if you're not married I pray for you you're going to meet your your god-given Covenant partner right because you're carrying favor for someone that's what Paul was praying here what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints a man that finds a wife finds a good thing obtains favor from God you caring right his inheritance his inheritance for a man is in you but unless you understand that your you're carrying favor as a helpmate to unlock a man you're going to be thinking Babylon is going to tell you you're in abortive thinking you're in abortive submission you're in um what's the other one what's the other one just all kinds of definitions right just as our children have been defined Generations generation millennium um gen Z gen Alpha they will soon Define the ones that have not been born and were okay with it but the woman is God's wisdom hidden in mystery to stand at the Gate of time and understanding and say no seed the woman was created to destroy the seed of the enemy Jesus came and fulfilled that so woman our role in in in purpose is to ensure that the devil stops defining is somebody connecting this is not deep right con with crisis of identity crisis of purpose right crisis of location this is what the spirit of God is saying that's our primary role otherwise the enemy is going to make you feel that you're not good enough you're not doing well enough you're not powerful enough you're not beautiful enough you're not this enough and we've all run out of our homes our children our homes are in tatters our children are being are being attacked by the spirit of the age our husbands are out on the streets and some are in the house and there's an attack on the male folk because the woman we've been told that we we we we have to find success in the world system now we are to disciple the nations in the world system we we we give us some brothers of life we're to manifest the character of Christ everything that you are that I am must now be understood in the context of the Great Commission please please women we need to return to the purpose of any other thing right how we have thought how we have functioned is what is the abortive thinking I'm I'm sorry to to to to to to disappoint you all right so space What is the what are the what are the what's the prevalent evil where you live right now the jurisdiction where you have been sent okay let me give you uh so I I give you Ephesians chapter 5 verse uh 15 and 16 listen what is happening here is that God is Shifting our minds opposite of how we thought and this is the assignment that UFA has to gather women of the now that their minds be shifted all right is this okay gather everybody here is a now woman a now woman is the woman of the season the time woman of the hour you see Anna did her time God preserved her life until her prayers became a reality she saw the Bible says of these people Anna and Simon they saw the consolation of Israel to everything there is a season a time for every purpose if you and I never heard this truth from the Lord we're going to get up on Monday many of us are going to no matter what I say here many of us are still going to feel a sense of failure all right okay so now what am I saying this is a time where we're learning and unlearning so God brings us to to a time of conversation and God disrupts our thinking what we're talking about disruptive thinking so the the the the the way we think that has been formed by the world system God is Shifting it because God has to have you know women that are going to occupy the seven um well I believe there's more than seven mountains that are going to occupy the mountains of society Peter Wagner called them molders of society and I like that so you know we're bringing you know attitudes kingdom of God the kingdom principles that reshape right society and shape it the way that God wants it in other words where here having a conversation that we do carry purpose actually and that our purpose is connected is in context to the purpose of God which Jesus came and redeemed right at the cross and that purpose is called the Great Commission go therefore and disciple the Nations go preach the gospel to all creation and how do you do that you do that in the purpose that God created you for you have purpose right right we we all carry purpose is the reason that a person is the reason that a thing exists that is purpose the greatest insult and the greatest assault you know on any believer is to tell us that we we have to be looking for purpose I mean when people tell me they they they they what's my purpose me before now he never incensed me now I said devil you're a bastard right purpose is in us your purpose is your why do you know the bab The Babylon right the world system has made so many so much money so much money right Ki Kata in having webinars trainings on your why right so they've been teaching us our why right we're meant to be teaching the world why your why is your purpose and our purpose is in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 said male and female he created them we're not supposed to be having gender was woman right we're not supposed to be thinking what we're thinking we're not we're supposed to be figuring out how we can how we can take back rasak the family Mountain how we can move whether in business in in in occupied spaces in the our children's schools sit on the boards Governors right policy makers and all of that to redeem the family as a helpmate so is it okay to say that we I hope I've been able to help us to come out of identity of Crisis I'm a helpmate to P har you're a helpmate right and there are some that are going to come into the helpmate status just because we looked at context that what we're discussing today I'm going to be very quick because I don't want to keep us here so you can can see that if our thoughts are not put in boxes that is how our mind was created right we're going to be locked in mind set locked in mindset and time is going right and wear in this Crisis crisis of identity crisis of purpose crisis of location right so you know am I supposed to be in this job am I supposed to some people even am I supposed to be in this marriage am I supposed to be in this am I supposed to be in and if you look at social media if you are active in social media you can see that most Pastors in Nigeria have left their pullit and everybody is talking about marriage marriage marriage you know why because God is drawing attention to the family Mountain God is drawing our attention Marita to where we need to be right so abortive thinking is is really the bonic thinking like the Greek mindset the Roman mindset the fixed mind right that produces the the does not produce fruit the Greek mindset does not produce fruit it's intellect it's intellect it's intellect it aligns with Babylon Revelation 18 tells you the assignment of the church whether you're male or female is to call the church to come out of her and to judge her right how do you come out of her and judge her so you come out of this thinking way of thinking because if we don't Define it then again we are going back from Babylon to Babylon right so I'm bringing you definition that K the mindset that is not producing M fruit is the one that tells you have to be this you have to be that right whatever you are even if you become the the the president of Any Nation you president as a helpmate God will not put you in a place that destroys your home you know kalikata right God is not going to put you in anything that destroys you I can't be that anointed that the anointing scatters my family that's not God I'm sorry all right women to just tell you this I don't know if I'm making sense or not all right so remember three mindsets that have that we have to pick from so the hebraic Mind mindset is the mind of God let me tell you what it does so it's the mind of Christ and that's what we inherited okay and the mind of Christ is what we he is the within mind of Christ that we're going to change society we have an assignment to penetrate the church is fully of age now fully Apostolic so God wants us to begin to think sent ones so wherever I am my way of thinking my way of operation whatever I do in my business I said the woman is so versatile there's nothing she cannot do right there is nothing a woman cannot do right but she does this in this beautiful identity called help meate and the devil hates that because the woman was given a an assignment that is you know the the expression of God right the woman is the is the is the you know the expression of God that had the assignment in Warfare so a woman is a natural Warrior to pull down strongholds and here we're talking about stronghold of the mind uh UA just give me a time cue so that I can round this up I don't know I want to make sure that I leave us with a picture because this mindset I'm introducing to us the hebri mindset the mind of Christ is the mind that cares pictures and the pictures are wonderful pictures all right so the attack on our mind the the the abortive mindset I just want to say to you the abortive mind the abortive thinking is a thinking a way of thinking that is contrary contrary to God's designed way of thinking you see so it is a a thinking that was against the way of God it doesn't like it it's a rebellious way of thinking and it is a rebellious way of thinking to agree with anything that defines us outside of God's definition all right that defines us and then brings us into internal Warfare right internal Warfare within ourselves Warfare within our homes right and then exposes our entire uh family right because in that context God's family context the woman has her responsibility so that's a space so in that space box right so if I'm in America if I'm in UK Ireland wherever I am right there are prevalent evils in that place a woman is still within a Christian woman is within the family of God right Micah chapter 4 vers veres 1 to3 and Isaiah um uh 2 again 1:3 so you can put that in the time box and in the context box what am I saying here that God in his predetermined pre-ordained plan you know made us understand that there is going to come a time progressively until Jesus returns in the chronological passage of time there Comes A Time of elevation of the people of God devil can't stop it nobody can stop it nobody can stop it so because of time I can't read all of that but it tells you that there comes a time where the mountain of the Lord's House is elevated all right and in all that is ele all that is going on the woman remains that identity God gave her we must now reject any other identity definition that has put us in crisis because Jesus came and brought us out of Crisis right so when you see yourself as a helpmate if a woman is in an abusive relationship it's going to stop because as a helpmate the Lord's been speaking to me that any man that is not able to look after a woman is worse than an Infidel you understand and there Comes A Time if we're thinking right in God's plan and allowing the Holy Spirit to Think Through us because no matter what woman every woman is listening to me here you are a son of God I've got so much I could have I could have come and given you I must have I don't know how many thousands of uh wisdom quotes even on the mind okay so you know but God wants us to understand return to Foundation because the woman is a foundation Builder the woman is a the stability right in any family and that that involves the family of God and we need to God said look in a time of Revival I'll show you wonders in heaven right and signs on the earth Nigeria gets up by law its National Assembly changes his national anthem national anthem is part of the identity of a Nation so Nigeria changes her national anthem like three days ago to her very first one her very first one that says motherland so that's a confirmation of what we're saying here that this is the hour for women to arise arise to what God gave you as a primary assignment so here's what the how the Hebrew mind thinks right this is what God says he says he says listen so then see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise so my why why am I at here why is God saying this so that's the context okay and it fits into context it fits to time God speaks into context God doesn't speak randomly God begins to bring us conference things sermon topics even the design of clothes we wear you know God can give you an instruction it all has to do with your primary responsibility your purpose so God is taking us back to understand we carry purpose and so whenever God speak to us it's in line with purpose the spirit of the age will tell us no it's not in line with purpose please I will give you that scripture but let me tell you why why um we're having this conversation right it says it says see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise Ephesians chapter 5:15 it says in the chronological passage of time there comes a time katakita when the saints are given Advantage I haven't got time to give you all the uh scriptures there Comes A Time of Advantage no nobody can stop it no devil can stop it because the spirit realm is governed by laws okay so that's why I asked at the beginning if we're all Christian women we have to understand this this understanding God is giving us that this teaching the holy spirit is given us is God's wisdom hidden in Mysteries so to us is revealed can you see God is revealing to you and I truth that unless we come out of I I um uh crisis of identity not even Identity Crisis crisis of identity the whole world is in crisis of identity in America there is a it's not just lgbtq not even just gender uh whatever it is um gender change but there is a dynamic in America so if you're signing in from America and you're a woman Were Meant To Be Watchmen Jesus says Watch and Pray Les you fall into temptation our success our wealth whatever we are is in context to Divine assignment period Now in America men we can we can check the statistics I I I I work with data all right I work with data scripture scripture instructs us to work with data right that you to number your days so that you apply your heart to wisdom now America more men are turning to women I don't understand that say they're transitioning to women can you see so this is our decade this is our time we have an assignment so men are wanting to be women it's crazy all right why is that see then that you work circumspectly not as fools but as wise so there is a mindset to manage a season and a time when I man I mean manage I mean administrate when I say administrate I mean to rule and Reign when I say Rule and Reign it means to to act with confidence right and if you don't locate this if you don't understand this Babylon World system will come and Define us you just give us some terminology and we all go ahead and yeah I'm trying to remember the other one was that um imposter syndrome they say oh you're so successful you no longer believe in yourself Devil is a bastard you see successful people become successful by being Purpose Driven can you see so the LIE of the enemy said no no no you're so successful successful people don't believe in themselves but that's not what scripture says right scripture says successful people believe in themselves because you know we're made in the image and likeness of God and God never second guessed himself all right so verse 16 is important say Redeeming the time because the days are evil so what is all this same Maybe maybe I'm just going to have to stop I don't know if I'm overloading it's I like interaction when we're at this kind of training we're shifting somewhere so I think I've addressed the three mindsets right so the Roman mindset is fixed and I'll tell you this so in one Corinthians chapter um uh one there you know Paul begins to bring out these mindsets really or he you know and um basically the Roman mindset was not really highlighted there but Paul began to talk about the Jews that they like sign sign sign right so we're not talking about Jews here we're talking about you know the hebraic way right okay so that the Jews Like sign that the Greeks like wisdom do you understand that always looking the this and that you know and um Paul you know to the RO Romans Paul in one in um Romans chapter one vers1 say I long to see you that I may impact you some spiritual gifts so that you may be established all right he knew that they needed you know they needed the on you know that they may be established to be rooted you know otherwise it's just a fixed mindset all right so women here you know uh we're having this conversation I as why are we having this conversation so the secret the mystery is in uh Ephesians chapter one if this is okay so if you understand what I'm trying to take us to and I'm going to be stopping to kind of round it off from Monday you're not going to be the same because what we're discussing here is to be used to fix you know um uh the earth I was going to share every time I try to you know uh take a take any women's group into what I have the um um to the slides it's always been difficult because we have to lay Foundation you know and the Bible says there's no other Foundation that can be laid except that which is Lay Jesus Christ so what what I believe what Paul is saying that if we understand it contextually is saying that listen when we have missed our way we have to go back full circle so this is a Full Circle season and um in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 10 it is described as the dis dispensation of the fullness of the times but verse 9 here being in pretext to this thing says having made known to um to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself okay so we are custodians of God's will to those who don't know God is a mystery a mystery is something that was hidden previously hidden but now revealed a mystery something previously hidden but now revealed so from the time the woman that will serve God was thought about it was no longer a mystery right that the woman will be this she was created on purpose for purpose on purpose for purpose all right so what am I this is a challenge to us women right and then verse 10 down says that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times he might gather together in one gather together in one so these boxes are to help us gather together in one gather our thoughts every day I wake up I'm trying to gather my thoughts if I haven't found you know um the inspiration a god inspiration and it comes through the mind so coming out of abortive thinking if I haven't come into Redemptive thinking my whole week is gone on a Monday day if I haven't got come into Redemptive thinking every morning I'm going to struggle what is that Redemptive thinking is coming into line with what God created me to do from Genesis chapter 1 so my mind has been trained to go to Genesis chapter 1 every day beginning of the week beginning of the day to bring to me God's intended plan for my life as a woman as a human as a this so my mind's been trained and I I I I impart that to you in the name of Jesus it's a worthy practice because remember remember Ephesians 56 15 tells us how to think in a time of Crisis please note that it tells us how to think in a time of Crisis I'm going to be stopping and any other time left maybe can be dealt with in question so Ephesians 515 is about and then then verse 16 says Redeeming the time so to redeem is to buy back so where we've had error of thinking where we've had error of perception error of perspective and error of persuasion so again you know can you say three dimensions of error so I give you three um uh uh uh crisis right three mindsets and now you know three you know error possibilities right so where error has affected our our perspective how we see things right how you know uh it's our perception how we understand things and then our persuasion our conviction that we have agreed with the Enemy that we are not good enough we're not thin enough we're not fat enough we're not this enough we're not successful enough and all of these things you know the devil has taken it all think of your context BX the devil has broken the four squares around the word context and taking it out and P it into not even they P it into secularism and humanism so we're getting our inspiration you know from humanistic philosophies and ideologies of what we should be as women can you cook can you can you set a table can you do homework can you love another sister can you do this can you do that can we turn the garden what did God create us for the woman is the most powerful powerful expression of God that I know and this is our our era right and we cannot you know uh really come into Redemptive thinking Redemptive thinking is is really a a great SE yourself from God's perspective seeing ourselves from and let me give you the scripture quickly so um uh so let me give you context and and I think I may stop here so a lot of what I've shared here really if you're a coach you want to be a coach you want to be an instructor if you listen to this you're going to be inspired to start every single thing that I brought you here is a moneymaking concept that we take back to the world system right take back develop your course right four we course 3 week course you take it back and you don't just open it to Christians everybody to whom it may concern all right because we are evangelists we have a mandate we're part of of God's plan you know with the Dominion mandate to to the culture mandate to change where that is the space what is the prevalent evil in your space if it is systemic corruption we start early growing again go back to who we are you just carry what the man doesn't have that's why you are to compliment the man right so we begin to cultivate children again who are evangelist they sent from the time you send them out of the home to even baby group they is evangelist right by the time they in kindergarten you're not there they are refusing that LGBT TQ Doctrine philosophy ideology they are they can stand in the confidence that you have placed in them you see what I'm saying because you're handson and I don't believe that women shouldn't work you should be this you shouldn't be that because somebody can give an hour 30 minutes quality time and it's greater than that so we don't even judge what another person is doing there's not a perfect woman perfect parent perfect this what I'm giving you is a call to go back to our patch of the W right like Nehemiah that we go back and stand on our rampant like habac and and hear what he will say to us Hebrews 11:3 says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that the things which are seen are not were not made of things uh which are visible so basically telling us that everything we see with our eyes was were created by things not visible now what is interesting here is the word framed the word framed here katao very very critical word in the Greek please I'm I'm stopping here with very critical so this particular word it says that the world was set in order so that catao means to set in order to align to arrange right it means it means to arrange to may be made fully ready to repair so what am I challenging us when things are in you know Disorder so we talk about abortive thinking abortive submission when things are in the wrong order so abortive how your mind is working against you and from working against us working against God's plan so our mind is really saying that our minds have been enemy of God right so Ephesians 5:15 says this is the time time for us all right to fix it so we don't feel bad we never feel bad when God is correcting us it's exciting right now Ephesians 1:10 says right that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth in him so Ephesians 1:10 and Hebrews 11:3 tell you that there is a pattern there is a way of restorative work there is a way of recovering all there is a principle there is a there are laws Eternal principles of how to rebuild to come out of abortive thinking abortive submission so we use the truth of God's word to disrupt the mindset okay and to attack everything in our subconscious mind since 95% of who you are is your is carried by your subconscious mind and 5% is what we see what we do it's scary you see what I'm saying but what I love about God remember Redemptive thinking Ephesians 5:15 and 16 are very important so byy that scripture that says time comes so time is not linear the Hebrew thinking knows that time is not in a straight line it's not linear time is cyclical so time orits it goes round then it comes to a point there must be breakthrough there must be breakthrough because we are living pre-appointment Destiny means predetermined course of events so full cirle time give us opportunity to buy Back Time come out of error mistakes become what celebrating oh my God if I never made that mistake my perspective will not change or if I never went to that meeting I will not hear the word oh so we come with a certain expectation because we're in familiar pattern we remember so intersection time there must be disruption all right there must be risk taking we must move forward Cal so there comes a famine it's like a famine of idea maybe even the crisis we're talking about but if we're going to break that mindset right if we're going to bring every thought under submission to The Obedience of Christ Jesus remember it's not flesh and blood War and we don't walk with kind of weapons we war with weapons of are Mighty in God and catel it says you know we come with not what we see but what we don't see to be able to break what we see so we come back into how God ordained it so I hope this helps somebody I think I want to stop right here you know and um I'm I'm sorry I wish I'd shown you so the now woman just know that this is the now woman is the apostolic woman the scent woman God wants us to understand that we are sent right so our minds has to keep pushing us into you know societal spaces you know imagining big things big business big whatever but we never forget our foundation it is as helpmate it's at helpmate right that that family of for the entire church right the church World our immediate family world the entire world is waiting for that woman that understands that she is created on purpose for purpose we're Unstoppable don't byy the lie that you got to be this you got to be that no I'm happy being Mrs har right I'm happy being the mother of three and grandmother right and I'm my battle right now is to understand what it looks like to be a helpmate that's what I was created to be a helpmate uh to my husband right and and then take it from there right what does it what does it look like to be a mother again and what does it look like to be a second um stage mother which is a grandmother and from there right h am I going to build my business how am I going to build so Nothing Stops us from you know being you know U fulfilling purpose God's way but I don't believe women that we should agree to the Summons of the um the the bonic system that we have to be this and that whatever we are has to be right and if we begin to think this way I believe that women presidents women have I I father I have a least two friends who have been presidential candidates of their Nations you know I work with you know really high net worth you know very successful women and men and we're as successful as we understand that purpose is in us and whatever God's given us is for us to transform our spaces all right so we're having this conversation because we are in the dispensation of the fullness of the times which is Ephesians ver10 when that kind of a SE season is when scattered thought scattered Behavior everything scattered is gathered back again together in him so time goes round and it comes to a time right so we are in what you call partial consumation of scripture so we're back in this place where whatever was scattered around us is being gathered by the hand of the Lord by the spirit of go we are required to pay attention and we are required to reject every definition that is not from God that is what will qualify as in God's in God in biblical terms that is what abortive thinking is in Babylon terms it will be something different so we got to go back to biblical terms and biblical terms is we come out of the three crisis I named crisis of purpose crisis of identity purpose and crisis of location right where I live where I inter is I'm a woman of influence okay you got to we have to think that way right we cannot be in a nation and be relevant right our relevance is tied to our primary role help me okay so unless we start to function that way Nations will not really come into their Redemptive purpose okay so we look at that and we look at this mindset we break out of that intellect mindset knowing that way you operate we have the mind of Christ all right and so we take authority over everything that introduces a mindset a mind right because a mindset is when a mind is set in a a way that is not the way of God and to shift it is disruptive thinking like we're having this conversation got to disrupt you know you know the the the the the the thinking that limiting and debilitating thinking you know patterns that have kept us you know fixed kept us feeling defeated feeling unsuccessful feeling on unaccomplished and we say what is this what is the accomplishment success is in in biblical way is being full of God so may the Lord bless every one of you God is looking his eye is going to and through the Earth right now God is looking for men and women those whose hearts are stayed towards him that he may you know show himself you know faithful on their behalf God is looking for people to give keys to the kingdom of heaven to do exploits carry out exploits and it's in this decade God is looking for you to carry out exploits please remember some of these Concepts that are brought for you and I believe that out of this particular K Gathering I see God giving people kingdoms and this kingdoms businesses all kinds of things God is releasing right here in the name of Jesus I see healing Grace here this is a month of healing Mar God is is handing kingdoms to people there is a promise to be fulfilled this decade that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ This is a month that God is highlight in jail she was a homaker right there in her kitchen she had what it took to to to destroy an enemy of 20 years that's disruptive thinking she's a prepared woman a woman that prepared knew her assignment knew her purpose she wasn't an identity of Crisis her husband was Best Friends With the Enemy of the nation she she refused to align with her but she was still his wife she was still his best friend she was still doing her work God was developing her she had amazing persuasive skills persuaded the enemy she was so gentle and her gentility who she was was able to put the enemy to sleep she knew what to give the enemy right that's that's a great woman so thank you very much for having me OA I hope this has been helpful to someone if there's any question I can answer right and I will answer so thank you very much like I said you know um I haven't spoken out of notes I've just brought you the mind of God so I hope it was coordinated and that I was able to paint pictures in your mind which is a Hebrew way of thinking thank you very much everybody and again I thank you uh UA he such a great person thank you so much for um inviting me thank you ma'am thank you so much thank you so much Apostle you have spoken the heart of the father and we are grateful thank you for reminding us of who we are thank you for reminding us to go back this this meeting right I just want to say to Every Woman here it's not a oneoff meeting it's not I've I've known what to do now it's it's setting you on a journey it's like you have been activated to go on a journey and this recording is going to be made available so that you can listen again and by the spiration of the Holy Spirit know what to do now and I'm so grateful for everything that God has said I am a help meet I will not we will not undermine what God has called precious and Apostle is going to pray over us in before the meeting is over but just in case we have any question that want to ask her but before we ask questions you can just I'm seen a lot of people appreciating the Apostle for every word that she has spoken thank you thank you so much you have that's all I can say because I was thinking of what to say after you have finished and the spirit of God just told me you can't add on what has been said people should should go with what they have heard and go and do exploits and when you said scatter thoughts are being gathered again I remember he told me during the week that he there was going to be a Reconciliation he said there was going to be a Reconciliation he was going to reconcile people back to the way of thinking that aligns with him and as you were speaking I saw the picture of a woman standing on the far Road as in she she's far ahead she she's far from where she should be and she's standing she has turned to face the the right direction right but she doesn't know how to move in that direction so she's just standing there she knows she should be heading that way but she's just standing you know and I and I just feel like in this meeting right now there was that reconciliation because it's like her thoughts is not sending the signal for her to move and so right now as you were speaking I just feel like God was just releasing to her you know reconciling her thoughts back so that she can begin to move in that direction I I I I don't know if that is clear so I think one of the questions I would want to ask you Apostle is for that woman who has gone through trauma you know because the spirit of God told me that women were going to be healed from trauma because when you talked about stop celebrating oh this has happened to me that's why I'm thinking this way I could just relate what you were saying it's like it it's trauma a lot of women are dealing with a lot of trauma you know and and God told me last year that that has been their excuse for why they not showing up the way he has called and say oh I'm in a bad marriage oh I I was raped oh this happened to me oh I'm a single mother so many excuses so there's so many there's so much trauma and the world is saying oh it's okay just going to see a therapist you know and all that you know there's this Babylonian kind of you know introduction yes therapy is is good but just like you said there's a foundation so how do I how do such kind of women pull out from those kind of trauma trauma that have really taken over their mind and they just can't seem they have become like a w that even the spirit of God cannot communicates to them and and they receive it their their minds have become like Pathways you know in the scripture of the the parable of the S so the seeds just they're just dropping like they're dropping on Pathways so it's not even taking root or anything so how do we how do how do such women come back to that line of thinking that is aligned thank you very much for asking that question I want to make it abundant L clear to everyone that we were gathered here to have a mind shift and I believe that that is what we have gained from here but the topic has come to us in a way that is different from how we would have expected it all right um our convenor was very very clear in her assignment that people come out of abortive thinking but we have been on the trajectory of definition God's way I don't know if somebody's getting this so God is flipping the way we understand stuff and the way we process and the way we speak so the goal of this meeting I believe has been achieved but maybe not the way that you're used to so remember Isaiah 43: verse 19 God says behold I will do anything but Verse 18 says it comes at the expense of forget you the former things right no consider not the things of old okay yeah forget you the former things consider the things of V said behold I will do a new thing so to be able to receive the new thing of God you have to come away right from the way you have always thought processed right received information so UA you brought us here you know with a concept and God has come and dealt with it in a way that you know creates the disruption that we are expeced so if I came ladies in an academic way abortive thinking is a thinking that is contrary to God's thinking for ourselves can you see what I'm saying so we're trauma it just means that we've been in trauma because we've been thinking outside box and this is God's box and so Genesis chapter one everything God created he boxed and that's what Hebrews 11:3 was saying that God framed everything he created with the word of God and the framing there Greek word for framing there ktis means god set in order God arranged God aligned God made fully ready with the word so now if our minds have been scattered by alternative way of thinking that is sabotaging us isn't that like cancer where the cells are working against you know what I mean the red cells are working against so if we've been in that kind of condition of the mind because of things happening around us really what God is saying us if you go back to the foundation of who you how I created you it will how you receive what is happening around you that's what God is saying that if we go back in the safety God told me that woman is an office the woman is an office so if you imagine that we have the people say the F Office of the first lady the office of the governor the office the office of the woman is a very rich office so if we go back there right then I think I think we're going to have to trust God when we go back there in Restoration in Redemptive thinking I know I'm not who I was last year if we go back there right trauma is a disintegration of body mind and soul so that in disintegration has been until now remember Jesus said since the days of John the Baptist until now this always and until now when something has to stop cesara Disturbed Israel for 20 years until Deborah arose as a mother in an identity in Israel she didn't arise as a woman she didn't even arise as a judge she arose as a mother in Israel so she took an office to be able to deal with the situation you see what I'm saying so understanding seasons and times is going to help us to deal with the trauma so trauma is a disintegration it's a shock that disintegrates right trauma is dealt with the shock of the truth when truth comes right it realigns us and that truth is the word of God for every Christian Hebrews 11:3 is very he say you cannot repair except with the word of God because you were created with that word you were not created by what is visible every it's it's profound the word of God is profound and that's why the devil doesn't want us to be in there he doesn't like that he wants us to be exposed to fables but Paul says the kingdom of God is not in word but it's in power so to come out of trauma listen as so long as we have been in truth you will find that when you're off this uh Zoom I'm going to pray for you you will have testimonies will abound because our minds have been even my mind has been adjusted every teacher is the First Student in the class of the spirit so all of here my mind's been adjusted so when I'm out of here I'm going to be meditating on what it looks like to be a helpmate so I'm not even speaking from the place of expertise I'm speaking from the place of Revelation all right and so God is calling us so your Pioneer Women your forerunning women your your pathf finding women and God is saying listen I need you to run back to my my design I need you to run back to my master plan no matter how abusive that man has been no matter how crazy things have been at home when you go back to that and now I'm giving you the truth of now that you have an office when you go back into that when you occupy your identity as a woman as an office all right that's Ephesians 1:20 so you're going to sit in Christ and in service all right so what it is ODU is you brought us by a sound and God is delivering Us by a sound the same sound so he's just basically telling us that abortive thinking for us Christian women is the kind of thinking that works against what God has ordained for uh how we should be think in the mind of Christ okay that's what God is telling us and so he says look we we're faced everybody in the world is faced with three crisis three mindsets and like I said to us you know you know three errors right that all of this oh is just solved by Redemptive thinking that's what you're telling us abortive thinking is the opposite of Redemptive thinking that's just what it is period yeah so we can go to one of these webinars because a lot of us Christians have been trained by the world systems and all of that and they tell us the seven ways to abortive the Devil is a bastard no Redemptive thinking I'm thinking exactly how God has said as a woman I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me but my Foundation is in my identity as a helpmate even if I'm helpmate to the wrong man God can correct it is already everything in the on the cross was redeemed God is saying we should not go weary go back and fight we're warriors the woman is a warrior the woman was chosen to be the one to destroy Satan from the head to to to to to to destroy Satan and the seed the seed that came for to to to to to accomplish it that said for this purpose I was manifested to destroy the works of Satan so remember 95% of who we are is locked in our subconscious mind where you are what you think literally and what you think is who you are so we s deliver we all carry the ministry of deliverance we just look in the mirror if you know that you what you think and what you think you are you say well I don't like what I'm thinking and I'm not going to be that anymore period we leave this thing thinking wow and you will find every woman here because I'm not speaking from the place of expertise when we leave this this we're going to think hm help me and some of us will even find that we don't even like that word h because we such a lie that is demeaning is this is that but listen let God be true and every man a liar let's just go back God wants his house rebuilt do you understand yeah and we have a we have a huge responsibility as women so what if we come here and we talk okay AB we talk about you know like like listen abortive thinking is is really go the spirit of God is telling me over and over it's the opposite of Redemptive thinking fight the Greek mindset versus you know hebraic mindset the mind of God versus the mind of the world that's just what it is okay and God is saying recover the secret I gave you to think like me because when you think like God you know that you're God you can be anything right so when you know you can be anything you don't compete with anybody you just want to know your own purpose oh yes purpose is created oh yes and I was created or something do you understand we were all created some people are looking for people are looking for purpose till they die and they've not found it the Devil is a bastard purpose is in US purpose is in me it's in me OA purpose is in me what how can God have created me without a purpose an insult to God it says we were created in His image according to his likeness this is why the devil wants us harassed okay harass our children harass our husbands harass our finances harass everything so that we don't Focus the woman is the balancer I just heard the spirit of God the the woman is the one who balances a family balances a nation just watch out kingdoms are coming to women kingdoms literal Jesus said if you understand it said then I'll will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on Earth I teach on trauma I train on reengineering of the Mind literally I'm telling you that what God is asking of us is we seek to understand seasons and times because already purpose is in us and he said to everything there is a per there's a a season a time for every purpose on the heaven so there is a time for my purpose and he says it makes all things beautiful in It season so you know I should be watching my season may not be your season you know what I mean those who know their God shall be stronger and carrier great exploits knowing your God is knowing why he created you which is purpose so thank you um UA for Gathering us together to look at this that we go with a definition today that abortive thinking is a thinking that works against God so we're enemies of God we're persecutors and so came Paul so it's all right we can transition into the Redemptive identity that God has given us right so Saul became Paul so where our with with our thoughts we have persecuted you know ourselves and everything else around us today is a day for us to recover the original Mind Of God with which we were created so God created the male and female exactly with his mind and then say you take this responsibility you're the helpmate you take this responsibility you're the this so the office of a woman comes with rights and obligations responsibilities so where we feel like you haven't got a right you're confused you're this you're that you go back to the maker let's honor God in all that we do we go back to him we don't go back to Babylon right United Nations is telling us what to do this person all this world system telling us what do you have to be this you have to be that you have to be this you have to be that is that what the word of God says do we have to be we're not supposed to struggle who we are our identity we're multifaceted every aspect of a woman is has purpose your nose can be beautified pierced and be jeweled your your every part of us is to display the beauty of God a woman is created wealthy woman is created resourceful so we need to practice self- love with self-discovery self-mastery as a woman I'm a help that's the first thing God called me woman and the first responsibility help me so in this context now the house of God which is the church the body of Christ Nations they're waiting for you they're waiting for you I think it's not an accident that um this young lady friend of mine who once contested for the present of life barer just messag me out of the blue these are the ways that God speaks to us so I'm speaking to women here with presidential anointings graci Hallelujah president of your home president of your business president you carry What It Takes presidential royalty of God [Music] please God says we need to go back to the office recover the office of a woman say men are wanting to be women so there's a secret they know that we don't know right UA there's a secret why are they changing sex to want to be women so we have to come into self love self there must be something about us why would a man just get up I want to be a woman and then the woman is like the devil says we we confused uh whether uh abusive relationships take authority over the spirit Jesus said unless that Spirit the strong man is bound if you like mared 10 10 men The Same Spirit is going to go to every one of those 10 homes because you never stopped it in the first place to say listen h i don't look like Muhammad Ali right I'm not your sparing partner I'm your I'm your wife Bible says you're to love me as a wife of your Youth and I'm to anyway let's just leave it but let's just say father we just ask that oh God our Canal ways will repent in any way that we have undervalued as eles oh God where we have not received who we are where we have been in abortive thinking right that is unproductive and where we have been in abortive submiss has produced no fruit you said be fruitful and multiply fill the Earth and subdue it have dominion so father today we reject everything that you never created us with reject of the World Systems we reject the blueprint of the world system and we want to thank you for UA who's gathered us father that we may receive the this Kingdom that you are giv to every one of us oh God Mala that as we leave this webinar oh God that every one of us will come back into our office and in the place selfis Discovery and selfmaster in our unique selves oh God that spirit that dwells inside of us the same spirit that weaken the the the the body of Christ into life that that same spirit and the god that calls those things be not as though they are the in the name of Jesus Christ father I recover my Throne I recover my my recover my Throne yes in the name of Jesus Christ some of you here need to agree with me that the children God have given us our for signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ some of you have to agree with me here that the Nations God have given us we no longer be in crisis we need to agree here that we come out of those three crisis I'm out of ident crisis of identity crisis of of of of of of of purpose and crisis of location that Lord I'm a woman of God and I'm a woman from God created on purpose for a purpose purpose me in the name of Jesus Christ somebody receive let's come into agreement with us right and that that location I establish spiritual jurisdiction over the area of my planting because act 17:26 says he has determined our pre-appointment we're in the woman decade we're in the woman decade and we just have to agree Lord I Thank You Lord that I'm a reflection of your beauty I'm a reflection of your nature your character your characteristics in the name of Jesus Christ I just see as God promised to do for I see us coming out of trauma I see us the Bible says hope defer makes the heart sick acts 13 vers 12 he says when when the desire has come it's like the tree of life that's what's happening to us now the word of God is working in me and is working in you the desire has come raasa we are recovering with the the the power and authority and anointing in that word help me the reason the enemy in has introduced this war between us and our husbands and all our B our sons and their wives and there this B because he hat that word helpmate because he knows that the office of the woman has been defined by God that she's that one that brings what compliments that stabilizes the world you know the the space time everything that the woman is a mystery we are God's wisdom hidden a mystery woman I hope today you're going to just kill you're going to do what I'm going to do I'm going to get off this I'm going to thank God for UA and I'm going to begin to meditate I'm going to see back the staff of my office as a helpet take many of us when was the last time we prayed for our husbands our children our families we the devil's put us in that war where we're looking for this we're looking for that the devil is a liar by the word of our mouth our Nations will come into healing our families will come into healing the church will come into healing our is judging patriarchy go the eny has wanted to just value women so that he puts men out there and I'm patriarchy and nothing is happening so God is rebuilding this this day right of the mountain of the Lord's House being lifted and we just want to thank that everything has an appointed time and the Bible says that he makes all things beautiful in its time again I want to thank you DOA and I want to thank Every Woman here every sister here every woman here and the men any man here I just believe that God is giv all of us assignment that the house of God shall truly fulfill that purpose that God has said that that the mountain of the Lord's House is going to be lifted above every other Mountain caring the the framework UA it says it's so beautiful please make sure you go to Micah chapter 4 and and let's focus on fulfilling that scripture let us Focus elevation is from the north it's it's not from anywhere else it's not from anywhere else let us partner with heaven right K let us partner with heaven let me tell you I just want to just speak into uas that this woman God spoke to me is just not an ordinary person right she's carrying a seed for God and today is a day of birthing um thank you Jesus carrying a seed for God and right you know um this meeting has been about disruptive thinking right it's been about you know um really setting trauma to trauma so if you ever thought that you know you were trapped in trauma the truth of the word of God Has Come has um um Jeremiah um Jeremiah it is yes Jeremiah called the word of God Hammer that breaks rocks into pieces the word of God has been like Hammer today breaking every Rock in our mind into pieces I don't know if you're the only one but my mind's been disrupted my mind has been disrupted and I want to confess that I've not even been where I'm thinking help me I'm just thinking my husband all right but God is saying you know how much of a help me have I been I think I've been an awesome one but I want to look at it because every season has you know Revel Revelation is Progressive there is something about the truth and beauty and anointing in be in help me that word that the devil that devil doesn't want and now God has gathered us through this amazing lady called UA if we never heard anything today is the word help it right and it took a lot for me to bring this to you because I was saying women don't want to hear this anymore they just want to hear how they're going to be CEOs of the world boss lady this that a major part of my mentoring program is when I was in Abuja you're going to have to cook you have to set table you're going to have to now we shall come to pass in the latter days that the the woman carries Beauty uh the world is in a mess because the woman has not taken her office now it shall come to pass in and then we thought that being being helpmate is a is a low value job now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow to it many nations shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord in the house of Jacob he will teach us his ways and we shall walk in his path so this is a time of teaching the world the ways of the Lord so the woman the sent woman the sent woman is the apostolic woman and that is the woman that is being commissioned on this program today and so help us God so help us God so help us God that we will be able to fulfill the demand of the calling in the name of Jesus please I want to just encourage Every Woman here don't grow weary in well doing okay but in due season we were rap and we were not F and today is our due season if the Lord will visit us and begin to restore to us truth about who we are help me forgive anyone who's hurt you if you feel you've not had a perfect marriage a perfect husband a perfect is not a perfect one but today something is happening today L the anarchist is being judged M the anarchist and if you listen to what has been said today redemptively and not in a religious manner as well if you listen to what has been said today like a scent one businesses are going to be started out of this if you listen and you pick the truth that God is giv us right strategies to come into wealth creation it's being released here all right so this is my firm belief okay so I want to say to you whatever context you're in please remember you're the fixer you're go secret you're a builder and you called to build prototype we can go back redeem time back back time where there was error or where there was error against us where we didn't get it right we let's go back to the pursuit of God right the pursuit of his original plan and let start to build again from there God bless you and again thank you for for for having me it's it's a very difficult message to bring because a lot of women in truth I I'm very natural so I don't like to typically accept a lot of invitations because I'm going to have to be vulnerable to bring truth because the fivefold and is not title His function and once the Apostle function is on it's going to correct it's going to adjust is given to correct so whether it likes it or not it's going to have to correct it's going to have to adjust so Jesus comes in the Apostle in the in in the in the way they speak and in in in the inspired way of teaching to bring adjustment so it's not a title and it was very difficult for me because I knew that God was going to bring us to where UFA wants to bring us to a mind shift but it was going to be not the route but I didn't expect that God would take or say to us to discover what you're looking for go back to the definition what I placed on you the identity I gave when I created woman and Jesus came and redeemed woman to that same identity of a builder of a sent one of a home maker of a mother of Nations mother in families mother in church the mother heart is a nurturing heart it's a loving heart It's A Generous Heart it's a forgiving heart is the heart that the world needs no matter what your child does you're going to keep loving the child it's the heart of God true of f can you see why in a time of Crisis that the woman profile is raised from the time of the Five Daughters of zelu at numbers 27 to the time of Moses the deliverer coming Shipra and Pua the his mother and sister from to the time kalak of the judges de to the time you know of the crisis where the wise woman of a bell second Samuel 20 even to the time of Josiah Revival when it was like there was no Bible again they' lost their way right called the prophets was in position to help an entire nation interpret the Bible so the profile of a woman is raised in a time of Crisis we haven't got to fight for it so what is God telling us position yourself for greatness woman but remember the first office I gave you is that of a helment help me one that compliments the man so if you're believing God for a husband your recent one your caring favor a man is in delay because you have not come to this truth you're a woman so may you be found in Jesus name thank you again for having me please amen thank you so much Apostle just want to appreciate you for your time and we're not going to keep you any further and I'm not going to keep anyone any further all that needs to be said has been said and let the king be glorified in in all that he has said thank you so much Apostle for being here thank you everyone who has stayed until this time we are we are loaded so please just take some time like I've learned from Apostle after this meeting don't just rush off into another activity sit down and meditate consider everything that has been so I can it can take root and you can begin to function the the seed when God plants a seed doesn't take time to grow doesn't take time to start doing everything that it is supposed to so please just let the holy spirit let him guide you let him guide you thank you so much thank you Apostle thank you much for everybody God bless you everyone thank you everyone thank you thank you everyone for being here thank you thank you let the king be glorified thank you let's just say big thank you to Apostle Obby you can just word pray thank you so thank you thank you so much thank you so much Apostle we bless you from the depth of our hearts and we say that may you be replenished thank you so much thank you everyone we have come to the end of this conversation thank you for being here thank you for being here you can follow upost Obby PX har on on in stagram just as the name is Obby par Harry Apostle Obby par Harry you can follow her on Instagram you can also um subscribe to her YouTube channel on Facebook on um YouTube you can you can subscribe to her channel so that you can follow she she is such a powerful teacher and leader and it's one she's one you wants to be in her environment so please do follow you can follow us at Thrive at she tries you can follow us at she tries you can follow me onao both on Instagram thank you so much thank you to everyone that is viewing on YouTube thank you for joining in we know that you have been blessed we have been activated we have back to redtive thinking thank you for being here I'm back to redtive thinking I've taken back my staff of office hallelujah thank you I've been commissioned thank you thank you thank you everyone for being here we appreciate you thank you okay
Channel: Thrive Family Network
Views: 129
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Id: MmQ2caNoe3E
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Length: 127min 15sec (7635 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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